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Author: populargurlz


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Post time 12-8-2003 03:03 PM | Show all posts
Eduardo runs after Lia but he is not able to catch up. When he gets back inside the house, Amor is crying. Lia and Vinnie go straight to the bar. Lia does not want to go home and wants to drown herself in alcohol. Vinnie tries to stop her. He could see how hurt Lia is for she keeps repeating how Eduardo and Amor fooled her. Eduardo goes straight home and looks for Lia. Pacita tells him that Lia is not home yet.

Lia avoids Eduardo at home but Eduardo insists they talk. Lia goes hysterical and accuses Eduardo of fooling her. Eduardo tries to explain that he and Claudia do not love each other anymore and he chose not to tell about Amor for he does not want Lia to get hurt. For Lia, Eduardo should not have strayed away. But Eduardo defends himself and says it is Claudia who betrayed him first for she and Simon have a relationship since before. Lia gets even hurt and it makes her feel so unloved and a product of hate. Claudia hears the commotion. She enters the room and asks Eduardo and Lia what is going on. No one answers. On a different occasion, Claudia tries to ask Eduardo about what happened with Lia but Eduardo remains silent.

Early in the morning, Yna sees Belen crying. Belen says Caloy passed by but he would not be able to go home for a long time. She says Caloy would go into hiding for he killed Mr. Chua. Yna does not show much concern on Caloy and tells Belen that he is old enough to take care of himself. Belen is worried that if Caloy get caught, the police might torture him. Yna abhors how Belen defends Caloy and tolerates his wrong actions. Belen gets hurt and tells Yna that the main reason why she did not let Caloy stay in their house is because of Yna

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Post time 12-8-2003 03:06 PM | Show all posts
Eduardo begs Amor not to end their relationship but for Amor, she would rather be hurt than Lia. Eduardo says that time would soon come when Lia would be old enough to understand his decisions. Amor says that the time he is talking about is when Lia already lost her respect for him as a father and respect for her as a person. Eduardo does not care even if he knows what they are doing is wrong. Amor reminds him that the present is different from the past, and no matter how the world turns, she is still a mistress. Eduardo could not let go of Amor. He was in anguish for 20 years longing for Amor and he could not afford to lose her again. He remembers Claudia's proposal. Eduardo encourages Amor to sell back the companies to Claudia in exchange for the annulment. Whatever they do, Amor still thinks it would never change the people's perception of their relationship. Eduardo is determined not to let go of Amor.

Amor pours her heart to Betty Mae. Betty Mae reminds Amor that she used to say "nothing is wrong when it comes to love." Betty Mae makes Amor choose between her reputation and love. An NBI agent snoops around the casino.

Tony is bothered by the man's presence. When Tony asks for as search warrant, the agent does not have one in hand. Tony reminds Claudia not to give in Maria Amor for investigation. Claudia assures Tony not to worry for she would handle everything.

Belen is very sad and Yna tries to cheer her up. Yna reminds her that there are others who still need her like Isko, Flerida and herself. She also mentions that the fashion show is nearing and she definitely wants Belen to be there. Somehow, the news lifts Nanay's spirit.

Yna informs Amor about the coming fashion show. Amor is thrilled and brings Yna to a salon to have her hair fixed. At the salon, Amor bumps into two friends. She introduces Yna to them and they greet Yna with a kiss on both cheeks. Yna is not familiar with this gesture so she acts silly in front of the women. As the two women leave the salon, they gossip about Amor that she has a lover. Amor is aware that her friends are indifferent of Yna. So she gives Yna some pointers on how to greet people properly. When she asks what haircut Yna wants, Yna says she wants to grow her hair longer just like Queenie's. Amor says she must have her own distinct look.

Lia is acting rebellious. Eduardo catches her smoking inside the house so he asks who influenced her to do that. Lia corrects him that the question must be why she is doing that. Eduardo tells her not to ruin his life. But Lia answers him that it would be best if she disappeared for she is just a product of "accident." Nana Pacita who has overheard the argument tells Eduardo that Lia not only smokes but there are also nights when she comes home drunk. That evening, Eduardo enters Lia's room. Lia pretends to be asleep. He kisses his daughter on the forehead. This does not change Lia's hardened heart. The next day, Eduardo tries to reach out to Lia again. He gives her money for school but Lia refuses. She does not even want Eduardo to bring her to school. Then Lia looks at him sternly and screams to stop trying to be a good father.

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Post time 12-8-2003 03:12 PM | Show all posts

farewell to Pangako Sa Yo officially in Phillipnes  -> 20 September 2002

[ Last edited by fly_in_d_sky on 12-8-2003 at 03:29 PM ]

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Post time 14-8-2003 12:00 AM | Show all posts
sambungannya ...

Cookie is impressed with Yna's new haircut. Yna tells him how she felt quite uncomfortable with the kind of people that frequented the salon. He tells her how lucky she is to have Amor in her life, then turns to Belen to ask if she agrees. Nanay gives her hesitant yes.

Upon seeing Yna's new look, the other models make nasty comments. Queenie arrives a little later and Yna is star-struck once more. She moves her things to make space for Queenie's stuff. The latter notices that she's got a new haircut and says it looks good on her. Yna could not believe that Queenie had noticed. She looks at Queenie's long hair with admiration.

Tony Banks is upset. Someone has informed him that a business ally is reportedly not happy with the way things are going. The officers at Buenatelco are curious that Amor hasn't been checking on them. They ask Eduardo if he has any idea why. Soon enough, Eduardo visits Amor in Manila. She says she just wants to avoid the rumors going around then tells him to leave.With firm conviction he tells that he is prepared to fight for their love.

Maria Amor is now a helper in Claudia's mansion. Eduardo is surprised to find that the madam has hired additional help. He asks where the girl came from. But she refuses to divulge even just a bit of information. Nanay Pacita gets curious and asks for Maria's full name. The girl lies that it is only Maria.

Jonathan loses his scholarship. Lia continues to live a rebel's life. She tells her friends she does not mind flunking all her subjects for she wants to be a headache to her parents. Yet almost instantly, her voice trails off, and the tears start to well up in her eyes. Puffing a cigarette, she tries so hard to fight back the tears.

The Bakya models take a break from rehearsals and Queenie sits quietly at one corner, leafing through a magazine. Occassionally, Yna steals glances, faltering whether to come near the model or not. Finally she sits an arm's length from Queenie and the latter notices. Queenie asks why and she says nothing. One of the models makes a nasty comment that Yna just wants Queenie's autograpg. Queenie looks at the model and asks them what could be wrong with it. She takes out a piece of paper, scribbles something on it. Yna reads it right there and then and sees that it's more than an autograph. Queenie has written her an encouraging note to keep up the good work.

Amor finally visits Buenatelco. Eduardo is beside himself. The other officers are also happy to see her. She asks how the i-Power campaign is. They give her good reports. She expresses confidence in her officers that they could run the company without her. But they insist they still need her to be on top of things. Then Eduardo blurts out that Amor is like gasoline for without her the world would stop turning.

Queenie asks Yna out for a date. She brings Yna to a beautiful place overlooking the waters. There, Queenie shares about her life and love life, how she became a model and how she enjoys her career. She even teaches Yna how the proper way to walk as a model!

Tony flares up while on the phone He insists that the person on the other line follow his orders immediately. Claudia walks in with a briefcase. Claudia opens the briefcase and shows him how much the casino made in three days... five million pesos. Tony's mood instantly shifts. He comes near and tells Claudia there are exceptions to the rule. But the madam firmly tells him, "I don't want to be the exception... I want and will be the rule."

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Post time 14-8-2003 12:01 AM | Show all posts
Queenie tells Yna the downside of being a model. Sometimes you have to pretend in order to please people. Queenie has to learn how to play the game and not be affected by rumors. Queenie's cellphone rings, but the person on the other line quickly cuts it. She tries to contact the caller, but the phone is off. Queenie tells Yna that its her boyfriend, Bernie. Bernie demands more time from her and sometimes she gets suffocated. Yna feels a bit concerned and uncomfortable. Queenie orders tequila for both of them. Yna refuses but Queenie insists she has to get used to it for it is part of their job. She comes home smelling of alcohol. Nanay expresses concern. Yna tells her mother that she needs to do it as part of her job.

Lia and Maria Amor finally meet and recognized each other. Lia asks why she agreed to become one of the helpers. She then warns her of Claudia's cruelty. Maria Amor says she needs money badly. When asked why she seldom sees her Lia said with contempt that her parents are lucky that she still goes home than not at all.

Queenie notices how nervous Yna is. She finds out Amor has invited the girl to a formal dinner. She encourages Yna to relax and be confident for she looks very beautiful. Dinner finally arrives. Yna gets confused which spoon to use and she almost panicked. Good thing Amor notices. She catches Yna's eye and discreetly signals her to follow her lead. Yna feels akward at first but she survives the night. Soon enough, Yna is given a lecture and hands-on training by Ma'am Amor on how to conduct herself during formal dinners.

One evening at dinnertime, Yna excitedly shares with her family everything Amor has taught her. She tells them how kind Amor is to take time and teach her appropriate table manners. She sees Flerida slurping the soup and corrects her. The family ends up having a heated discussion on the proper way to eat soup. Yna still encourages them to learn proper table manners so they would nott feel embarrassed when invited to formal dinners. Belen would rather be dead than attend such affairs. Yna says Amor might bring them to one. Nanay doesn't hide her resentment and tells Yna that Amor controls every move of their family.

The phone rings and Yna takes the call. She hears Queenie's troubled voice on the other end of the line. She meets Queenie in a restaurant and sees her in tears. Queenie breaks down in Yna's arms.

Maria Amor cleans-up Eduardo's study. She chances upon a painting of Amor. The face strikes a chord in her heart.

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Post time 14-8-2003 12:02 AM | Show all posts
Maria Amor quickly puts Amor's painting back in its place as she hears Eduardo coming in. Curious, he asks Maria Amor where she met Claudia. Timidly, she tells him she is not supposed to tell.

Queenie's boyfriend has broken up with her. Her career is getting in the way of their relationship. But she admits that she still loves him very much. She agrees on Yna's advice that she has her own world and would not wait for a man who does want to be a part of it.

Jonathan sees Lia and her barkada at hanging out at the school parking lot, dancing and playing loud music. The sight disgusts him. He grabs Lia and confronts her about her failing grades. She says she couldn't care less if her life were ruined. Jonathan flares up and lets out an expletive. Vinny approaches Lia to comfort her. Jonathan loses control and tries to grab Vinny but the latter hits him back. Jonathan blames Vinnie and the barkada for what is happening to Lia. She defends her friends and says her parents are the ones to be blamed. Jonathan suggests that Lia talk to her parents but she is too angry to listen. She hastily leaves in tears. Jonathan quickly follows. Lia pours out her heart and says she has tried to be a good daughter all her life. But her parents have betrayed her. He says being rebellious is never the solution. Still she doesn't care. Jonathan asks what would happen to their relationship now. Then Lia answers that she gets choked with his love. He reminds her that he turned back from all his for he chose Lia. Lia feels guilty so she apologizes for keeping his hopes up. As Lia walks home, she chances upon Vinnie by the grandstand. He asks if everything is okay with her and Jonathan. She tells him she has decided to end it. Vinny turns pensive and tells Lia that Jonathan is a good person, unlike him, who is considered bad luck by his own family. Lia could relate what Vinnie is feeling.

Claudia scolds Maria Amor and warns the girl to do a better job. With Claudia is gone, Pacita and Doray comfort her. They tell her about Yna and show her picture in a magazine. They keep Maria Amor's hopes up that she could be like Yna someday.

Queenie is devastated. Her boyfriend hasn't called nor has he returned her calls. Once more Yna tries to comfort her saying that it is not the end of the world and no man could ever end it except God.

Belen doesn't want to go to the fashion show. They will only feel out of place, she says. Yna gently teases her mother that if they did not go, she would not perform. Belen has no choice but to go.

Claudia and Tony play a private poker game and talk about the upcoming fashion show. They both have their own reasons for not going. But each openly doubts the other's excuse. A little later, one of Tony's associates arrives. Her name is Pinky Lee, Tony's right hand at his Singapore office. The two women are introduced. Pinky extends her hand, and calls Claudia by her first name. Claudia haughtily looks at her from head to foot, refusing to accept this newcomer as her equal. Thus, the hand remains unacknowledged. But she is shocked when Tony asks her to step out of the office. He and Pinky have some important things to talk about. Dumbfounded, she steps out, but not without a menacing look in her eye. Clearly, Claudia considers Pinky a threat. Coring tells her to have herself made over in a very expensive salon. Not just the ones in Santa Barbara.

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man_utd This user has been deleted
Post time 14-8-2003 08:21 PM | Show all posts
fly...leh x pendekkan sinopsis nih...sakit arr mata nk baca bebyk...

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Post time 15-8-2003 12:49 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by man_utd at 14-8-2003 08:21 PM:
fly...leh x pendekkan sinopsis nih...sakit arr mata nk baca bebyk...

he he he .. print la ...
sori ler ... cut n paste buat masa nie ...
ada hal ler .. dpt tgk last2 jer ...
insya allah nanti Fly baca n summary seringkas yg boleh.

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Post time 15-8-2003 12:55 AM | Show all posts
aku mmg dah sah terikat dah ngan citer ni....
rugi lak rasanya tak tengok dari awal....

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man_utd This user has been deleted
Post time 15-8-2003 08:44 AM | Show all posts
korg dpt tgk ker cite nih??asal die mula kol 2.30 hah?? ari jumaat pon ade kan?? ari jumaat aku masuk skolah kol 2.20// so kalau die mula kol 1.30 ganti catalina y sebastian kan tak...same jek mase kat astro...ko 2.30 gak..camnerlah aku nk tgk...hishhh...sian2 budak2 skolah..

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Post time 16-8-2003 01:49 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by man_utd at 15-8-2003 08:44 AM:
korg dpt tgk ker cite nih??asal die mula kol 2.30 hah?? ari jumaat pon ade kan?? ari jumaat aku masuk skolah kol 2.20// so kalau die mula kol 1.30 ganti catalina y sebastian kan tak...s ...

tu ler rugi jd budak sekolah ...
kalau tak puas ati pi ler komplen kat RTM tuh ...
ckp tak puas ati ngan pertukaran masa ...

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Post time 16-8-2003 01:54 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aYuGiLeR at 15-8-2003 12:55 AM:
aku mmg dah sah terikat dah ngan citer ni....
rugi lak rasanya tak tengok dari awal....

ala .. Fly pun tak tgk mula2 cite nie ...
Fly tgk masa Yna n family dia keje ngan kluarga Buenavista, time tu Eduardo still jd gabenor Puente Verde .. n Claudia jaga casion haram diorg ...
Angelo n Yna lum couple lagi .. masa tu Angelo cam suka2 skit kat Yna ...
tergelak masa Angelo cuba nak flirt ngan Yna ....
Lia cuma tolong2 skit ...
Eduardo tak brapa rapat ngan Yna .. rapat skit2 sebb memasing minat melukis ...

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Post time 17-8-2003 01:54 AM | Show all posts
sinopsis utk ari Khamis n Jumaat akan diberi pd lewat ari Ahad ...
sibuk skit ...

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clownishbabe This user has been deleted
Post time 17-8-2003 02:02 PM | Show all posts
Aku lupa aku start tengok dari mana but masa aku start tu watak bea bianca dah ada laa....citer ni best kan...i mean some of the watak memang betul-betul brutal la....contoh yg paling obvious si Madam Claudia...fuh, and i think she's pretty in a bad kinda way. Kalau dialog tu pun mesti ada bahasa inggerisnya...memang best laaa! Dialog paling best is masa Mummy Andie from Bakya Fashion bagitau kat Cookie (make-up artist Yna)

"You can bring your opinion to grave."


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Post time 17-8-2003 04:52 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by clownishbabe at 17-8-2003 02:02 PM:
Aku lupa aku start tengok dari mana but masa aku start tu watak bea bianca dah ada laa....citer ni best kan...i mean some of the watak memang betul-betul brutal la....contoh yg paling obvious si Ma ...

kata2 dlm cite Pangako Sa Yo nih banyak double meaning n sinikal ...
si Claudia tu waktu first time mmg lawa n si Amor Powers tak lawa ...
tp la nie ... Amor Powers tgh bercinta ngan Eduardo Buenavista, nampak tersgt ler lawa dia. muka nampak manis n berseri-seri .. cam really in love ...
Claudia tu .. erkk ...
Madam Andy tu mulut laser ...

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Post time 18-8-2003 01:07 AM | Show all posts
sorry tak dpt buat sinopsis ringkas .. buat copy n paste jer ...

Ari Khamis ....
Pepe pensively looks out to sea. When Angelo asks what's on his mind, he gives the young man a riddle: "Hindi mo kapatid, hindi mo anino, minsa'y nawawala sa yo, minsa'y naririto." Pepe promises to give Angelo his most priceless possession if he got the answer right. Angelo doesn't take him seriously. He takes Pepe's
Claudia visits the top hairstylist in town, James. Coincidentally, Amor also arrives to have her hair done for that night's fashion show. Amor is surprised to see Claudia. It unnerves Amor for Claudia knows that James is Amor's stylist eversince. When James arrives, he is caught between the two women on who to do first.
During the final rehearsals, one of the models, Sarah a call from Claudia. The night of the fashion show has arrived. Yna seems to be a natural on the catwalk. She pleases almost everyone. Yna and Queenie are good tandem. It is time for the grand finale and Yna and Queenie are making a grand entrance. Sarah extends her foot and causes Yna to fall! Everyone is aghast. Queenie saw what Sarah did. She reaches for Yna's hand and helps her up. Yna stands up with head held high and still manages to wear a big smile for the audience. The audience admire Yna for such grace and confidence.
Amor, Bettymae, Mommy Andie and Serge greet Yna excitedly and give her their warmest and most sincere congratulations. Some top modeling agents are asking if they could sign-up Yna to model abroad. On the other hand, Isko loses patience and throws tantrums. He sees the spaghetti, scoops a handful and stuffs it in his pockets and puts some on his head. Everyone is shocked. Yna is shocked, too. Amor orders Betty Mae to take care of everything. Belen and Yna look at each other. Belen is very much aware that Isko embarrassed Yna.
Lia sneaks into the house with Vinnie. As they enter Lia's room, Eduardo catches them and demands to know what's going on. Smugly, she tells her father, she wants Vinnie to sleep over because she feels lonely. Eduardo sees red and orders Vinnie out of the house, while forcibly dragging Lia into her room. Once more he pleads with his daughter that she could not go on hating herself.
Claudia comes home and asks why Eduardo is drinking. He tells her that she could not handle Lia anymore. Coldly, Claudia says not to mind Lia for she would get tired of being a rebel soon. Eduardo s disgusted with Claudia's reply and walks away.
Yna tells Belen that she should not have made a tight watch on Isko. Belen flares up and sarcastically apologizes for embarrassing her and Amor. Yna does not understand why Belen is so angry at Amor. Yna claims they should even be thankful for Amor for lifting their lives up from poverty. Belen is still not conviced. If that is the case, Yna decides to quit her job. Belen says that move would be the best for if she continued, Amor might steal Yna from them.

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Post time 18-8-2003 01:08 AM | Show all posts
Amor finds Yna crying in her office. Yna confides about Belen. She could not understand why Belen takes Amor's help negatively. Amor explains that sometimes, a mother's love could be choking because of fear that her child might take the wrong path and go astray. Amor tells Yna to understand Belen for it shows that her mother loves her so much.
Maria Amor brings breakfast for Lia in her bedroom. Lia is about to leave and does not want to eat. Maria Amor asks where she is going and Lia replies she is on her way to hell. Claudia gets angry with Maria Amor when she finds Lia's food untouched.
When Yna gets home, she apologizes to Belen at once. Belen is still giving her the cold shoulders. When Yna received her salary, she hands it to Belen and tells her to keep it. Belen does not want to take it and says she is not used to holding large amount of money. Yna wants Belen to feel important so she insists to keep the money. Yna says from that day on, she would divide her salary in half. One-half is for Belen and the other half is for Yna to keep so she could save up for her and Angelo's dreams.
Angelo finds a boy digging sand and asks him what he is looking for. The boy replies that he wants to find his shadow. The sun is down and Angelo says it would be impossible to find it at that time. The boy says what is important is "himself" than the sun. So he quickly looks for Pepe at the beach but could not find her. He asks around but no one has seen Pepe.
Queenie invites Yna for a date. Queenie congratulates Yna for her confidence during the fashion show. Yna thanks her back and claims Queenie is the one who gave her encouragement and taught her how to be professional. Yna admires Queenie that even if she has problems, she still manages to keep a straight face. Queenie quickly interrupts Yna and happily says she already has a new boyfriend. She realizes she does not want to wait for a man who could not understand her. Queenie's boyfriend is the pianist in that restaurant. She narrates that after the fashion show, she went to that restaurant got sentimental. Then the guy approached her and from that moment, she fell in love with him. Queenie approaches her boyfriend and sits beside him. Yna watches them and thinks deeply.
Maria Amor writes a letter to her Lola Puring about Claudia's maltreatment on her. But then she realizes this would just worry the old lady. So she crumples the letter and writes a new one saying things are doing fine. She sits back and sings a lullaby. Eduardo overhears Maria Amor. He says that the song sounds familiar but he just could not remember whom he heard it from.
When Lia gets home late at night, he finds Eduardo waiting for her. Eduardo is holding Lia's grades in school. She has failing marks in every subject that would cause her to get kicked out of school. Eduardo reprimands her and says he must talk to the dean to give Lia remedial exams to make-up for her studies. But Lia insults him by saying all he does is pay people to do something for her and claims Eduardo has a rotten personality. She says it would not be impossible if they found her caught in an accident for being drunk or locked up in jail. Eduardo does not know how to handle Lia anymore. He gives up and tells her to go on ruining her life. Lia enters her room freaking out. She packs her things and plans to run away. Then their family picture catches her attention. She looks at the picture closely then throws it away.
Tony and Pinky are discussing about Amor's company, Liberty Powers Telecommunications. She says it would be very easy for Tony to get the company for all it takes is money and power

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Post time 18-8-2003 01:09 AM | Show all posts
Claudia is very furious and confronts Eduardo about his affair with Amor. She could take it if it were other women but not Amor. Amor got a hold of almost all of Claudia's properties and she could not let her husband fall into Amor's hands, too. She swears to make Eduardo and Amor's life miserable. Eduardo reminds her that she let her be with Simon so she must also leave him and Amor alone. He is not scared of Claudia's threat to create a scandal for he claims everyone is aware that she is a good-for-nothing wife. Claudia throws back the claim at him. Out of anger, she throws all of Eduardo's clothes on the floor.
Lia and Vinnie could hear the commotion from the other room. She turns up the sound of their music and asks Vinnie to dance with her. Vinnie suggests a better way of forgetting their problems. He takes out a packet of shabu. Lia refuses and tells him maybe some other time.
Maria Amor helps Eduardo pack-up his things. Her attention is caught by Amor's portrait. Eduardo senses the girl's interest and asks if she knows how to paint. Maria Amor says no but tells Eduardo about her grandmother's story that her father drew a portrait of her mother before she left for the country. Her mother has not come back since then. Their conversation is interrupted when Pacita enters the room with a sad expression on her face. Eduardo entrusts Lia to Pacita and asks her to take good care of his daughter. On his way out, Eduardo runs into Lia. He says he is leaving for good and maybe that would put Lia at peace. But Eduardo reminds Lia not to ever give up on her future. He embraces Lia and says he would always love her. Lia does not react. When Eduardo leaves, Lia is caught in tears.
Claudia pours her anger on Tony. She is determined to make life miserable for Amor and Eduardo. Tony asks if she is already prepared for a scandal. Claudia is confident she would gain the people's sympathy for she is the martyr. Tony warns Claudia that Amor is devious and she could make it appear Claudia is the one at fault. Tony tells Claudia to shut her mouth for once and use her head. He suggests that an "underground" attack works better than a fight done "face-to-face."
When Claudia arrives home, she catches Lia drinking beer. Lia faces her and says Eduardo already left home with his mistress. Claudia says not to bother about them and curses them to go to hell. Lia says it would be better if Claudia went along with them for she already knows all about Simon. Claudia tries to convince Lia that Simon is a thing of the past. Lia says she has been questioning God why she is cursed with parents like hers.
Yna surprises Amor with a mother and child portrait she sketched herself. Amor is delighted and impressed. She looks intently at Yna and tells her that her success is just an arm reach away. Yna suddenly becomes sad for she wants to offer her success to a special someone but he is not around.
It has been days and Angelo wonders where Pepe is. A waitress hands him a notebook from Pepe. He learns that the old man already left but did not tell anyone where he would be heading.
After their dinner, Yna invites Amor to have coffee in their house. Belen offers to get some but Yna insists to do it since Amor likes Yna's coffee. Belen feels uneasy beside Amor. Yna discovers they run out of sugar so she goes out to buy at the nearby store. Belen and Amor struggle to make conversation. Then Belen finds the guts to tell Amor about her feelings. Belen asks Amor why she gives Yna such special attention. Amor says Yna is a very good child and deserves everything she is doing for Amor could see Yna's determination to succeed. Amor even opens up her plans to bring Yna abroad for Yna has a promising career. Belen gets bothered by the idea and says it is difficult for a mother to let go of her child. But for Amor, Belen has to face reality that Yna is not a child anymore and eventually would have a life of her own. Despite of Belen's explanation, Amor still tries to make her point clear. But Belen tells Amor she could never understand a mother's feelings no matter how many times she explains. Amor looks at Belen with pain in her eyes and says she knows very well how a mother feels.

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Post time 18-8-2003 01:10 AM | Show all posts
Belen asks Amor how she could have known the feeling of being a mother while she has not been one yet. Amor decides to keep the truth to herself. Instead, she tells Belen about her mother who set her free to find a better life. While she was away from her mother, all Amor thought about was to go home. But when she finally did, it was too late. There conversation is cut short when Yna arrives. When Amor leaves, Belen asks why Amor works too hard to think she does not have a family. Yna says that is the reason why Amor is so fond of her. She says even if Amor has everything she is still not fulfilled for she has not experienced having her own family.
Eduardo calls up Amor and informs her that he already left his family. They spend the night in their love nest. The next day, Amor already took care of Eduardo's breakfast. When Amor is about to prepare Eduardo's office clothes, he stops her and says he would not go to work for he plans to fix his annulment papers.
It is late at night. Lia is on her way out of the house. Claudia asks where she is going and Lia answers coldly she is on her way to meet Vinnie in a bar and there, she would party all night while smoking and drinking. Claudia does not stop Lia and even gives her money to spend. When Lia already left, Pacita expresses concern for Lia. Claudia replies it is better to leave Lia alone and says, "Ang tao kapag pinipigil, lalong nanggigigil." She just lets out a warning that Lia must never come to her when she gets in trouble or else

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Post time 18-8-2003 01:11 AM | Show all posts
Lia tears Jonathan's picture and screams how much she hates all the people in her life. Maria Amor lends a listening ear and Lia confides how angry she is with her parents, the world and herself. Maria Amor relates how her grandmother's song calms her down when she is upset. So Maria Amor sings a song and it does soothes her even for just a short while.
Beabianca gets better each day. She tells her doctor she is in no hurry to leave for she would like to have more time to think about her future.
Eduardo's secretary calls the mansion and looks for him. Claudia makes up a story that Eduardo is unwinding in Baguio. When she puts the phone down, Claudia releases her anger on Maria Amor. Lia comes to Maria Amor's rescue. She accuses her mother of being like a devil. Claudia tells Lia to take a good look at herself before judging her. Lia replies that everytime she looks at herself, it is Claudia she sees and all her mother's cruelty. Claudia admits her ruthless personality but claims the family benefits from it.
Queenie breaks-up with her boyfriend because she easily gets jealous. Queenie feels unlucky when it comes to her love life. Yna comforts her friend and tells her that a lot of people care for her. Queenie reminds Yna of her younger years. She sees in Yna the enthusiasm and life she once had and admits it is Yna who inspired her to come back to modeling. But still, Queenie is frustrated with herself for she falls in love so easily.
Claudia's friends visit the casino and ask her if the rumor is true that Eduardo left home. She keeps her face straight and denies it.
Lia dyes her hair with shocking colors and dresses up in gothic clothes. She and Vinnie spend the day in her bedroom drinking, smoking and dancing. Suddenly, Lia becomes aggressive and attempts to kiss him. He moves back then Lia asks if she loves him. Vinnie says that love is no issue but what matters is if Lia is not sure of herself then she would have to forget about the whole thing.
Belen's birthday is coming up but Yna seems to have forgotten. Flerida tells Belen that they spend the occasion but Belen says it would all depend on Yna. But the two notice Yna is very preoccupied with Queenie who has been having bouts with depression.
Amor tells Betty Mae how she could not afford to lose Power Airlines for she has spent effort and money to put the company up. Amor also does not want to displace the employees who depend on her. They start thinking some cost-cutting measures.
Claudia is shocked upon receiving the annulment papers filed by Eduardo. So she charges at Buenatelco and confronts Eduardo. Claudia acts affectionate in front of Eduardo's co-workers. But when the two are alone, Claudia swears she would never grant divorce to Eduardo. She tears the document into pieces and walks away.

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