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Author: edrina_huda

[Penulis] The Secret - The Law of Attractions! (merged with seribulan)

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Post time 19-6-2012 10:30 PM | Show all posts
Reply 59# my-alja

mmg exactly sama sperti ape yg brlaku dlm kehidupan saya stiap hari..ape yg awk praktikkan tu mmg sy dah praktik sjak sy skolah lagi dan dlam kebanyakkan situasi, ia mmg brkesan..tapi biasannya ia akan jadi tidak berkesan sekirannye di sekitar sy ade orang2 yg brfikiran negatif yg mempengaruhi fikiran sy..mmg bengang giler gk arh..yelar kita dah elok2 fikir positif tibe2 diorang mula start nk hasut dn ubah fikiran kita..huhu..

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Post time 28-10-2013 11:27 PM | Show all posts
Law of attraction ni...apa2 yang kita fikir..baik, buruk insyaallah akan dapat.
bagi me, paling senang (tapi sebenarnya susah) bersangka baik whatever it is.
Jangan jadi hamba kepada fikiran dan perasaan.
Kalau dah bersangka baik semua, jalani hidup dgn bahgia....tak der dah so called law of attraction ni.


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Post time 29-10-2013 11:33 AM | Show all posts
dafiza posted on 28-10-2013 11:27 PM
Law of attraction ni...apa2 yang kita fikir..baik, buruk insyaallah akan dapat.
bagi me, paling se ...
Jangan jadi hamba kepada fikiran dan perasaan.
fikiran dan perasaan ..
adalah 2 elements yang important pada insan ..

fikiran dari Aqal ..
yang d'suntik dengan ilmu sebagai panduan ..

perasaan dari Hati ..
yang d'salurkan dengan Iman sebagai pedoman ..

maka memain lah peranan kedua nya ..
dengan erti kata .. panduan itu mesti berpedoman ..


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Post time 29-10-2013 12:56 PM | Show all posts
NorAddin posted on 29-10-2013 11:33 AM
fikiran dan perasaan ..
adalah 2 elements yang important pada insan ..

maka gunakanlah sendiri, jadikan pedoman kepada kamu.
Tiada masalah bg saya. Itu pemikiran kamu, yg menjalani hidup kamu adalah kamu sendiri.

law of attraction ni tidak baru pun..
Bagi org yang happy, law of attraction tiada sbb menjadi lumrah dirinya happy walau apa2 yang berlaku...tetap juga happy.
even dibaling taik sekali pun.
Dia redha ini jalan nya.
Baginya semua drNya...segala yg berlaku tetap dgn keizinanNya.
kalau Tuhan tak izin, tak akan berlaku.
Buat apa marah2, if marah...maknanya tidak bersyukur, tidak percaya dgn Tuhan.



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Post time 29-10-2013 01:05 PM | Show all posts
dafiza posted on 29-10-2013 12:56 PM
maka gunakanlah sendiri, jadikan pedoman kepada kamu.
Tiada masalah bg saya. Itu pemikiran kamu,  ...
even dibaling taik sekali pun.
Dia redha ini jalan nya.
Baginya semua drNya...segala yg berlaku tetap dgn keizinanNya.
kalau Tuhan tak izin, tak akan berlaku.
Buat apa marah2, if marah...maknanya tidak bersyukur, tidak percaya dgn Tuhan.
we are living in reality .. be realistic ..
3 pegangan ada ..
  • Jabriah
  • ASWL
  • Qadariah
tiap² philosophy peganggan itu mengikut acuan aturan susunan ..
bukan main hantam saja ..



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Post time 11-1-2014 10:51 PM | Show all posts
brown93 posted on 19-6-2012 10:30 PM
Reply 59# my-alja

mmg exactly sama sperti ape yg brlaku dlm kehidupan saya stiap hari..ape yg aw ...

setahu manja la kan..
ape yg menyukarkan..atau "menghalangkan"...kite..dari mendapat hasil yg positif../berkesan..
dari konsep law of attraction ni..ialah..negative energy...

manja ade bc..dlm 1 buku motivasi ni..
sekiranye..time kite tgh nak dengar positif affirmation..dari mp3 la..contohnye..
tp dlm hati kite..tgh sedih berduka..terluka..atau fikiran kite tgh kusut masai..
mmg x kan of attaction ni....sbb tenaga2..negatif ni mcm kesedihan...stress..kebimbangan..
semua tu akan membantutkan proses kite utk mendekatkan diri dgn perkara2 yg baik & positif...

jadi akhirnye..hasil yg kite dapat..mungkin 50% jek yg baik..yg kite nak..
& at same time..kite..ter "attract"...50% perkara yg negatif....uhuhu....omg!!...

itu lah cabaran..nak of attraction dlm kehidupan..seharian kite..
org yg mental die kuat..bleh la lawan..
tp bg org yg emosi kuat..mcm manja..sgt sukar...



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Post time 11-1-2014 10:53 PM | Show all posts
1 more thing kan..

thats parents yg ade anak2..kecil..
ni la masa terbaik..utk beri pujian..yg positif..pd anak2..
bile hari2 kite guna words yg baik2..& encouraging...

insyaallah...anak tu..bile besar nanti akan ade self-esteem..yg tinggi...
& jiwa yg kental...

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Post time 5-2-2014 08:23 AM | Show all posts
The law of attraction is very true.
I have learned it from my NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) coach.
When you fully utilize the power of "Law of attaction" ecologically, you can achieve what you what more easy.

Feel free to join our class on tomorrow, discuss about NLP: De-stress and Mind relaxation.
You will learn how to discover your inner strength through NLP too.

Date: 6 February 2014 (Thursday)
Time: 8.30pm- 10pm
Venue: Yen Universe Consultancy Training Room
29-3, Jalan Puteri 2/1, Bandar Puteri, 47100 Puchong, Selangor.
Ticket: RM50
Speaker: Steve Lim

Fun, Live and Interactive Sharing
- Work Life Balance
- Be Your True-self
- Discover Your Inner Strength
- Blossom Your Seed of Love

Limited to 20 pax per class.
For registration, kindly contact us at 017- 2654 688

Yen Universe Consultancy Sdn. Bhd.

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Post time 1-5-2014 09:30 AM | Show all posts
Law of attraction is not 100% manifested, subject to our fate and karma that we bring from past life or genetic that we inherited.

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Post time 2-5-2014 02:48 PM | Show all posts
Emoloser posted on 1-5-2014 09:30 AM
Law of attraction is not 100% manifested, subject to our fate and karma that we bring from past life ...

let us not use the word karma to scare off malay/muslim reader, we change the word to action/result as the work karma imply,

karma is not a credit / debit effect. e.g. you kill today, next year you are being killed.

but more to conservation of energy. e.g. you as a muslim, you insult a people, then your action has caused an effect. either your mind is angered/you fileld with hate, and the people dislike you, you carry on and more and more ppl dislike you, soon you left alone and with only anger/insult acc you.

this is karma, bukan balasan, tepapi cause/effect.  



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Post time 2-5-2014 02:50 PM | Show all posts
dafiza posted on 28-10-2013 11:27 PM
Law of attraction ni...apa2 yang kita fikir..baik, buruk insyaallah akan dapat.
bagi me, paling se ...

banyak banyak buku, ceramah mengajar apa law of attraction, apa efek dia dll...

tapi, berapa yang ajar kita membuang negative, menjadikan positive, jangan cakap ajaran melaung aku boleh aku boleh


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Post time 2-5-2014 02:53 PM | Show all posts
areenarena posted on 11-5-2011 07:43 PM
x faham ....adakah apa kite fikir boleh jadik kenyataan ke gituw?

apa itu kenyataan?

keynataan itu hanya satu model yang anda cipta dalam otak berdasarkan 5 panca indera badan.

kenyataan atau consciousness adalah your reality, how you perceive this world is matter,

sama ada anda lihat dunia ini dengan benci, marah, takut, suka, cinta, sayang dll

what is your reality?


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Post time 12-5-2014 03:27 PM | Show all posts
wei_loon5063 posted on 2-5-2014 02:50 PM
banyak banyak buku, ceramah mengajar apa law of attraction, apa efek dia dll...

tapi, berapa ya ...

good point..

antara cara/kaedah yg betul utk nak apply law of attraction..
dlm kehidupan harian kite..contohnye..dlm aspek..
"changing habits"...

kata la kite ade a few bad habits..
yg kite nak tukar..semua org nak jadi org yg lebih baik kan?..
lets say kite ni jenis yg slalu negative thinking..

ape yg manja tahu..negative thinking ni..adalah ciri jenis personality type korang..
so its not your fault...just mcm manja sndiri pun baru tahu tentang ni..

basicly ade 4 jenis personality type.2 drpnya is postive thinkers...
mmg kluar perut mak jek..sengih2..sbb die dpt ciri + ni..
they don't have to work at it..cause..mmg dtg skali dlm pakej
..they are born with it...

same goes for the negative thinkers..
tp anything that is never a good thing right?..sooo...
suke ke x..kite terpaksa work at it...

3 things..yg kite perlu ingat..:
1- bile kite menulis
2- bile kite bercakap
3- bile kite berfikir..

tiap kali we say something negative like.." i hate myself"
"i look ugly"..." i feel like sh*t"...u need to be aware of all this..

so bile u sedar..u cepat2 ubah word yg negative tu with a postive word!....
yes..u start as small as a few lame2..u will feel the difference insyaallah...



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Post time 12-5-2014 05:01 PM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 posted on 12-5-2014 03:27 PM
good point..

antara cara/kaedah yg betul utk nak apply law of attraction..

ape yg manja tahu..negative thinking ni..adalah ciri jenis personality type korang..
so its not your fault...just mcm manja sndiri pun baru tahu tentang ni..

adakan anda waras dgn perangai you yg u nak tukar? cth: bila U marah, U naik marah terus, ikut rasa marah? ker tahu marah dah naik, dan stop dia?
example terbaik adalah: bila orang marah you, perasaan tak puas timbul, dan apa kamu buat? kamu marah balik orang tu. betul tak? pernah tanya sebab apa? sebab kamu nak melindungi diri, nak jaga EGO, kamu rasa diri adalah terbaik, orang tak boleh komen. dan bila tak puas hati timbul, kamu lihat tak puas hati tu dan ambil dia sebagai minyak untuk isi tindakan kamu(pukul/maki/marah) org itu?

tiap kali we say something negative like.." i hate myself"
"i look ugly"..." i feel like sh*t"...u need to be aware of all this..

so bile u sedar..u cepat2 ubah word yg negative tu with a postive word!....
yes..u start as small as a few lame2..u will feel the difference insyaallah...

I want to share few things.
1) law of attraction. why ask us donate/charity?
one if you donate, you need to be aware of your possession. and allocate a certain amount to be donated. so, means, more you donate(money/time/energy/effort), the more you realise you possess. apart from acknowledging the less fortunate

2) your feelings are merely illusions.(from dhamma(reality))
e.g. saya ambil contoh yg senang. dari contoh you bagi tu. you cakap you benci yourself, cause you look ugly etc.

then u use insight investigation.

what makes you think you look ugly? cause you look fat? cause you are short? etc.
OK, you say you look fat, thus fat is ugly and therefore you hate yourself.
question, WHO say/indicate that FAT IS UGLY? ALLAH/GOD? human.. yes... any LAW(commo & civil)?

no, its human social law? again, see from history, why human think fat is ugly? cause they already set a sstandard that curvy female is pretty.

this curvy female is pretty and people identify curvy as beautiful thus rejecting other than curvy especially fat.
IF a grandmother is curvy? or a guy is curvy? is she/he pretty?

like LEGO. our human mind like to take piece and piece and put it together to make us think what/how thing should be.
so, rumusan, you hate yourself cause you think yourself as fat, which is because fat is considered in social standard that is ugly. this is because d "social law" says that curvy figure is pretty. "curvy figure is pretty" is a human standard that always makes us feel negative. as we want to live up to meeting their standard. jadinya, you hate your self hanyalah cuma ilusi yg you benci sendiri. sebenarnya, you nak sama dengan org lain. tapi setiap manusia bebeza.

kesimpulan, apa yg I awakened tentang law of attraction & dhamma adalah kita perlu buang/robohkan percepsi yg menghadkan minda kita tu. cth: kenapa ada org gemuk yg nampak yakin seperti abidah noor tapi ada yg low self esteem walaupun kami nampak dia sexy dan cantik?

selepas dinding yg menghadkan minda kami, baru boleh kami attract apa yg kami nak.

ape yg manja tahu..negative thinking ni..adalah ciri jenis personality type korang..
so its not your fault...

seperti yg guru law of attraction cakap, are you aware when you are angry/sad? are you aware?

ramai yg jawab, mestilah saya sedar/aware yg saya tu sedang marah. tapi kenapa ada yg "mengikut" perasaan? bila dah ikut perasaan seketika, batu aware yg kita tu marah/sedih.

Last edited by wei_loon5063 on 12-5-2014 06:12 PM



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Post time 12-5-2014 07:20 PM | Show all posts

negative thinking as a bad habit..ape nye marah2 la pulak...?
as in more negative thinking than positive thinking..

1- dateline dh nak byk lagi keje x settle..
"mati la sure xleh siap ni" = negative thinking
"penat nak mampus wei!..but i know i can finish this task on time" = postiive thinking..

2- stuck in traffic jam
"omg!!...lambat la aku sampai office karang...omg!!...mesti bos marah!..omg..nnt client pun marah"
= negative thinking
"..well..lewat2 pun lewat la, ni mesti ade accident ke ape ni..nak buat mcm mana..baik aku relax2 dengar lagu"...
= positive thinking..
what we think we will attract....

Last edited by manjalara_01 on 12-5-2014 07:36 PM



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Post time 12-5-2014 07:26 PM | Show all posts
what we think we will attract..

law of attraction..sape2 yg minat taylor swift..
sure tgh byk thinking of taylor swift..skrg..
kalau die fikir negative jek...

"aku xde duit..mesti x dapat pegi ni..sia2 la..taylor dtg m'sia pun..
tp i tetap xleh gi.."..

"walau ape jua skali pun....aku tetap akan kumpul ticket..awal2..aku bleh guna duit saving or maybe pinjam dgn member...tranports..aku bleh tumpang simpulan2..die pun fanatic..taylor swift..sure die pegi punye.."...



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Post time 12-5-2014 07:40 PM | Show all posts
Emoloser posted on 1-5-2014 09:30 AM
Law of attraction is not 100% manifested, subject to our fate and karma that we bring from past life ...

yes mmg xde nye nak 100%...
mmg perkara2 mcm ni..melibatkan byk faktor2..lain..
its never based on 1 thing only....

mcm yg u kata..takdir..faktor genetik..
personality type kite..kemampuan kite..faktor persekitaran..dll..

tp pd manja..kite tetap bleh apply..
ape2 yg bleh mendatangkan kebaikan pd diri kite..

selagi..x melanggar batasan agama..kite..

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Post time 12-5-2014 07:59 PM | Show all posts
wei_loon5063 posted on 12-5-2014 05:01 PM
ape yg manja tahu..negative thinking ni..adalah ciri jenis personality type korang..
so its not y ...

contoh "i hate myself"..dll tu manja tersilap..

yg tu..terkluar topik...cause its on self-esteem..self love,,dll..

but theres no denying what we think effects on how we feel jgk..


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Post time 30-5-2014 09:30 AM | Show all posts
wei_loon5063 posted on 2-5-2014 02:48 PM
let us not use the word karma to scare off malay/muslim reader, we change the word to action/r ...

Ada certain gene yang menarik negetive energy impact our life and decision making, mungkin kesan dari parents kita atau
ada yang percaya kepada kehidupan lepas. Bagi orang muslim solat lima waktu boleh mengurang kan impact energy negetive ini.
Dosa yang kita buat setiap hari boleh mendatangkan kesan negetif kepada kehidupan kita seterusnya, jadi solat lima waktu
boleh menghapuskan dosa ini, tapi syaratnya kena ikhlas dan tidak menunjuk-menunjuk.

Secara saintifiknya, apabila kita bersolat, segala tenaga negetif yang terkumpul di kelenjar pineal akan di serap ke bumi, ketika bersujud.
Jadi kita akan rasa tenang selepas bersolat. Kalau tak percaya boleh cuba sendiri.



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Post time 31-5-2014 02:32 PM | Show all posts
Emoloser posted on 30-5-2014 09:30 AM
Ada certain gene yang menarik negetive energy impact our life and decision making, mungkin kesan d ...

Ada certain gene yang menarik negetive energy impact our life and decision making, mungkin kesan dari parents kita atau
ada yang percaya kepada kehidupan lepas. Bagi orang muslim solat lima waktu boleh mengurang kan impact energy negetive ini.

Sorry, tambah sikit, sebenarnya, dalam buddhism(tolak mitos/cerita), kita semua(termasuk anda) hidup dan mati setiap saat. kenapa saya cakap begitu? sebab mengikut buddha, the self(diri) adalah kombinasi 5 benda. 1) badan 2) perasaan 3) percepti 4) mental foramation 5) consciousness
1) badan 2,3,4,5 mental. so, setap saat, kelima lima benda tu berubah ubah dari semasa ke semasa mengikut keadaan semasa.
cth: badan percepsi perasaan mental formation dan consciousness anda sekarang adalah lain daripada yg kelima masa anda kecil. kelima aggregate ni akan berubah lagi, jika anda berhadapan dgn keadaan lain. cth; anda yg ceria akan jadi org yg muram selepas di pisah kan dgn pasangan. badan jangan lagi cakap, 90% bukan milik anda, tapi milik organisma lain(cell/virus/bacteria/air) so, kehidupan lepas adalah anda yg lepas.

untuk anda nampak 2,3,4,5 mental state ni, saya ambil contoh senang.
kamu tengah makan, tiba tiba dengar bunyi "bangg" (2) feeling terkejut terlahir sebab telinga anda dengar bunyi "bang" dan anda tau itu bunyi "bang" sebab sebelum ni anda pernah dengar. kalau tak pernah dengar, akan ada perasaan neutral.
kemudian minda anda akan cari balik dalam perpustakaan otak anda, ada tak perkara bang berlaku? perkara baik atau buruk? jika baik/buruk, anda akan anggap "bang" tu bunyi dari kemalangan so adalah buruk (3)
kemudian, minda anda akan terjalin mental state(4), sini ada 52 jenis. (termasuk takut, terkejut,gembira, etc etc) dan baru jadi consciousness anda yg terkejut itu. dan sebenarnya minda kita cuma terdiri drpd 52 mental state ni. setiap saat sekadar 1juta + pusingan contoh yg saya bagi tau ni.

dalam contoh yg lepas(experimen buka tutup tangan), menunjukkan yg apa yg anda nak berbeza dgn apa yg anda buat.

balik kepada energy, energy dalam law of attraction ni adalah sebenarnya magnetism particle.

P/S sebenarnya, bukan nk cakap buddhism. tapi buddhism bukan agama, tapi sains minda
buddha- awakened one
ajaranya adalah dhamma(sanskrit) - reality

ni bukan nk promote agama ke apa apa. tapi apa yg you org cakap ni(law fo attraction) adalah salah satu ajaran buddhism. iaitu Ahbidhamma Pitaka (higher teaching of dhamma(reality))

Last edited by wei_loon5063 on 31-5-2014 02:59 PM


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