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Author: mencaribahagia

Tak layakkah aku dpt kerja yg elok?

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Post time 24-8-2020 05:44 PM | Show all posts
pendiam bukan the problem. ada orang sembang lebat pun tapi dalam sembang dia kosong semata2 orang tetap tak pandang.

TT pendiam it's ok tapi kena tau apa yang u cakap. masa IV, sell yourself.
Instead of tunggu tukang IV tanya soalan, TT sendiri yang ceritakan. CErita apa previous achievement u dalam company lama.

tgk dekat job description yang company senaraikan. relate satu2 dengan apa yang you boleh buat. company hire kita kalau kita boleh buat kerja. so masa IV kena tunjukkan yg kita ni jenis reliable and trusted.

background bgs tp xtau kenapa aku stuck kt situ katanya.

jawab sebab u tak dibagi peluang untuk showcase ur true potential. "I believe I can achieve more if i were given the right position"

All the best TT. jangan pernah givap.

I pernah baca true story. grad first class. terlalu over achieve sampai company takut nak hire. dari umur 23 grad sampai umur 30-an tetap tak dpt kerja. balik kg buat kerja kg sampai orang kg mengata, belajar bagus pun tak dpt kerja bagus baik takyah sambung belajar -sampai begitu sekali ya.

dia pun sampai givap nak pergi IV lagi. LAstly, nak dijadikan rezeki last IV dia pergi sebenarnya depa dah ada calon pon to fill the seat tapi sengaja juga buat IV session tu. Bila they all tengok resume semua, they all macam "sebenarnya we all dah ada calon untuk position ni but we feel sorry sebab employer overlooked on u. u punya achievement sangat bagus tapi mereka tak bagi peluang pun untuk u. tapi we all nak u to fill this position."

Rezeki. rezeki tak pernah salah alamat. cepat atau lambat ja. berdoa pada Allah untuk mudahkan urusan TT dan untuk diberikan kesabaran.

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Post time 24-8-2020 06:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Maybe barang yg u jual tu x letak dlm jiwa you? Uols dah iklan ke dekat semua group iklan? Dekat fb tu group iklan belambak nak mati..

Klo xsesuai dgn jiwa cuba cari barang lain yg founder dia betul2 nak guide u berjaya..iols ada kenal someone ni dia jual Kat fb ja free marketing agen untung rm5 tp boleh untung belas ribu sebulan..

Jual kek kan? Iols tgk satu group ni mcm ramai gila order bukan mamasub punya k..Cuba sis try masuk group mcm ni..sbb ada yg minta gambar jualan nak pinjam nak promot..jual lah makanan yg viral atau murah..kek cheese leleh ke..brownies ke..bila masuk group mcm ni ada byk idea yg seller lain kongsi..

Jeles dgn kawan? Hehee samalah kita iols terus padam no fon kawan iols sbb dia asyik dok tayang bf so that status dia xnaik so hati iols pun tenang..


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Post time 24-8-2020 06:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Jolt down sume strength n weakness..
Sila highlight strength u indirectly masa interview.. umur 32 i rasa kne highlights job  experience, inform u ada take additional task, or exp u manage event or people..

Kalau ada time dia tanye pasal weaknesses tu jgn yes angguk2 je.. kena counter measure mcm oh i stay lama dekat company tu sbb i enjoy working there, boss understanding bila u suggest idea apa2, u nak gain experience etc..

I pun jenis pendiam.. tp jgn la interviewer tanya u jwb sepatah2.. just be yourself, answer calmly n professional..

I know some people masa interview suka cakap besar or putar halim.. tp bg i doesn’t work for me.. nanti jadi mcm fake sgt..

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Post time 24-8-2020 06:51 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mencaribahagia replied at 24-8-2020 12:23 AM
Sy takde demand sgt pun.Sy cari pun range xsmpi 3k pn gaji sbb sy sedar kelayakan sy. I always t ...

Tt kena masuk kelas pengucapan umum..
Kelas motivasi,.kelas marketing..
Kat situ kita dilatih utk bercakap, berucap, berbincang.. kalau susah, pg je seminar2 yg org marketing jual2 barang tu..


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 Author| Post time 24-8-2020 07:00 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by mencaribahagia at 24-8-2020 07:02 PM
isseliparjepun replied at 24-8-2020 03:54 PM
I pernah berada di tempat macam u. Tak ada kerja yang cukup kukuh untuk tampung diri and family. Apa ...

Spa8 tu dari 10 tahun yg lepas mintak tp xde yg dpt nk dpt panggilan iv pun ssh huhu..sampai skrg dh umo 30 lbh dh pun. Tq atas doanya..skrg mmg tgh cari keje jgk.doakan sy dpt ye

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Post time 24-8-2020 07:04 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Instead of you are looking for a job, why don't you create a job. Don't get me wrong, sesambil Cari kerja tu, apa kata you lihat kat diri you and Cari apa kegemaran you. For example, gubahan untuk birthday for a start. Ini example je yer. Kalau you pandai masak, ambik for cater around 10-15 bungkus. My friend buat gubahan orkid bermula harga RM45 dan sekarang dah ada harga ribu ringgit sepasu.

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 Author| Post time 24-8-2020 07:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lattehazelnut replied at 24-8-2020 06:16 PM
Jolt down sume strength n weakness..
Sila highlight strength u indirectly masa interview.. umur 32  ...

Thank you so much for your tips.. yes pernah interview tanya apa yg sy suka dkt old company/my previous seriusly blank xtau nk jwb apa.I belasah jela jwb sbb i comfortable dgn job tu,environment, masalahnya diorg ni bila kita dah jawab dia lagi korek dan korek. Smpi lama2 xtau nak cakap apa dan terus dari rasa confident jatuh merudum balik smula huhuhu

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 Author| Post time 24-8-2020 07:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
PintuKayu replied at 24-8-2020 06:07 PM
Maybe barang yg u jual tu x letak dlm jiwa you? Uols dah iklan ke dekat semua group iklan? Dekat fb  ...

Seronoknya dgr. Teringin nk mcm tu ada jgk post dkt grup2 niaga,grup wasap fb segala bagai dh try.ada buat fb ads la bagai tp semua macam debu je huhuhu..kdg2 heran cmne diorg ni mcm senang je 1 berduyun org nak.mungkin berbalik  pada rezeki jgk la kan

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 Author| Post time 24-8-2020 07:15 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
siputpepel replied at 24-8-2020 05:44 PM
pendiam bukan the problem. ada orang sembang lebat pun tapi dalam sembang dia kosong semata2 orang t ...

Rasa mcm pernah baca cerita ni.dkt iium confession ek? Haha

Thank you so much sis for the tips. InsyaAllah sy akan try buat mcm yg sis cakap..i hope it’s work

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 Author| Post time 24-8-2020 07:18 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Zeatyisaac replied at 24-8-2020 07:04 PM
Instead of you are looking for a job, why don't you create a job. Don't get me wrong, sesambil Cari  ...

Yep mmg sy try meniaga.mcm baru ni sy cuba jual 5 slice kek je tp 1 je yg terjual.selebihnya sy mkn sndiri je sbb sedap  

Sy pernah jual tudung,jual pkp hr tu pun sy jual kuih,roti jala.time tu mmg sales ok tp hjg2 puasa tu dh krg bila kedai byk dh blh bukak.skrg pun dh slow.. sy tkt nk buat mcm tu pn ada sbb tkt xde org nk dh mcm trauma nk open order/meniaga walau dalam kepala ni teringin nk buat mcm2

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Post time 24-8-2020 08:27 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dah x yah swdeh la, ramai lg nasib yg lg terok tp hidup msti terus, x kesah lah org lain gaji tinggi2...

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Post time 24-8-2020 09:17 PM | Show all posts
mencaribahagia replied at 24-8-2020 07:15 PM
Rasa mcm pernah baca cerita ni.dkt iium confession ek? Haha

Thank you so much sis for the tips. ...

yes sis iium confession
dont worry sis i hope ada rezeki u dpt kerja soon.
try google cara2 jawab IV
ada some question yang too personal and employer tak berhak tanya lebih2 u can search how to answer this kind of question.


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Post time 24-8-2020 09:39 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Innrukia at 24-8-2020 09:41 PM

Hang jangan sesekali give up. Dlm hidup ni ada kala kita ke depan adakala lambat sikit. Sama mcm career/keje jugak. Dan of cos stop compare hidup org dgn hidup hang.

if hang tak segan, cer bgtau hang duk mana? Range gaji & benefit kita ni relate juga dgn keje, company, area, industry, years of experience, skill set etc. Bukan kira hang keja 10 tahun gaji hang wajib RM7k or above.

Utk interview, hang kena prepare & praktis. Ingat practice make perfect. Jgn tunggu nak jawab dlm interview. Attend interview sebanyak yg mungkin utk improve skill tu.

Quick highlight on your experiences, and then a brief elevator pitch on your interest/passion.

  • recruiters will be looking out for key words on your resume as part of screening process
  • look for sample job descriptions for roles that you are keen to apply - and identify the requirements, skills which are required. suggest to add those skills in your resume
  • when contacted by recruiters or even as a quick intro, prepare an elevator pitch (sample as below, Google additional sample - and build your own elevator pitch)
  • during interview, be prepared to share your thought process on problem solving; i.e. how you applied these skills in deriving to the solutions / decisions
  • be prepared to answer questions like - what are your strengths, areas of improvement, what impact/difference will you bring to the (new) organization?

  • I enjoy / I am most proud of ____________. ____________, ______________ . (3 areas you excel & deliver results.)
  • I'm looking forward / I'm exploring opportunities in _____________ (desired role, type of position or industry) so that I can ________________ (how you'll contribute)

  • Write it out:


harap2 tips atas bleh membantu.

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Post time 24-8-2020 10:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
TT beza setahun je dgn meols. And believe me i used to be in the same boat. Time tu umur 28 and gaji below 4k. Kerja yang tunggu msa nak roboh. Apa yang i buat.

1) umur 28 i decided sambung master untuk mingle around dgn org yang ada goal yang sama. Untuk improve diri sendiri. Kelebihan study part time dpt improve networking dgn manusia dr pelbagai background
2) invest around rm200 untuk revamp resume dgn professional resume builder
3) invest paid job street. Try create attaractive pitching
3) pegi kelas basic make up rm50 je sebab nak improve physical appearance sbb diri sendiri tak pandai make up
4) baca tips2 dr LinkedIn
5) kena tau apa yang kita nak dlm career. Btw tt dah ada experience jgn segan minta gaji lebih.
6) before interview tu kenaaaa study pasal company background and ni susah sikit nak buat. Since meols ni rabun meols kekadang ada anxiety bila meols tgk org dgn jelas so meols akan purposely tak pakai spec bila time interview. So tak nervous.
7) ni yang meols selalu practice la bila time interview just be yourself meols akan sentiasa highlighted Yang meols bukan la insan yg perfect tetapi...meols pn propa2 la sikit tp bukan propa bila nak cari kerja baru meols selalu fikir meols can do more than before
8) last but not least stop comparing. Semua org dah ada their own trajectory. Its okay not to be okay sometimes but not all the time.. good luck TT
Btw kena percaya jugak bila kita dah usaha semua Allah will grant us the best sebab HE is the best planner.

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Post time 24-8-2020 10:30 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Perkara pertama ang kena belajar  

Org lain


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Post time 24-8-2020 10:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

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Post time 24-8-2020 10:32 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Perkara ketiga ang kena belajar buat adalah BERSYUKUR dengan SETIAP REZEKI ALLAH BAGI dan berhenti persoalan semua benda.

Belajar 3 perkara asas ni.. InsyaAllah ang bahagia dgn hidup ang.

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Post time 24-8-2020 10:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Meiizu replied at 24-8-2020 02:28 PM
1st takyah duk claim sgt pemalu smua tu ye..abis tu takkan pes time iv you expect co tu memahami uol ...

Maaf akak tanya iya, chuols masa kecik2 pernah terhantuk kuat ke sis?

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Post time 25-8-2020 07:54 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Muka dan saiz bdn tt cmne..
Kurus sedang gemok specky free hair etc?

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Post time 25-8-2020 10:05 AM | Show all posts
been there done that fuck that. i can relate to your story
just ingat ni, mangkok2 yg dah kerja lama belas2 taon pangkat tinggi bagaitu bukannya semua bagus pon, apa pon tak reti lagi2 dalam sektor gomen.. depa masuk cmna pon kita bukan taw. taw2 naik pangkat, bodek sikit naik pangkat... aku banyak encounter cibai2 cmni

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