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Author: Zaheera

SungKyunKwan and Scandal ~ Yoochun,MinYoung,JoongKi,YooAhIn ~ House 1

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 Author| Post time 19-8-2010 09:35 PM | Show all posts
[Trans] 100817 “SungKyunKwan Scandal” Kim Won Seok PD : “Yoochun Is The Best Casting”

Set in the Chosun Dynasty’s Sungkyunkwan, the youthful students’ story of growing up and romance, the drama airing on KBS2 on Mondays and Tuesdays, “Sungkyunkwan Scandal” held its production conference. The production presentation was held on the afternoon of 17 August, in the Vista Hall of W Hotel in Gwangjang-dong, and Park Yoochun, Park Min Young, Song Joong Gi, Yu Ah In, Jun Tae Soo, Seo Hyo Rim other actors as well as production staff were present.

Director Kim Won Seok PD said, “ In the original story, the 4 characters’ story was centralized around romance and friendship, and we added a little bit of a social message. In the drama, the love and friendship shared by the 4 youths as they grow up is discussed, and the youths’ ambitious fight against the existing powers is displayed. However, there isn’t too big a difference from the actual story.

When asked about TVXQ member Park Yoochun’s casting story, “Although I was not involved in the casting process, even if I was doing the casting, I would pick Yoochun. Amidst the worry and anticipation, Park Yoochun has shown good acting skills, and possesses good looks and voice. He is the best casting (for the role)” he praised. Park Yoochun said, “ Without realizing it myself, I became deeply involved in the drama, and enjoyed it. During the shoot, it was hot so that was a problem, but we were passionate about making it a good production, so we worked hard.”

Song Joong Gi said, “ Unlike Goo Yong Ha, who looks cheerful on the outside but is actually very serious, “SungKyunKwan Scandal” is a light hearted and good drama. All the actors really worked humbly and seriously during the shoot. “ he revealed. “Sungkyunkwan Scandal” is set in the Chosun Dynasty’s SungKyunKwan, the first top education institution in history, where Lee Seon Joon (Yoochun), Kim Yoon Hee (Park Min Young), Goo Yong Ha (Song Joong Gi), Moon Jae Shin (Yu Ah In), begin their campus romance story in the Chosun Era. “SungKyunKwan Scandal” is set to air on 30 August, replacing “Gumiho : Tale of the Fox’s Child.”

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[News] 100817 Yoochun Expresses Gratitude Towards Junsu at Sunkyunkwan Scandal Press Conference

MICKY Yoochun “XIAH Junsu, who drove to visit filming site to show support, lost his wallet”

TVXQ member MICKY Yoochun who reveals XIAH Junsu lost his wallet when he came to support Yoochun.

On the 17th in Seoul’s Sheraton Walker Hill hotel, Vista hall where the KBS 2TV popular drama “Sungkyunkwan Scandal” press conference, MICKY Yoochun reveals “Junsu lost his wallet. He is really tired right now because of credit card problems.”

XIAH Junsu went to “Sungkyunkwan Scandal” filming site, bought 100 boxes of fried chicken to support MICKY Yoochun.

MICKY Yoochun says “Junsu is definitely not the person that will buy stuff for other people using his own money, but he really bought the fried chicken himself and brought it here, he also stayed at the filming site and watched me film for more than an hour, making me very spirited.

He continues saying “Even though Jaejoong wanted to come with Junsu, bu because of his schedule he couldn’t make it, but said next time he will bring something better than fried chicken.”

‘Sungkyunkwan Scandal’ is set in Chosun Dynasty, depicts scholars’ dream, love, and friendship. It is scheduled to broadcast on the 30th.

source:edaily SPN
credit: Mr.Park+baidutvxq

TVXQ’s Micky Yoochun expresses gratitude towards Xiah Junsu who publicly showed support to Yoochun.

On the 17th in Seoul held a press conference for KBS2TV drama “Sunkyunkwan Scandal”, Micky Yoochun expressed gratitude regarding the popular topic of Xiah Junsu’s gifts.

Micky Yoochun says “I couldn’t even dream of Junsu coming to visit me at filming site, what’s more shocking is, a boy who would never use his own money to buy presents, actually bought 100 boxes of fried chicken using his money and delivered it to the site, I’m very grateful.” He also said “Junsu stayed at the boring filming site and watched the filming for over an hour before leaving. At the time the filming location was in Gyeonggi, that day, Junsu lost his wallet, I felt sorry because of that.”

Xiah Junsu on the 1st visited Sungkyunkwan Scandal filming location, brought 100 chickens as gifts to the actors and staff.

‘Sungkyunkwan Scandal” will air on the 30th.

credit: Xiahking+baidutvxq

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 Author| Post time 19-8-2010 09:47 PM | Show all posts
[News] 100818 Song Joong-ki Says Will Suggest Micky Bed Scene If Ratings Fall

Upcoming KBS TV series “Sungkyunkwan Scandal,” set to premiere on August 30, has been garnering attention from viewers for a while now for two reasons. One, because it is based on hit romance novel, and two, because of its cast composed of stars Micky Yoochun (playing the role of Lee Seon-joon), Park Min-young (Kim Yoon-hee), Song Joong-ki (Goo Yong-ha), and Yoo Ah-In (Moon Jae Shin). That is why the questions the four main characters were asked focused on asking the differences between the original novel and the drama, the atmosphere on set and the teamwork. Below are excerpts from the press conference held at the W hotel on Tuesday.

Q: Do you think there have been any changes made to your character in the drama compared to the original novel?

Park Min-young: While my character was more of a lady of refined manner in the novel, she will be more of a playful and mischievous person in the drama. She has become someone who is more cheerful and lively although I don’t know whether it’s because I’m playing the role or because it’s a historical drama with young characters. My character changes more toward the latter half of the show so I think her cute and loveable personality from the first half will have a dramatic effect on it.

Yu A-in: In the novel, my character Jae-shin is so manly and comic-like that I thought, ‘Nobody like this exists in the whole world.’ So I’m keeping the elements that may help add to the fun of the show but trying to leave out the cheesiness. From a realistic standpoint, I guess you could say that he now isn’t annoying?

Park: Jae-shin in episode 8 is cuter and funnier than any guy you’ve ever seen. Like Yu just said, you’ll get to see a lighter version of Jae-shin.

Yu: I’m worried whether I’ve done a good job of taking out the cheesiness but I’m also very worried whether I’m betraying my character from the original work that viewers may be looking forward to seeing.

Q: You had said at a previous press conference that you’re working very hard to become your character Lee Seon-joon. What about now?

Micky Yoochun: The aspect in which I related to Lee Seon-joon the most was in how he feels a pressure that is invisible. I think the reason he becomes so strict about principles is because of how he always tries to read his dad’s mind, and I actually felt a lot of a similar sort of pressure from my work. It’s not something I feel as a star, not that I am even one.

Song Joong-ki: Yuchun, you are a star!

Micky: Anyway, it felt like I was starting to forget who I was although I hadn’t meant to, so I think I was able to related to him a lot in that sense.

Q: How would you rate your own acting based on what’s been filmed so far?

Micky: I’m gonna have to start building up on the points. I don’t think I’m in the position to rate myself.

Song: I realized that Micky is really a hard worker. I actually was had somewhat of a prejudice about idol singer-turned-actors but I was very moved by how hard Micky works. I once gave him advice on his acting which could hurt his pride as an actor but he listened to me with modesty. I hadn’t expected that so I was surprised.

Q: Then how do you feel Song, you who have been considered to sync the best with your character Goo Yong-ha who likes to make jokes and is interested in indulging in sexual relationships?

Park: Earlier on when the ‘hanbok’ fashion show with Miss Koreas was on, Song looked at the que sheet and said, “The Miss Koreas go out in the first part and then the actors. I guess I’ll just sneak out when the Miss Koreas go out.” There’s a reason the sync rate is so high. (laughs)

Song: (Sighs) It’s true that I said that. My mind woke up even after I had stayed up all night shooting yesterday when I heard Miss Koreas were going to be here. But this is all just part of my concept — I’m not actually like this. Um, and I’m a man too so I guess there is a side to me that’s somewhat like that. Ah, Park! You! (laughs)

Q: Then who do you think is prettier between your fellow actors Seo Hyo-rim and Park Min-young versus the Miss Koreas?

Song: Ha… That’s a really hard question. I think Hyo-rim and Min-young are prettier. It’s actually because it hurts my pride to see that the Miss Koreas are taller than me. (laugh)

Q: There are four main characters in “Sungkyunkwan Scandal” but it’s true that the attention is turned to Micky. Don’t you feel disappointed about that as a fellow actor?

Park: Our show is receiving a lot of attention because of him so I feel that we’ve all been blessed. And Micky’s fans send tributes to the set three times a week.

Yu: That’s right. (laughs)

Park: There isn’t much to eat on set because it’s in the Mungyeongsaejae Provincial Park but they sent lunchboxes from a family restaurant to every crew member. There was so much to each. It feels like we’re working with a newcomer actor who is extremely popular.

Yu: A popular newcomer? That’s kind of ironical. (laughs)

Q: But don’t you also feel pressured by such fans? Park Min-young, you in particular must be envied by them because you get involved with Micky in the drama.

Park: A fan once pinched my back on set. (laughs) It stung but I felt that she would do it again if I showed that it hurt, so I just walked by quietly. And then I rubbed it when nobody was looking. (laughs) But I think it’s so cute how she would do that to the actress her idol singer is acting with. I’ve also received notes online saying how much they envy me. But I’ve already been through that with Big Bang so it’s okay. (laughs)

Q: I heard that Xiah Junsu visited the set too with 100 fried chickens. Was it good?

Micky: It was really good, all cold. (laugh) But I was really touched. He spent his own money for it… And he’s not the type to.

Q: You must sometimes miss being a singer when you see your fans who visit the set?

Micky: I recently held a concert in Japan and the memory from it is still there because I was standing on stage with a mic for the first time in a while. I’m holding a mic right now too but holding it as a singer is very different so I miss it a lot.

Song: What are you talking about? You held a mic at a karaoke room a few days ago. (laughs)

Q: Lastly, what do you expect the ratings to be for the show?

Song: I’ll be happy if the ratings come out well and sad if they don’t but I don’t think an actor should obsess too much over the ratings. I do however, want our show to do better than “Dong Yi – Jewel in the Crown” and “Giant.” (laugh) I’m personally hoping for about 17 percent? Oh, no. I once was in a drama that hit 17 percent on its premiere episode but the ratings kept falling after that. I feel uneasy now.

Micky: It’s the first time I’m paying attention to viewership ratings. I guess you could say we’re safe if we get about 15 percent?

Song: Oh, yes, I’d like it around there too. If it looks like the ratings are going to drop, I’m thinking of suggesting to the scenarist that Micky to a bed scene. That’ll probably boost ratings, right?

Q: Didn’t you say at the last press conference that he doesn’t have such a great body?

Song: Oh, that’s right!!! Then I guess they’d [ratings] fall. Nevermind!

Photographer : Chae ki-won ten@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@, Lee Ji-Hye seven@

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 Author| Post time 20-8-2010 08:44 PM | Show all posts
[Trans] 100817 Yoochun – “Acting Made Me Feel Better Inside”

Embroiled in a continued lawsuit with SM Entertainment, TVXQ’s Yoochun said that starting on his acting activities helped him to gain strength.

On 17 August, at the Sheraton Grand Walker Building’s (In Seoul’s Gwangjang-dong) Vista Hall, attending the new Monday-Tuesday drama “SungKyunKwan Scandal” (KBS2)’s production conference, Yoochun said “Because it’s been about a year since I’ve done activities within Korea, there is a lot of pressure. I did not have the mood to start working again, with a heart that has yet to be healed.” However, “After going for acting lessons, I started to feel better inside,” he commented.

He also said, “I started on the actual shoot, and it’s quite different from when I was practicing. But because the other actors have been praising my acting skills, I gained strength from that.”

But “With regards to acting skills, I was really troubled. I think it was a process of changing into a new me. However, as “SungKyunKwan Scandal” is the start of my acting life, I think that this is a very meaningful project for me. More so than me picking this project, I’m thankful for the many generous staff that helped me,” he said.

Directing the production of this drama, Kim Won Seok PD said “Yoochun has a 3rd Rank in Taekwondo, so most of the action scenes did not require any substitutes. He’s good at slapstick comedy too. Please look forward to Yoochun’s action scenes.” He said.


Recalling the painful times that the trio had endured during the lawsuit against SM Entertainment, he said, “There was a period of time where I totally isolated myself. Everyone around me was worried. I was always locking myself at home, up to a point where my mom would be shocked if I went out.”

He said, “This project changed me. Since I started on it, I will want to do it well. Especially since all the actors in the drama are treating me really well, and I am thankful, so this makes me work even harder.”

Source : [Chosun Online] + [Baidu TVXQ] +  [DNBN]
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[News] 3 keypoints of attraction for TV series “SungKyunKwan Scandal”

From left, actors Jeon Tae-soo, Yu A-in, Park Min-young, Micky Yoochun, Seo Hyo-rim and Song Joong-ki wave during a photocall of a press conference for upcoming KBS TV series “SungKyunKwan Scandal” held at the W hotel in Seoul, South Korea on August 17, 2010. [Chae Ki-won/10Asia]

On August 10, statistics by AGB Nielsen Media Research revealed that SBS TV series “Giant” scored a viewership rating of 22.9 percent, beating MBC’s historical drama by 1.6 percent. But “Dong Yi” brushed past “Giant” the following week by a difference of 0.3 percentage points, indicating that upcoming KBS show “SungKyunKwan Scandal” is up for tough competition when it premieres on August 30. What are the elements that will be attractive for viewers?

Micky Yoochun from a scene in “SungKyunKwan Scandal” [KBS]

Point of Attraction 1. Micky Yoochun

The reason “SungKyunKwan Scandal” has garnered attention since its casting stages is because of Micky Yoochun’s popularity — the idol group singer will play the role of main character Lee Seon-joon from the original novel by Jung Eun-gwol. The novel, a bestseller which has sold over 500,000 copies since being published in 2007, is about the romance between four men and women set at Confucian academy SungKyunKwan during the Chosun Dynasty. Micky will play Lee the perfectionist, Song Joong-ki the sly Goo Yong-ha, Yu A-in the tough guy Moon Jae-shin and Park Min-young the woman in man disguise Kim Yoon-hee who takes a state exam in place of her sick younger brother. Thanks to the hot popularity of the original novel, numerous simulations regarding the casting had floated on the Internet and the show received increased hype when Micky Yoochun, who has almost no acting experience, was chosen to play one of the main characters. The fact that the singer has been enjoying great popularity throughout Asia from his career as a member of TVXQ may have had a considerable amount of influence on his casting since it will help the show sell overseas but director Kim Won-suk quelled possible concerns by saying, “He has a good voice and attractive features as an actor, as well as a good attitude when it comes to acting.”

Point of Attraction 2. Synchronization Rate of Cast

Ultimately, casting is probably key to the success of “SungKyunKwan Scandal.” Bringing the characters to life — the original novel has proven they are attractive — will act as a safety bar for the show’s viewership ratings which go up and down as if on a roller coaster ride. In that sense, the combination of the four main actors is quite appealing. Song Joong-ki, who has been acknowledged by both netizens and fellow actors as being the closest in person to his character from the original novel, perfectly reenacted his role as Goo Yong-ha by joking at the show’s press conference that he “woke up even after staying up all night upon hearing Miss Koreas were going to be here,” and revealing wicked and sly smiles in a preview clip for the drama. Park Min-young, who said she wrapped 20 rounds of bandages around herself to hide her female figure, originally has a mid-to-low toned voice and wears almost no make-up for the series, also showed the possibility of pulling off her role as a woman in man disguise easily by showing that she is close to a being bright boy rather than a beautiful lady

Point of Attraction 3. A cheerful historical drama with young people

Like “Dong Yi – Jewel in the Crown” which is set in the mid-Chosun Dynasty and “Giant” in the 70s to 80s, “SungKyunKwan Scandal” too takes place at a specific time and place — the Confucian academy SungKyunKwang during the Chosun Dynasty — but it definitely differentiates itself in terms of concept being a historical drama about young characters. “We incorporated the romantic elements, such as the romance between four men and women and a slightly sexual love story, into the drama exactly the way it is in the original novel,” director Kim Won-suk said. His words prove that the show is mainly targeted at females in the teens to thirties range and viewers who do not like the typical and serious historical dramas. How much of a change will “SungKyunKwan Scandal” bring to the competition on Monday and Tuesday nights.

Reporter : Lee Ga-on
Photographer : Chae ki-won ten@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@, Lee Ji-Hye seven@
<&#9426;10Asia All rights reserved>

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 Author| Post time 20-8-2010 09:05 PM | Show all posts
[Trans] 100817 Debuting as an Actor, Micky Yoochun – “I Was Very Pressured”

At the production conference, Yoochun expressed “If it was just a burden of a new challenge, the I could have happy, but because there was such great pressure, I felt very heavy-hearted when I first started acting.”

Yoochun said that he has a very open and free personality, which is very different from his character Lee Seon Joon. But when it comes to the pressure they both face, he feels that this is similar.

He said “The reason Seon Joon is such a rule-follower is his father. I can really relate to Seon Joon, who feels a great pressure from his surrounding environment. I have also felt such pressure in my work. It wasn’t pressure from being a celebrity; it was more that I could feel that I was beginning to lose confidence in myself. Acting helped me relieve that pressure. I’m glad that I found a project that I sucks me in.”

He also said, “Because this is my first acting role, so I could feel the difference between practicing and the actual role. Although it was hard to express the emotions, it was very interesting. When I was learning the moves for action scenes from the martial arts director, my mind processed it like choreography. But the two are different, so I listened hard to the martial arts teacher’s advice and tried hard to make it look like a proper action scene.” With regards to appearing in the TV screens as “Park Yoochun,” he said “There is no need to specifically differentiate between TVXQ’s Micky Yoochun and Park Yoochun.”

He doesn’t deny that he misses the stage, saying “When I was performing at the concert in Japan, it was such a long time since I held a microphone, and I felt very sad. I really missed the stage, and this is a kind of longing that I cannot fulfil yet. Our fans may have to wait longer, but I hope they enjoy the current situation and not worry about such matters.”

He said, “Because this is the first time I’m concerned with ratings, and this worries me. If we can hit 15%, that shouldn’t be too bad. I’m not too concerned with getting awards, just like during his singing days, if I cannot get the award, then it’s better not to be in the nominees’list.(Laughs) But if I can really get an award for acting, that wouldbe quite a different feeling.”

Source: [Baidu TVXQ] +  [DNBN]
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The new KBS drama with F4 from Joseon Dynasty that already gathered a lot of attention: Sungkyunkwan scandal.
I met the gang of 4 boys over flower. Let’s start now.

Kimbum, Kim HyunJoong, Lee Minho and Lee Joon. Did Jeoson Dynasty got the F4 syndrome from last year and create it again?
At the end of this month, the new boys over flower will be aired.

Yesterday, new KBS drama “Sungkyunkwan scandal” started the briefing of this amazing production.
The 4 made their entrance wearing hangbok. What a heartwarming sight~
(talks about the drama story)

Were you a friendly “Flower gang of 4″?
I think that because we have similar age, we get closer really fast, more than with the others from the cast.
As a member of Asian group TVXQ, Yoochun is already loved a lot. This time, he’s in the acting path and will perform Lee SeonJun in Joseon Dynasty.

Question: Did you have any problem by taking this challenge? (acting)
Yoochun: There was no pressure but I think I had a lot of fun when there where changes.

Question: Do you have acting experience?
Yoochun: Yeah.. sure I do..
Pretty confused at his words? So I prepared. This is a scene from Yoochun Japanese drama “Beautiful Love”.
What to do? Doesn’t he naturally look like a Japanese ambassador?

What about reactions around you?
Yoochun: My close friends (who saw it) are really few. Those who did, most of them told me they liked it a lot.
Park MinYoung, from sitcom “High Kick” (…)

What is it acting with handsome men?
I think they are really nice people whom I liked acting with… now we are just friends..

Who’s the nicest one?
Last time I bought to eat.
He bought dinner once. Him (Yoochun) also once.. But I don’t think AhIn ever did
Yoo AhIn, please buy to eat!
In 2008, Song JoongKi debuted in a movie (…)

Did you have hard time while filming?
Wearing a hangbok with this hot weather was so hard. But I think that viewers will enjoy seeing those pretty costumes.

Omona, let’s see how beautiful!
JoongKi dressed in traditional costumes and shows beauty, he’s really more beautiful than flower.
4 people with same age, the acting competition will be great.

Is there any rivalry?
Since we are partners, it was easy to tell hard feelings and also to accept it (???). I don’t think there was rivalry.

Honestly, there was no sign of rivalry?
(look at JoongKi who was about to answer LOL)
No they didn’t. This is my point of view as the woman among them ..
Ok now, I got heels (to kick her ass? ^^). Really, I’ve been trying to talk!
Dear Entertainment Notebook viewers, until now, you were watching the gang of 4 from SKKS.
Please, give a lot of love to Sungkyunkwan Scandal!

video: kokayz + uploader
trans: Kenoa@sharingyoochun

To everyone, I’m tired so I made it fast, don’t expect too much~ *bowing*

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 Author| Post time 20-8-2010 09:07 PM | Show all posts
[News] K-pop idol Micky flies solo in drama

Torn and bruised by a series of events involving a legal battle with his agency, K-pop idol Micky ― one-fifth of the near-disbanded boy band TVXQ ― put in a confident if somewhat close-mouthed press appearance for his major acting debut in KBS’ “Seonggyungwan Scandal” on Tuesday.

“Who wouldn’t feel pressure when starting something new?” Micky, a.k.a. Park Yoo-chun, said fielding comparisons between him and other TVXQ chums that have been making the pop idol-acting crossover.

Park, Hero and Xiah filed a lawsuit against S.M. Entertainment over their 13-year contract last July, but the court’s ruling in partial favor of the trio turned out to be little more than the calm before the storm for the boy wonder.

In April, S.M. filed a court objection to the trio’s injunction and in July slapped a suit on the head of a cosmetics company that the three members had invested in. The latter was in response to a defamation suit filed by the company against S.M.’s CEO. S.M. was cleared of all charges in May.

To add insult to injury, Park’s manager was accused of assault in late July.

Unfazed, it seems, by the brouhaha, Park jumped on board as the lead for the upcoming period piece; a move that will either prove fortuitous or rash.

TVXQ leader U-Know’s small screen debut in MBC’s “No Limit” crashed and burned, bringing in abysmal ratings; not a good harbinger for Park and for member Max who awaits his fate with the drama “Paradise Ranch.” Meanwhile, member Xiah took a safer route through the musical “Mozart!” and Hero pulled off an award-winning performance in a Japanese drama.

Park’s paltry acting experience (primarily through variety show skits and a boy band-pushing TV drama film) will most likely cast doubt on his ability to pull off this hefty role. Both director Kim Won-seok and co-star Song Joong-ki, however, expressed their faith in Park.

“He has a good voice for acting and is attractive-looking,” said Kim, who cemented Park’s reputation as a budding action star by announcing that Park had level three taekwondo skills and that he “hardly used a stunt double.”

Kim then said: “He will surprise you with his slapstick comedy. He is good.”

“I cannot say that I didn’t have prejudices about idols or singers who act, (Park) included,” said co-star Song. “(But) he really tries hard. It is touching.”

Will Park’s efforts pay off?

There is no guarantee that Park will produce a persuasive portrayal of the conceited, self-indulgent, blue blood Joseon Dynasty scholar Lee Seon-joon; especially when the singer admits that he himself lacks the anal tendencies of his character.

“My personality is somewhat open and free,” the 24-year old said. “But the hidden sense of pressure (my character feels) is similar. I can relate to that.”

His ability to tune into the darker side of Lee could add depth to the romantic, gender-bender series.

Based on a novel, “Seonggyungwan Scandal” ― as its name suggests ― unfolds at the Joseon Dynasty’s premier educational institution, Seonggyungwan.

Believed to be established during the Goryeo Dynasty as Gukjagam in 992, the institute was re-christened Seonggyungwan in the early 1300s.

There the male progeny of high-ranking officials and aristocrats prepared for the state examination “gwageo” and were trained for government service work. Alumni include famed scholar Yi Hwang (1501-1570), a.k.a. Toegye whose face currently decorates the 1,000 won note.

The drama, however, exhibits no pedantic pretensions.

The school, in essence, serves as a vehicle for a “Twelfth Night”-esque plotline, where a ballsy female (played by “Princess Ja-Myung” actress Park Min-young) masquerades as a man to enter Seonggyungwan in her sickly brother’s stead. There she encounters fellow student Lee Seon-joon (Park Yoo-chun) and a romance blossoms.

The male-only school backdrop also allowed for the inclusion of a bevy of good-looking actors, providing plenty of eye candy for female viewers.

“Seonggyungwan Scandal,” however, promises to be more than just a frilly, one-note rom-com.

“The piece will bring out the romance, the melodrama and the slight raciness of the tale while also highlighting how these youngsters perceive society and how they mature,” said director Kim, assuring the press that the series would dramatize actual aspects of the Joseon Dynasty institute.

In the meantime, cast and staff members can benefit from Park Yoo-chun’s loyal fans. According to co-star Park Min-young, hundreds of fans visit the set three times a week, bringing hoards of food for everyone.

“I feel very grateful,” she said.

“Seonggyungwan Scandal” airs on Aug. 30 at 9:55 p.m. on KBS 2 TV.

By Jean Oh (

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 Author| Post time 20-8-2010 09:09 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Zaheera at 20-8-2010 21:12

[News] 100818 Will TVXQ members collaborate on SungKyunKwan Scandal OST?

This is an announcement from Yoochun made yesterday at SungKyunKwan Scandal press conference.

Micky Yoochun said about SungKyunKwan Scandal OST: “The OST recording is in progress. TVXQ members, and other artists will diversely work.”

At the end, to the fans who waited for so long, he said: “In the future, you maybe have more days to wait” and then “I hope you don’t think of the fact of waiting and want you to enjoy the current wait. Everyone, Thanks for cheering, let be strong.”

source: cnbnews
trans by: Kenoa@sharingyoochun
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[Vid] SungKyunKwan Scandal OST (LQ)

Regarding this news: [News] 100818 Will TVXQ members collaborate on SungKyunKwan Scandal OST?

here’s the AUD and you can hear the OST at the background

but what do you guys hear?

We can only hear the girl’s voice *gets bricked*

credit: poplez

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 Author| Post time 20-8-2010 09:26 PM | Show all posts
[Trans] 100820 SungKyunKwan Scandal Twitter Update&#8207;

A surprise arrived yesterday at the office! We got the eco-cups (paper cup) and eat well too ^^

“” always come to the location and take careeverything. Through this opportunity, we’d also like to thank allYoochun’s fans!

source: scandal2010
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[News]Sungkyunkwan University submits request to change Sungkyunkwan Scandal drama name

With the premiere nearing, the production company for Sungkyunkwan Scandal has met with some problem after Sungkyunkwan University submitted a request for it to change the drama name.

A spokesperson for Sungkyunkwan University expressed on the 20th, “Sungkyunkwan is Korea’s foremost institution of higher learning and dedicated to building a harmonious society of perfected human beings. By adding ‘Scandal’ to the school’s name, it is undoubtedly the biggest insult to the school. We hope that KBS would take our request to change the drama’s name.”

A KBS representative expressed that the drama’s name was a form of artistic creation and they had no intention of insulting anyone. They will seek to meet with officials from Sungkyunkwan University to resolve the issue amicably and have no present intention of changing the drama’s name.

Sungkyunkwan Scandal is scheduled for broadcast from August 30th through KBS2TV

source: allkpop

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 Author| Post time 29-8-2010 10:12 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Zaheera at 29-8-2010 22:14

[Vid] 100822 New SungKyunKwan Scandal Teaser

credit: DBxTOHO7


[News] Micky’s Challenge: From Idol to Actor

Transforming from an idol to an actor can be tricky.

Not only does it require superb acting skills to wash away that idol image, but he or she must go through worries, criticism and also harsh self-discipline. Amid the numerous crossovers of young and determined stars, a particularly famous one is aiming to captivate viewers with his never-before-seen acting.

Dressed in “hanbok,’’ or traditional Korean clothes, TVXQ member Micky (real name Park Yoo-chun) looked proud, yet a bit nervous to represent his first–ever drama “Sungkyunkwan Scandal’’ at a press conference held at the W Hotel, northern Seoul, last week.

The doll-faced 24-year-old will appear as Lee Sun-jun in the period drama and work with fellow actors Park Min-young, Song Joong-ki and Yoo Ah-in.

The soap is a “campus romance drama,’’ according to the production company, and will bring Korean history, comedy and romance to the small screen.

Korean period dramas have not only been popular here, but also overseas, and they tend to have certain patterns: traditional dress, ancient Korean vernacular, love triangles, and the inner struggle between personal goals and traditional traits.

“Sungkyunkwan Scandal’’ is no different. The heroine Kim Yoon-hee, played by Park Min-young, has been responsible for her household after her father died and brother became ill in the busy times of the Joseon Kingdom (1392-1910). She decides that the only way for her to not worry about food and money is to disguise herself as a man and try for the state examination and become a court official.

She enters Sungkyunkwan, or a Confucian Academy, to study and meets fellow classmates: the strict and handsome Sun-jun, the playboy Koo Yong-ha (played by Song) and the rough and wild Moon Jae-shin (played by Yoo).

The journey begins as Kim, a pretty-faced student in disguise, struggles to fulfill her dream to become an official and hopefully discover true love along the way.

The biggest concern is not the familiar storyline or good looking stars dressed in colorful hanbok, but the acting. The four main actors are relatively young ― all are 24 except for the 25-year-old Song ― and have not made lasting impressions in their acting careers as yet. Additionally, period dramas are known to be especially tricky due to the old-fashioned dialect and behavior.

Despite these worries, the drama’s producer Kim Won-suk expressed his confidence in working with the young actors, especially Park Yoo-chun.

“Park was already on the team when I decided to helm the drama. But if I had the chance to pick the actors again, I would have picked him. I know many people are looking forward to, and are also worried about his acting, but I can tell you all that he is doing great,’’ Kim said.

Park also had to deal with the interest and pressure put on him, though he did a pretty good job in keeping a straight face and calmly answering questions regarding his lack of acting experience.

“Of course, being my first work and all, I thought about my acting a lot. I think this was a chance where I discovered a new me. The staff were generous enough to pick me for the role,’’ he said smiling.

“I have been dancing for a long time, and I had a pretty tough time realizing that the martial arts sequences were not to be shown as choreography. I have been immersed in the drama and although it’s been tough with the weather and the bugs, it’s been fun,’’ Park added.

It was hard not to notice the enormous interest showering the star. Even the press conference was a bit overdone. The event seemed to have lost its true purpose and turned into a promotional circus. It included two fashion shows; one by 2009, 2010 Miss Korea contestants and models and another by the actors themselves. The hanbok display was, indeed colorful and beautiful, but there was nothing different from those seen in previous and even current historical series.

A preview screening is one of the most important channels that uncovers the gist of the drama and also help the press understand the storyline easier and faster. The 8-minute highlight video was not enough to bring out the overall vibe of the work. It took an hour and a half to finally bring out the actors and producer to the table for a Q and A session.

Micky was introduced as “Park Yoo-chun’’ from start to finish, probably because he really wants to turn over a new leaf. The TVXQ member may have found it interesting to discover the actor within, but it will take a bit more than generosity and soul searching to spearhead a full-length drama, especially when all eyes are on him. Will he be able to shine in the spotlight? Fans will find out on Aug. 30 at 9:55 p.m.

source: Koreatimes
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[Vid] 100824 SungKyunKwan Scandal

episode 1 preview !!!!!!!!!!


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 Author| Post time 29-8-2010 10:23 PM | Show all posts
[Vid] 100825 Making of SungKyunKwan Scandal'

Don’t you ever throw the egg on my hubby’s head ever again grrrrrrrr


Love you PYC!!!!!!!!

credit: bananamonkiez

SungKyunKwan Scandal 3rd Preview [Eng Sub]

credit: mickytoho2


[News] 100824 Will Giant get an extension?

Another well-performing show = another broadcaster keen to stretch its good luck with more episodes.

SBS’s Monday-Tuesday show Giant is currently doingvery well with both ratings and audience praise, and at aboutthree-fifths of the way through its run, it’s picking up steam. It’sdoing so well that it put the pressure on MBC’s Dong Yi, which was easily beating the competition for most of its run but recently found itself slipping to second after Giant.

Now SBS is looking into the possibility of extending the series,which was originally slated to end on November 2 with 50 episodes.However, according to a source at SBS’s Dream Center, even though it’sstill too early to decide, “the feel is positive so there’s a bigpossibility.”

Before any decisions are made, the broadcaster will have to get allthe actors to agree. With big names on board, scheduling conflicts willhave to be worked out if any cast members have signed on for otherprojects with the original schedule in mind. But the source did explainthat the cast is also looking favorably at the extension.

Furthermore, producers and broadcasters probably won’t be making anydecisions until they monitor the performance of its next upcomingrival, the upcoming historical romantic-comedy series Sungkyunkwan Scandal. The rep said, “If Sungkyunkwan Scandal‘s ratings rise, Giant‘s has a big chance of falling. After we closely watch how Sungkyunkwan Scandal does, the final decision will be made whether to extend Giant‘s  broadcast.”The source added the assurance that the writers have been completingthe scripts quickly and shouldn’t face too much trouble if an extensionis ordered.

Via Sports Chosun
trans by: dramabeans

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 Author| Post time 29-8-2010 10:29 PM | Show all posts
[Trans] 100826 Cast Of SungKyunKwan Scandal Prays For Drama To Be A Hit

The new KBS2 TV drama [SungKyunKwan Scandal] (Scriptwriter: Kim TaeHee, Director: Kim Won Seok), which is in the middle of filming, will air its first episode on 30 August. On the 25th, at the set of the drama, in Hwaseong, Gyeonggi-do, they performed a ceremony to pray that the drama will be a big hit.

The prayer ceremony was attended by director Kim Won Seok, many ofthe cast like TVXQ’s Yoochun (real name: Park Yoochun) in which this drama will be his debut acting project, Park Min Young, Song Joongki, Yoo Ah-In, the staff of the drama, KBS’ Executive Producer Lee Ganghyeon, and Chief Producer Kwak Gi Won.

[SungKyunKwan Scandal] is cast in the spotlight everyday and it is the number one most anticipated drama for the second half of 2010. With a wonderful cast lined up, the drama has quickly attracted a lot of interest.

Source: [chosunonline]
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[Trans] 100813 Park Min Young, Micky Yoochun is “A Friend with Deep Thoughts”

Meeting through the cast, Park Min Young said, “We have a lot of scenes where we interact; that’s why we gradually became close. The two of us have outgoing personalities, so it seems like we’ve known each other much longer.”

In addition, she also conveyed, “I became an outgoing person through my acting. Yoochun is not shy; he has a great personality and is a friend who takes into account the thoughts of everyone else around him.”

Also, when talking about Song Joong Ki and Yoo Ah In, she said, “Everyone behaves like students on the first day of school. I portray a character that cross-dresses and thus, everyone started treating me like a brother.” She added, “He is an important character that warms up all the other actors. Everyone’s personalities and the atmosphere of the set are heartwarming that it’s gratifying.”

One of the staff said, “All the actors are around the same age, so it didn’t take long for them to be familiar with each other. With the absence of doubt, the atmosphere of the set was very enjoyable.” On the set, staff members even joke around saying [they are] “The Modern Version of the Students of SungKyu Kwan.”

The first historical drama to have SungKyunKwan of the Joseon Dynasty as its main setting: KBS Drama “SungKyunKwan Scandal.”

SungKyunKwan is a place where women are prohibited, but Kim Yoon Hee entered and encountered Lee Sun Joon, who goes by strong principles; Moon Jae Shin, who is unpredictable, and Goo Yong Ha, a player. Four completely different people starring in “History of Joseon Dynasty’s Youths” will air on the 30th.

Source: baiduTVXQ
Translation: lonelyxgrl @
Credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!

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 Author| Post time 29-8-2010 10:34 PM | Show all posts
[Trans] 100828 SungKyunKwan Scandal Staff Twitter Update

Meanwhile, many of you have been already curious about the OST of ‘SungKyunKwan Scandal’ on the premiere episode on August 30th, then please looking forward to the release of the OST along with the first broadcast!

about 4 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry&#174;

Today’s guerrilla surprises!
Please keep an eye on our twitter .. ^^ coming soon

about 3 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry&#174;

KBS drama office this afternoon at 05:30 pm Korea time in front of “Myeongdong Art Theatre” will be presented original poster of “SungKyunKwan Scandal” to the first 200 people. Hopefully people who got there will enjoy receiving it

about 3 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry&#174;

credit: scandal2010 twitter


[Trans] 100828 “Yoochun Has Everything An Actors Needs”
Dong Bang Shin Ki’s member Yoochun who has been casted in KBS’s new drama “Sungkyunkwan Scandal” is becoming a topic for receiving many praises from the drama’s staff members and co-stars.

Director Kim Won Suk expressed his thoughts towards Park Yoochun, “Park Yoochun has such delicate and elegant look and voice; and he possesses all the basic factors that one needs as an actor. I can even say that he’s a star with all the talents.”

Screenwriter Kim Tae Hee also expressed, “There’s no doubt why Park Yoochun is considered a top star, because he works with such passion and sincerity. His personality is very similar to the character Lee Sun Joon, and I’m very satisfied.”

Song Joong Ki who’s playing the role of character Goo Yong Ha especially praised, “I’ve always hold a prejudice against idol singers turn actors, but seeing Yoochun who’s working with such seriousness and efforts, I’m very touched.”

“Sungkyunkwan Scandal” will begin on the 30th.

Source: Chosun Online
Translation: linhkawaii @
Credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!

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 Author| Post time 29-8-2010 10:41 PM | Show all posts
[Trans] 100829 Musician Copykumo Talks Of Jaejoong-Junsu’s Participation In SungKyunKwan Scandal OST

Xiah Junsu and YoungWoong Jaejoong are working on the SungKyunKwan Scandal OST with each of them taking on a different style. I had always known that Xiah Junsu was really good but I feel like YoungWoong Jaejoong’s song will be a rediscovery of him.. I had stereotypes about him because he’s an idol singer but he’s actually really good at singing.

source: [copykumo's Twitter+@wickedinutopia]
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[News] 100829 Jaejoong and Junsu to Participate in ‘SungKyunKwan Scandal’ OST

The member of male group TVXQ Jaejoong and Junsu will participate in OST of KBS new historical drama ‘SungKyunKwan Scandal’ (script writer Kim Tae Hee, director Kim Won Seok).

Jaejoong and Junsu are the group mates of Micky Yoochun’s (born Park Yoochun) who will have first starring debut in the drama thus the participation of both in the drama’s soundtrack is expected to be their reflection of supports to him.

An official of ‘SungKyunKwan Scandal’ said, “Jaejoong and Junsu has participated in the OST.” The two people will showcase their own color through their different style of music.

These three people have been showing off special friendship ever since therefore a lot of fans have already expressed their expectation on this work. In particular, Junsu already made a visit personally during the drama filming, he brought along chicken for all staffs, showing his loyalty to Yoochun.

‘SungKyunKwan Scandal’ has been being a hot topic even before its broadcast due to Micky Yoochun first acting debut appearance in the drama, with the background of SungKyunKwan University during Joseon Dynasty, the story tells about love and excitement of life among four young men and woman. The drama is airing for the first time on August 30th.

credit: My Daily

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Post time 30-8-2010 08:58 AM | Show all posts
citer ni aku layan kat kbsw je lah nanti...

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Post time 30-8-2010 12:08 PM | Show all posts
wah, drama ni akan mula tyg arini!!
& agak2 kan, cast drama ni akan ada kat HT x??

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 Author| Post time 30-8-2010 12:36 PM | Show all posts
Reply 74# rukiaichigo

a'ah la... terlupa lgsg psl tu!
last skali me tgk HT yg CS pnye

wuwuwuuuu lama btol tingglkn variety show korea
de lgi x show yg mcm HT?

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 Author| Post time 30-8-2010 12:38 PM | Show all posts
Reply 73# blankie

lmbt lgi.. bulan 10 T_T


[INFO] 100824 KBS World "Sungkyungkwan Scandal" Premiere Schedule

Genre : Drama
Premiere in Korea : 2010.08.30
Premiere on KBS World : 2010.10.11
Showtime : HONG KONG 21:00pm | PARIS 15:00pm | Mon-Tue

"Nation’s highest educational institute and the oldest university in East Asia that has distinguished history of 500 years; it is Sung-kyun-kwan University. But if you are thinking of Sungkyunkwan as a boring study place, you underestimated it. It is the place full of vitality, where youthfulness is flowering, and the school where you learn to be harmonized! And there is a young Confucian scholar Kim Yoon-hui, who gets into this forbidden place for women, hiding her gender. Yoon-hui’s father, Kim Seung-hyun was a scholar at Sungkyunkwan and also a good friend of the Crown prince. King Yeongjo calls him before the day of his death and asks him to hand down his secret book Kum-deung-ji-sa across the generations. However, Kim Seung-hyun gets killed by the opposing faction and the book has disappeared. Yoon-hui was only 7-year-old when her father got murdered. Yoon-hui has a talent for writing, which had inherited from her father. She starts to stay at Sungkyunkwan and meets three good friends: Seon-joon, Jae-sin, Yong-ha. Yoon-hui slowly gets fascinated by King Jeongjo’s vision and becomes to understand what her father truly dreamt of. "

Note: Yes, it will be English subbed on KBS World ^^

Source: KBS World
Shared by: cjc @

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 Author| Post time 30-8-2010 12:42 PM | Show all posts
ramai yg salah bce x_x

[NEWS] 100830 3 TVXQ Members Group Comeback (3 Members OST Title: &#52286;&#50520;&#45796; ‘Chajatta’ – Found)

The three members Micky Yoochun, Xiah Junsu, and Youngwoong Jaejoong (alphabetical order) will meet fans in 3 colors of song.

At the first broadcast today on August 30th, one insertion soundtrack of KBS 2TV mini series ‘SungKyunKwan Scandal’ entitled ‘Chajatta (Found)’ is agreed to release.

One official said, “Xiah Junsu and Hero Jaejoong already have their own solo. While the three members will have their first song together entitled ‘Chajatta (Found)’ that is going to be released as well. Participating in OST of drama where Micky Yoochun has his acting debut left this work to have even deeper meaning to them.”

Meanwhile sports hankooki reported that Xiah Junsu and Hero Jaejoong are each participating in one song. Yet about which song of the two people to be used as Micky Yoochun’s theme has not yet been decided.

Therefore seems that in ‘SungKyunKwan Scandal’ OST there will be 3 songs that are sung by 3 members of TVXQ.

Fans have given their attention particularly to the song where three members will sing together ‘Chajatta (Found)’. This three members’ soundtrack song is said to be a love song about finally found someone to love for a lifetime. A song with easy listening melody and beautiful harmonization at which the three members are known to be impressive at.

For their Korean fans who’ve been in thirst for their musical work after a long time, this would be a great gift to them.

Credit: news hankooki

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Post time 30-8-2010 02:35 PM | Show all posts
Reply  rukiaichigo

a'ah la... terlupa lgsg psl tu!
last skali me tgk HT yg CS pnye

wuwuwuu ...
Zaheera Post at 30-8-2010 12:36 PM

aku dpt rs dorg akan ada dlm HT nnt. yela, nak2 drama ni under KBS kan!!
maksud ko tu aper?? selain HT, show2 lain yg ada guest star ker??
maybe strong heart kot akan kuar gak, tp maybe lmbt skit sbb SH tu channel SBS!!
ha, xpun dorg kuar kat SGB!! wait & see jer la dorg kuar kat maner nnt!!

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Post time 30-8-2010 04:20 PM | Show all posts
me bajet kalo rating bagus mmg masuk HT ler....sbb stakat nih sume kbs nyer drama casts sume masuk HT...
windu nk tgk chunnie dlm korean variety show
peh tu x sume drama masuk....kdg2 bila dah nak abes baru masuk SGB...
dan yg masuk SGB slalu drama yg byk episod....

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 Author| Post time 31-8-2010 12:47 AM | Show all posts
raw episod 1 !!!!!!!

tpi me xleh donlod skrg T_T
kne tunggu minggu dpn

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