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Author: mzzenma


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Post time 16-2-2021 11:40 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mzzenma replied at 16-2-2021 07:56 PM
Yg ni mzz pun harap sgt2.. sbb katanya ni bersangkut paut dgn movie dr strange in the multiverse o ...

Tu laaa..byk yg ckp myb movie baru dr strange tu akan jadi ending series wandavision ni..kot wanda jadi villain..

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Post time 18-2-2021 03:58 PM | Show all posts
Fafaa replied at 7-2-2021 06:46 PM
I suka scene Pietro tu.. My exact reaction sama mcm Dr. Lewis coz I expect Aaron TJ..  Ta ...

yg pietro tu, i baca komen pietro yg dlm movie marvel tu kan dah 2 thn meninggal, so mayat pietro tu dah reput la tu.  mcm vision ni masih ada body lg, sebab tu wanda boleh hidupkan lagi vision. pietro kene pakai body lain


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 Author| Post time 19-2-2021 07:34 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
there goes my mcavoy huwaaaa

berangan lah nak tengok xmen dalam mcu macam ni

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 Author| Post time 19-2-2021 07:35 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tinggal 2 episod ja lagi

Mohon doctor strange buat penampilan cepat

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 Author| Post time 19-2-2021 07:42 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ep 7 ada mid credit scene ya

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Post time 20-2-2021 05:00 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mzzenma replied at 19-2-2021 07:34 PM
there goes my mcavoy huwaaaa

berangan lah nak tengok xmen dalam mcu macam ni

sama lah.. teori iols pon di tong sampahkan tp agnes itu mmg saspek awal2 lagi so takde nak surprise sgt.. pietro ni mgkin jgk crossover (dgn adanya hint iklan obat nexus itu) takpun puppet agatha tu jugak.. haihh setiap episode mmg sunggoh plot twistnya.. mystery contact monica tu still unknown lagi la khenn ke mmg takdok?? Iols x paham monica tiberr ada superpower lepas melintas hex tu ke?

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 Author| Post time 20-2-2021 05:20 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
meolls tak faham nexus tu apa

monica dpt superpower sbb dia dah banyak kali masuk hex tu.. cell dna semua dah berubah

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Post time 21-2-2021 03:06 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Fafaa replied at 31-1-2021 10:37 AM
Masuk Ep.4 baru clear storyline.. My theory Wanda tu heartbroken kot yer.. Jadi dia create her own r ...

heartbroken to extend dia create her own cyclone of reality .. she lost pietro and vision that she killed by herself ...

no wonder dia curi body vision and resurrect him ...

kira nya power betul wanda ni punya power

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Post time 21-2-2021 03:12 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mzzenma replied at 7-2-2021 05:31 PM
maybe xmen crossover masuk mcu kut. marvel dah dapat rights to xmen ke?

wanda kata bukan dia yg ...

klu tak silap , diorg mmg ada kena mengena pon , sbb from maximoff family...

tapi peter ni rasanya yg si hayward tu yg panggil , utk bongkarkan rahsia maximoff .. sbb ada satu part tu mmg dia kata dia akan panggil someone yg takkan mati of somthing like utk intrude famili wanda ...

sbb si peter ni kan mulut celupar ...
dia terlepas ckp , yg your husband killed twice ... pastu wanda  attack dia , x tau dia still dlm tu ke apa ... sbb esok tu wanda bgn dia macam mereng ke apa .... sbb dah guna power dia over ...

yg aku x puas hati asal lakkk si monica tu pon nak ada power ... sorry aku racist sikit dgn negro nihh , tak puas hati plak dia dapat power masa nak tembus benteng wanda tu ... terus nyampah watak dia

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Post time 21-2-2021 03:17 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mzzenma replied at 19-2-2021 07:34 PM
there goes my mcavoy huwaaaa

berangan lah nak tengok xmen dalam mcu macam ni

klu ikut komik .. mmg nanti mcu and xmen ada cross over , termasuklah dgn si wolverine tu sekali ...

baru join dgn guardian of galaxy pon ramai dah pening dgn character .. nak campur xmen lagi... klu stark ada .. mesti dia pon pening ... “so many superhero, lets sign the sokovian accord” hahahha

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Post time 21-2-2021 03:20 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mzzenma replied at 20-2-2021 05:20 PM
meolls tak faham nexus tu apa

monica dpt superpower sbb dia dah banyak kali masuk hex tu.. cell d ...

nexus tu klu uols tgk dlm avenger age of ultron , ialah pusat data internet terpantas .. tony stark pergi situ sbb nak trace si ultron tu ... tapi yg dlm wanda vision ni dia guna ket word utk iklan iklan ...

cth macam lagos , tu kan tempat pertama wanda  accidently terbunuh org awam masa dia letupkan rumlow .. ni scene dr civil war ... beria capt protect dia , sbb dia kata wanda x sengaja ...

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Post time 21-2-2021 03:20 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
tak tahu plak ada kewujudan thread ni ... hehehe

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Post time 21-2-2021 03:24 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
About Agatha Harkness

matilah sama sama baca utk kefahaman episode seterusnya

Thank you WikiPedia

Agatha Harkness is a fictional character that appears in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. She is a powerful witch, portrayed as a sinister heroine and teacher of Wanda Maximoff, as well as being the mother of Nicholas Scratch. Agatha has been depicted as one of the original witches from the Salem witch trials. She survived and later became a significant figure in Marvel continuity, protecting Franklin Richards as his nanny and later mentoring Wanda Maximoff (the Scarlet Witch) in real magic. Agatha also had a familiar named Ebony, a cat-like creature that could sense the presence of mystical beings.

Agatha Harkness was first introduced as the governess of Franklin Richards.[2] She easily fended off the Frightful Four when they came to abduct Franklin Richards, and admitted to the Fantastic Four that she is a witch.[3][4] She then aided the Fantastic Four in battle against Annihilus.[5]

Through the actions of her son Nicholas Scratch, she was revealed as being a member of the previously unknown New Salem, Colorado, a colony of witches of whom she had been the leader. Scratch had taken control of the town and had persuaded its inhabitants that Agatha had betrayed the community's secrets by working for the Fantastic Four. She was abducted and taken back to the community with Franklin so that she might be put on trial.[6] The Fantastic Four followed and came into conflict with the Salem's Seven, Agatha's grandchildren that were fathered by Scratch. The Fantastic Four defeated them and freed Agatha. In the process, Scratch's evil was revealed to the community of New Salem and he was banished to another dimension.[7] Agatha became the magical tutor for the Scarlet Witch in the use of witchcraft.[8]

Scratch and Salem's Seven returned, and Agatha foiled their attempt to conquer the world.[9] Eventually Salem's Seven took over the New Salem community again. They captured Agatha and killed her by burning her at the stake, though Agatha soon made her presence known to Wanda in what appeared to be a post-death astral form. In an ensuing battle between the Scarlet Witch and Salem's Seven, the entire community's energies were drawn into Vertigo of the Seven, who lost control of them. Wanda managed to capture some of the energy and funnel it away, but the entire town was still decimated. Following hints from Agatha's astral form, Wanda channeled the remaining energy to become pregnant with her husband’s, The Vision, children.[10]

Later, Agatha resurfaced, again alive and well, when Wanda's infant children began exhibiting odd behavior (disappearing for brief periods of time) and Wanda became unstable after her husband's dismantling; Agatha provided no explanation for her return.[11] After Mephisto claimed that Scarlet Witch's children were actually fragments of his own soul and reabsorbs them, Agatha briefly mind-wiped Wanda's memory of her children in an attempt to help her deal with the trauma. Agatha later restored those memories soon after when Wanda became a pawn in a complex plot by Immortus. Agatha aided the Avengers in their battle against Immortus.[12]

In a sequence during the "Avengers Disassembled" storyline, Wanda, again having no memory of her children, angrily confronted Agatha about their existence. At the end of that issue (occurring some time after Wanda and Agatha's confrontation), Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D. found what appeared to be Agatha's corpse in her home and concluded that Agatha had been dead for a long time.[13] Some time later, a partially amnesiac Wanda tells Clint Barton she is under the care of her "Aunt Agatha" in a small apartment.[14] However, this version of Wanda was later revealed to be a Doombot that replaced the real Wanda at some point.[15]

Agatha has since made her presence known in the All-New, All-Different Marvel as a ghost. She appears to Wanda and confirms her death at the hands of her protégé.[16] She also concurrently serves as the omniscient narrator of Vision's ongoing solo title, having induced precognitive visions through arcane ritual involving the murder of Ebony at some undetermined point before her death.[17] Agatha fights alongside Wanda and the spirit of her biological mother, Natalya Maximoff, against a physical manifestation of Chaos which is attempting to destroy witchcraft. The two spirits channel their magic through Wanda and, after Quicksilver is summoned, they manage to defeat the being once and for all although this has gravely wounded Order, the Goddess of Witchcraft. Natalya sacrifices herself to restore Order and, in doing so, also returns Agatha to life. Despite noting that her and Wanda's paths are intertwined, Agatha chooses to have some time to herself to enjoy being alive again, opting to visit a nude beach, much to Wanda's chagrin.[18]

Agatha Harkness later appears as a member of the Daughters of Liberty where she taught magic to its members. At the time when Captain America figured out that Dryad is a revived Peggy Carter, Agatha teleported herself to inform him that the threats that the Daughters of Liberty have been facing are connected with Aleksander Lukin's sister Alexa.[19] Agatha later briefed the Daughters of Liberty's latest recruit Shuri about the situation involving Selene having Sharon Carter's soul. She then proceeded to transport herself, Sharon's Iron Patriot appearance, and Shuri to where Selene is located.[20]


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Post time 21-2-2021 03:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Agatha Harkness derives her powers from manipulation of the forces of magic. She has the ability to manipulate magical forces for a number of effects, including teleportation, energy projection, and the tapping of extra-dimensional energy by invoking entities or objects of power existing in dimensions tangential to Earth's through the recitation of spells. Agatha also has the abilities of mesmerism, thought-casting, and illusion-casting. Agatha's age reduces her ability to perform strenuous physical tasks.

Agatha Harkness has a gifted intellect and a vast knowledge of magical lore.

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Post time 21-2-2021 03:32 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Agatha has a magical familiar named Ebony, a pet black cat with the ability to transform into a large ferocious black panther. She’d sacrificed Ebony at some point to gain precognitive powers.[21]

The Ultimate Universe version of Agatha Harkness makes her debut in Ultimate Fantastic Four as a young woman. She first appears in #54, claiming to be a S.H.I.E.L.D. psychologist sent to evaluate the Baxter Building think tank. In issue #56, it is revealed that her S.H.I.E.L.D status was faked and she is really an ancient empathic being that destroyed Atlantis. Known as the Dragon-of-Seven or the Hydra, it can exist as a single creature or as seven seemingly separate ones. In her form as a group of seven individuals, she posed as the superhero group Salem Seven.[22]


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Post time 21-2-2021 03:33 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
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Agatha Harkness appeared in The Avengers: United They Stand animated series episode "The Sorceress' Apprentice", voiced by Elizabeth Shepherd.[citation needed] Scarlet Witch and the Vision visit her while Harkness is being targeted by Nicholas Scratch and Salem's Seven.
Agatha Harkness appeared in the X-Men: Evolution animated series, voiced by Pauline Newstone.[citation needed] Mystique recruited her to train Scarlet Witch before Harkness later aids the X-Men in saving Mystique.
Agatha Harkness appears in the live-action Marvel Cinematic Universe television series WandaVision (2021), portrayed by Kathryn Hahn.[23] She disguises herself as Agnes, Wanda Maximoff and Vision's neighbor in Westview, during the first six episodes. In the seventh episode, "Breaking the Fourth Wall", she lures Wanda to her lair in her basement and reveals herself to be a witch. She reveals that she brought a fake Pietro Maximoff and killed Wanda's dog Sparky. She then puts Wanda under a trance.
The character of Captain Jack Harkness from the British science-fiction television series Doctor Who and its spin-off Torchwood was named after Agatha Harkness.[24]

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Post time 21-2-2021 03:39 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lepas baca info wiki , patutla episode dr strange tu di panggil multiverse madness ...

mmg madness gilaaa ...
so maknanya ,haweye akan make appearance la kan in the next two episode , nickfury pon akan muncul jugak ...

marilah sama sama kita nantikan ...

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 Author| Post time 22-2-2021 10:25 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
adelea replied at 21-2-2021 03:33 PM
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Lepas baca wikipedia ni, agatha macam watak baik je. Tapi dlm wandavision dia mcm ada agenda jahat. Nama rabbit dia senor scratch kan.. dia tukar anak dia jadi rabbit ke?

She started out as governess utk franklin richards kan? Franklin ni anak reed richards dgn susan storm. Aci tak kwn monica yang aerospace engineer tu actually reed richards..

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 Author| Post time 22-2-2021 10:26 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
adelea replied at 21-2-2021 03:12 PM
klu tak silap , diorg mmg ada kena mengena pon , sbb from maximoff family...

tapi peter ni ras ...

Hahah sama lah. habis semua watak nak woke. Tapi lepas tengok balik memang wujud si monica ni.. dalam comic dia photon kan.. ambil sempena nickname mak dia..

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Post time 22-2-2021 04:23 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mzzenma replied at 22-2-2021 10:25 AM
Lepas baca wikipedia ni, agatha macam watak baik je. Tapi dlm wandavision dia mcm ada agenda jahat ...

maybe .. tapi tu geram plak diorg x nak maintain kan character original cast fantastic four

fantastic four yg baru tu x best ,
yg best tu yg masa jessica alba and chris evan , storm siblings ..

so twin wanda tu pon agatha ke yg culik ?

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