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Author: slippergombak


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 Author| Post time 26-3-2014 12:52 AM | Show all posts
gals2 posted on 26-3-2014 12:33 AM
Iye. Betul2.. Lgpun senang mahu claim itu insuran cpt2. Ada ibu tunggal yg anaknya perlu susu, dan ...

insurance kalu kes besar camnih bukan mudah nak dapat.. kurang2 10 tahun baru bleh merasa.. lagipun insurance company takkan agreed selagi bukti tak jumpa... tapi sekadar mahu menutup spekulasi jerk.... tapi betul2 letak bom jangka di badan najib dan dca dan isam...

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 Author| Post time 26-3-2014 12:52 AM | Show all posts
lorelai posted on 26-3-2014 12:36 AM
rumusan satelit je konfem

so far

bendera separuh tiang boleh sebagai tanda tragedi.. solat ghaib tak buat sebab belum pasti benar...

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Post time 26-3-2014 12:53 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Blueberri posted on 26-3-2014 12:50 AM
Betul jugak mesti dia bunuh semuakan sebab tak mau segala bukti dijumpai...sebab aku curious sebab ...

Itu Allah dan org yg terlibat je tahu. Betul ke kotak itam kalau dh jumpa nanti. Us yg siasat? Apalaaaa. Lain kali kena cipta ketebang n kotak itam sendiri.

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Post time 26-3-2014 12:53 AM | Show all posts
tv3 speku tadi ELT tidak activated mungkin sbb pesawat soft landing atas air jadi no impact so no ELT. adoyaiiii siapa yg land kan nih? So maknanya ac masih dalam keadaan ketul tapi within berapa jam ac akan tenggelam. Macam mana la org tak kata msian gov sorok something, banyak sgt soalan tak terjawabnya.

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Post time 26-3-2014 12:53 AM | Show all posts
berancuk posted on 26-3-2014 12:50 AM
changa pernah cakap, daripada nak percaya teori konspirasi bukan-bukan ni, lebih baik pergi sembah ...

tuh la aku cakap aku bukan hindu nak sembah berhala, tuh andaian aku ja...tak betul sudah la...huhuhu

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Post time 26-3-2014 12:55 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
slippergombak posted on 26-3-2014 12:52 AM
insurance kalu kes besar camnih bukan mudah nak dapat.. kurang2 10 tahun baru bleh merasa.. lagipu ...

Gitu? Rugi juga amik prudential kalau ketebang tk dijumpa.. Mcm mana pula yg amik insuran fly naik eroplane. Sbb iols kalau gi obersea naik flight mmg amik insurab tu. Biasa amik great eastern. Kalau dlm je tk penah amik..

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Post time 26-3-2014 12:55 AM | Show all posts
satriastendet posted on 26-3-2014 12:46 AM
Kt astro awani skrg psl doppler effect. Very informative

Apa doppler effect tu? Saya tak sempat TV awani mlm ni. Tq.

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Post time 26-3-2014 12:55 AM | Show all posts
Blueberri posted on 25-3-2014 04:53 PM
tuh la aku cakap aku bukan hindu nak sembah berhala, tuh andaian aku ja...tak betul sudah la...huh ...

baikla suka baca teori konspirasi daripada pergi sembah berhala..tu syirik

haha.. x paham tagline tu

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Post time 26-3-2014 12:55 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
gals2 posted on 26-3-2014 12:38 AM
Ada tk diorg bgtau sampai bila duduk kt equ n everly tu? China2 tu bila mahu dihnata balik?

mungkin seminggu lg
tu yg x sabo nk close lekas tu
nampaknya semua kepimpinan kena solat taubat dulu
then ngan izin Allah baru dpt jalan cemana nak setel semua kehancuran ni

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 Author| Post time 26-3-2014 12:56 AM | Show all posts
MelahJanda posted on 26-3-2014 12:44 AM
thats why, kami confused. apa ni umum apa nye
from press statement mcm xde apa
from sms mas maca ...

hingga sekarang saya takleh terima pesawat terbenam di hindi, macam tak logik...if pesawat rosak, pilot pro akan land di perairan yg hampir darat untuk safe... kenapa sampai jauh sana....

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Post time 26-3-2014 12:57 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
MelahJanda posted on 26-3-2014 12:55 AM
mungkin seminggu lg
tu yg x sabo nk close lekas tu
nampaknya semua kepimpinan kena solat taubat  ...

Mungkin juga.. Ada hikmahnya benda ni berlaku.. Buat kan kita rasa kerdil dan sangat insaf

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 Author| Post time 26-3-2014 01:01 AM | Show all posts
gals2 posted on 26-3-2014 12:55 AM
Gitu? Rugi juga amik prudential kalau ketebang tk dijumpa.. Mcm mana pula yg amik insuran fly naik ...

mana2 insurance pun tetap sama.. kutip duit perlindungan nak cepat, nak mintak seksa..... lagi2 kalu kos yg banyak...

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Post time 26-3-2014 01:01 AM | Show all posts
update dari ciklahcute..

clah tanya kenapa kena baca tu semua(bacaan sblm mulakan solat tahajjud).
jawapan:itu hanyalah adap utk masuk ke tempat yg bersih.
dan clah jg diberitahu kalu clah abiskan 1000x surah anNas, insyaa Allah akan ilang semua was2 clah. selain itu clah jg tanya kat mana mrk di tempatkan.
jawapannya ialah border vietnam china.


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Post time 26-3-2014 01:02 AM | Show all posts
slippergombak posted on 26-3-2014 01:01 AM
mana2 insurance pun tetap sama.. kutip duit perlindungan nak cepat, nak mintak seksa..... lagi2 ka ...

lu beskal pon mao claim kaaaaaaa?

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Post time 26-3-2014 01:03 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lorelai posted on 25-3-2014 11:23 PM
if not hijack then?

"Then there were none"

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 Author| Post time 26-3-2014 01:04 AM | Show all posts
razhar posted on 26-3-2014 01:02 AM
lu beskal pon mao claim kaaaaaaa?

mustilah.. penting woo... wa naik beskal. jatuh.. lutut luka.. musti kena claim...

ehhh silap.. takleh emot senyum... nanti ciki marah...

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Post time 26-3-2014 01:04 AM | Show all posts
slippergombak posted on 26-3-2014 12:52 AM
insurance kalu kes besar camnih bukan mudah nak dapat.. kurang2 10 tahun baru bleh merasa.. lagipu ...

tak payah nak propa sangat sis ... nsation-lawyers-say

Missing MH370 no obstacle to compensation, lawyers say

Relatives of a passenger onboard the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 cry inside a hotel they are staying, in Putrajaya March 10, 2014. — Reuters pic

KUALA LUMPUR, March 20 — Twelve days without sign of missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 is raising the possibility the plane with 239 on board may never be found.

But lawyers said the families of those on Beijing-bound flight MH370 can already start claiming for compensation despite the absence of the plane and its passengers.

At a minimum, an international aviation treaty allows the next-of-kin of the plane’s 227 passengers to seek up to US$175,000 (RM573,475)  without proving any fault with MAS.

Beyond that amount, lawyers said they must furnish proof of negligence.

According to Floyd Wisner, a US aviation lawyer, airlines need not wait any period before issuing payments, as long as families can show the company was negligent.

"The airline and its insurers may choose to pay compensation to the victims' families before the wreckage or bodies are found and even if the wreckage or bodies are never found," Wisner, whose firm acted for families of the 2009 Air France Flight 447 crash in the Atlantic Ocean, told The Malay Mail Online in an email interview.

Most of the wreckage and bodies in the Air France flight were not recovered until nearly two years after the crash.

Wisner also cited the Adam Air Flight 574 crash in January 2007, where his firm reached an agreement with the airline’s insurers to compensate families within four weeks of the plane’s loss, also before the wreckage or bodies were found.

Shailender Bhar, a lawyer at a Malaysian law firm specialising in insurance claims, similarly said all that was required for compensation to be paid out by an airline’s insurer is a “presumption that the aircraft cannot be found” and that all passengers are presumed dead.

"Hence, even with the lack of evidence, airlines can pay out compensation based on their coverage policies. Compensation can be paid out immediately," the Brijnandan Singh Bhar & Co senior associate told The Malay Mail Online in a recent email interview when commenting on a scenario where no dead bodies and plane wreckage is found.


A family member of a passenger on board the missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 cries as he watches a message board dedicated to passengers onboard the missing plane at a hotel in Beijing March 20, 2014. — Reuters pic
Family members of a passenger on board the missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 hug each other as they wait for news about the missing plane at a hotel in Beijing March 20, 2014. — Reuters pic
A family member of a passenger on board the missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 writes a message on a board dedicated to passengers onboard the missing plane at a hotel in Beijing March 20, 2014. — Reuters pic
Hotel workers put out candle lights dedicated to passengers on board the missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 after the prayer for the passengers was finished at a hotel in Beijing March 20, 2014. — Reuters pic
A family member of a passenger on board the missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 cries as he watches a message board dedicated to passengers onboard the missing plane at a hotel in Beijing March 20, 2014. — Reuters pic
Family members of passengers on board the missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 write messages to their missing relative on a board at a hotel in Beijing March 20, 2014. — Reuters pic
A worker from Malaysian Airlines writes a message on a board dedicated to the passengers of the missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 at a hotel in Beijing March 20, 2014. — Reuters pic
Selamat Omar, father of aircraft engineer Mohd Khairul Amri Selamat who was on board the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, speaks to reporters at the Everly Hotel in Putrajaya, on March 20, 2014. — Picture by Mohd Yusof Mat Isa
Selamat Omar, father of aircraft engineer Mohd Khairul Amri Selamat who was on board the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, speaks to reporters at the Everly Hotel in Putrajaya, on March 20, 2014. — Picture by Mohd Yusof Mat Isa
Satellite imagery provided to Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) of objects that may be possible debris of the missing MH370 aircraft in this picture released by AMSA March 20, 2014. — Reuters pic
John Young, general manager of the emergency response division of the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA), shown on TV as he speaks about satellite imagery of debris possibly from MAS flight MH370 in Putrajaya March 20, 2014. — Reuters pic
John Young, general manager of the emergency response division of AMSA, listens to a question in front of a diagram showing the search area for Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 in the southern Indian Ocean in Canberra March 20, 2014. — Reuters pic
A diagram showing the search area for Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 in the southern Indian Ocean is seen during a briefing by John Young from the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA), in Canberra March 20, 2014. — Reuters pic
A diagram showing the search area for Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 in the southern Indian Ocean is seen during a briefing by John Young from the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA), in Canberra March 20, 2014. — Reuters pic
Journalists look at a TV screen broadcasting a news conference on the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 in Putrajaya March 20, 2014. — Reuters pic
Malaysia's acting Transport Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein (centre) addresses reporters about the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, at Kuala Lumpur International Airport March 20, 2014. — Reuters pic
Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) crew members from of an AP-3C Orion maritime patrol aircraft after they arrived in Perth March 20, 2014 after searching an area in the southern Indian Ocean for the flight MH370.— Reuters pic
A family member of a passenger on board the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 reacts as he watches a message board dedicated to the passengers on the missing plane at a hotel in Beijing March 20, 2014. — Reuters pic
MH370 passenger Norliakmar Hamid's parents Sarah Nor, 55, and Hamid Ramlan arrive at the Cyberview Lodge Resort for a briefing tonight, on March 20, 2014. — Picture by Saw Siow Feng
Family members of Malaysian passengers aboard the missing flight MH370 leaving the Everly Hotel in Putrajaya to attend a briefing with Malaysian authorities at the Cyberview Lodge and Spa, on March 20, 2014.— Picture by Mohd Yusof Mat Isa
Family members of Malaysian passengers aboard the missing flight MH370 leaving the Everly Hotel in Putrajaya to attend a briefing with Malaysian authorities at the Cyberview Lodge and Spa, on March 20, 2014.— Picture by Mohd Yusof Mat Isa
Family members of Malaysian passengers aboard the missing flight MH370 arrive at the Cyberview Lodge and Spa to attend a briefing with Malaysian authorities, on March 20, 2014.— Picture by Saw Siow Feng
Family members of Malaysian passengers aboard the missing flight MH370 arrive at the Cyberview Lodge and Spa to attend a briefing with Malaysian authorities, on March 20, 2014.— Picture by Saw Siow Feng
Family members of Malaysian passengers aboard the missing flight MH370 arrive at the Cyberview Lodge and Spa to attend a briefing with Malaysian authorities, on March 20, 2014.— Picture by Saw Siow Feng
Compensation even if terrorist act

While investigators probing the disappearance of MH370 do not believe that terrorist organisations were involved, the lawyers said this would not prevent the airline’s insurer from paying out even if it later turns out to be the case.

Shailender said the airline would still pay compensation to the passengers' families "even where an aircraft is crashed due to terrorist act" as the passengers are "not at fault", citing the Pan American Flight 103 crash in Lockerbie, Scotland in 1988.

Wisner said the policy limits of MAS's insurers could be US$1 billion (RM3.28 billion), citing his previous experience when saying that international airlines operating large passenger jets such as the Boeing 777 have liability insurance up to that amount and also carry terrorism insurance.

"I expect the claims of the passengers of Malaysia Airlines 370 could total $500 million to $750 million," he said. This would amount to between RM1.64 billion and RM2.46 billion under current exchange rates.

German group Allianz confirmed last Monday that it is the lead insurer for the missing Boeing 777-200 ER plane used in the MH370 flight, but did not disclose its exposure or reveal other insurers.

Compensation capped unless crash is airline's fault

But even without the airline’s insurers paying out additional claims to the families of passengers, the lawyers noted that MAS is already bound by an international convention to pay claims up to an estimated figure of between US$175,000 to US$178,500.

David Fiol, another US lawyer, said Malaysia has adopted the Montreal Convention which regulates claims for wrongful death against airlines, with MAS having to pay a strict liability up to proven damages of about US$175,000 (RM 573,475) for each passenger.

"For damages above that amount, if proven by the family, the airline is liable unless it proves the accident was not the result of its own fault," Fiol — who was involved in lawsuits over the Lockerbie plane crash and other plane crashes —told The Malay Mail Online in a recent email interview.

Shailender explained that under the convention, MAS cannot contest claims up to 100,000 Special Drawing Rights (SDR) and should offer payments within six months of the plane’s scheduled date of arrival.

He added that Article 16 of MAS’ own terms and conditions of carriage with passengers said the airline would only start limiting its liability for deaths once the claim exceeds 113,100 SDR.

The current exchange rate against the Malaysian ringgit under the International Monetary Fund is set at 5.095.

When is payment due?

Airlines are bound by the Montreal Convention to offer compensation within six months from the date of a flight’s schedule arrival, Shailender said, but conceded there is no penalty if the airline fails to or chooses not to do so.

In such cases, what is left for families who still want to claim compensation is to go to court within two years, with the same time limit set under both the Montreal Convention and MAS’s own terms and conditions, he said.

Wisner explained that airlines are not bound to pay compensation unless the courts find that their negligence caused a plane crash, stressing that it was a matter of the airline’s liability rather than the date of declaration of a plane crash.

“There is no time period by which an airline must pay compensation other than the date a court orders it to make payment. A declaration or finding that the plane is missing or has crashed does not trigger the date for the airline to pay compensation,” he said.

Wisner said there was no law on how long a search can go on, but noted that a “continued search or any failure to declare the plane as having crashed” would not stop families from exercising their right to “immediately seek compensation” from MAS.

Wisner also explained that while claims against the airline and its insurer was possible even without the plane, families could face problems pursuing compensation elsewhere.

He said that the "absence of dead bodies may present administrative difficulties for the families in presenting wills or making claims for life insurance benefits", saying that this will be determined by the law of the country which the victim was living in or the terms of life insurance contracts.

What about the crew members?

For the 10 cabin crew and two pilots of MH370, their families' ability to claim would be tied to employment laws and their contracts with MAS, Wisner and Shailender said.

Claims under the Montreal Convention and to MAS's insurers would likely not apply to the crew members' families.

"The claims of the crew members against Malaysia Airlines are different as they will be governed by workers’ compensation laws," said Wisner.

“It will be necessary to see their employment contracts to see the terms stated there. Nonetheless, it will be safe to presume that they will be covered by some form of insurance by their employers,” Shailender said.

The MH370 Beijing-bound flight — which set out from Kuala Lumpur on March 8 with 227 passengers and 12 crew members on board — has been missing for over 12 days, with the number of countries searching for it swelling to 26.

- See more at: ... thash.JoRgXSR5.dpuf


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Post time 26-3-2014 01:04 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
razhar posted on 26-3-2014 01:01 AM
update dari ciklahcute..

Apa ni? Siapa cillah? Cube jelaskab teori ni.

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Post time 26-3-2014 01:06 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
razhar posted on 26-3-2014 01:01 AM
update dari ciklahcute..

false hope ke tidok
boleh tak ciklah ni jumpa najib bagitau?
aku tolong arrange perjumpaan?

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Post time 26-3-2014 01:06 AM | Show all posts
tak tahu la da ada ke x..
tp mcm brader2 kt sini kata.. semua media antarabangsa pon da start nak salahkan msia

Malaysia Airlines, official story, government cover-up

(NaturalNews) The "official" story of what happened to Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 is now a blatant cover-up. After an endless stream of wild incompetence from the Malaysian military and government concerning the radar signature of the missing flight, we are now told by the Malaysian government that the flight "went down over the southern Indian Ocean" and that all lives are lost.

This explanation smacks of an obvious cover-up for several crucial reasons, all of which are now being utterly ignored by the conventional press:

#1) If the plane went down in the ocean, it would have broken up on impact and debris would be easily spotted

A Boeing 777 does not -- and cannot -- survive impact with the ocean and remain intact. It simply does not have the structural integrity to survive such an impact, which is a lot like hitting a cement wall at terminal velocity.

If Flight 370 hit the ocean, it would have been broken into tens of thousands of pieces, many of which obviously float on water (such as the seat cushions) and would be witnessed washing up on regional shores or easily spotted by search teams.

The lack of such debris is strong support that Flight 370 did not crash into the Indian Ocean as we are now being told.

#2) The plane continued broadcasting data to Boeing for 4 - 7 hours

Remember the fact that the airplane was broadcasting data for at least 4 hours after the transponder was turned off? This fact is now suddenly being dumped from history and from our memories as if it never happened.

We already know Flight 370 flew for 4 - 7 hours after diverging from its planned flight course. We already know this could have taken the plane to Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran or even North Korea. (Click here to see my map showing possible destinations.) The fact that the plane broadcast this data for hours is not in dispute!

Wall Street Journal: "U.S. investigators suspect that Malaysia Airlines 3786. Flight 370 stayed in the air for up to four hours past the time it reached its last confirmed location, according to two people familiar with the details, raising the possibility that the plane could have flown on for hundreds of additional miles under conditions that remain murky."

The Guardian: "MH370: Missing plane could have kept flying four hours after disappearing, US investigators say... Engine data shows plane could have kept flying for four hours after disappearing"

Washington Post: " the plane may have flown for at least four hours after it dropped from civilian radar, U.S. officials said Thursday. A senior U.S. official said the information came from data sent via a satellite communications system by Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370. That data has convinced U.S. officials that the plane’s engines continued to run for at least four hours after all other communication was lost."

So how does the Malaysian government now explain this? They don't. They simply gloss over this fact and hope we all forget it. They claim the plane went down in the Indian Ocean without flying very far at all. This makes no sense whatsoever and cannot be reconciled with the flight broadcast data received by Boeing.

#3) There is ZERO evidence the flight crashed into the Indian Ocean

What is the Malaysian government's evidence that Flight 370 ended in the Indian Ocean and "all lives are lost?"

They have no evidence. They have no bodies. They have no debris, no flight recorders, no sightings and no radar signatures that would put the aircraft in the Indian Ocean.

They have zero evidence. So they are now floating a cover-up to try to put this issue to rest in order to distract from their own incompetence and their bizarre failure to track the radar signature of an aircraft flying well within the range of their radar.

In fact, the only debris floating around right now is made of all the fragments of the Malaysian government's inept cover-up attempts that smack of a true "rookie attempt" to roll out a cover-up that's full of holes.

This utter lack of evidence did not prevent the Malaysian government from announcing, "we have to assume beyond any reasonable doubt that MH370 has been lost and that none of those on board survived." (USA Today)

#4) Another crucial fact: It's clear that the transponder was manually turned off in order to hide the plane's new flight path

If the pilot of Flight 370 was suicidal and wanted to fly the plane into the ocean, there would be no need to switch off the transponder before doing so.

In fact, there would be no need to make all the complex, intentional flight maneuvers which Flight 370 clearly took as has been widely reported.

The fact that the transponder was manually disconnected followed by the plane making deliberate maneuvers that put it on a new flight path is near-absolute proof that the persons controlling the aircraft had no intention of flying the plane into the ocean. It's also strong evidence that they did not want governments to track their new flight direction and destination.

Without question, they intended to take the plane somewhere else and land it somewhere else, which is exactly why the aircraft continued broadcasting flight performance data to Boeing for 4-7 hours.

The Malaysian government is now hoping you forget all these facts in believing their bizarre cover-up explanation.

Malaysia's 9/11 official storyFlight 370 is now Malaysia's 9/11, complete with nonsense "official" stories and attempts to memory hole all the facts that originally came out in the mainstream media.

We are soon going to be told outrageous lies like "Oh, Boeing never received any flight data broadcasts from the aircraft, didn't you know?"

Anyone who now cites all the facts which have already been reported in support of the theory that Flight 370 continued on to another destination will be called "conspiracy theorists" and kooks.

The mainstream media will start scrubbing stories and retroactively altering its reporting to match the "official" government story. We've seen this before. It's how governments and media outlets sweep 239 lives under the rug and try to discredit anyone who asks skeptical, scientifically-sound questions based on the actual evidence.

In truth, the Malaysian government's bizarre new claim that Flight 370 "ended in the Indian Ocean" is the biggest conspiracy theory of all. It's sheer lunacy to reach such a conclusion without compelling evidence to support it, especially in light of all the other evidence that Flight 370 continued on for hours after the transponder was intentionally disabled.

Most likely explanation at this point: The aircraft is being turned into a weaponBased on the Malaysian government's obvious cover-up attempt (which is incredibly transparent and childish as far as cover-ups go), it now seems increasingly likely that the Flight 370 aircraft has, indeed, been delivered to a rogue nation where it is being transformed into a weapon.

Malaysia has already proven that it is so incompetent that it cannot track huge aircraft flying across its airspace. This means a weaponized Boeing 777 is essentially a "stealth aircraft" to the Malaysian military -- a shocking revelation about military incompetence and lack of national security readiness in that nation.

Apparently, this same Boeing 777 can also fly undetected across the airspace of other nations -- most likely by "shadowing" existing flights while turning off its own transponder.

Whoever took control of Flight 370 now has a massive stealth weapon which an incredibly long flight range. This aircraft can now be outfitted with nuclear weapons and dispatched to almost any desirable target anywhere in the world, including cities like New York and Washington D.C., unfortunately.

I was the first journalist in the world to suggest that Flight 370 had been captured and turned into a weapon. That same story was also the very first story to suggest Flight 370 passengers may still be alive.

I still believe Flight 370 passengers may have survived the flight and the landing at the new destination, but now that world governments are rolling out their "official" stories, there is no question in my mind that they will do anything to support those official stories, even if it means discarding the lives of all the passengers. Sadly, I am now forced to recalculate the odds of Flight 370 passengers being found alive at no better than 1 in 5. (It was previously as high as 1 in 2.) But it is not zero! There is a realistic chance the passengers are being kept alive as some sort of international bargaining chip.

You can now expect the governments and media outlets of the world to start scrubbing their archived stories and statements, altering the "news history" to fit this new Malaysian government cover-up.

I wouldn't even put it past these people to now secretly sink some aircraft debris in the Indian Ocean so they can "find it" and thereby complete the cover-up.

If there's one thing I've learned in all my years as an award-winning investigative journalist, it's that you should never trust official stories... especially when they contradict all the earlier evidence.

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konspirasi giler kot tlisan dia.. saje tuk pikir2

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