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Author: xyla73

[tvN/Netflix] Our Blues - Lee Byung Hun, Shin Min Ah, Cha Seung Won, Kim Woo Bin, Han Ji Min, Lee Jung Eun, Uhm Jung Hwa

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 Author| Post time 4-6-2022 11:42 AM | Show all posts
malam ni punya episod rasa cam sedih je...kena standby tisu byk2 ni...
MLN dah abis, so boleh fokus tgk citer ni je...xde terkejar2...

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 Author| Post time 4-6-2022 11:19 PM | Show all posts
penat nangis tgk epi 17 ni...
moga2 Man Su ada improvement...
mana tau berkat doa anak, ada sikit sinar utk dia...
kalau tak dah nak cabut alat bantuan pernafasan tu...
halmoeni2 ni (mak Man Su & mak Dong Seok) bagus betul berlakon...
memang terkesan betul tgk lakonan diorg...
next episode risau kat mak Dong Seok pulak...
dahlah Dong Seok tu still degil lagi...dah tau mak sakit pun masih macam tu jugak...

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Post time 5-6-2022 08:07 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Wah ade rupenye thread our blues. Ya ampun best giler drama ni. Sampai laki meols pun boleh layan. Setiap watak tu strong, setiap ep ada cerita yg bagus. Penceritaan dia smooth dan cantik setting dia. Mmg capture perasaan setiap watak bila tgk scene scene dia tu. Budak kecik tu da kenapa pandai sangat berlakon. Eeeeeeeeee comel!

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 Author| Post time 5-6-2022 09:05 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by xyla73 at 5-6-2022 06:38 PM

Rasa heavy lagi lepas bangun pagi even though iols tgk epi 17 mlm tadi…confirm watchlist lepas ni kena cari citer yg lawak2 je

Baru faham diorg cari bot tu bukan utk hantar eun gi & halmoeni gi Mokpo tapi utk buat 100 bulan utk eun gi…memang writer nim simpan citer sedih2 kat ujung2 ye…the beauty of this drama, citer dia memang sedih tapi jugak heartwarming…mcm epi 16 masa diorg ganti2 dukung eun gi kat pasar tu…xtau kenapa rasa terharu sgt tgk scene tu…

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 Author| Post time 5-6-2022 09:44 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Drama ni memang guna ramai A list actors tapi the best performance pada iols datang dari pelakon2 veteran, pelakon2 muda & Jung Eun Hye (the Down syndrome actress)…this is the unexpected aspect from this drama…turn out pelakon2 ni yg bagi drama ni long lasting impression nanti…

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 Author| Post time 6-6-2022 12:41 AM | Show all posts
nasib baik epi 18 level kesedihan tu dah kurang sikit...
tapi iols fahamlah kenapa dong seok marah kat mak dia...
mak dia pun lah, macam lebihkan adik-beradik tiri dia je...
nak bawak favorite dishes diorg lah, manalah dong seok tak marah...

iols rasa dlm citer ni the romance part is the weakest storyline...
sebab iols tak kisah pun pasal dong seok & seon ah tu...kurang memberikan impak pada iols compared to storyline lain...
iols tak tau kenapa, maybe penghayatan tak cukup ke atau storyline lain tu lagi kuat mcm kisah yeong ok & young hui ataupun halmoeni chun hui & eun gi...


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Post time 6-6-2022 01:36 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 6-6-2022 12:41 AM
nasib baik epi 18 level kesedihan tu dah kurang sikit...
tapi iols fahamlah kenapa dong seok marah k ...

I tak tengok lagi episod 18, malas nk sedih2. Man su dah sihat ke?

Dalam citer ni i rasa seon ah punya lakonan paling lemah sekali. Tak tau la sbb character kena gitu ke. Tapi budak kecik eun gi tu berlakon lagi mantap dari dia. Yeong hui tak payah cakap la, kalau ada keluar scene dia mmg rasa terhibur. Mcm dlm episod 17 jeon joon call nk tunjuk ikan lumba2, punn rasa terhibur dah

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Post time 6-6-2022 01:41 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
miu84 replied at 5-6-2022 08:07 AM
Wah ade rupenye thread our blues. Ya ampun best giler drama ni. Sampai laki meols pun boleh layan. S ...

Betul cerita ni digarap dengan begitu cantik, and pelakon pun sampaikan dgn begitu baik kecuali seon ah. Awal2 tgok i ingt kan part yeong ok & jeong joon akan bosan tapi tak. Yg tu paling best (pada i la) tambah2 lagi dgn ada watak yeong hui.

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 Author| Post time 6-6-2022 06:11 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by xyla73 at 6-6-2022 06:17 AM
Naatasha replied at 6-6-2022 01:36 AM
I tak tengok lagi episod 18, malas nk sedih2. Man su dah sihat ke?

Dalam citer ni i rasa seon ah  ...

Man Su belum sihat, masih terlantar tapi dah boleh cakap2 sikit…Eun Gi dah balik ikut mak pak dia…

Kan…Eun Gi pun berlakon lagi best drpd Seon Ah…camnalah boleh nangis betul2 camtu…iols paling sedih masa part nenek dia campak beg dia dlm hujan lepas tu dia turun ambik tu…Seon Ah tu pada iols feel dia x sampai…iols x nampak dia mcm mengalami kemurungan sebab air muka dia & cara dia cakap pun mcm ceria je…so x blh nak rasa simpati pun kat dia…

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Post time 6-6-2022 12:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ep 18 ni barula faham nape Dong Seok marah sangat kat mak dia huhu

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 Author| Post time 6-6-2022 05:45 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hotmak replied at 2-6-2022 03:22 PM
6 bulan dah boleh abort ke, ngeri pula fikir, sana mcm tak kisah ye budak sek dah try sex, mungkin k ...

Mana boleh abort kalau dah 6 bulan…tu sebab doktor xnak buat…actually iols pun expect young joo tu dpt lagi byk backlash dari schoolmates dia but turn out dia ok2 je…siap boleh teruskan sekolah lagi…either writer nim xnak emphasize byk sgt kat situ ataupun diorg memang x kisah…kalau kita kat sini mau kena buang sekolah kalau ada kes camtu…

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 Author| Post time 7-6-2022 11:40 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ni mak dong seok punya character description…copy dari salah satu komen kat soompi forum…make sense lah sebab how could a sweet halmoeni yg kita tgk skrg dulunya sorang yg cold…n jgn lupa apa yg kita tgk so far datang dari dong seok punya perspektif  :

Kang Ok-dong

Mid 70s (age), she grows peppers, potatoes, perilla leaves, etc. on a small farm and sells it at a weekday market. Dong-seok's mom.

She speaks so little that other people may think she is mute (although she grumbles to herself a lot). Unsophisticated, so brusque that she appears to lack emotions, and all she does is work. She may appear gentle to others, but to Dong-seok, she is neither gentle nor affectionate.

Born in Mokpo, her parents worked on a boat and she lost them at age 10 when their house burned in a fire. She and her younger sister worked in restaurants or cleaned others' houses. (Her sister lived in Mokpo and died a few months ago from cancer. She called for Ok-dong so much as she was dying, but Ok-dong couldn't go because she doesn't know how to read or how to find her way around. And then she heard about her sister's death afterwards.) Neighbors introduced her to Dong-seok's father who was a laborer, so she married him and came to Jeju. Then her husband died in a storm.

After that, she dragged her daughter who was afraid of water into the ocean and they became "hanyeos" together. (Ok-dong was afraid, too. All she did before was farmwork.) Because they needed to make a living. But how can this happen? Her daughter lost her life in the ocean, too. Ok-dong wasn't scared of the ocean that killed her husband, but she began to hate the ocean that killed her daughter.

How can she survive now? How can she raise that rough boy Dong-seok? And that was when it happened. She no longer had the confidence to continue living. So when her husband's friend Park Seon-ju asked her to live with him, she impulsively agreed. Living with him meant that she would become a mistress, that she would have to take care of his sick wife who was almost a vegetable, that she would have to raise his kids like they were her own, and be accused of betraying her husband with his friend by the neighbors, but she didn't refuse. This way, she could raise Dong-seok and she didn't have to go into the ocean again. That was enough.

But her son Dong-seok keeps picking fights with her.

He says that his life is terrible because of his mother.

Ok-dong did not care.

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Post time 8-6-2022 10:06 AM | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 6-6-2022 12:41 AM
nasib baik epi 18 level kesedihan tu dah kurang sikit...
tapi iols fahamlah kenapa dong seok marah k ...

betul you....iols pun tak kisah pasal love story deongseok and seon a tuu...tak strong enough utk kita seon a tu tarik talik je manjang...lagi kuat tengok eung gi nangis...pandai tul berlakon...lontaran suara pun jelas jeee wlaupun tgh nangis...hehehe

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Post time 8-6-2022 10:09 AM | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 5-6-2022 09:05 AM
Rasa heavy lagi lepas bangun pagi even though iols tgk epi 17 mlm tadi…confirm watchlist lepas ni k ...

friendship diorg ni..wlaaupun jarang jumpa and masing2 ada family masing2...tetap diorg ni baik kan....mula nampka jung jun je yg bersungguh...upenya lain2 pun sekali..and tercapai la hajat eunggi nak 100 bulan tuuu....basah bantal oiiii....hahhahhahaha...


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 Author| Post time 8-6-2022 12:19 PM | Show all posts
lynn_dmm replied at 8-6-2022 10:09 AM
friendship diorg ni..wlaaupun jarang jumpa and masing2 ada family masing2...tetap diorg ni baik ka ...

iols tgk epi 17 kena pause beberapa kali sebab mata blur tak nampak skrin
budak eun gi tu pandai betul berlakon...
throwing tantrum xnak makan apa yg nenek dia masak sebab x sama mcm apa yg mak dia masak...

fakta menarik :
1) budak yg berlakon jadi eun gi ni adik-beradik dgn budak laki kat homecha yg mak pak dia dah bercerai tu...dua beradik ni memang pandai berlakon..
2) Go Du Shim (nenek Eun Gi) & yg berlakon jadi Man Su memang anak-beranak in real life

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Post time 8-6-2022 03:19 PM | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 8-6-2022 12:19 PM
iols tgk epi 17 kena pause beberapa kali sebab mata blur tak nampak skrin
budak eun gi tu panda ...

fakta menarik tu mmg menarik

alkisah budak berdua tu adik beradik ke? mmg pandai berlakon...abg dia pun berlakon nangis menjadi kan

ank beranak rupanya pn hyeon n man su ekk? masa halmonie ni menahan nangis lagi kita menangis...sedih tuuu...nsb la x jadi cabut bantuan su hidup lagi..happy si eunggi siap usik nenek dia lagi

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Post time 11-6-2022 10:35 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sedih la tengok kisah Dong Seok... memang dia tak patut layan omma dia macam tu tapi entahlah iols kesian tengok dia masa kecik... even though apa yang omma dia lalui sebab kematian husband & daughter tapi iols sedih tengok Dong Seok...

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 Author| Post time 11-6-2022 11:43 PM | Show all posts
sediakan tisu byk2 ye utk finale esok...tgk preview epi 20 sedih giler

iols rasa mak dong seok tu sengaja cakap nak pegi tempat2 tu sebab nak spend time utk kali terakhir dgn dong seok...

tapi dong seok memang patut marah pun...
teruk betul abang2 tiri dia tu...
umur muda bukan excuse ye nak buli2 org...

ingatkan parents jeong jun x suka kat yeong ok...
rupa2nya diorg memang jenis  byk cakap...
so rasa2nya jeong jun & yeong ok akan dapat happy ending...


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Post time 12-6-2022 09:57 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tengok preview finale pun dah banjir airmata... belum tengok full episode lagi...

Sedihnya kisah Dong Seok & omma dia... ada step brother jahat... iols faham tak semua boleh terima family lain... iols faham tak semua suka step brother etc tapi perlu ke pukul2 & buli sampai macam tu sekali... ada ke step brother tu kata sebab masa tu diorang muda lagi... Dong Seok tak kacau diorang pun... dia buat hal sendiri jer... iols  emo betul...

Hujung2 Dong Seok say sorry kat abang tiri tu sebab omma dia marah2... 1st time tengok omma side kat Dong Seok...

Sedih masa ahjumma Chun Hui tengok ahjumma Ok Dong dalam lori tu... itulah kot last diorang jumpa lepas hantar ahjumma Chun Hui kat hospital tu...

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Post time 12-6-2022 10:03 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 8-6-2022 12:19 PM
iols tgk epi 17 kena pause beberapa kali sebab mata blur tak nampak skrin
budak eun gi tu panda ...

Eun Gi tu memang pandai betul berlakon... talented... dulu2 iols suka tengok English drama sebab suka tengok anak2 omputih berlakon... natural jer... sampai banjir airmata bila scene sedih... especially drama2 mother's day & father's day...

Oh... baru tau Man Su anak ahjumma Go Du Shim... masa dia jadi guest Master In The House tak perasan dia ada tak... iols just tau dia memang asal Jeju... ada tunjuk rumah dia... artis legend ni...

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