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Houston, USA

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Post time 15-2-2007 04:35 PM | Show all posts |Read mode

Sape sini pernah pegi Houston? Ape yg menarik di sane?

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Post time 16-2-2007 05:39 AM | Show all posts
dah pernah gi.. big city, tapi cam tak banyak attraction yg best.. kalo minat psl space & Nasa, buleh la gi Houston Space Center.. tempat ni best tapi kene ade transportation sendiri sbb 45 min driving from houston. ade gak bus gi Houston Space Center ni, tapi very limited.. kalo minat shopping, leh gi galleria ..  

me rase San Antonio lagi best dr houston. San Antonio ni ala2 little venice kat US..  banyak mende leh wat kat sini .. buleh lawat The Alamo, lepak2 or naik boat kat riverwalk, naik tower of americas, gi seaworld, naik rollercoaster kat six flags.. tapi yg paling best riverwalk ngan the alamo ...

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Post time 16-2-2007 08:13 AM | Show all posts
kalau ada kete bule drive gi galveston, ada aquarium..but x der benda sgt la..
sopping..kedai2 belakang n tepi galleria pun ok jugak... better priced

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Post time 16-2-2007 08:15 AM | Show all posts
and sure org mention abt katy..kat situ ada outlet mall... but kedai x brapa best..if compared ngan outlet2 lain kat US..but bule laa..

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 Author| Post time 16-2-2007 11:10 AM | Show all posts
hmm.. in other words, Houston ni is not tourist attraction. not much to do there.. sbb hubby nak gi sane for work. ingat nak tumpang ikut. tapi 2 weeks ddk hotel ngan my 2yr old pon boring ni nanti..

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Post time 17-2-2007 01:56 PM | Show all posts
suka houston,although bahaya sikit sbb traffic busy dan ada kes tembak pedestrian.Tapi sana safe juga sbb polis ramai n kdg2 muncul je bila kita tak stop pd stop sign.Makanan tak susah sana sbb ada halal food,arab store n makanan asian kat vietnam n hongkong market.
Betul tu san  santonio seronok di lawati sbb byk shopping centre,ada park especially spring cantik2 dan besar size bunganya.Tapi houston selepas bulan 4 panasnya mcm india,scorching hot.
Kalau uptown happening di galleria,kalau downtown byk street mall.Ada satu tpt plantation house bagus di lawat ,lanscape dan architecture spt zaman slavery dulu.
Selalunya kalau stay for 2 weeks tinggallah di suite or studio room ada kitchenette.Boleh masak makanan sendiri,beli di s/market ,brg2 pun tak mahal sgt.The price is reasonable.Kalau rasa boring ada byk tpt outlet murah2.Kalau tinggal di marriot ,just across ada shopping mall.Naik cab pun selamat sbb cabdriver ramainya org pakistan or black moslem.Kalau pekerja pula ramai mexican yg baik2.Selalunya bila dihouston sampaije terus sewa kereta,lebih convenient.Utk lebih mudah sewa sekali navigator sebagai guide supaya kita tak akan sesat,kalau sesat pun secara automatic akan di tunjuk jln keluar.
Nak gi mana2 tpt kita just call operator dan beritau destinasi then guide akan tunjuk arah.Abm ada bawa toddler ya,ada babyRus di sana baju baby dan toddler comel n cute sgt.
Well enjoy ur trip...

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 Author| Post time 19-2-2007 11:55 PM | Show all posts
tq nek_fiona for the tips..

insyaallah kalau dpt pegi akan saye praktikkan tips2x tu sume.. skrg ni musim ape agaknye kat sane? panas ke sejuk? nak pegi sane brp jam to be exact.. is it about 22 hours?

actually i m looking forward 4 this trip.. tapi unsure bole pegi ke tidak. sbb i tgh 5 months preggy..ff:

klu tak dpt ikut hubby will have a lot of shopping to do..

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Post time 20-2-2007 11:12 AM | Show all posts
byk org melayu kat houston

places worth of visiting- johnson space center, Downtown Aquarium, Galveston

and stop by at a couple of masjids.. you will feel very welcome insya Allah.

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Post time 20-2-2007 12:56 PM | Show all posts
abm, husband you keja shell ke?


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Post time 20-2-2007 06:37 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by tadika_action at 20-2-2007 11:12 AM
byk org melayu kat houston

places worth of visiting- johnson space center, Downtown Aquarium, Galveston

and stop by at a couple of masjids.. you will feel very welcome insya Allah.

teringat solat jumaat di masjid(pagi tpt solat wanita jadi tadika) di houston(dah lupa nama tpt)tapi back fm masjid singgah kat hong kong market.Berjemaah dgn pelbagai bangsa seronok n lepas tu mereka jual lunch usually set kebab dgn coke.Masjid indon pun ok ramai la jumpa sebangsa pastu ada lunch makanan kita.

Not sure abt  5 mths preg,sbb ada indon fren 4mth preg pun pakai jacket utk cover her tummy.Tapi ada kawan 6mths preg cover dgn jacket  n perut dia tak nampak sgt dpt travel.

[ Last edited by  Nek_Fiona at 20-2-2007 06:40 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 20-2-2007 10:39 PM | Show all posts

Reply #9 Pdah's post

yes pdah..    hubby i keje shell. ke u pon keje shell that's why u know..

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Post time 21-2-2007 07:18 AM | Show all posts

Reply #7 abm_moktar's post

skang sejuk lagi arini 60F (sejuk sebab coldfront dari north turun ke selatan US) paling tinggi suhu skang ni abt 67F.. mid March-end April biasa spring..spring kat sini cantik juga esp. kalau jenjalan ngan kereta..pegi la San Antonio atau Austin ke..penuh dgn bunga2 cam bluebonnet (warna biru) ..lenlain tu lupa la nama dia..kat tepi2 jalan..

macam nek mentioned ..lenlain tempat yg long suka shopping ialah Highland Village tak jauh ngan uptown tu...

senang2 kontek la...ramai org shell kat sini!

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Post time 21-2-2007 09:48 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by long at 21-2-2007 07:18 AM
skang sejuk lagi arini 60F (sejuk sebab coldfront dari north turun ke selatan US) paling tinggi suhu skang ni abt 67F.. mid March-end April biasa spring..spring kat sini cantik juga esp ...

abm..long mmg expert abt houston...can get good info fm her...on the way to austin ada Pecan shop...sampai skrg teringat caramel pecan n jalapeno pecan flavored.Tpt lain mmg tak jumpa pecan yg sedap,cuma bila beli kena baca ingredients.Yg boleh di beli perasa caramel,jalapeno dan perasa original.Pecan pie nampak sedap tapi sbb rasa was2 tenguk jerlah.
Kalau masa spring suka gi san antoniio park bunga2 ros cantik2
Cuma nak tanya long kat mana highland village tu?Kalau traders village 2-3kali pegi sbb suka gi pasar tani aka mlm dorangni.Dpt beli tshirt murah2 utk souvenir.

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 Author| Post time 23-2-2007 09:24 AM | Show all posts
to all my new found frens.. tq 4 d advise..
i tak dpt pegi houston.. hubby pegi sorang. insyallah next weekend..   smlm baru call us embassy, check about pregnant woman being allowed to go in. die org ckp, can go.. but there is a possibility that the customs might not let me in.. all will depend on the immigration customs kat airport. all will depend on their discretion... tak pe la.. tak de rezeki. sbnrnye, my cousin advise i pegi check dulu..

long, klu next month ni.. still sejuk lagi la yekk..? err.. kene pakai baju winter coat ke?  

anyway, kat Houston ni what can we can get cheaper compared to KL? Coach handbags? hehehe.. i ni peminat designer's handbags/shoes..Ferragamo..biase le org pompuan..  baju baby/toddler pon ingat nak beli.. tapi ape kan daya, tak dpt ikut. so, hubby kene tlg shopping. can anyone advise mane nak pegi? so, bole inform hubby. :tq:

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 Author| Post time 23-2-2007 09:35 AM | Show all posts

Reply #13 Nek_Fiona's post

Nek Fiona/ Long,

kat sane ade car boot sale tak? best gak klu pinggan mangkuk yg cantik2x.. heheheh.. sian my hubby..

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Post time 23-2-2007 10:27 AM | Show all posts

Reply #14 abm_moktar's post

kenape possibility immigresen tak kasik pregnant women masuk US?
kalo carik coach murah sket , suggest gi outlet..
kat galleria ade gak kedai coach, tapi rasenye time skarang ni tak de sale..
lagi satu, kalo nak beli handbag murah2 cam Liz Clairborne, Nine West, D&B, Aigner, gi Marshall store..
slalunye brg2 kat Marshall 1/2 price dr harge retail..

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 Author| Post time 23-2-2007 05:26 PM | Show all posts

Reply #16 chuckiey's post

ni jwp nye..

"Although there are no specific regulations prohibiting pregnant foreign nationals from entering the U.S., entry is allowed or denied at the discretion of the admitting CBP officer. If the CBP officer determines that you are likely to become a ward of the government (meaning that the government must provide medical care because you do not have medical coverage while visiting the U.S.), you can be denied entry. When determining if you will be allowed to enter the U.S., CBP officers take into consideration the date your child is due for delivery and the length of time you intend to stay in the U.S. In addition, they want evidence that you have sufficient medical insurance to cover any medical necessities while you are in the U.S. If it is determined that you do not have sufficient medical insurance to cover any unexpected or expected medical care while in the U.S., you can be denied entry. Additionally, if you are pregnant and entering the U.S. at a border port of entry via vehicle, be aware the radiation detection portals deployed at the ports do not emit any radiation, and do not present a hazard to you and your unborn child. Coming to the U.S. for the purpose of child birth is not a valid reason for travel. "

mase i call US embassy die kate anyway, sume ni bergantung pd budi bicara kastam US mase nak enter.. walau pon ade insuran sume..  i pon rase malas nak pegi, klu dah ade kebarangkalian mcm ni..

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Post time 24-2-2007 12:05 AM | Show all posts

Reply #13 Nek_Fiona's post

nek..Highland Village ni belah east of Westheimer (Galleria)..kena pass highway 610..akceli ni tpt shopping area juga..

pst...bila nak dtg houston balik?

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Post time 24-2-2007 12:20 AM | Show all posts
abm...kalau nak shopping kat Tshirt yg murah2..pegi la Ross..sini boleh dapat dlm US5-00 dan kena rajin membelekla...selain tu macam Marshall, TJMax ok juga... nasib baik dpt designer brand tak kira baju /kasut/henbeg ke atau pingganmangkuk

kalau kat houston paling dekat factory outlet mall kat Katy Mills...dlm 35 - 40 minit dari downtown Houston (kalau tak jam la) kat sini pon ok juga, banyak brand yg bagus esp. american brands of clothing..dlm ni juga ada Neiman Marcuss dan Saks Fifth Avenue outlet juga..

kalau suami abm ada masa...spend la sehari dua kat San Marcos (kalau nak ronda sumer kedai..1 hari rasanyer x cukup sebab shopping area besar sekali)..San Marcos ini on the way ke San Antonio..(lupa la exit brapa..tapi tak susah cari..sebab signbod besar2  kat tepi highway tu bila dah dekat nak exit nanti) dan mmg tourist nyer tempat pon.. Haaaa! kat sini byk sket  designers Feragamo, Cole Hann,  Coach, Tahari, Coach, Noritake, Mikasa, Royal Doulton, Wedgwood, macam2 lah..kalau nak henbeg Prada, Jimmy Choo, Fendi, Todd tinjau2 la kat Neiman Marcus or Saks Fifth Avenue.. .kalau bawak sedaramara kat sini buntang mata sumer!!!!

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Post time 24-2-2007 12:22 AM | Show all posts
skang ni dah spring.sampai bulan 4 ...x sejuk sangat tak payah wintercoat tebal2..cukup sekadar light jacket (mlm dan pepagi sejuk la sket..) dan light tshirt/shirt biasa...

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