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Author: limau_nipis

Historical Romance

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Post time 6-4-2009 05:23 PM | Show all posts
lamanya tak masuk sini....

sabtu pegi CM beli:

blue eyed devil- lisa kleypas---sekrg tgh ulang baca sugar daddy utk ingat balik the karekter(gila tak i???hehe)
then comes seduction-mary balogh--mlm kang nak mula baca
maverick - lora leigh
romancing a charming rogue-nicole jordan ---dah gilos...memang stail nicole jordan...
liz carlyle latest book lupa title
where the heart leads-stephanie laurens



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Post time 28-5-2009 10:30 AM | Show all posts
Hello historical romance book lovers!!!

Pinky pun dah lame sesgt tak masuk sini. Kat opis ni susah nak masuk, kekadang kena block... menyampah ....  Sekarang Pinky tengah baca Heart of Courage by Kat Martin, buku last dlm stock yg lepas. Semlm baru jek beli stock baru (curi masa lunch ) kat Kino. Bawak list 17 buku, tp yg dapatnya 5 aje... Mmg dah agak tak akan dpt sume, itu yg bwk list panjang-panjang....

Dpt ler buku-buku ni hah....
1. Never Dare A Duke - Gayle Callen
2. Gallant Match - Jennifer Blake
3. A Lady's Secret - Jo Beverly
4. Dangerous Joy - Jo Beverly
5. Devil of the Highlands - Lynsay Sands

Baca review kat internet dan pilih. Hopefully tak menghampakan.... First time nak baca Lynsay Sands punya citer...

Happy Reading everyone !!!

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Post time 29-5-2009 11:30 AM | Show all posts
Salam sume ....

Nak tanya kalau ada sesapa yg tau....
Penah tak jumpa buku by Cheryl Bolen? Kalau ada kat mana?  Pinky nak buy a few, kat Kino takde dan MPH pun rasanya takde..
Kalau jumpa pun kat eBay, Amazon dan sewaktu dengannya aje...

Tolong ya... kalau ada yg dpt membantu.

Terima kasih byk2

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Post time 2-11-2009 01:32 PM | Show all posts
Baru je terjumpa novel Lisa Kleypas terbaru - Tempt me at twilight. Ada sesiapa dah khatam?

Poppy Hathaway’s sister Beatrix’s ferret steals a love letter written to Poppy by Michael Bayning, which could ruin everything. Of course, with Poppy’s luck, she, the ferret, and her love letter are all found by Harry Rutledge, the mysterious owner of the hotel where Poppy and her family are staying for the season.
As one of London’s most successful and wealthiest businessmen, Harry had met dozens of beautiful women, but none of them have captivated him quite like this unconventional lady chasing a ferret around his hotel. Once Harry realizes Poppy is the only woman for him, he sets about removing whatever obstacles might be in the way of marrying her, including Michael, his current rival for her affections.
Brimming with superbly nuanced characters, simmering sexual chemistry, and wicked wit, the latest in Kleypas’ Victorian-set Hathaway series is a thoroughly romantic literary treat.
John Charles



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Post time 5-2-2010 02:08 PM | Show all posts

buku baru Julia Quinn, akan datang pada Jun 2010



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Post time 5-2-2010 02:21 PM | Show all posts
One of my favourite book (antara yang suka baca berulang-ulang)
Seducing the Spy - Celete Bradley

Elite spies, secret defenders of the king, The Royal Four are unsurpassed in courage, honor, and daring. Known to his brothers-in-arms as The Falcon, Lord Wyndham is the most secretive and aloof of the four. But when The Falcon meets the impetuous Lady Alicia, he discovers a soul mate whose hidden fire matches his own…

Lady Alicia Lawrence was cast out of polite society and branded a liar for a youthful mistake. When she overhears details of a conspiracy that could affect her country's fate, she turns to the one person who might believe her—Stanton Horne, Lord Wyndham. Posing as Wyndham's mistress in order to root out the enemy, Alicia is drawn into an uneasy partnership…and a wildly seductive liaison.

Lord Wyndham's uncanny ability to detect lies has made him a valuable member of the Royal Four, but in matters of romance it has proven a distinct liability. Alicia is the only woman whose thoughts he cannot read…and the only one whose sensual touch quenches every secret desire. As the mission grows more dangerous and more personal, and each encounter with Alicia more fiery than the last, this daring spy must face his greatest challenge yet—learn to trust the passion in his heart…

Cerita ini mengisahkan Lady Alicia Lawrence yang terdengar secara tidak sengaja mengenai komplot pembunuhan Raja semasa sedang muntah di bilik air awam dan memberitahu Lord Wyndham mengenai perkara ini. Lord Wyndham ialah salah seorang ahli dalam The Royal Four. The Royal Four inilah sebenarnya yang mentadbir kerajaan pada masa itu (Raja hanyalah sebagai boneka).

Lady Alicia telah dibuang keluarganya dan masyarakat kerana ditangkap ketika bersama stable-boy di dalam biliknya. Lord Wyndham pula mempunyai kebolehan untuk mengetahui sama ada seseorang itu boleh menipu atau tidak (dia dapat tahu sesorang itu berkata bohong melalui mimik mukanya) tetapi dia tak dapat menggunakan kebolehannya ketika bersama Lady Alicia.

Oleh kerana hanya Lady Alicia sahaja yang dapat mengecam siapakah yang membuat komplot itu, Lord Wyndham telah mengupah Lady Alicia untuk menjadi mistressnya. Kemudiannya Lady A telah jatuh cinta dengan dengan Lord W tetapi Lord W tidak mempercayainya (kerana dia tidak dapat mengesan Lady A ni berbohong ataupun tidak). Apakah kesudahan cerita ini? Marilah baca beramai-ramai………



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Post time 23-4-2010 03:38 PM | Show all posts
buku baru Julia Quinn, akan datang pada Jun 2010
wymer Post at 5-2-2010 14:08

    I saw this too kat ada satu website ni...coming soon....mesti dinanti2...

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Post time 23-4-2010 03:40 PM | Show all posts
Hi ladies...lamanya tak jenguk are you friends...

apa buku2 baru you all baca...

I have found new authors yg I suka...tracy anne warren....etc...any other new worth mentioning?

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Post time 24-4-2010 04:45 PM | Show all posts
tak sabar tunggu buku julia quinn yang baru
sangat suka sebastian dalam buku 'what happens in london'

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Post time 27-4-2010 10:29 AM | Show all posts
One of my favourite book (antara yang suka baca berulang-ulang)
Seducing the Spy - Celete Bradley
wymer Post at 5-2-2010 14:21

baru je baca one of her books...the storyline and writing is not that bad.....another new author yg boleh dicuba...

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Post time 27-4-2010 01:44 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by wymer at 27-4-2010 13:47
baru je baca one of her books...the storyline and writing is not that bad.....another new author ...
yaneng Post at 27-4-2010 10:29

    pernah try sherry thomas tak???? my fav story is private arrangement.

Love has designs of its own.…

To all of London society, Lord and Lady Tremaine had the ideal arrangement: a marriage based on civility, courteousness, and freedom—by all accounts, a perfect m arriage. The reason? For the last ten years, husband and wife have resided on separate continents.

But once upon a time, things were quite different for the Tremaines….When Gigi Rowland first laid eyes on Camden Saybrook, the attraction was immediate and overwhelming. But what began in a spark of passion ended in betrayal the morning after their wedding—and now Gigi wants to be free to marry again. When Camden returns from America with an outrageous demand in exchange for her freedom, Gigi's decision will have consequences she never imagined, as secrets are exposed, desire is rekindled—and one of London's most admired couples must either fall in love all over again…or let each other go forever.

pasal gigi yg manipulated camden kawen dgn dia padahal camden masa tu suke orang lain.... lepas kawen camden tau yg gigi tipu dia terus camden tinggalkan gigi. pastu Gigi carik balik Camden nak mintak cerai sebab nak kawen lain. tapi Camden ada agenda lain...... dua2 hide their own true feeling and salah sangka antara satu sama lain......

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Post time 28-4-2010 03:32 PM | Show all posts
pernah try sherry thomas tak???? my fav story is private arrangement.

Love has designs  ...
wymer Post at 27-4-2010 13:44

    hi wymer, belum lagi...will definitely cari this book n try it...thanks!

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Post time 28-5-2010 09:49 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1284# dyanlin

fairy dah khatam buku ni!! for me, the storyline could have been better and kleypas patut spend more time on poppy and rutledge instead of just writing this book for the sake of it!! gini, if u have read the 1st 2 books from the hathaway series (1. mine till midnite- cam rohan n amelia 2.seduce me at sunrise- kev merripen n win (am soooooooooooooo in love with merripen btw!!! hahahaha) ) u will realize the difference between these 2 stories and poppy n rutledge. this 3rd book when i read it, i just got the feeling yang kleypas ni cuma nak kejar dateline jer (sorry to other readers who like this book. this is just my personal opinion yaa... )

and kalau dah baca the 2nd book, mesti tau yang merripen is just not another gypsy but also turned out to be something else at the end of the seduce me at sunrise BUT dalam sambungan this 3rd book takde pun kena mention!!! sampai masa fairy baca story poppy ni, kat sebelah mesti ada story si win n merripen just to make sure that im reading it right! and yang buat me lagi tak puas hati, cerita poppy ni other characters tu banyak sangat mengacau smpi i think that this book is only a bridge to prepare readers for the 4th book which will be the story between the hathaway brother Leo and governess poppy and beatrix, miss catherine marks (appeared in seduce me at sunrise). geram la coz tak puas hati baca pasal poppy and her hero tu!!

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Post time 28-5-2010 09:51 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1288# yaneng

fairy pun baru jer jumpa this writer. i started with the husband trap and not bad la dis looking for the wife trap cerita the other twin but kat KK ni takde jual   

anyone knows where i can download the free ebook??

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Post time 7-6-2010 03:25 PM | Show all posts
Reply  yaneng

fairy pun baru jer jumpa this writer. i started with the husband trap and not bad  ...
fairy_fairy Post at 28-5-2010 09:51

    yg free e book mmg duk cari gak...susah nak dapat author yg best2 ni....

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Post time 7-6-2010 03:30 PM | Show all posts
Lisa kleypas new book:

Married by morning....hathaway gilos...i finish it in 2 days....she has come back with a vengeance!her writings makin interesting dari mula sampai abis buku ni....

belilah...tak rugi...

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Post time 8-6-2010 12:09 PM | Show all posts
Sekarang ni nak carik buku2 lame yang susah.... buku-buku baru senang jer. kebanyakan buku2 lama ni dah out of print huhuhu. Antara buku2 lama yg saya suka ialah penulis Marlene Suson,

Devil's Angel

On the brink of exonerating his past, Lord Lucian, Earl of Vayle, is betrayed and forced to marry the spirited Angel, a woman robbed of her inheritance by ruthless relatives and who presents Lucian with an even greater challenge than his enemies.

Midnight Bride (1995) *sorry no image available
Lady Rachel Wingate turns to the handsome Duke of Westleigh to save her from a grasping aunt and a despised fiance, but the mistrustful duke balks being used, until he realizes that Rachel's life is in jeopardy.

Pastu buku ni pun best gak

A Heart Full of Miracles (2000)
For local doctor Seth Hendon, Eden's Grove couldn't be further from paradise. Dispirited after losing his beloved sister, Sarrie, to a long illness, Seth plans to leave town--and his late sister's best friend, that pesky and preternaturally perky Abby Merganser--as soon as a new doctor can be found. But Abby Merganser is having none of it! She has loved the dour Seth all her life and now she just has to convince him that he loves her, too. But Seth is loath to abandon his precious bachelorhood, especially to the pushy Abby and the rest of her flighty family. Besides, Abby is much too young for him. Isn't she? When the irresistible force that is Abby Merganser meets the immovable Dr. Hendon, the good doctor is in for the ride of his life. Isn't he? Or will tragedy strike again, just when the last of Seth's walls come tumbling down in the face of Abby's immutable love. With her trademark humor and talent for creating quirky, lovable characters, Stephanie Mittman continues her string of hits with A Heart Full of Miracles. --Alison Trinkle

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Post time 9-6-2010 11:09 AM | Show all posts
buku baru Julia Quinn, akan datang pada Jun 2010
wymer Post at 5-2-2010 14:08

baru je beli buku ni last saturday kat kinokuniya... dapat 20% discount with any other item of any value... lom sempat nak bace lagik...

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Post time 13-6-2010 11:54 AM | Show all posts
Saya pon baru beli bk latest JQ kat Kino ...

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Post time 17-6-2010 11:37 AM | Show all posts
Hi ladies...lamanya tak jenguk are you friends...

apa buku2 baru you all baca...

I  ...
yaneng Post at 23-4-2010 15:40

morning semua ....
lama tak jenguk cini gak ...
tracy anne warren memang best...ada semua koleksi dia...upcoming august 2010 >>>Wicked Delights Of A Bridal Bed

yt nya favorite authors n worth reading: [memang beli]
adele ashworth, jennifer ashley, victoria alexander, gayle callen, suzanne enoch, gaelen foley, laura lee guhrke, elizabeth hoyt, karen hawkins, jillian hunter, lorraine heath, sabrina jeffries, nicole jordan, samantha james, lisa kleypas, julia london, stephanie laurens, kimberly logan, johanna lindsey, sally mackenzie, kinley macgregor, teresa medeiros, julianne maclean, debra mullins, linda needham, jenna petersen, julia quinn, kathryn smith, lauren royal,  & tracy anne warren ...ramai plak kan

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