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Author: trexxxxxi

[MBC] We Got Married Season 4

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Post time 14-6-2015 09:32 AM | Show all posts
katenye rating minggu ni naik 4.6%...mggu lepas 3.6%

sedih solim couple xdok dh....

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Post time 15-6-2015 12:26 PM | Show all posts
disebabkan last ep for solim, smpai skrang xde guts nk tgk lagi .. hukhuk takot sedihhhh dr dorg

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Post time 16-6-2015 10:57 AM | Show all posts
iloveyou replied at 15-6-2015 12:26 PM
disebabkan last ep for solim, smpai skrang xde guts nk tgk lagi .. hukhuk takot sedihhhh dr dorg

kalu nk tgk kena standby tisu byk2 sbb start dr awal smpai abis mmg sedih kebanyakan scene sume flashback dr episod 1 sampai la skrg.


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 Author| Post time 16-6-2015 05:02 PM | Show all posts
gerbera.memopad replied at 11-6-2015 11:31 AM
Aku ingat aku seorang je yg payah nak bersangka baik dgn retis yg rupa2 innocent ni

Mencu ...

Kpop singer terutama girls group memang ditargetkan marketing oleh company memasing dengan pakai shortpants/skirt yang ala2 je tutup.
somehow dalam kshow kena tutup2 dengan towel sebab adat dorang yang utamakan kesopanan bagai.

time atas stage pon ada certain guidelines yg kena ikot, even kita yg tengok ni seropa dorang tu berbikini aja atas stage


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 Author| Post time 16-6-2015 10:15 PM | Show all posts
knet dan blame game berpisah tiada

We Got Married” Criticized for Making Chloe Moretz Eat Unfamiliar Food; Producer Responds

The production team of “We Got Married” is currently under fire for a scene in June 13′s episode in which American model and actress Chloe Moretz is given the challenge of eating some unfamiliar Korean food when she visits Henry and Yewon‘s house with Eric Nam. Some netizens have been criticizing the show for putting Chloe Moretz in what they believe to be an uncomfortable position.

On the show, Henry and Yewon prepare four food challenges for Chloe Moretz: silkworm larvae (bundegi), Korean blood sausage (soondae), live octopus, and super spicy ramyun. The couple calls it the “Korean Food Avengers” challenge. They give her some more familiar Korean food first, like bulgogi, before they introduce the silkworm larvae as the first round.

All four of them laugh about the challenge, but Chloe Moretz seems hesitant at first about eating the larvae. “You go first, I’ll watch,” she says to Yewon. She then looks absolutely stuned as Yewon digs in.

She agrees to eat the silkworm larvae as long as someone else does it at the same time, and Eric Nam readily steps up to the plate. The two tap their larva together as though doing a “cheers,” and then she yells “Oh my god!” and squeals a bit before putting it in her mouth.

After pulling a few funny faces she says, “Oh, it’s actually not bad at all.”

She’s not a big fan of the next challenge, the blood sausage, which has a strong taste and smell.

She laughs at the pungent aftertaste, and Henry grabs her a sweet rice drink to take away the taste.

Their next round alarms even Henry. It’s live octopus! Chloe Moretz and Eric Nam tease Henry as Yewon feeds him a bit of the octopus. “He’s gonna spit it out,” predicts Chloe Moretz.

Henry doesn’t look too thrilled, saying that it’s sticking to the top of his mouth. Eventually he tells Chloe Moretz, “It’s like gum, it tastes pretty good.”

“It’s like gum?” asks Chloe Moretz suspiciously.

She does take a bite, but she quickly downs some water right after. “It’s not too bad!” she says. “It’s weird!” She then says that she can feel it moving in her throat.

Her last challenge is super spicy ramyun. She enjoys it, and even tries some more of the spicy powder.

In retaliation for the challenge, Eric Nam and Chloe Moretz make Henry eat some more of the silkworm larvae with spicy powder. After giving him some aegyo, Chloe Moretz refuses to take any more of Henry’s stalling, and yells “Eat it! Eat it! Eat it!” while holding a silkworm larva out to him. Henry eventually gives in and swallows it down.

Overall, Chloe Moretz seems totally game for the challenge and looks like she’s having a lot of fun. However, some Korean netizens have been criticizing “We Got Married” for what they see as forcing their American guest Chloe Moretz to eat things that she didn’t want to.

One reporter writes, “It worked because of Chloe Moretz’s easy-going personality and her talents at entertainment. But viewers felt uneasy. It seems ‘We Got Married’ won’t be able to avoid criticism over whether they really had to make a foreign guest eat silkworm larvae, blood sausage, and live octopus.”

One netizen comments on the article, “Don’t give her that kind of thing to eat… There’s so much delicious Korean food out there. The producer who thought that it could only be funny if they gave her that kind of thing must be a bit dim.”

Another comments, “They had absolutely no concern for the foreign guest. It was uncomfortable to watch. This episode complete wrecks Korea’s image.”

However, “We Got Married” producer Sun Hye Yoon has responded to the criticism by explaining that Chloe Moretz had actually been the one who had suggested the scene.

On June 13, Sun Hye Yoon told TV Report, “Chloe Moretz’s representatives made the request, saying that she wanted to eat unique food like live octopus. They said she was interested in trying unique dishes like traditional royal court food while she was in Korea.”

“On set, Chloe Moretz was having a lot of fun,” she adds. “Since she’s 19 years old, she was really bubbly. She got on well with Eric Nam, Henry and Yewon.”

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 Author| Post time 16-6-2015 10:16 PM | Show all posts

cr soompi

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 Author| Post time 16-6-2015 10:17 PM | Show all posts
knet ni gedik aje.. si minah chloe tu memang suka makan kfood.. banyak lagi benda pepelik dia makan.. macam kat SNL tu..

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Post time 21-6-2015 10:50 PM | Show all posts
RatiNg ep couple baru 5.7%

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Post time 24-6-2015 09:27 PM | Show all posts
Baru tengok episod Oh Min Suk & Kang Yewon. Suka pulak aku dua orang ni. Macam tak sangka Oh Min Suk tu pemalu. Comel . Kang Yewon pulak selamba blur2 and funny. Siap tanya kenapa bull kena panggil bull . Quite entertaining la new couple ni, mungkin aku akan follow bagi mengubati kerinduan dekat Hewon.

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 Author| Post time 25-6-2015 04:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
gerbera.memopad replied at 24-6-2015 10:27 PM
Baru tengok episod Oh Min Suk & Kang Yewon. Suka pulak aku dua orang ni. Macam tak sangka Oh Min Suk ...

ter-tengok preview.. macam nak tengok balik wgm sebab couple ni..

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 Author| Post time 27-6-2015 06:21 PM | Show all posts
Red Velvet’s Joy Asks Yook Sungjae to Remove His Armpit Hair on “We Got Married”

The June 27 episode of MBC’s “We Got Married” showed viewers part of Red Velvet’s Joy and BTOB Yook Sungjae’s second date.

The pair meet at a dermatology clinic in Seoul. While the show had teased viewers earlier with information concerning Joy’s straightforward comments to her husband and Yook Sungjae nervously rubbing his legs in anticipation of laser hair removal, the episode revealed more.

Seeing her husband’s reaction, Joy asks if another area would be better. Yook Sungjae becomes even more flustered as he thinks about other possible areas like his armpits. Proving to be a doting husband, he says, “I did think that I would have to do it someday.” But he is not completely thrilled as he asks, “Who does laser hair removal when they first meet someone?”

The pair laugh at his comments and Joy confesses, “It was a joke. I didn’t know you would fall so easily for it.”

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 Author| Post time 28-6-2015 04:23 PM | Show all posts
Yook Sungjae Reassures Joy When She Worries About His Soaring Popularity

Red Velvet’s Joy revealed that she was worried about Yook Sungjae’s soaring popularity.

On the episode of MBC’s “We Got Married” aired on June 27, Joy and Yook Sungjae meet for the first time.

While the two eat a shaved ice dessert together, Joy teases, “Can’t you honestly feel your popularity increasing these days? Didn’t you post something on your Twitter about it already?”

In response, Yook Sungjae humbly replies, “I’m just so grateful. I don’t think of myself as a celebrity. I want to be more of a friend to you.”

Joy gives an honest reply to Yook Sungjae’s sincere response, saying, “I’m worried because you’re so popular.” He comforts her, saying, “Don’t worry. I’m blind to everything else. I won’t be looking elsewhere.” Joy pauses before she asks, “Where will you be looking at?”

Yook Sungjae stares into her eyes before answering, “I’ll only keep my eye on where I’m looking at right now.”


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 Author| Post time 28-6-2015 04:44 PM | Show all posts
BTOB’s Yook Sungjae Serenades Red Velvet’s Joy with Romantic Song

BTOB member Yook Sungjae will be gifting his on-screen wife, Red Velvet’s Joy, with a romantic serenade on the next episode of “We Got Married.”

On the upcoming June 27 broadcast of MBC’s virtual marriage program “We Got Married,” cameras will be following Sungjae and Joy on their second meeting.

After appearing before Sungjae as his surprise present on the last episode of the show, it is said that the two went to a quiet café to talk with each other. Sungjae confessed that he wasn’t sure what to call Joy by, so they went on to decide a nickname for one another.

When asked what nickname he wants for the both of them, Sungjae suggested, “Husband” and “Wife,” to which they reacted shyly, as they just met.

Soon afterward, Sungjae revealed his special gift for Joy—earrings in the shape of a microphone. Joy became flustered upon seeing the present, as she confessed that she does not have her ears pierced.

However, Sungjae swiftly dealt with the unexpected situation by singing a romantic song he prepared just for Joy.

Meanwhile, Sungjae and Joy’s second date is set to air on June 27 at 5 p.m. (KST).

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Post time 1-7-2015 11:40 PM | Show all posts
Madel replied at 10-6-2015 09:57 PM
Aku cakap dah dari awal2 thread ni..
Kalau idol group / band ni...cukup sorg je la yg join WGM..t ...

iols pun x rasa nk lyn jonghyun pnye ni,,
how i miss yongseo


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Post time 2-7-2015 08:52 AM | Show all posts
gerbera.memopad replied at 11-6-2015 10:31 AM
Aku ingat aku seorang je yg payah nak bersangka baik dgn retis yg rupa2 innocent ni

Mencu ...

ada link tak beb... iols nak tgk....

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 Author| Post time 4-7-2015 05:23 PM | Show all posts
Joy Pierces Her Ears for Yook Sungjae on “We Got Married”

On the July 4 episode of MBC’s “We Got Married,” Red Velvet’s Joy reveals that the true reason for visiting the dermatology clinic is not to make BTOB’s Yook Sungjae get laser hair removal, but rather for her to get her ears pierced. After receiving earrings as a present from her virtual husband, she had been unable to wear them due to not having any piercings. This resulted in her deciding to get her ears pierced.

The Red Velvet member is visibly nervous and says, “What do I do? I’m scared. I think it’ll hurt.” Her husband soothes her by replying, “If it hurts then I will carry you the whole day. I will be your strength.” Apparently, her frightfulness appears very cute to him. During the procedure, Yook Sungjae holds her hand resulting in their first skinship.

Later, she reveals her true feelings about their hand holding in her interview and says, “I was excited about our first skinship. I was so focused on it that I couldn’t feel the pain. I was embarrassed.”

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Post time 25-8-2015 03:43 PM | Show all posts
Aigoooo...go go goo
Lepas Oma Appa blah...
terus sunyi sepi thread ni

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Post time 17-9-2015 08:52 AM | Show all posts
ai layan kapel KSY + KSY

hsbd muda 7 thn dr wife.... tp suweeet
n kapel 1 lg tu layan jgk sikit2...
tp joy ngan SJ tak lyn... tah  nape...sedey tgk

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Post time 7-11-2015 08:33 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by cinta_ungu at 7-11-2015 08:38 PM

Hi peminat2 WGM. Fuhh..lama rasanya tak menjenguk forum.

Anyways just nak inform untuk fans solim couple, kalau masih berminat utk follow activity soeun or jaerim boleh la follow IG - Solimfinity ye:-


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Post time 25-7-2016 05:02 PM | Show all posts
UP benang~

korang ingat lagi kim so eun & song jae rim kt sini???

adakah korang ni peminat dorg? kalau ya, .....

projek terbaru, dorg berlakon sama dlm weekend drama kt SBS title 'Our Gabsoon', wakil dr Malaysia, nak hantar rice wreath yg akn dihantar di PC drama tersebut.

pm utk info selanjutnya.

sorry OT

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