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Author: mirage_46

[Tempatan] Gaji pemain bola Malaysia paling mahal

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Post time 29-1-2015 08:21 PM | Show all posts
kucingTomey replied at 29-1-2015 07:00 PM
dekat liga luar khusus nye liga eropah ..dorang guna term underrated ngan overrated.......contoh dul ...

sape yg sanggup kata berbaloi??? byk kat sini cakap biarpun gaji dorg besar, tp usia karier dorg pendek so nak jeles apa....bukan bleh bertahan lama pun dorg dpt gaji camtu........

dan gaji camtu dah org nak bagi xkan dorg xmo sign dgn alasan dorg rasa dorg x layak????bowdow laa camtu.......


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Post time 29-1-2015 08:22 PM | Show all posts
AMDTurion replied at 29-1-2015 07:51 PM
Hehe...klo xde die hard fan x meriahlah.liga kat mesia nih.

apapun liga dah nak bermula........

minggu depan leh sambo jersi pasukan aku, td baru wat pelancaran kit musim 2015 kat Langkawi...woooooooooo


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Post time 29-1-2015 08:28 PM | Show all posts
Safiq: Set pieces require confidence
( Tuesday 27 January 2015

Set-pieces specialists are an increasingly valuable commodity. However, while the majority of them dazzle the viewers with their intricate skills, Malaysia captain Safiq Rahim believes that confidence is as important as technique if you are to develop the magic touch.

"There are many other players who could have achieved that reputation due to their skills," the 27-year-old midfielder told after skippering his side to a runners-up finish in December's AFF Suzuki Cup. "But for me it is a bit different. The only difference between them and me is perhaps that I am a little more confident."

Few could, indeed, argue against the Johor Darul Takzim player, who finished as the regional showpiece’s top-scorer with six goals - five of which were scored from set pieces. He came up to score from the spot four times, before doubling the lead in the all-important final second leg against the Thailand with a sublimely taken free-kick. And his aplomb and expertise on set pieces was never better displayed than in the group showdown against hosts and four-time champions Singapore.

It was the closing group game, with the Harimau Malaya on the very verge of elimination, while the home side needed just a point to progress. Safee Sali put Malaysia ahead just past the hour-mark, but Khairul Amri restored parity for the Lions seven minutes from the end. With their hopes hanging by a whisker, Malaysia received a lifeline in the shape of a penalty kick three minutes into stoppage-time.

All eyes were on Rahim but the diminutive player, having opened his account in a 3-3 loss to Thailand, kept his cool to send the goalkeeper the wrong way and silence the 50,000-strong home crowd. With the hosts still stunned, Indra Putra sealed the 3-1 win as Malaysia advanced to the last four at Singapore's expense in dramatic fashion.

"I was pleased with my performance in the competition," Rahim said, "I believe that I have grown as a player. I am proud of our team for what we achieved in this campaign, especially as we had only been given a short time to prepare in the build-up."

The Suzuki Cup was not, however, the first occasion on which Rahim had showcased his consummate skills. In a friendly between a Malaysia XI side and Liverpool back in 2011, he stunned the English Premiership giants by equalising with a spectacular free-kick on the stroke of half-time. Liverpool would go on to win by 6-3, but Rahim caught the eyes of scouts who offered him a three-week trial at Cardiff City.

Rahim's dream of becoming the first Malaysian to play in England didn't come true, but the ambitious player continued to make progress on the domestic and regional fronts. He secured his first Malaysian Super League title with Selangor, before winning the national championship again last season - this time with Johor Darul Takzim. At international level, having featured for Malaysia in the 2010 and 2012 editions of the AFF Suzuki Cup, Rahim established his talismanic place in the team by steering his side to the final in the last campaign.

"It was a fantastic experience for me," he continued, reflecting on their unlikely progression to the final. "There were strong teams who posed big challenges and threats for us [en route to the final] but we went through. Of course there were lessons we learned. We are aware now that we should develop not only as individuals, but also as a team. We should spend more time training and playing together so that we can be strong as a unit."

Midfield maestro
Set pieces are by no means Rahim's only speciality. He proved to be the team’s instigator in attacking, providing leadership and inspiration as they defied the odds to storm into the final. In the match against Singapore, he was statistically the player with the most passes and touches on the ball. It came as no surprise that the tournament’s top scorer an also bagged the Most Valuable Player award.

"To me, every player in the team has his own strengths," he said, explaining the role he played. "As a midfielder, my strengths are what I am capable of when I serve the ball to the forwards."

Malaysia may have been on the receiving end of a narrow 4-3 aggregate defeat to Thailand in the recent AFF Suzuki Cup final. But Rahim, who scored three times against the Thais, including completing a brace in the final, believes that they can reverse this outcome when the teams next meet.

“I believe that if we had the opportunity once again, Malaysia would win,” he stated firmly. “After all, now we know their strengths and weaknesses.”

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Post time 29-1-2015 08:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Luca_Pitok replied at 29-1-2015 06:59 PM
Bongoknya statement..belajar tinggi itu doktor,lawyer  jela ek? Purba punya pemikiran..ingat main  ...

Ada aku cakap tak belajar tinggi x boleh dpt gaji banyak ke bangang....bongok..bodoh..bahlol

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Post time 29-1-2015 08:56 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Luca_Pitok replied at 29-1-2015 06:59 PM
Bongoknya statement..belajar tinggi itu doktor,lawyer  jela ek? Purba punya pemikiran..ingat main  ...

Lagi satu bangang...yang x belajar tinggi boleh jadi loyer doktor ke...babi

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Post time 29-1-2015 09:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
axl_bach replied at 29-1-2015 08:21 PM
sape yg sanggup kata berbaloi??? byk kat sini cakap biarpun gaji dorg besar, tp usia karier dorg p ...

Aku tak kata jeles...aku tak soh dorang tak sign....who cares?hidup mereka.....aku cume bgitahu dengan skill dorang dan level fans mesia bermusim  ni serta liga tahap D dengan gaji konon2 beratos ribu dengan ade org kate ok...berbaloi....tu aku cakap kurang cerdik je...tu je....ko ni nk reply tapi main reply je...macam ko yg biasa...keh3

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Post time 29-1-2015 09:13 PM | Show all posts
kucingTomey replied at 29-1-2015 09:03 PM
Aku tak kata jeles...aku tak soh dorang tak sign....who cares?hidup mereka.....aku cume bgitahu de ...

dah ko cakap ada org kata berbaloi sbb tu aku tanya sape yg cakap gaji camtu berbaloi???


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Post time 29-1-2015 09:18 PM | Show all posts
bergasak pulak korang.. pelik la org lain pny gaji org lain yg memaki lolss

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Post time 29-1-2015 09:20 PM | Show all posts
Edited by akukah at 29-1-2015 09:25 PM
axl_bach replied at 27-1-2015 12:22 PM
oh komen yg sungguh tipikal......

apa ingat dorg main bola dpt gaji camtu cam bebudak taman mai ...

hanya berapa kerat je pemain tempatan Liga M yg dapat gaji lebih dari 10k.. selebihnya masih lagi tahap biasa2 je..
dari list yg diberi tu... hanya safee dgn matyo je yg blh dikatakan buat rugi je team byr mahal2..
selebihnya mmg memberikan impact yg besar pada pasukan masing2... badrol dgn kedah, piya dgn klantan, indra dgn felda..sapik rahim agak so so sumbangan nya pd JDT


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Post time 29-1-2015 09:22 PM | Show all posts
ResellerMaxis replied at 29-1-2015 12:18 AM
peyno xtahu ke..gaji safee sali dekat indon dulu pun dah 100k..tapi dia pindah ke jdt sebab dapat  ...

tak silap aku la bro.. safee tu pindah dari pelita jaya sbb krisis pengurusan ISL masa tu smpaikan diorg xleh nk main bola sbb dh kena banned oleh FIFA...

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Post time 29-1-2015 09:25 PM | Show all posts
Edited by axl_bach at 29-1-2015 09:28 PM
akukah replied at 29-1-2015 09:20 PM
hanya berapa kerat je pemain tempatan Liga M yg dapat gaji lebih dari 10k.. selebihnya masih lagi  ...

haah, bukan sumer player bola pun dpt cenggini punya bayaran...mostly yg dpt banyak cenggini yg dibayar oleh TMJ dan yg pernah terpalit gosip nak dipancing oleh TMJ so pasukan asal counter offer gaji lebih baik dari sebelomnya.....

rata2 masih tahap kerja average kebanyakan rakyat jer, malang lagi ada yg sangkut 6 bulan gaji......yg tu xmo plak cakap PLAYER BOLA SEPAK XDER MASA DEPAN dek 6 bulan miss soru......

part Bad dgn Kedah, Indra dgn Felda, Piya dgn AL-BUDDUKI mmg aku setuju, biarpun pada aku bayaran Bad tu cam melampau tp dia mmg nadi pasukan Kedah.....even tym dia hampeh pun fans kedah pegi nak tgk dia main........

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Post time 29-1-2015 09:27 PM | Show all posts
axl_bach replied at 29-1-2015 09:13 PM
dah ko cakap ada org kata berbaloi sbb tu aku tanya sape yg cakap gaji camtu berbaloi???

org lain yg kata....dan org tu pulak bukan nye main forum....ade 30 juta ummat tgok bola kat mesia ni....dan org tu aku kenal..kau tak kenal.....kalau kau terasa...aku nk buat camne khennn...keh3

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Post time 29-1-2015 09:28 PM | Show all posts
Edited by akukah at 29-1-2015 09:29 PM

diorg pun sama mcm rakyat kebanyakan.. usaha utk cari rezeki.. bkn senang woo nk disiplin kan diri utk hidup bertraining je hampir setiap masa mcm diorg.. makan pun xleh sembarangan.. sesetengah tu sanggup x kawin2 lagi semata2 nk fokus dgn karier diorg.. cthnya piya.. hehe. mamat ni pemalu dgn awek sbenarnya..

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Post time 29-1-2015 09:29 PM | Show all posts
akukah replied at 29-1-2015 09:20 PM
hanya berapa kerat je pemain tempatan Liga M yg dapat gaji lebih dari 10k.. selebihnya masih lagi  ...
dari list yg diberi tu... hanya safee dgn matyo je yg blh dikatakan buat rugi je team byr mahal2..
ape lak rugi......duduk bench pakai boot....tu perlu kan skill...prftrfffffffffff...berbaloi la tu...kalau main hantar jauh bola keluar...tunjuk isyarat bagus....peminat tepuk....berbaloi la tu......selamanya harimau malaya.......prftrffffffffffffffffffffff

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Post time 29-1-2015 09:30 PM | Show all posts
kucingTomey replied at 29-1-2015 09:27 PM
org lain yg kata....dan org tu pulak bukan nye main forum....ade 30 juta ummat tgok bola kat mesia ...

aku pun x kata ko jeles, tp nape ko terasa????org luar yg cam jeles tp ko cam defensive cecepat cakap bukan jeles,ko terasa ker part aku cakap jeles tu????......kui kui kui


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Post time 29-1-2015 09:32 PM | Show all posts
yela yela...amek la ......lama dah tahu perangai dia ni kalau reply ...kena2 kalau dia nak betul..amek je la....kah3

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Post time 29-1-2015 09:32 PM | Show all posts
akukah replied at 29-1-2015 09:28 PM
diorg pun sama mcm rakyat kebanyakan.. usaha utk cari rezeki.. bkn senang woo nk disiplin kan diri u ...

exactly, bukan dorg main bola JER petang2 cam bebudak taman....dorg MAIN BOLA JER as a setiap masa kena all out utk bagi yg setimpal dgn yg diperoleh.......

tp part yg dok nampo nyamuk tepi padang dpt bayaran lumayan xleh nak komen laa dah ada yg sanggup bayo dorg memahal utk nampo nyamuk nak wat guane.....yer


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Post time 29-1-2015 09:33 PM | Show all posts
part nak sindir2 org bleh, sindri kena sindir cecepat wat perangai soh kawin cepat2 xmo, kui kui kui

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Post time 29-1-2015 09:34 PM | Show all posts
axl_bach replied at 29-1-2015 08:21 PM
sape yg sanggup kata berbaloi??? byk kat sini cakap biarpun gaji dorg besar, tp usia karier dorg p ...

memang la sekajap, tp gaji dia tu aku kena kerja 100 tahun baru sama


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Post time 29-1-2015 09:37 PM | Show all posts
laaaa aku tersindir org ke kate ade peminat bola mesia yang org nak tgok bola dia pun nak tgok harimau malaya dia pun harimau malaya...yang kata berbaloi gaji pemian bola dengan skill tu...aku tersindir org rupanya...minta maaf le.....

muahahhaahahahah ...secara halus aku tersindiri org rupanya...kabo la suruh kawen...dia pun tak nak kawen....kui2

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