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Author: finnie


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Post time 15-5-2004 09:48 AM | Show all posts
emmm best ceta Troy nih..baru je tengok semalam..aku jarang tengok ceta epic cam ni..tapi yg ni best plak:bgrin:

ehmm so that's where the term Achilles' heels (masa c Paris panah ankle c Achilles) came from..blom pernah baca lagik the iliad ni

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Post time 15-5-2004 09:51 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by whitedove at 14-5-2004 04:34 PM:
aku ada terbaca dalam The Star semalam pasal article Troy ni...dia ada sebut sikit pasal the remake of Infernal Affairs...Brad Pitt memang berahsia sangat pasal filem ni, cuma dia ada sebut  ...

wow tul ker johnny depp nak belakon lam Infernal Affairs? mesti tengok tuh..kuikuikui:lol aku suka movie Infernal affairs nih..dah tengok tiga2 part tul lah..aku suka sangat jalan ceritanya..very clever...espacially ada tony leung lagik..ekekeke:lol

[ Last edited by seafoamgreen on 15-5-2004 at 09:54 AM ]

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Post time 15-5-2004 11:02 AM | Show all posts
member aku kata dier tgk Troy kat Malaysia byk cut terutamanya kat bahagian perang dan main betul ker?
Memandangkan aku skg kat Australia, so baik aku tgk kat least dier tak cut bhgn2 yg best..muehehe

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Post time 15-5-2004 12:41 PM | Show all posts
kalo beli vcd gerenti takder kene potong nyer

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Post time 15-5-2004 02:21 PM | Show all posts
memang banyak kena potong lah.... tapi yang bab cucuk pisau kat badan tak kena potong....

bab helen tanggal baju tu kena potong....

audio system pun buruk... :cf:

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KaLypZzzo This user has been deleted
Post time 15-5-2004 10:27 PM | Show all posts
Bbbbbbeeeesssssttttt!!!: hehe, bila la vcd nak kuar??

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Post time 15-5-2004 10:53 PM | Show all posts
Tengok trailer, memang nampak best. Bila tgk. scene askar

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KaLypZzzo This user has been deleted
Post time 16-5-2004 03:06 AM | Show all posts
Eric Bana & Peter O'Toole = best actors :ah:

[ Last edited by KaLypZzzo on 16-5-2004 at 03:11 AM ]

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Post time 16-5-2004 03:53 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by SHOfrE3zE at 14-5-04 07:02 PM:
member aku kata dier tgk Troy kat Malaysia byk cut terutamanya kat bahagian perang dan main betul ker?
Memandangkan aku skg kat Australia, so baik aku tgk kat least dier tak cut bhgn2 yg  ...

Kejap lagi saya nak tengok. Semalam kawan saya cakap cerita ni tak best sangat .. tapi tak mengapa. Saya pergi tengok dan nilaikan sendiri. Harap harap janganlah indah kabar dari rupa.

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Post time 16-5-2004 10:08 AM | Show all posts
ntah dlm pancaindera kater babakk lakonann ac hilles ngan hector agak kaku cam game lawan ajer

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Post time 17-5-2004 09:58 AM | Show all posts
ala...lom tengok lg la cite nih... ada yg kata tak best plak... camner tu... rasanya utk oscar, maybe menang utk teknikal aje... ntahler.

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 Author| Post time 17-5-2004 10:31 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sayangidaku at 2004/5/17 09:58 AM:
ala...lom tengok lg la cite nih... ada yg kata tak best plak... camner tu... rasanya utk oscar, maybe menang utk teknikal aje... ntahler.

plus best costume...maybe!

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Post time 17-5-2004 10:40 AM | Show all posts
Is it worth it?
A country for a woman.
Sebuah negara yg hebat musnah hanya disebabkan oleh seorang wanita.
Helen... 'The face that launched a thousand ships'
Dari kisah peperangan ni lah datangnya pepatah...'Beware of a Greek bearing a gift'
For me, personally, this film is good, but not exactly the best.

Review by Elaine Kwong

For centuries, the legendary tale of the Trojan War, and the forbidden romance that is said to have started it all, have been retold over and over again. Based on Homer's poem, "The Iliad", it is a Greek tragedy in every sense of the word. Some are said to have fought the war for power, some for glory, some for honour - but in director Wolfgang Petersen's version, the fate of the war was decided by love.

In ancient Greece, the seeds of war are sown when King Menelaus (Gleeson) of Sparta hosts a banquet to make peace with King Priam of Troy (O'Toole), represented by the latter's two sons; the eldest, Prince Hector (Bana) and the younger Prince Paris (Bloom). However, while Hector is strengthening ties with Menelaus at the banquet downstairs, Paris is busy strengthening ties with Menelaus' wife, Helen (Kruger) in her bedchamber. The problem starts when Paris convinces Helen to elope with him back to Troy. Their single, reckless act seals the fate of thousands of soldiers and innocent women and children, as Menelaus, nursing a bruised ego, seeks the help of his brother, Agamemnon (Cox), King of the Greeks, to wage a war against the Trojans. Agamemnon is only too willing to offer his support, as he has his own agenda against Troy.

Among the many Greek soldiers enlisted into battle, there is one who stands out - a warrior of such skill and fame that the mere mention of his name strikes fear in his many enemies…Achilles (Pitt). Achilles agrees to serve the Greek army in the Trojan War not because of his allegiance to Agamemnon, but for the sheer glory, in the hope his name will be remembered for eternity. In fact, there is no love lost between Achilles and Agamemnon, and if it weren't for the fact that Achilles was such an outstanding warrior and respected by all the soldiers, Agamemnon would probably have his head.

Prince Hector, on the other hand, is the defender of Troy, a man of such leadership, courage and honour that he is highly respected and greatly loved by his family, his men and his country. For such two men, Achilles and Hector, whose reputation precede them, it is only a matter of time before their paths cross in fierce battle.

Soon, war is upon all of them, and a thousand Greek warships land upon the Trojan shore. So begins a bloody war, and too many lives are lost, both Greek and Trojan alike. However, the battle seems to be favouring the mighty Achilles, whose loyalty to nobody but himself makes him an unstoppable force and is seemingly invincible…at least, until, he chances upon a terrified girl named Briseis (Byrne), the beautiful cousin of Hector and Paris, who has sworn her life to serve the Gods.

Director Petersen went to great lengths to recreate a world 3,000 years ago, especially the scenes featuring the city of Troy and just outside the city walls, the main setting for the battle. It's just too bad for Petersen that we've seen such splendour before in movies like "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy (Helm's Deep and Minas Tirith), and even the magnificent coliseum in "Gladiator", so it's nothing new really.

Indeed, Petersen doesn't score extra brownie points for the massive battle scenes, if only because Peter Jackson beat him to it. However, his one-to-one fight scenes are extremely well shot, especially the final one between Achilles and Hector, which is simply enthralling and suspenseful.

The star-studded ensemble cast does well, but it is Pitt and particularly Bana, who bring such raw human emotion to their battle-hardened characters, elevating this movie from a mere action-packed, visually stimulating battle to a rousing tragic drama of epic proportions.

Mention should also go to O'Toole, the legendary star of "Lawrence of Arabia", who gives a moving performance in one particular scene he shares with Pitt. Meanwhile, fans of Orlando "Legolas" Bloom, who think they are going to catch him in another heroic and courageous role, are in for a surprise. Alright, we all know it is Paris' arrow who gets the guy's heel in the end, but he is far from being the hero in this movie. As for the woman whose face is said to have launched a thousand ships, Diane Kruger's depiction of Helen is pretty disappointing. Showing hardly any emotion at all, this is quite a bad start for the newcomer.

There are some purists who may frown upon certain inconsistencies with "The Iliad", namely the scene in which the mighty warrior Achilles, after hiding in the Trojan Horse, is seen running around the city of Troy looking for his love, Briseis. In the original "The Iliad", Achilles had already been killed before the horse was even built. But the filmmakers have obviously made full use of their creative licence to add some spice into the story and I did warn you that Petersen's version lies strongly on the love element.

Due to the massive hype and feverish anticipation preceding this movie, there are bound to be those who will enter the cinema with high expectations, only to come out of it and go, "So what?". But if it's fierce battles and high drama you're looking for, you won't be disappointed with this 2 hour 43 minute long film.

Whether this is the greatest epic of the century? Certainly not, especially with the likes of "Spartacus" and "Ben Hur" to live up to. But whether this movie is worth the price of your ticket? A resounding YES.

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Post time 17-5-2004 10:51 AM | Show all posts
[quote]Originally posted by Rhyno at 15-5-2004 22:53:
Tengok trailer, memang nampak best. Bila tgk. scene askar

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Post time 17-5-2004 11:47 AM | Show all posts
abihtu citer seabiscuit thn lepas camner lak? kan tyg awal, bukan ujung thn kan gaia? leh plak calon...
tp kebiasaan mmg camtu la kan...filem2 summer ni utk kaut untung juta2 aje-lbh kpd komersial, sbb budget pon juta2.

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Post time 17-5-2004 11:52 AM | Show all posts
nasib baik citer alexander tu tygannya jauh sket dr troy. kalo tak mesti konpius. btw, bile tyg citer alexander...

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Post time 17-5-2004 11:56 AM | Show all posts
eh pelikla, naper aku search kat, takder langsung jumpe psl citer alexander oliver stone tu? yg kuar citer alexander arahan martin scorsese utk tayangan thn 2005.

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TaK_HenSem This user has been deleted
Post time 17-5-2004 01:17 PM | Show all posts
bagi aku cite nit...okeh lerr..aku suka betui perang perang ni...lelagi klasik...

bab fighting between both guys tuh...yup..nice..cuma sometimes ala ala cam main games ler pulak..tapi still ok ler....dorang dua ni aku rasa mang  sesuai pegang watak tu..

cuma satu je aku moskel...aper dlm cite epik...watak si Paris tuh memang lembik ker? and muka dia rasanyer mang ala ala auwww ke? coz..frankly ..aku paling nyampah watak orlando his face...tak kena lerr..... :sad:

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Post time 17-5-2004 01:39 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by TaK_HenSem at 16-5-04 09:17 PM:
bagi aku cite nit...okeh lerr..aku suka betui perang perang ni...lelagi klasik...

bab fighting between both guys tuh...yup..nice..cuma sometimes ala ala cam main games ler pulak..tapi still ok l ...

Cerita ni ada beberapa adengan XXX ... geli saya tengok. Lepas tu si Paris alahai .. saya rasa dalam LOTR jer dia best.

Pada saya cerita ni biasa sahaja ..

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Post time 17-5-2004 01:53 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by DARSITA at 17-5-2004 01:39 PM:

Lepas tu si Paris alahai .. saya rasa dalam LOTR jer dia best.

Pada saya cerita ni biasa sahaja ..

kasian Orlando Bloom dapat watak yang POYO.. ttp still dapat MEMANAH gak... lol

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