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Author: lisza

Balkans.. Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro, etc

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Post time 13-11-2019 09:04 PM | Show all posts
aryn_mz replied at 13-11-2019 04:33 PM
Tmpt2 kat Balkan tgh baca blog2...Eropah dah lama aim sebenarnyer....cuma aku tk bleh nk decide... ...

bg aku dua dua pun bagus. cuma eropah barat lbh modern dan teratur. balkan pula msh ada ciri ciri tradisionalnya. so take your pick.

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Post time 14-11-2019 08:57 AM | Show all posts
Peterpan17 replied at 13-11-2019 09:04 PM
bg aku dua dua pun bagus. cuma eropah barat lbh modern dan teratur. balkan pula msh ada ciri ciri  ...

Orait tq for your opinion...aku slow2 decide

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Post time 17-11-2019 05:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
aunty_onion replied at 24-10-2019 11:28 AM
kl-zagreb. sofia-kl tu naik flight apa?
iols tengah mencari2 flight ni tengok turun mana yg mura ...

kl out bound and inbkund i amik emirates. buy zagreb to skopje naik croatian airlines

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Post time 17-11-2019 07:39 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
miss_confused replied at 23-9-2019 11:07 PM
oct 2019 nak pergi balkan countries. iti semua dh siao. tgl tuan badan je nak pegi. im travelking wi ...

i dah blk about 2 weeks ago. penat sgt trip kali ni mayb sbb my second one tu clingy. and travel from one place to another mencabar gila especially cial from kosovo to sarajevo.

ok i ceta one by one.. kat zagreb okok je.. i just jln kaki je kat area gonji grad n donji grad. sini majority is catholic so byk lah church nya. weols masak so i x de laa sibuk nk cari halal resto sgt. one thing about balkan ni diorang kan mcm lepas perang.. so pada i mcm dorg 20 yrs back tertinggal.. some places ok ade yg tak ok. kat zagreb i spent 2 nights. travel this time mmg i slow2 je bwk 2 kids kan. if you are fig lover, silalah cari fig kat dolac market.. sedap and besar.. of course lbh murah dr malaysia

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Post time 17-11-2019 07:42 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dekat zagreb

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Post time 20-11-2019 09:53 PM | Show all posts
Tq for Sharin. Pls sambung citer lagi Miss. Saya ada jugak plan nk gi balkan ni tp nk tunggu harga tiket yang rasa affordable.

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Post time 25-11-2019 03:46 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
After 2 nights dekat zagreb, we took a domestic flight to skopje.. and dekat skopje airport ort i dh siap2 book online keta sewa. make surr u plan your route well sblm ambil kereta sbb dekat countries like kososo x cover green card insurance. so check your t&c properly with the car rental company... and thos countries yg tak cover under green card insurance tu, make sure the car rental. company terang2 put those countries dlm rental agreement or documents. I smp skopje airport around 5pm and frm there, we drove about 3hrs to prizren, kosovo. maka bermulalah our balkan driving adventure selama 10 hari.
prishtina is actually the capital of kosovo but we skip the place stayed in prizren instead. reason, prishtina adelah modern city, prizren plk old city. i prefer the later. dekat prizren i stayed at this place called Central Apartments City View. location dia seblah cafe enes. ade private parking dekat depan cafe enes tu but paid lah dlm 4euro per night. apt tu cantik n selesa but bertangga lah. so veterans will have some problem if you are renting this place. i booked it through agoda.

it's a walking distance to all attractions so x payah drv masa nk jln2 around city sbb parking susah dekat sini. in kosovo i mmg tutup dapo cos it's a Muslim country.. abt 95% population is Muslim. so halal food is by default. but mcm biasalah mereka ni smua togok beer like x rasa bersalah.

compared to other countries in balkan.. food n shopping in kosovo are very cheap. so u nk shopping apa2 blh laa disini.. mkn pon murah.. kebab u can get around 2 euro je dekata area old town near the river. go habe ur meal there and enjoy the view. cantik sgt

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Post time 26-11-2019 08:49 AM | Show all posts
miss_confused replied at 25-11-2019 03:46 PM
After 2 nights dekat zagreb, we took a domestic flight to skopje.. and dekat skopje airport ort i dh ...

tq for the update. sambung la lagi. Kereta sewa tu miss return kat kosovo jugak ke?

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Post time 27-11-2019 11:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kereta sewa tu i ambil dekat skopje.. skopje ni kat macedonia, not kosovo. and after 10 days i return balik dekat skopje jugak. kalau u collect the car and return at different place, dia akan charge u one way fee bergantung pd location. so mmg kna carefully plan ur route.. match with ur time n cost. pening sket jln di balkan ni uess u took public transport mcm buses.

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Post time 28-11-2019 12:02 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
i pny schedule mmg agak santai skit sbb i bawak kids so x blh terlalu penat sgt. kire travelling day from one place to another i mmg locate seharian suntuk. bear in mind unlike other parts of europe, balkan countries ni x brp nak maju hehehe.. so expect long hours drive at their so called highway. and border crossings pon quite hassle jugak. especially in non muslim countries and when u bear malaysian passport. asalnya mereka ni (kecuali bosnia, kosovo dan albania) x suka malaysia sbb perang bosnia dlu our tun M byk tlg Bosnian  muslims. so the sentiment is still there. nak2 i pakai tudung so ada yg tak berapa nk friendly

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Post time 28-11-2019 12:21 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lepas dr kosovo tu, the next destination is sarajevo, bosnia. ifyou are driving from kosovo to Sarajevo, u ada 2 options either to pass through Montenegro or Serbia.

1. serbia route
if u plan to drv ikot route ni, make sure when u drv from skopje, u masuk border serbia dulu then only kosovo. if u masuk kosovo dlu dr skopje, then drv ke Sarajevo through Serbia, u will be denied entry at serbian boarder. reason, kosovo ni dlu bawah serbia but they have autonomous power. so in 2008 rs nya kosovo self declare its independence. but Serbia opkos x setuju tp Kosovo has been recognized as fully independent countries and legal by more than 100 countries n ICJ also dh rule out on it legality. maka serbia x leh bjat apa just can deny entry u je. sbb when u enter kosovo dlu br serbia.. serbia thinks tbat u have illegally entered kosovo without approval by Serbian immigration at border. lagi, serbia ni back up besar mereka adalah russia.. komunis lah katakan. kosovo bijak nya dia dpt back up dr takut lah perang dunia pulak kan klu serbia buat hal lg. n i heard route ni lebih proper walau masa perjalanan hampir sama dgn second route tu. i didnt pick this route simply because i entered kosovo first when i drove frm. skopje.

2.Montenegro route
haaaaa yang ini hazab. kalau ikot gps i, it was only 350km. mcm kl-jb je lah. tapiiiii... im telling u guys g. Montenegro is famous for its mountains and this is actually a mountain pass. jalan dia berbiku2 ya ampun. the fastest u can do is 30km/j ok. but balkan drivers are exceptional. diorang drive laju gile but pls dont try tht. mmg silap langkah u masuk gaung. jalan nye tak besar. u ll pass through kampung2 pegunungan mcm dlm dlm ceta heidi tu. view dia cantik gila. but kitorg tak berani nak ambil stop2 sgt sbb route ni bk. for tourist actually. i mmg buat kje gila dgn husband i. only locals je lalu route ni. and pls bwk lah food utk santapan cos u wont find restaurant pon nanti. and to save ur time, x yah la stop mkn. i hny stop 2x solat dlm car n mkn bekal.. and order some drinks from the local bar. i pon taktau it was actually a bar. i redah je sbb nk cr air panas buat susu anak i. anyway.. masa perjalanan dlm 11 jam begitu. we started journey frm kosovo at 12pm and reached sarajevo at 11pm. itu dh termasuk all the eaiting time at border crossings and kami lgsg x sesat. kalau sesat lagi laa tak tau brp lama. masa lalu tgh gunung hutan belantara tu.. dh gelap gelota.. 5pm matahari dh jatuh ms atumn kan.. i mmg doa jgn laa jmp apa2 sbb gelap gelita n xde kereta lain lalu. klu ada pon local ppl laa tp mereka drv laju sgt x mampu nk kejar. kalau u guys jenis berani, ok la boleh amik route ni.. if not, may blh amik option 1

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Post time 28-11-2019 12:29 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
buah fig dekat zagreb. i jmp kaler red ni je kat sini. tp tempat laon ade yg green kaler. ni masa jalan2 di dolac market, zagreb

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Post time 28-11-2019 12:33 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ni dekat Dolac market. the oldest market in zagreb. dpn tu ade flower walk kot nama dia byk jual bunga

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Post time 28-11-2019 12:41 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ni dekat gornji grad (upper town) zahreb. kt sini ihistorical part of the city. klu yg happening kt down town byk cafe n bar

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Post time 29-11-2019 08:20 AM | Show all posts
miss_confused replied at 28-11-2019 12:41 AM
ni dekat gornji grad (upper town) zahreb. kt sini ihistorical part of the city. klu yg happening kt  ...

I remember this kedai yg ada tie besar depan kedai tu!
I was there last winter, it was snowing lightly & freezing
I would love to repeat Balkans again...especially Bosnia, tak puas jalan aritu
It was breathtakingly beautiful!

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Post time 29-11-2019 08:32 AM | Show all posts
aryn_mz replied at 13-11-2019 07:34 AM
Salam...nk tnya opinion semua yg dah pegi Balkan & Eropah, mana yg lagi best & berbaloi?

It depends on what you want to see, what are your interests
My suggestion, kalau 1st time nak pegi..pegi separately
Unless mmg you ada cuti yg byk & boleh spend weeks & months travelling
Itu yg saya akan buat laa, sbb I did that touch n go trip years ago
Penat tu takyah cakap, pastu tak puas nak explore setiap negara @ tempat
In the end, dok terkenang2 tempat yg tak sempat pegi sbb tak cukup masa
But in the end, it is your choice...buatlah research sebanyak mungkin ye
I hope you will enjoy your trip when the time comes

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Post time 12-1-2020 08:00 PM | Show all posts
messyjet replied at 13-8-2019 08:43 PM
Saya cover few countries last balkan trip

boleh share iti ke? sebab plan nak gi sana dgn mak jugak..

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Post time 20-1-2020 10:23 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Boleh2..nnti pm

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Post time 21-1-2020 10:12 AM | Show all posts

salam messy...blh mintak itinerary jugak? saya plan nak gi April ni kalau dapat tiket murah la . Plan nak masuk dari Istanbul. Nnt PM ya. tq in advance

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Post time 21-1-2020 10:06 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
viscosesss replied at 21-1-2020 10:12 AM
salam messy...blh mintak itinerary jugak? saya plan nak gi April ni kalau dapat tiket murah la :2l ...

Ok.nnti I pm.tpi I mmg last minute g aritu mostly santai 2 je

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