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Author: mix_chinese

[MERGED] -- All about insurance utk anak2

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Post time 8-2-2006 01:28 PM | Show all posts
korang dok citer dlm word jek haku kurang nampak sgt la..pekater korang detailkan satu persatu...bukan le tujuan utk berkongsi..sbb kalo agent tak bg tau mmg client pun tatau..let say i put this amount...baper yg i akan dpt at the end...baper yg i dpt if disability/death happen...what is covered what is not..what are the advantage....

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Post time 9-2-2006 01:16 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by moimed at 7-2-2006 04:36 PM
me ambik yippiecare 2...sebulan RM117.00 umur 18thn dapat RM30K...for me ok kot coz kalo nak terminate rugi plak...dah bayor 8bulan...lagipon autodebit, dia cover insurance utk mom gak selama 18thn ...

Bagus la gitu Moimed.. you have done a right decision..

Pada dasarnya RM30K tu hanya andaian..base on company performance.. takde company insurance/takaful yang menjanjikan fixed can be less or more..

Cuma you nak check dgn agen tu. beberapa perkara2 seperti dibawah:

1. Tiba2 you tak boleh bayar sebab atas sebab yang tidak dapat dielakan ..accident.. then you "touch the ground"..TPDAdakah still policy continue..maksudnya waive sampai anak you umur 18 tahun. Ini penting nih...

2. Adakah kalau you mendapat critical illness , still premium/sumbangan tu waive..

Kalau ade bagus la..kalau takde.. you kena tambah perlindungan tu..biasanya adalah pelan tambahan atau omputih cakap bayar baru cover..cuba tanya pasal payor saving. ataupun something yang berkaitan dengannya...

Ataupun kalau memang takde.. then you might want to consider taking another policy.. dlm takaful ikhlas kita ade plan nih... tak banyak bezapun.. cuma takaful ni is 100% Islamic...

Atau kalau you tak nak tambah..then kena bawa keta slowly..makan perlahan...kalau nak melintas jalan kena tengok kiri kanan2 2-3x ..sampai la umur anak you 18tahun..then baru boleh drive keta laju2..hahahah just kiddin...

I tak nak nanti.. tiba jadi apa2 kat you...unexpectedly, duit tu hangus.. sebab takde perlindungan untuk si pembayar tu....

Please check dgn agen you tuh......


[ Last edited by sany48 at 9-2-2006 02:27 AM ]

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Post time 9-2-2006 01:40 AM | Show all posts
sany48.. blh explain dgn lebih lanjut tak? for my future baby... due end may nih...
my 1st one i amik maybank nyer education plan... but tu la.. just cover dia nyer education je... sampai umuq 18 thn mthly i kena byr rm108... skrg umuq dia dah 4 thn... nak terminate rugi plak sbb blm matang lagi....

Oh..first of all.. congratulations for you 2nd baby.. you patut bersyukur banyak2.. sebab dah nak dapat yang ke2.. ade orang kawin bertahun2..still takde mende..anyway.. nak scan? lelaki ke pompuan?

Oh..since I wakil takaful I akan bercerita pasal takaful la yek...tapi kebanyakan insurance/takaful secara amnya ade offer simpanan + perlindungan + investment

Contohnya dalam takaful ikhlas, kita ade plan Investment Education Takaful (IET) Classic

With almost the same amount.. you akan dapat ketiga2 faedah.. malah.. kita ade 3 value added

1. Incentive kalau anak you dapat min 5A UPSR, 7A PMR or 7 A SPM...akan dapat RM100/A
2. Bukan setakat cover anak you je.. malah cover you sekali daripada penyakit critical, TPD, death..
     Polisi akan berjalan sehinggalah matang.. lepas tu anak you akan tetap dapat duit semula..
3. Jika anak you terdapat penyakit kritikal, contohnya mak 10K, you dah pakai, syarikat takkan deduct from
     you basic covered.
Contohnya basic cover RM20K (Kematian biasa).. Rider..penyakit kritikal RM10K.. jadi nanti kalau you dah pakai 10K tadi. you still dapat 20K tu...setengah company lain , you akan hanya dapat RM10K je.. deduct 10K dari penyakit tadik... ..

Secara juga akan dapat pahala melalui system Tabarru'. Sebahagian dari sumbangan you tu akan didermakan ke tanung untuk membiayai sesiapa yang mendapat musibah. Jadi kalau tak terjadi apa2..still you dapat pahala sedekah

Kalau tiba2 you nak terminate dari tahun pertama lagi dah ade pulangan balik...tak banyak pun sikit la..

nak carik yg insurance yg bleh cover medical expanses + education dia... kalau dpt 'bonus' tiap2 ujung thn ok gak..
Actually memang ade istilah bonus macam ni..semua syarikat insurance/takaful yang you ambil investment plan ade kasi bonus.. cuma lambat dgn cepat sahaja. Tapi you mesti ingat, bila you dah ambil bonus tiap2 tahun, you punya surrender value at maturity date akan berkurangan. In other words, it is back to square cuma ambil duit tu awal je..

Tapi dalam takaful Ikhlas, you boleh pinjam duit tu..after a few years.. tanpa dikenakan sebarang faedah. Sama la jugak tu... kalau you tak bayar.. nanti surrender value akan tetap deduct you punya pinjaman tadi...

tapi tu la.. tak tau nak approach agent yg mana satu... prudential pun bunyi mcm ok... tapi tu la.. nak survey few options la...

Semua insurance/takaful ok.. takde yang tak ok.. cuma you sebagai customer. ada pilihan..tapi of course masing2 ade doubt about it..cuma you maybe nak consider agen sama.. resourceful ..helpful ke tak....

p/s Kalau you nak ambil plan untuk anak ke2 u nanti.. maybe you also like to consider taking takaful from me hahaha.. I akan cite you one by one..I know. I am very good at it.. insyaAllah...

[ Last edited by sany48 at 9-2-2006 02:40 AM ]

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Post time 9-2-2006 02:21 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by honeybee1802 at 8-2-2006 01:28 PM
korang dok citer dlm word jek haku kurang nampak sgt la..pekater korang detailkan satu persatu...bukan le tujuan utk berkongsi..sbb kalo agent tak bg tau mmg client pun tatau..let say i  ...

Okay..let us talk about it.. how much do you want to start with....

Katakan condition macam ni,

  1.You ambil RM117 macam moimed (Dlm kes ni RM116.76) 116.76 x 12 x 17 = RM23894.52
  2. Matured 18 tahun, Umur pembayar/bapa = 26 tahun
  3. Anak lelaki, umur had akan datang 1 tahun (maksudnya anak you berumur kurang dari setahun)

Kalau you ambil Takaful Ikhlas, ini benefitnya..

a. Kalau tiada apa berlaku ..anak you sihat.. you dapat duit balik = RM26,176.93
    You dapat about 115% dari bayaran you bayar selama 17 tahun -
    (Base on 5.1% profit sharing/dividen).

     Kalau anak nak you otak geliga.. dapat 5A + 7a + 8A, tambah lagi incentif
b. Berlaku kematian biasa @ TPD mak at 18 years  = RM 52,976.93 + RM1000 khairat kematian
c. Berlakku kematian @TPD sebab accident             = RM62,976.93 + RM1000
In between, tiba you sakit.. tak boleh bayar sumbangan dah disahkan oleh doktor,

d. Sumbangan 1 akan tetap berjalan sampai tempoh mtg. Anak you still dapat benefit a
    Kita panggil payor saving.. just untuk cover anak2..


e. Anak you masuk hospital.. = RM20.00 sehari, min syarat mesti 2.5 days or above
     Maksimum 365 hari. pas tu tak cover lagi dah benefit hospital nih, yang lain still cover..

f. Penyakir critical                  = RM10,000.00
g. Accident                            = RM10,000.00

Ataupun pada tahun dibawah you nak stop...sebab nak pakai duit...

    Tahun pertama = RM243.81
    Tahun ke 5        = RM4077.02
    Tahun ke 13     =  RM17.390.61 (Breakeven).. you dapat balik 100% apa you bayar..
    Tahun ke 18     =  RM26,176.93

Itu sahaja dari takaful ikhlas..

Cuma secara umumnya. seperkara lagi...ia adalah berprinsipkan 100% Islamic.. so you will have a piece of mind..

Sekian sahaja.

p/s Jgn lupa.. masukkan list I dalam agen2 yang you nak belikan takaful untuk anak you...selain dari takaful I ade juga produck WASIAT..HIBAH.. juga penting untuk anak2... ...

Sedikit update:
This is quotation is done base on the program assign to all takaful ikhlas agent. I can even propose to you with a few calls or even through YM (My nick is paco_may1994). Cut me in whenever I am available on the net.

[ Last edited by sany48 at 11-2-2006 12:40 PM ]



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ace This user has been deleted
Post time 9-2-2006 12:13 PM | Show all posts
Ini cut&paste from Maybank2u-YippieClub's website as I am looking for the same info about YippieClub.


We pay higher interest*for this account than an ordinary savings account. And get your free Yippie coin box when you open a Yippie Club Savings Account with an initial deposit of RM250.




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Post time 11-2-2006 11:06 AM | Show all posts

sharing info

Originally posted by honeybee1802 at 8-2-2006 01:28 PM
korang dok citer dlm word jek haku kurang nampak sgt la..pekater korang detailkan satu persatu...bukan le tujuan utk berkongsi..sbb kalo agent tak bg tau mmg client pun tatau..let say i  ...

here's some info i paste from MAA's website.


Plan Description

Parenthood can simultaneously be the most rewarding and challenging undertakings of your life. As our children travel the road from infancy to adulthood, we want them to be protected and well educated so as to be financially secured in the future. Meeting the protection and education costs can be a big challenge! This is why MAA Assurance suggests that, above and beyond your day to day efforts to provide for your children, you must start your protection plan and build an education fund now with MaaxEducation!

Plan Benefits

*Savings Continuation Protection
Optional Payor Benefit Riders allow waiver of premium in the event the payor dies, becomes totally and permanently disabled or is diagnosed from dread diseases. Therefore, you can rest assured that if anything happen to you/spouse, your child would continue to receive all benefits of the policy and the intended amount will still be available for your child's education fund.  

*Tax Relief
Income Tax Relief of up to RM3,000 for medical and educational insurance (subject to a final decision by the Inland Revenue Board) Income tax relief is subject to purchasing one of the two Payor Benefit Riders (special payor benefit or joint payor benefit)

*Basic Protection. You have a choice of how much Life Insurance you want which is called the Basic Sum Assured. The Basic Sum Assured can be increased or decreased subject to current underwriting requirements. Both the Basic Sum Assured and the Investment Account balance are payable upon death before age 25.

*In the event of Total and Permanent Disability before age 25, the Basic Sum Assured is payable and you have a choice of:

*Terminating the policy and receiving the Investment Account value, or
Continuing with the Investment Account until your child attained the age of 25.

*Optional Juvenile Critical Illnesses Protection Juvenile Critical Illnesses Coverage

Severe Asthma
Bone Marrow Transplant
Insulin-dependent Diabetes
Rheumatic Fever with Valvular Impairment
Kawasaki Disease with Heart Complication
Intellectual Impairment due to accident or sickness
Glomerulonephritis with Nephrotic Syndrome

*Other Optional Protection You can attach a choice of optional riders to enhance your child's insurance protection. (ni example would be 36 penyakit kritikal, hospitalisation and surgical (operation))

*Education Withdrawal Cash Withdrawal at anytime for your child's education subject to fund balance of RM2,000.
*Education Loan You may apply for an education loan for your child's university education at anytime after your child's 17th birthday. The education loan is subject to approval.
Education Fund Build your child's education fund faster with a choice of professionally managed MAA investment-linked funds. MaaxEducation gives you added flexibility to top-up on a regular basis with MaaxSaver, which starts from as low as RM50 a month - whilst giving you 96% premium allocation In addition, you also have the flexibility to top-up your investment at any time with a minimum lump sum payment of RM2,000 - also at 96% premium allocation. These top-up facilities are available to you to maximise your investment.

In the long term, these professionally-managed funds offer potentially higher returns than your savings in a bank account.

Who is Eligible?
Your children can be insured with MaaxEducation if they are between 30 days and 15 years of age; however, the policyholder must be at least 18 years old.

What about the Premium Rates?
MaaxEducation can be yours for as little as RM50 a month or RM600 a year. You have the flexibility to pay the premiums monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annually.

Here, manjakani list the discription of each juvenile illness. (in bm for better understanding) yang english banyak medical terms tak paham nanti...

1) Severe Asthma (Asma Teruk)
Asma teruk yang dibuktikan oleh sama ada:
Serangan akut asma teruk yg mengakibatkan kemasukan ke hospital dan pernafasan terpaksa dibantu dgn alat pernafasan mekanikal bagi tempoh berterusan selama sekurang2nya 4 jam utk memastikan serangan asma terkawal, atasasihat pakar perunding pediatrik

2) Leukaemia
Diagnosis muktamad penyakit leukaemia, disahkan menerusi histologi, yg memerlukan rawatan kemoterapi dan/atau radiologi

3)Bone Marrow Transplant (Pemindahan sumsum tulang)
Menjalani pemindahan sebenar, atau disahkan diterima masuk dalam senara menunggu rasmi Malaysia, untuk pemindahan sumsum tulangyang diperlukan, sebagai penerima drpd penderma manusia.

4) Insuline Dependent Diabetes (Diabetes Melitus Bergantung Kpd Insulin)
Diabetes Melitus bergantung kpd insulin yang ditandakan oleh keperluan mendapatkan insulin dr luar secara berterusan utk hidup, spt didiagnosis oleh pakar perunding endokrinologi.

5)Rheumatic Fever With Valvular Impairment (Demam Reumatik Dgn Kerosakan Injap)
Diagnosis demam reumatik yang akut mengikut kriteria dianosis Jones semakan semula yang disahkan oleh pakar pediatrik berkelayakan yg diterima MAA. MAA melindungi kes yg melibatkan satu atau lebih injap jantung dan kelemahan injap paras rendah yang berpunca drpd demam reumatik tersebut, yang disahkan oleh pakar kardiologi yang berkelayakan dan diterima oleh MAA.

6) Kawasaki Disease with heart complications (Penyakit Kawasaki dgn komplikasi jantung)
Diagnosis penyakit kawasaki oleh pakar perunding pediatrik, reumatologi atau kardiologi. Dibukti dan disokong oleh ekokardigrafi yang menunujukkan jantung terjejas, ditandakan oleh kesan bengkak atau pembentukan aneurimse dlm arteri2 koronari.

7)Intellectual Impairment due 2 accident or sickness (Kerencatan Intelektual akibat kemalangan atau penyakit)
Kerencatan Neurologikal yang ketara dan kekal atau hilang daya intelektual yg disebabkan secara langsung oleh kemalangan atau penyakit spt didiagnosis oleh pakar perunding pediatrik ataub pakar perunding neurologi

8)Glomerulonepritis with nephrotic syndrome (Glomerulonefritis dgn sindrom nefrotik)
MAA melindungi glomerulonefritis dgn sindrom nefrotik yg berterusan bagi tempoh sekurang2nya 6 bulan dan diagnosis dibuat oleh pakar perunding pediatrik yang berkelayakan yang diterima MAA.
4 more info what is the disease, manjakani attachkan this website, very good to know on diseases. ... hrotic_syndrome.htm

Okay... hope this helps.



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Post time 11-2-2006 11:27 AM | Show all posts


here's some good websites u guys can check 2 know on the diseases

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Post time 11-2-2006 12:35 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by honeybee1802 at 8-2-2006 01:28 PM
korang dok citer dlm word jek haku kurang nampak sgt la..pekater korang detailkan satu persatu...bukan le tujuan utk berkongsi..sbb kalo agent tak bg tau mmg client pun tatau..let say i  ...

Sedikit update:

Dalam Takaful Ikhlas, kita cover 40 jenis penyakit  which is  extra by 4 as compared to other existing takaful/insurance.

But I am not going to elaborate what what sorts critical illness here. You can either read the the contract or I can simply acknowlegde once you sign up. NO PROBLEM.

As one of my potential customers, let me assist you with these matter. Do not confuse yourself. Take a first step to sign up. Any takaful or insurance is at your choice.

"Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, sesungguhnya arak, judi, pemujaan berhala, mengundi nasib dengan batang anak panah adalah perbuatan keji kotor dari syaitan. Oleh itu hendaklah kamu menjauhinya supaya kamu berjaya"

[ Last edited by sany48 at 12-2-2006 12:47 AM ]

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ace This user has been deleted
Post time 13-2-2006 10:42 AM | Show all posts
This is what I get for my son - as for my sharing info with you guys..

Pemunya Polisi : It's me (the mother)
Di insurans ke atas  : Muhammad Daniel Hazique (my son)
Umur (akan datang) : 1 yr
Status Tidak Merokok.
Bayaran : Kad Kredit (tunai, SI juga diterima)
Plan : PruLink Dana Unggul (pelaburan syariah)
Premium : RM150/bulan

1. Hayat (kematian awal - natural death) - RM40k
2. Perubatan
   a. 36 sakit kritikal - RM20 000
   b. Kad perubatan * - RM150 000
     * Tertakluk pada 10% ko-insurans (min RM300 - max RM1000 shj)
   c. Elaun Hospital (per day) - RM300
   d. Elaun surgery (per case) - RM2 500

3. Kemalangan
   a. Kemalangan (pampasan) - RM20 000
   b. Kecacatan kekal - RM40 000
   c. Elaun Cacat kekal - RM1 800 (till aged 65)
   d. Rawatan pesakit luar - RM2 000
   e. Elaun cuti sakit (MC) - -nil- (kerana anak tidak bekerja)

4. Pengecualian premium jika si penjaga - ParentPayor
   a. Kematian  - polisi/premium FREE till age 25
   b. 36 sakit kritikal - polisi/premium FREE till age 100
   c. cacat kekal - benefit remains

5. Simpanan (pelaburan) - jangkaan
   a. umur 18 RM 40k++
   b. umur 20 RM 51k++
   c. umur 25 RM 58k++
   - and so on so on...
I have made my 'new' claim as my son was warded to Gleaneagles Intan last week. Upon registration RM300 was paid for the down-payment which for self-pay admission to Gleneagles it will coast at least RM2'000. This RM300 is included in my contract for the 'co-insurans' purposes.

'We' had our 'holiday' in Gleaneagles for 3days 3nights stay. And since my warded allowance (elaun hospital term#2.c) ialah RM300/day, maka I will get at least 300 x 3 day = RM900 back. This will pay back my 10% (or RM300) with extra RM600 in-hand.

Note :- All numbers/figures are subject to my own needs and may be altered/varied depending on what you guys need.

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 Author| Post time 13-2-2006 11:57 AM | Show all posts
Sesiapa yang boleh jumpa liz. I nak ambil takaful utk anak.



[ Last edited by mix_chinese at 13-2-2006 12:45 PM ]

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Post time 14-2-2006 11:02 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mix_chinese at 13-2-2006 11:57 AM
Sesiapa yang boleh jumpa liz. I nak ambil takaful utk anak.



Yes Liz.. This is Sany from Takaful Ikhlas at your service. How may I help you mam?

Would this coming Wed 10am or Fri 3pm convenient time for us to meet in your office?

Please advice..

I am looking forward to meeting with you.


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Post time 15-2-2006 04:25 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sany48 at 9-2-2006 01:40 AM

Oh..first of all.. congratulations for you 2nd baby.. you patut bersyukur banyak2.. sebab dah nak dapat yang ke2.. ade orang kawin bertahun2..still takde mende..anyway.. nak scan? lelaki ke pom ...

macih! dah scan... hero lagi for the 2nd one nih...
takpe... 'usaha tangga kejayaan'. nanti sofe try lagik next time

sofe dah rasa rugi plak amik MBB utk my 1st hero tuh.. ingat mcm nak terminate la.. takdak benefit pun.
btw... nak mtk u tlg buatkan quotation utk my 1st hero tuh... and also another quotation for my future baby...
my 1st hero tuh... going to be 4 yrs old this april - 16th april 2002... and baby dlm perut ni due end may 2006... agak2 jee la ekk... rasanyer kalau newborn baby kita nak insured kan.. kena 3 mths and abv, kan...


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 Author| Post time 15-2-2006 05:00 PM | Show all posts
Sany ... kenapa reply pm  no reply. ? tak berminat ke?

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Post time 15-2-2006 11:03 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mix_chinese at 15-2-2006 05:00 PM
Sany ... kenapa reply pm  no reply. ? tak berminat ke?

Ye ke.. I dah buat kedua2 sekali.......takpe esok I contact you....


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Post time 15-2-2006 11:32 PM | Show all posts
macih! dah scan... hero lagi for the 2nd one nih...
takpe... 'usaha tangga kejayaan'. nanti sofe try lagik next time

Yeap.. usaha tangga kejayaan.... cikgu I juga cakap.. "Never do it tomorrow if you can do it today" so.. NIKE sambung la... "JUST DO IT"

sofe dah rasa rugi plak amik MBB utk my 1st hero tuh.. ingat mcm nak terminate la.. takdak benefit pun.
btw... nak mtk u tlg buatkan quotation utk my 1st hero tuh... and also another quotation for my future baby...

Pn Sofe,

You jgn silap faham.. kesemua takaful/insurance ade benefit.. cuma tu la orang tak nampak.. macam gak I baru2 ni. dulu. nak bayar insuran keta.. punya la susah..tapi bila I accident keta baru2 ni.. baru la appreciate.. semua cover..kereta I.. dgn keta yang I terlanggar...but of course kalau boleh I tak nak accident.. biar la duit tu burnpun...kan kan kan

Itulah.. takaful/insuran ni.. kalau tak claim2 aper..nanti bila matang..dapat duit balik...esp kalau kita sign up masa muda.. kita tak rugi langsung....hidup kita lebih tenang.. tak perlu risau pasal anak2 sape nak jaga.. mana dorang nak carik duit ..bila kita tetiba2.. tak leh keje..ataupun the last case.. tuhan panggil kita awal2...

Sama ada you nak terminate ke tak.. I am in the position to decide...Dah berapa lama your first baby ambil perlindungan? May be we can compare dulu... tengok benefit.. kalau perlu maintain..why not..

Yang I tau la..kalau less than 3 years. tak sampai tempoh matang..normally burn la..sebab tu government baru ni request syarikat supaya revise contract.. maksudnya kalau client surrender than 3 years stilll dapat pulangan..

Dalam takaful ikhlas.. even first year dah dapat duit sikit...ia semakin bertambah dari setahun ke setahun..

my 1st hero tuh... going to be 4 yrs old this april - 16th april 2002... and baby dlm perut ni due end may 2006... agak2 jee la ekk... rasanyer kalau newborn baby kita nak insured kan.. kena 3 mths and abv, kan...


Ye ke.. you kena bagi I jantina baby you tu.. then your date of birth kalau you nak I buatkan quotation..very fast.. I semua ada... boleh quote to you less then 3 mins...tapi  dua2 mesti ada....baru accurate..

Eh.. you mana you tau kalau 3 mth baru boleh sign up..wahhhhhhh. you dah pandai ni..bagus la.. I semua clients I akan inform betul2..apa yang cover. ape yang tak..bla bla... I tak nak nanti salahkan I..salahkan takaful......padahal you expect everything is there..betul tak?

I nak buat business ni lama tau..I lebih tenang keje macam ni...alhamdulillah...


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Post time 15-2-2006 11:41 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by akubest at 9-1-2006 09:23 AM

isk...ko citer cam nih....baru aku tingat laki aku tak de insurance cover pon...cess...kalo jadik apa2 kat dia...merana aku...aku dok sound dia tuko nama kat epf jek...cukup kot......takat na ...

Pn akubest..

Kenapa you tanya orang lain sama husband dorang ade takaful ke tak.. takaful tu dah jadi keperluan...kita tak boleh ikut2..sebab husband dorang tak pun tak ambil.. cuba you tanya ..kalau semua tak ambil...tetiba2 something happen to your husband.. takkan you tak minta dorang mana nak support anak2 you..even yourself...this is the worst scenario la.. macam I cakap..kalau semua ok.. takde orang sakit.. ke aper.. at the end of maturity date.. you dapat balik duit tu...tak banyak sikit..kire OK la tu..

Kalau you berminat..atau consider for takaful ikhlas. I boleh propose to you at no cost commitment..


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Post time 16-2-2006 05:11 PM | Show all posts
Ye ke.. you kena bagi I jantina baby you tu.. then your date of birth kalau you nak I buatkan quotation..very fast.. I semua ada... boleh quote to you less then 3 mins...tapi  dua2 mesti ada....baru accurate..

Eh.. you mana you tau kalau 3 mth baru boleh sign up..wahhhhhhh. you dah pandai ni..bagus la.. I semua clients I akan inform betul2..apa yang cover. ape yang tak..bla bla... I tak nak nanti salahkan I..salahkan takaful......padahal you expect everything is there..betul tak?

I nak buat business ni lama tau..I lebih tenang keje macam ni...alhamdulillah...



my 1st one tuh ... hero la... boy... 16th April nih genap 4 yrs old...
yg 2nd one nih confirmed doc kata boy gak... due date 28th May... agak2 jee la... ekk... consider dia 3 bln by early Sept. this year...

i plak this year will reach 31 yrs old by may 9th...

so... camner... lain2 info ada tak diperlukan utk buat quotation tuh?
i prefer something yg blh cover hospitalisation + education... kalau ada lain2 benefit lagi ok...


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Post time 16-2-2006 06:47 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sofeya at 16-2-2006 05:11 PM
Ye ke.. you kena bagi I jantina baby you tu.. then your date of birth kalau you nak I buatkan quotation..very fast.. I semua ada... boleh quote to you less then 3 mins...tapi  dua2 mesti ...

Assalamualaikum pn sofeya,

It is good enough for preliminary quotation.

Actually, before I come up with the actual one, we have to sit down and discuss what do you really want out of it...contohnya you nak short term ke.. long term ke.... dan normally I tanya what is your nett income.. I tak nak you sumbangkan maximum for the next a couple of years.. just sumbangkan base on your capability....sebab I selalu cakap kat client I.. kalau boleh sumbangkan la sampai matured... for you own seek.. faham ape yang ada dalam contract..stuff like that..

OK.. kejap lagi I kasi quotation..


p/s anak yang ke3 cakap lelaki... I dah fikir. tentu berderet la anak lelaki.. tapi bila keluar... perempuan..alhamdulillah.. I terima.. even lelaki....

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Post time 16-2-2006 08:07 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sany48 at 16-2-2006 06:47 PM
Assalamualaikum pn sofeya,
It is good enough for preliminary quotation.
Actually, before I come up with the actual one, we have to sit down and discuss what do you really want out of it.. ...

Pn Sofeya,

Di bawah adalah illustrasi untuk anak lelaki puan!

a.        Had umur akan dating  =  4 , 16/4/2002, lelaki
b.        Pembayar                   =  31, 9/5/1975, Ibu
c.        Min sumbangan           = ____. Bergantung kepada nett income per month

Dengan Takaful Ikhlas,  ini benefitnya berdasarkan features di bawah:

Min bulanan = RM 75.67, Tempoh  = Maximum 19 tahun
Plan             = Ikhlas Edu Takaful Classic (Perlindungan + Simpanan + Pelaburan)


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alfredfx This user has been deleted
Post time 25-2-2006 11:41 AM | Show all posts
u can actually buy term life + medical card + critical ilness then convert to education plan if you are affordable. PM me if you are interested.

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