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Author: preta_zinty

Komik/buku ape yang best masa kecil??? (merge with exclusive vvip)

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Post time 25-3-2004 09:06 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by bzzts at 13-3-2004 02:44 AM:
komik hong kong... tony wong terer manipulasi emosi pembaca

jepon lak, Eiji, GTO, dan banyak lagi la... dragon ball pon okey... lagi... banyak sngat title baru dah kuar...

kalo nak, boleh try ...

beli kreko jer.byk gak komik yg baru dan best.

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Post time 26-3-2004 01:47 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by neeziee at 25-3-2004 09:06 PM:

beli kreko jer.byk gak komik yg baru dan best.

itu le, aku dah mention kat atas tu... tapi aku prefer monthly punya series (GTO,Eiji etc) sebab kreko nih banyak sangat isi dia dan ada komik yg aku tak kenan dalam tuh. lagipong TORA AMAN punya publishing binding dia okey, senang simpan. nampak je tersusun kat bilik rasa bangga je... :bgrin:



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eton_lin This user has been deleted
Post time 26-3-2004 10:21 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by bzzts at 26/3/04 01:47 AM:

itu le, aku dah mention kat atas tu... tapi aku prefer monthly punya series (GTO,Eiji etc) sebab kreko nih banyak sangat isi dia dan ada komik yg aku tak kenan dalam tuh. lagipong TORA AMAN pun ...

nampak tersusun mmg la bangga bzzts, yg tensen nyer, biler org nampak tersusun cantik tuh muler la gatai nak membaca tp xnak kemas..letak ikut yg mana dan jer!

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Post time 26-3-2004 08:03 PM | Show all posts
memang la... rasa nak kunci je... almari tuh...

ko memang paham kan? sebab ko pon kena kan? kan? kan? :lol

atau ko lah orgnya yg  "gatai nak membaca tp xnak kemas" tuh... :hmm: :lol

bzzts: kita serupa.... :bgrin:

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Post time 27-3-2004 08:16 PM | Show all posts
aku nie sebenarnyer mmg minat membaca tapi komik nie aku kurang skit tapi aper yg aku tau time aku skolah rendah dulu komik feveret aku mmglah Doraemon(komik ker tue)...:bgrin:

then dah lepas sek.rendah adik aku nie mmg peminat komik ...skali 1 hari tue dier belilah komik dewata raya and aku pun just kunun2 nyer nak tengok2 jerlah aper yg best nyer adik aku asyik kumpul komik nie...then aku bacerlah satu muka surat jer....dari 1 page sampai 1 komik tue aku habis baca...pastue aku terus jadi addict mcm adik aku...tak sabar nak tunggu keluaran seterusnyer....then adik aku mmg suker coz aku dah terminat bacer komik tue coz yg jadi banker nyer nanti aku...coz dier tau aku nie tak sabar nak tunggu next week nyer so akulah tukang bagi duit...

time tue pun tgh study biasalah budak tengah belajar kdg2 bukannyer ader duit nak beli komik tiap2 bulan....tuelah kdg2 termiss 1 keluaran tue rasa mcm biler time ader duit belilah keluaran yg sebelum2 tue coz dah excited sgt nak bacer.....sampai mak aku pun tak sangka yg aku nie suker baca komik mengalahkan adik aku time tue...

so skang nie dah tak bacer komik aper pun maybe sbb dah besar kot tapi Dewata Raya....ituelah komik per-1 dan terakhir yg aku baca and betul2 dpt attract aku nak bacer dari mula sampai habis...:gantuk:



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Post time 27-3-2004 10:28 PM | Show all posts
c-mei... sama la kite ... bezanya bzzts still comic addict :bgrin:

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Post time 4-4-2004 11:46 PM | Show all posts
english comics dedulu..sekrg tak tau ada tak
lagik...dandy, beano n the adventures of
Tin Tin...

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qhusyairie This user has been deleted
Post time 6-4-2004 11:28 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by seribulan at 2004-4-4 11:46 PM:
english comics dedulu..sekrg tak tau ada tak
lagik...dandy, beano n the adventures of
Tin Tin...

TinTin adventure tu penah q baca..
sekarang takde lagi..huhuhu

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Post time 7-4-2004 06:36 PM | Show all posts
dandy ngan beano ada lagik.....

pasal karakter2 ni semua kira dah dicopyrighted by comic companies bukan individual...

jadi syarikat2 ni boleh ambil sapa pun untuk create storyline dan draw karakter2 dandy ngan beano..  

tak macam Snoopy... si sapa tu charles scultz ke sapa, tak kasi orang lain draw comic snoopy lepas dia habis.



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Post time 7-4-2004 06:41 PM | Show all posts
tin tin pun dah takde lagik...

yang tinggal cuma tu 20 lebih ke 30 lebih cerita2 adventure dia...

pasal promotion untuk comixs tin tin ni memang selalu ada, dan jugak buku2 dia senang dapat kat mana2...

kita sebagai pembaca kadang2 ingat tin tin tu sesuatu yang sentiasa baru...

tapi tin tin tak salah zaman 1920s ke 1930s dah direka oleh creator dia nama helger ke herge ke ntah sapa ntah...

adventure tin tin terakhir tak salah terbit akhir 70an ke apa...sebelum si creator dia mati...

tapi aku tak suka ah tin tin, punya la boring.... baca sikit je dah tak minat....

ntah hapa2 je karakter2 tu..;););)

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Post time 7-4-2004 06:55 PM | Show all posts
satu komiks yang berkonsep seperti Tin tin,

tapi yang paling paling aku minat gile,  dari aku kecik sampai dah tua ni, sampai kumpul sikit2 buku2 komiks tu ialah...


best ah...

asterix - warrior tua, berani
obelix - sidekick dia ah...kecoh ah deyni, kelakar pecah perut... lagi dia kan cam born loser ngan pompuan gitu...kesian ah
dogmatix - anjing dorang

lepas tu kat kampung dorang
ada chief besar yang bodoh katun, nama je chief tapi takut bini ;);)
ada si jual ikan ngan tukang besi tiap2 buku mesti nak gaduh ,
ada satu si tua kaler biru tu - siot ah...dah ada bini muda sexy, tapi masih nak tackle pompuan2 lain

nanti tiap2 buku kan, dorang pegi adventure ah...

pegi rome, pegi olympic games, pegi jerusalem, pegi switzerland, pegi england, lawan ngan gladioator..., kena tipu ngan spy julius caeser, jumpa cleopatra..

mesti tiap2 buku nak kena gaduh ngan sojer2 Rome... best ah :clap::clap:
sampai pengsan2 lebam2 sojer rome kena lesing ngan si obelix tu.

best ah buku ni....

masa aku budak2 aku baca, aku dapat informasi banyak pasal dunia...

cam masa dorang pegi India, dan cara hidup dan bangunan2 zaman dulu pasal drawing dia detail gile.

so korang yang belum baca, pegi baca ah...this books untuk semua umur...

tapi sayang ah, susah nak carik... ada distribution problem kot...kalo nak beli pun harga dia up sikit

anyway, buku ni created by dua orang peranchis...
Uderzo ngan Goscinny  ( tak tahu speeling )

Uderzo ialah artist
Goscinny ialah tukang idea

tak salah 1980s ke 1970s Goscinny meninggal..:sad:

so Uderzo sorang2 tinggal jadi artist dan tukang idea.

Uderzo masih hidup , so tak tahu la...dia nak buat buku adventure baru tak..

[ Last edited by deaf4ever on 7-4-2004 at 06:59 PM ]

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new_rule This user has been deleted
Post time 7-4-2004 10:12 PM | Show all posts
deaf4ever - aku pun minat gila kat asterix tapi the books are very expensive. i only have 4 books, beli dah lama dah. tadi baru came across asterix kata local bookstore, satu buku rm34.50. peh.....semput nak beli so pegang ajelah!!

la ni dah tua, so favorite comic would be zoe and hammie from baby blues. tak beli sebab still cannot afford such books! baca kat NST aje tiap hari!

calvin and hobbes pun best, baca kat office kat star! buku pun mahal jugak...

i wonder why comic books are so expensive.......

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Post time 7-4-2004 10:41 PM | Show all posts
coolection calvin & hobbes, garfield pun okey hapa?

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Post time 8-4-2004 10:19 AM | Show all posts
Tin Tin dia punya jalan cerita macam spy story saja...the comic relief cuma Captain Hammock (?), The Thompson twins dengan the Professor (kalau dia ada)

Tintin is basically very serious, termasuk lah ngan snowy. So kalau nak baca gelak gelak, jangan pick up Tin Tin.

Asterix is completely the opposite. Created during the aftermath of the world war, Edge rasa nih salah satu outlet untuk menunjukkan the Le France Resistance. Kalau perasan, diorang selalu tunjuk the Romans as really crazy..(Obelix punya famous line is "These romans are crazy!") Dan begitu juga dengan the Romans, yang fikirkan Gauls (French natives ler) pun gila gak...

While Tin Tin try buat character diorang as believable as possible, Asterix play around with them, kecuali the historical figures like Ceaser, Cleopatra et. al.

check out the names from Asterix..
Asterix is basically derived from the symbol "*"
Obelix is derived from the word 'obese' meaning hugely fat...which he is.
Getafix the Druid is a person who treats people, sort of a village doctor...hence "Get A Fix".
same goes to the rest of the villagers like Vitalstitistix (Vital statistics) the leader, Geriaritrix (Geriaratric) the oldest member of the village, but with a young strapping wife. Don't forget Cacophonix, from the word cacophonic, meaning a loud and irritating noise...which he makes when he tries to sing.

Ooo...I could go on and on about asterix and the allegories and the lesson learnt about the adventures of them...but I think I should let someone else do the talking eh?

p/s: and I do agree that Cleopatra has a cute nose.



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 Author| Post time 9-4-2004 11:39 AM | Show all posts


teruskan perbincangan mengenai komik fav. korg kat sini...
saya tumpang gembira membacanyer...

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Post time 9-4-2004 04:21 PM | Show all posts
alamak....membuka jalan untuk mempromote Frank Miller nih nampaknya..ahahaha

tapi hari nih terasa amat malasnya...semalas server Cari membuka page...

jadi..minggu depan lah ye?

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Post time 11-4-2004 05:59 PM | Show all posts

ni satu artikel aku cut n paste yang relevan kat pembaca2 komik terbitan Marvels dan DC Comics untuk pasaran Malaysia, Brunei dan Spore.

Dah ada low budget punya version untuk pasaran sini,
yang versi buku paperback punya kalo US version S$22-40, versi rantau ni cuma S$10 je.
Monthly comics pun lagi murah...

ni artikel aku cut n paste.

Comic relief: Reprinted specials at $10
The books, aimed at children and teenagers, are smaller in size and a cheaper alternative to getting comic books from the United States

By Sherwin Loh

SINGAPORE fans are getting their comics at a fraction of the American price - thanks to an American publishing house.

Gotham Entertainment Group, a publishing house with offices in India and the United States, obtained the rights to publish DC Comics and Marvel regionally seven years ago.

It started printing comics for the Singapore, Malaysia and Brunei markets in August last year.

In Singapore, the $10 'specials' are a slightly smaller size. Some contain a collection of short stories featuring a comic-book character but most carry the same content as American trade paperbacks.

The latter consist of content reprinted from the monthly comics. They are usually printed six months after the monthly comics are released, and are aimed at fans who do not make frequent trips to the stores.

Prices for the US trade paperbacks can range from $22 to $40 a copy.

Gotham president Sharad Devarajan and co-founder Suresh Seetharaman spent the last four years translating the comics for the Indian, Nepalese and Pakistani markets, before expanding into South-east Asia.

The objective, says Mr Devarajan, is to offer a cheaper alternative, rather than compete for market share of trade paperbacks with comic-book shops. The books are aimed at children and teenagers.

'For the Big Two (DC and Marvel), they are assured of the collectors' market which will still buy the trade paperbacks from speciality stores,' he says.

'What we offer DC and Marvel instead is an expansion of readership in the Asia market, which might eventually start buying the original American comics.'

One trade-off for readers is the smaller book size. The company decided to adopt the more recognisable manga-sized format of Chinese and Japanese comics, which are also cheaper to produce.

The smaller format, he explains, allows them to use neighbourhood Chinese comic shops as a distribution outlet, as they have the necessary shelf space. It also has tie-ups with 7-Eleven outlets to sell the books.

Kinokuniya at Ngee Ann City has a dedicated section on trade paperbacks. It is also selling the specials by Gotham Comics, but at the children's section. There is also an appeal to the long-time comics collector.

Student Lai Hanwei, 20, buys the specials because some offer content that has yet to be published in the American trade paperbacks.

But he adds: 'I wish they would also print the more expensive and hard to find books.

And they should also include the titles of the story on the cover because right now, you can't tell. I asked my sister to get me a specific book, but she could not find it just by looking at the art.'

Mr Seetharaman says the books will be labelled from next month.

There are plans to include some older titles, he says, though the closest thing right now is the Tarzan special, whose content comes from the old issues of publisher Dark Horse Comics.

To draw more readers, it has obtained miniature Bat-Signal props from DC Comics to give away to readers and is developing exclusives, like a hardcover comic by popular artist Alex Ross.

For more details, visit


Monthly volumes too

WITH full access to the DC and Marvel library, which includes Superman, Batman, Spider-Man and Fantastic Four, Gotham Comics also publishes monthly comics.

They are priced at $2.90 for single issues and $4.90 for a double-sized one.

The content is identical to the American monthly comics, which start from around $4.50 per issue. Gotham's are released one to two months after the American ones.

Since Gotham caters more to younger readers, do not expect to see comics based on Vertigo, DC Comics' mature line, just yet.

With its current output at 10 specials and 15 monthly titles a month, it hopes to produce 35 monthly comics by next year.

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Post time 11-4-2004 06:07 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by new_rule at 7-4-2004 10:12 PM:
deaf4ever - aku pun minat gila kat asterix tapi the books are very expensive. i only have 4 books, beli dah lama dah. tadi baru came across asterix kata local bookstore, satu buku rm34.50. peh..... ...

ko cakap pasal asterix memang betul...

dulu tahun2 early 1990s kan...koleksi asterix berlambak dan murah...

kalo yang kecik punya saiz tu, full colour dan quality kertas dia baik, kat sini cuma $5 je. RM 10 je.
Lepas tu kan, tiap2 tahun keluar bumper edition, bentuk hardcover, yang besar punya saiz, dalam ada 6 koleksi, harga $20 je, duit RM 40. Ko bayangkan, berapa puas hati dapat 6 cerita in full size, hardcover lagik ngan harga cam tu.

tapi sekarang betul cam ko cakap...kalo jumpa pun, satu buku, tu pun softcover dan quality kertas dia pun biasa je...harga dan nak sampai 40RM.

jadi memang tak mampu ah nak collect. Mungkin distribution company untuk Asterix ni tak sama cam dulu lagik untuk pasaran Malaysia, Spore.

Oooo ko cakap pasal koleksi2 Baby Blues tu eh, cam best eh....aku pegi kedai buku je baca2 gitu je....nak beli memang mahal ah.

Aku cuma collect Get Fuzzy je...yang ni, tiap2 buku collection dia aku beli...pasal ni memang power habis.. tapi bila nak beli tu, siksa ah poket.

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Post time 15-4-2004 02:14 AM | Show all posts

komiks harian saya

ok, ni aku share ngan korang....

comic strips feverets yang aku mesti baca tiap2 hari...baik kat sokkabar ataupun kat internet...

1st sekalik... yang lepak punya kelakar pecah perut.

korang mesti tahu ah...    BABY BLUES

ia kisah pasal ni family

bapak - Daryll Macpherson
mak  - Wanda
anak 1st pompuan - zoe
anak 2nd lelaki - hammie
anak 3rd pompuan - wren.

dan jugak supporting cast cam jiran2, mentua dan sebagainya.

Komik ni lepak habis, pasal dia kelakar, dia memang realistik, jokes dia memang terjadi kat semua masyarakat kat mana2 pun dan dia jugak continuation punya series...maknanya...dia cam real life....
tunjuk cammana dorang dari satu baby sampai sekarang dah dapat 3 anak..

ok, kalo ni strip takde kat sokkabar harian yang korang baca....

ok ni ialah website2 internet yang korang boleh save as favourites...

tiap2 hari, kalo dah boring ngan real world, korang bleh relaks gelak sorang2 cam orang gile :gila::gila:

ni website tak rasmi tapi yang paling latest...maknanya..katun terbaru yang keluar kat sokkabar untuk hari tu, website ni pun sama jugak.

ni website official tapi pasal copyright kot, dia lambat 2 minggu.

ok, tu hari ada cakap pasal nak beli koleksi dia mahal kan....

ok, ni ada satu cara nak buat seluruh koleksi Baby Blues tanpa keluar duit beli collection dia...  Ni archieves dia dari hari pertama katun ni keluar tahun 1996.

CUma korang kena rajin pegi date tiap2 as masuk dalam hard disk atau print la... lepas tu tengok cammana nak compile cantik2...

ni archieves complete tiap2 katun Baby Blues dalam sejarah..

lain kali ada time sambung eh.
kawan korang yang addict kat comic strips:gila::gila:



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new_rule This user has been deleted
Post time 15-4-2004 09:56 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 2004-4-15 02:14 AM:
ok, ni aku share ngan korang....

comic strips feverets yang aku mesti baca tiap2 hari...baik kat sokkabar ataupun kat internet...

1st sekalik... yang lepak punya kelakar pecah perut.

kor ...

for those yang kat malaysia, check out BABY BLUES daily in the New Straits Times, kalau Sunday papers, it will be the color version...

p/s : Deaf4ever - I cut the strip daily and paste kat buku. Nak print from internet, nanti habis toner! Kat office tak dapat internet....leceh! So back to basics, gunting from papers!!! If nak beli the collection, kat Kinokuniya, RM44.50 - semput babe!!!

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