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Author: xyla73

[tvN] The Road : The Tragedy of One - Ji Jin Hee, Yoon Se Ah, Kim Hye Eun

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 Author| Post time 8-8-2021 06:26 PM | Show all posts
Cast desription

Baek Soo-hyun (BSN News Night anchor, 45 years old)

A trusted, cold-hearted journalist, a faithful and friendly family head. But a man with a dark secret that he cannot tell anyone.
He lived as if he were running away from the past, and suffered from nightmares and insomnia for a long time. He believed that the only way to atone for the past was to do his best to tell the truth, and finally, he undertakes a once-in-a-lifetime report that will shake the world. But the cost was horrendous. His son Yeon-woo was kidnapped.
At the end of the seemingly never-ending night, Soo-hyun has a gut feeling that it all started with him. Faced with the past and the heavy guilt that has weighed on him, Soo-hyun struggles with guilt.

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 Author| Post time 8-8-2021 06:30 PM | Show all posts

Seo Eun-soo (miniature artist, 42 years old)

A wise wife, a warm mother, and the daughter of Seo Gi-tae, chairman of the Steel Group. If you think it's okay, you'll be okay, and if you don't take issue with it, it won't be a problem. It was like a spell that supported Eun-soo. However, after losing her first child in an accident, Eun-soo completely collapsed. everything was useless.
However, on the day he took Yeon-woo as his son, Eun-soo engraved the spell again like a seal.
`I hope that I can live as I am now while protecting the precious things I have managed to get back in the world in the unchanging and beautiful snowball world.' She prayed countless times. So Soo-hyun and Yeon-woo became everything in Eun-soo's life. However, the horrific incident that occurred that night shakes Eun-soo's world once again.

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 Author| Post time 8-8-2021 06:35 PM | Show all posts

Cha Seo-young (BSN Late Night News anchor, 42 years old)

Success has always been a longing for inflammation. Occupation, education, specs, appearance, and even a perfect family.
`Even though I had everything that others envy, I was always hungry.'

She must have wished for the success of Soo-hyun, who was once a colleague but now lives in a different world, as his own, a thousand times more.
Just as they desperately want to regain their heyday, a gruesome and tragic incident occurs. Ironically, this tragedy is a stepping stone to the long-awaited success. Seo-young enjoys the world's attention and affection, as if she had waited for the flash baptism to pour on her.
`I thought that the only thing left to do was climb the ladder and climb to the top, but the more I do it, the more empty it becomes.'
By the time she found himself a long way off, she had already strayed from the road.

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Post time 8-8-2021 06:36 PM | Show all posts
hijau88 replied at 7-8-2021 09:15 PM
Sbb watak dia best sgt dlm sky castle, aku dah tak kesah dah watak jahat dia jdi queen. ...

Heheh! Tu la.. Punya la minat sampai tengok 3 Meals a Day yang ada mak Ye Seo tu jugak..

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 Author| Post time 8-8-2021 06:39 PM | Show all posts
Seo Ki-tae (Chairman of Steelmaking Group, 65 years old

Even at the age of seventy, he still smells like a carnivore. He speaks a strong Gyeongsang dialect, and is self-righteous and overbearing.
`And I think that the number one priority among the principles of life is trading. Never spend money on something that will not benefit you at any moment.' Even if it was a ransom to save the grandchildren.
When Soo-hyunn's solo reports begin to scratch the kingdom's stronghold, he prepares for a counterattack in the best way he can. That night,  when Soo-hyun, who was desperate, comes to visit him, he calmly asks for a deal in return for lending the ransom to his grandson. Dealing with Soo-hyun was always fun. Expectations were high as to when an upright person would break due to bending.

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 Author| Post time 8-8-2021 06:49 PM | Show all posts

Nam-gyu Choi (CEO of an investment company, 55 years old)

Seo-young's husband, a former lawyer and CEO of a large investment firm.
He built up his reputation and wealth by dealing with the secret slush funds of high-ranking officials.
`I liked Seo-young, who was honest with her desires even though she knew that she approached her by looking at her conditions. I was willing to serve as a background for her. I thought that feeling would be enough, but when Seo-young didn't look at him, he used violence.'
Then he knelt down and prayed as if he were performing a ritual.
'I love you, please don't give up on yourself.' Neither the world in his hands nor Seo-young wanted to lose. However, after a tragic incident, Nam-gyu realizes that what he was holding was a handful of sand. 'I shouldn't have been on that road that day.
In the end, nothing was saved.'

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 Author| Post time 8-8-2021 06:54 PM | Show all posts
Edited by xyla73 at 8-8-2021 06:57 PM

Shim Seok-hoon (Detective of the Metropolitan Investigation Unit, 45 years old)

While he was making a name for himself with a major incident, he took a break from work due to alcoholism and returned to work a few years ago. It was a rare occurrence for police officers who face terrible incidents on a daily basis. `I managed to overcome it, but there is still an old wine bottle in the corner of the desk drawer.'

Seok-hoon and Soo-hyun are friends from their hometown, and their ties were cut off after the disappearance of a middle school girl in her hometown of Yeongsan.
'At the time, I resented Soo-hyun, but when I saw Soo-hyun, who became famous over the years, on TV, I thought it was fortunate that I had forgotten the past and lived a good life.'
However, in the process of tracing the kidnapping case in cooperation with Soo-hyun, he sees the image of Su-hyun that he had seen in the past.

Soo-hyun, who hides a secret and is silent, is suspicious.
The person who is not free from the word doubt is Seok-hoon himself.

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 Author| Post time 8-8-2021 06:59 PM | Show all posts
Oh Jang-ho (Documentary Director, 41 years old)

He is a screenwriter who once drew attention and is the husband of Eun-soo's younger sister, Eun-ho.
`From obscurity to becoming a promising writer, I thought it was all thanks to Eun-ho, and I loved it with all my heart.'

However, after Eun-ho's death in an unexpected accident, out of guilt and sadness, he tried drugs and went back and forth.
`One day, when the desperate days were repeated, I saw Eun-ho, who died like a lie, with a child. It was Eun-soo and Yeon-woo. I saw Eun-ho through Eun-soo, and I dreamed of a family through Yeon-woo.'

Even though he received a restraining order, he tried his best to catch Eun-soo's pity on him, even at the very edge of it. It was pitiful to call it obsession, and sad to call it love. When he saw his lover Mido who only looked at himself, it was like looking in a mirror.

However, he couldn't look back.


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 Author| Post time 8-8-2021 07:00 PM | Show all posts
cast description credit to Janghaven forum.

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 Author| Post time 8-8-2021 07:05 PM | Show all posts
Rahah replied at 8-8-2021 04:13 PM
Laku betul Ji Jin Hee... sebelum ni citer Undercover... citer dia best2 jugak... mula2 rasa nak teng ...

hehe Undercover tu iols x abis tgk sbb leceh betul kena tgk kat dramacool...
tunggulah masuk Netflix/viu iols tgk balik...

makjang in term of ada birth secret...jalan cerita still intriguing to me sebab nak tau apa misteri di sebalik kisah silam si Baek Soo Hyun ni sampai org blh ugut dia...

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Post time 10-8-2021 09:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 8-8-2021 07:05 PM
hehe Undercover tu iols x abis tgk sbb leceh betul kena tgk kat dramacool...
tunggulah masuk Netf ...

Best citer Undercover tu... tunggu masuk viu/Netflix...

Okay... iols baca synopsis pun memang nampak menarik... tapi tunggu review uols sampai episode 4...

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Post time 12-8-2021 09:42 AM | Show all posts
citer ni i baru tengok intai intai 1st episode , wow  macam ala ala dynasty , scandal, power a nd a bit ...hmm how shall i put it  scene adults  ye...daring habis ye steamy scenes depa tunjuk  ye...daring ye drama ni ..???...

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Post time 12-8-2021 07:04 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Semua org dlm cte ni takda yg innocent. Swapping partners, doing drugs, tamak kuasa, membunuh. Cte dia mcm all over the place tapi sbb misteri dan banyak benda belum terjawab, jd I still nak tgk buat masa ni.


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Post time 13-8-2021 05:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kan. Dlm cerita ni xde yg innocent. Apatah lgi watak utama. Sama je semuanya.

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Post time 13-8-2021 08:46 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 8-8-2021 07:05 PM
hehe Undercover tu iols x abis tgk sbb leceh betul kena tgk kat dramacool...
tunggulah masuk Netf ...

Best eh undercover ni? Nnt nk try tgk lah sbb ada kt K+ masa aku scroll br ni. Klu nk tgk online ni lambert sikit

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Post time 13-8-2021 08:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Rahah replied at 10-8-2021 09:48 PM
Best citer Undercover tu... tunggu masuk viu/Netflix...

Okay... iols baca synopsis pun memang  ...

Ada kat K+ klu nk tgk kt tv.

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 Author| Post time 13-8-2021 08:59 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Scheherazade replied at 13-8-2021 08:48 PM
Ada kat K+ klu nk tgk kt tv.

Iols langgan unifi hypptv, bkn astro tu sbb x blh tgk…kalau tgk online kat portal haram tu lecehnya bila tgk separuh jalan nanti bila nak sambung tgk balik dah x ingat tgk sampai mana…

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Post time 13-8-2021 09:02 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 13-8-2021 08:59 PM
Iols langgan unifi hypptv, bkn astro tu sbb x blh tgk…kalau tgk online kat portal haram tu lecehn ...

Oh, ok2. Sama la iols, klu tgk online, mmg agak berchenta la. Tu prefer tgk kt tv.

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 Author| Post time 14-8-2021 01:43 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by xyla73 at 14-8-2021 03:32 PM

Adui…semua org curang ke dlm citer ni? Lagi2 Seo Yeong tu…dahsyat…tapi dah adaptasi dari novel Jepun, memang daring ler…sapa yg biasa tgk citer2 innocent memang terkejut kot tgk citer ni…so far kdrama yg iols pernah tgk & masuk dlm kategori camni Misty, Mistress & maybe The World of the Married cuma darker & ada subplot lain yg lagi complicated selain drpd just laki bini curang…

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 Author| Post time 14-8-2021 05:16 PM | Show all posts
lepas tgk epi 4 mcm nak cari spoiler pulak ending citer asal short story yg Japanese writer ni tulis...
ibarat kalau baca buku cerita kena selak page belakang dulu...

ringkasan :
1. sebelum ada Yeon Woo, Baek Soo Hyun & Seo Eun Soo ada anak kandung tapi mati eksiden...based on komen2 netizen, Yeon Woo ni anak angkat diorg jer...
2. Baek Soo Hyun berskandal dgn Cha Seo Young so lahirlah Choi Jun Yeong
3. Seo Eun Soo ada adik nama Eun Ho...iols assume dia dah meninggal since Oh Jang Ho (husband Eun Ho) dah ada gf lain..
4. Eun Soo pulak berskandal dgn adik ipar sendiri (Oh Jang Ho) tapi adik ipar nampak dia as Eun Ho
5. ada kejadian zaman Baek Soo Hyun remaja dulu yg buatkan dia jadi news anchor yg go all out expose apa2 yg jadi bahan berita dia
6. Cha Seo Young tu xde lain dlm kepala dia...dia just nak naik jadi yg terpaling atas je..sanggup buat apa saja  termasuklah tido dgn sapa saja x kira laki ke pompuan...

belum sempat nak speku sapa yg bunuh Jun Yeong, skrg dah ada total 3 kematian...Jun Yeong, Kim Seok Pil & Park Sung Hwan (reporter gossip)...pembunuh reporter tu mungkin sama dgn pembunuh Jun Yeong sebab reporter tu ada footer yg tunjuk muka Jun Yeong punya suspect killer...

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