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Author: ninoZ

[kompilasi] KEK

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Post time 16-4-2005 05:25 PM | Show all posts
1 1/2 cwn biskut coklat (kisar halus).
3/4 cwn serbuk Hazelnut.
5 s.b. butter cair.

Gaul semua bhn hingga sebati. Compresskan dlm loyang.

1 s.b. gelatin (larutkan dlm 1/2 cwn air panas).
2 buku Phillidelphia cheese.
1/2 cwn gula halus.

1. Pukul kejap 3 bhn tuh.
2. Masukkan 150 g coklat TOBLERONE cair (guna kaedah double-boiling). Kacau rata.
3. Tuang adunan ke dlm acuan base td.
4. Simpan dlm peti sejuk 2-3 jam.
5. Part nih paling best... MELANTAK!

[ Last edited by NoorMasri at 19-8-2005 11:16 PM ]

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Post time 16-4-2005 08:03 PM | Show all posts
Chiffon Cake [Chanel200]

Basic Vanilla Chiffon cake

5 eggs yolks
75 gm sugar
5 eggs white
100 gm sugar
115 gm cake/superfine flour
1 1/2 tsp double action baking powder
60 gm oil
60 gm milk
1 tsp vanilla essence
3/4 tsp cream tartar
pinch of salt

Preheat oven to 180'c
Sift the cake/superfine flour with double baking powder sebanyak 2 kali.
In a large bowl with a ballon whisk, mix the egg yolks,75 gm sugar and pich of salt till blended.

Pour in the oil and stir wel

Pour in the milk and stir wel

Add in the sifted flour,vanilla essence and mix till smooth.

In a clean mixing bowl whisk the egg whites,cream tartar and 100 gm sugar till stiff but not dry.

Mix the egg white mixture and egg yolk mixture together,stir slowly till wel mix (carefull not to over mix the mixture)

Bake in the preheated oven for abt 30 to 35 minutes.
Invert and cold.

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Post time 16-4-2005 10:53 PM | Show all posts

2 1/4  c. strong flavored coffee or espresso, cooled to room temp.
2 eggs, separated
1/4 c. caster sugar
250 g mascarpone cheese
1 c. cream
250g ladyfingers/savoiardi (see savoiardi recipe below).. or sponge cake (cut into fingers)
cocoa powder, for dusting

1. Put the egg yolks and sugar in a large bowl.

2. Beat with electric mixers until the mixture goes pale and thick.

3. Add marscapone and beat until combined.

4. It does not matter if it is marbled slightly.

5. Whip the cream until stiff peaks hold, and fold gently into the egg mixture.

6. I use a spatula, but you could use a metal spoon.

7. Do not beat!

8. Beat the egg whites to soft peaks in a perfectly clean metal bowl.

9. If there is any grease, they won't whip properly.

10. Make sure you rinse and dry your beaters well.

11. Fold the whites into the cream.

12. It is very important to retain as much air as possible.

13. For serving you can use a big dish or individual glasses.

14. If using a big dish: Put the coffee and liquer in a bowl.

15. Dip biscuits in coffee one at a time
16. Drain well.

17. Layer in your dish, covering the whole bottom.

18. Place half of the marscapone mix on top and spread out.

19. Repeat with remaining biscuits and marscapone, finishing with a creamy layer.

20. Smooth surface.

21. Dust with cocoa.

22. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours, but it works quite well if you leave for up to 24 hours.

23. If using glasses: Break the biscuits up into pieces that will fit your glasses and do the same soaking and layering as before.

Lady's Fingers (Savoiardi)

Original recipe yield: 4 dozen.


    * 4 eggs
    * 2/3 cup white sugar
    * 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    * 1/8 teaspoon salt
    * 3/4 cup all-purpose flour


   1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). Line three jelly roll pans with parchment paper. Prepare a pastry bag with a size 6 tip (1/2 inch).

   2. Separate the eggs. Whisk the egg yolks with 1/2 of the sugar and all of the vanilla. Beat until very light colored. This will take about 5 minutes.

   3. In a clean bowl beat the egg whites until they hold soft peeks. While beating, slowly add the salt and the remaining sugar until combined. Gently fold the beaten egg whites into the egg yolk mixture.

   4. Sift the flour over the egg mixture and gently fold it in.

   5. Fill the pastry with half of the batter and pipe 3 1/2 inch fingers, 1 1/2 inches apart, in rows on the parchment paper. Continue with the second half of the batter in the same manner.

   6. Bake at 375 degrees F (190 degrees C) for about 15 minutes until firm to the touch and golden. Remove the paper and fingers from the baking sheet and place on racks to cool. After cooling, remove fingers from the paper and use, or store between layers of wax paper in a airtight container. These freeze well.


2 (6 oz) packages Nestle Toll House Premier White Morsels
1 1/2 c. heavy cream or whipping cream, divided
1 (3 oz) package cream cheese, softened
3 (3 oz) packages ladyfingers, split
1 1/3 c. cooled espresso or strong coffee
2 pints strawberries, sliced

1. Melt over hot, not boiling, water the white morsels and 1/4 C heavy cream, stirring until smooth; cool completely.

2. In a large mixer bowl, beat cream cheese until fluffy.
3. Stir in melted white morsels mixture.

4. In a small mixer bowl, beat remaining 1 1/4 cup heavy cream/or whipping cream until stiff peaks form; fold into cream cheese mixture.

5. Line side of 9 x 3 inch springform pan with ladyfinger halves, cut sides in.

6. Arrange half of remaining lady fingers on bottom of pan.

7. In small bowl, combine coffee; brush half over ladyfingers in bottom of pan.

8. Cover with half the cream cheese filling.

9. Cover with 1/2 of the sliced strawberries.

10. Repeat with ladyfingers, coffee mixture and remaining cream cheese mixture.

11. Top with the remaining strawberries; arranged attractively on top.

12. Cover; refrigerate until set, 4 hours or overnight.

13. Remove side of pan before serving.

Tiramusu simple [eloysh]

Apollo chocolate cake ..yg budak2 punye tu(masa tu takde biskut finger tu, tak tau nak cari mana, ni je yg ada)
cream cheese...di cream kan
non-dairy cream...di cream kan gak
cadbury chocolate milk bar (itu je yg ada time tu..kebetulan)..di potong nipis2
serbuk nescafe+air...di dilute kan
  campur  cheese+coklat+cream...potong apollo cake ..susun dalam bekas..siram air   
nescafe...letak campuran tadik selang seli dgn kek..dah siap, simpan jap dalam  

TIRAMISU [hanieliza]

1 biji kek span coklat [saiz kecil]
250 gm keju krim [Philapeldephia]
250 fresh cream atau whipping cream
1/2 cawan gula halus
1 cawan air nescafee
serbuk koko

1. Kek span coklat dipotong nipis 3 lapisan.
2. Letakan kek dalam bekas kaca.
3. Tuangkan 1/3 bahagian air nescafee atas kek.
4. Pukulkan keju, fresh /whipping crean dan gula sehingga gebu.
5. Tuangkan adunan keju serata kek.
6. Ulanglkan buat sehingga semua adunan habis.
7. Untuk lapisan keju yang akhir ayakkan serbuk koko diatasnya.
8. Sejukkan sejam atau lebih sebelum dihidangkan.

Tiramisu [kismis]

2 tubs of Mascarpone Cheese ( about 400 g )
500g Ready made custard
350g Creme Fraiche
1 packet Sponge Biscuit
2tsb Nescafe
3tsb Sugar

1. Campurkan cheese, custard, creme frech di dalam bekas. Gaul sampai sebati.
2. Bancuhkan nescafe dengan gula
3. Celupkan sponge biskut tadi ke dalam bancuhan nescafe
4. Untuk layer pertama, masukkan adunan cheese tadi dan di lapiskan dengan biskut yang telah di celup. Susun kasi sama rata. Ulang tayang sehingga selesai, adunan cheese mestilah paling atas.
5. Taburkan serbok koko atau milo.
6. Masukkan ke dalam fridge dan di biarkan semalaman.

[ Last edited by CatLady on 16-4-2005 at 11:03 PM ]

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Post time 16-4-2005 11:29 PM | Show all posts
Kek - Jelly Layered Cake [MAKLANG]

Bahan-bahannya :
250gm - Butter
220gm - Sugar (Halus)
450gm - Tepung Naik Sendiri }
20gm - Cocoa Powder } Ayak bersama
secubit garam }
6 Egg
1sp Vanilla essence

1 pek - agar agar
5 gm -cocoa powder
3 sp - susu cair
1 sudu- Gula

Cara-caranye buat kek :
Pukul mentega ,gula dan vanila sampai warnanye light yellow (anggaran 7 minit
Pecahkan telur 6 biji tu ke dalam satu mangkuk dan pukul dengan garpu selama 2 minit
Masukkan telur ke dalam adunan butter dan pukul selama 1 minit
Masukkan tepung yang di ayak bersame dengan cocoa powder dan garam ke dalam adunan tadi
Adunan menjadi kental dan buleh lah tuang ke dalam tin pembakar Tip: Lapik kan tin dengan grease proff paper so tepi kek cantik.Bakar kek , Suhu 170c dan timing 45 minit
Selepas kek jadi sejuk, potong dua, bahagian bawah masih seperti biase tapi angkat bahagian atas.
Tuangkan cocoa jelly kedalam loyang yang mengandungi lapisan bawah kek.
Tunggu, at least 1 minit then masukkan balik lapisan atas
Lepas kek dah set, bolehlah tuangkan chocolate glaze icing
Care care membuat Cocoa Jelly/Filling :
Potong kepingan agar agar dan masak dengan gula sampai separuh hancur
then masukkan gula dan cocoa dan susu cair.
sejukkan 1 minit then tuangkan keatas lapisan bawah kek tadi seperti arahan (8)

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Post time 17-4-2005 12:16 AM | Show all posts
KEK KACANG TANAH [alin_raaz]

240 gm tepung gandum
1/2 camca teh baking powder
1/2 camca teh soda bikarbonat
1 camca teh esen vanila
200 gm butter
200 gm gula castor
2 biji telur size A
200 gm plain yogurt

100 gm gula castor                  
1 cawan kacang tanah - ditumbuk  -  satukan ngan gula

Pukul butter ngan gula sampai kembang. Masuk telur satupersatu dan yogurt, vanila diikuti ngan tepung. Kacau sampai sebati. Campurkan bahan kacang tadi. Tuang dlm loyang dan bakar selama 40 minit.

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Post time 17-4-2005 12:36 AM | Show all posts
Cupcakes [chempaka_ku]

100g butter, softened
100g caster sugar
100g self-raising flour
2 medium eggs

1.  Preheat oven to 180 Celcius.
2.  Place the butter, sugar and flour in a large mixing bowl. Masukkan telur.
3.  Beat together dengan wooden spoon or electric whisk until well mixed and creamy (I used spoon saja).
4.  Papercups simpan dlm 12-hole muffin tin/bun tin atau apa-apa yg sesuai, or double or triple the papercups.  Masukkan dlm papercups.  Bake for 12-15 mins until well risen and pale golden.

Tips selepas cuba:  Cupcakes naik dengan elok kalau butter softened tapi still sejuk.  Ok, jangan lupa cuba ye

[ Last edited by NoorMasri at 21-8-2005 03:02 AM ]

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Post time 17-4-2005 12:42 AM | Show all posts
Light cheesecake [Chanel2004]

Bahan A : 250 gm cream cheese
              50 ml whipping cream
              100 ml milk
              80 gm butter
Bahan B : 25 gm corn flour
              50 ml milk
Bahan C : 150 gm egg white
              100 gm sugar
              10 gm corn flour
              1 tsp cream tartar
Bahan D :138 gm egg yolk
              1 tsp vanilla essence (opt)

Preheat oven to 150'c
Lined botton and side of a 8 1/2 inch springform tin with baking paper.
Melted all ingredient A over a double boiler(with slow fire) and stir all the time till smooth. Cooled the mixture.
Add all ingredients B into the cooled creamcheese mixture and stir till wel mix,
then add in the ingredients D and continue stir till smooth.
Whisk all ingredients C till "SOFT" peak foam and fold slowly/gently into the cream cheese mixture (be carefull not to over mix it)
Pour the mixture into the prepared tin and bake in the "lower rack" of the oven as "water bath" for abt 30 minutes till the surface of the cheesecake become lightly brown and turn the oven to 125 'c and continue bake for abt 55 to 1 hour.
Cooled the cake in frigde before serve.
Cut the cake with a "warm" sharp knife.


Bahan base
4 cawan biskut Marie (yang dikisar halus)
1 cawan almond (dikisar)
1/2 cawan gula halus
1/2 cawan mentega (dicairkan)

Bahan atas
3 sudu teh tepung kastard
3 sudu teh air
455gm cream cheese
1 1/2 cawan gula kastor
Secubit garam
1 sudu teh esen vanilla
1 sudu teh jus lemon
2 cawan sour cream
6 biji telur (asing putih kuning)
1 sudu teh lemon zest (amik sikit kulit lemon pakai garfu)

Cara membuat base

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Post time 17-4-2005 12:46 AM | Show all posts
Lemon Cheesecake [chempaka_ku]

250g butternut cookies
80g butter
2 teaspoons grated lemon rind

250g cream cheese
200g ricotta cheese
1 cup caster sugar
2 tablespoons cornflour
3 eggs
1 tablespoon grate lemon rind
1/4 cup lemon juice
3/4 cup sour cream

Topping (tak bubuh topping juga ok)
500g strawverries
1/3 cup strawberry jam


1.  Line a 20 x 30 cm rectangular tin with foil.
2.  Process cookies until finely crushed.  Add butter and lemon rind, mix well.  Spoon into the prepared tin, press firmly into base.  Refrigerate 20 mins or until firm.


1.  Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celcius.  
2.  Beat cheeses until smooth.  Add sugar and cornflour, beat until smooth.
3.  Add eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition.
4.  Add rind, juice and sour cream, beat until smooth.
5.  Pour mixture into prepared tin.  Bake 50 minutes or until just set; cool, refrigerate until firm.

Topping (Optional):
1.  Arrange strawberry halves on top of cheesecake.  Heat jam over low heat until melted, brush over strawberries.  Refrigerate to set.

CHEESECAKE 101 [dindazZz]

1. use Philadelphia Cream Cheese

During tests of New York style cheesecake made with Philadelphia Cream Cheese versus store brand versions, consumers rated Philly Cheesecake as better tasting.


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Post time 17-4-2005 12:50 AM | Show all posts
Baked creamy cheesecake [Chanel2004]

250 gm Disgestive biscuits,blend in the food processcerr till fine and smooth
125 gm butter,melted
2 tbs sugar
Mix all ingredients together and stir till wel mix,then press it onto the bottom and side of a 8 inch springfoam tin.
Chill in fridge while prepare the filling.

For the filling:
500 gm cream cheese
150 gm sugar
4 eggs (m),lightly beaten with a folk
1/4 cup of whipping/double cream
2 tbs lemon juice
1 tsp vanilla essence

Preheat oven to 180'c.
Cream the cream cheese and sugar till light.(carefull not to over cream the mixture)
Stir the lightly beaten eggs in (stir in bits by bits with a spatula till wel mix),then follow by adding the lemon juice,vanilla essence and cream,stir till wel blend.
Pour the filling onto the prepared base and bake in the oven for abt 55 to 1 hour.
Cool the baked cheesecake in the oven for 1 hour before taking it out to the room temperature.
Wel chill before serve....

Durian cheesecake [Chanel2004]

Biscuit base:
250 gm digestive biscuits,blend till fined
125 gm butter, melted
2 tbs sugar

Mix above ingredients together and press onto the bottom of a 9 inch springfoam tin.


500 gm cream cheese
160 gm sugar
4 eggs
1 cup whipping/double cream,lightly whipped
3/4 cup to 1 cup durian puree ***** (depend on your own taste-bud)
1 tsp durian paste

Preheat oven to 180'c
Beat the cream cheese and sugar till light and smooth.
Stir in the eggs one at a time and blend well.
Stir slowly in the lightly whipped-cream,durian puree and durian paste(stirring with a spoon/ballon whisk)
Bake into the preheated oven for about 60 miniutes or till lightly brouw and set.
Cool the cake in oven.
Well chilled before serving.

***** when i make this durian cheesecake i add only 1/2 cup durian puree,coz i dont like strong durian flavour you can add more if you like...

[ Last edited by CatLady on 17-4-2005 at 12:51 AM ]

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Post time 17-4-2005 01:24 AM | Show all posts
CARROT CAKE [liz772]

375g Tepung Berserbuk Penaik "Blue Key"
6gm (1 1/2 sudu teh) Serbuk Penaik
4gm (1 1/4sudu teh) Baking Soda
3 gm (1 sudu teh) Serbuk Kulit Kayu Manis
1 gm (1/4 sudu teh) Garam
135gm Gula Merah
180gm Gula Castor
4 biji Telur
100gm Minyak Jagung "Kristal" (tak semestinya, minyak jagung lain pun boleh)
100gm Mentega Cair
355gm Lobak Merah (diparut)
30gm Kacang Walnut (dicincang)

180gm Krim Keju
40gm Mentega
40gm Gula Ising
5gm Jus Limau (pilihan)

1. Panaskan oven pd suhu 180 C (350F)
2. Ayak tepung berserbuk penaik "Blue Key" bersama serbuk penaik dam baking soda.
3. Campurkan lobak yg diparut, minyak jagung, mentega cair, serbuk kulit manis, gula merah, gula castor dan telur.
4. Gaul dan kacau hingga adunan itu menjadi lembut. Kemudian, kacau bersama kacang walnut yg telah dicincang.
5. Tuang adunan ke dlm acuan berukuran 22cm X 22cm X 5cm atau 9in X 9in X 1.5in.
6. Masukkan ke dlm oven dan bakar selama 45 - 1 jam.
7. Biarkan kek lobak itu sejuk. Kemudian hiaskan dengan krim keju. Sejukkan kek itu ke dlm peti sejuk.
8. Hiasan Krim Keju:
Utk menyediakan krim keju sebg hiasan, masukkan semua bhn2 ke dlm mangkuk. Pukul sehingga lembut dan sapukan ke pada kek.


The cake

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Post time 17-4-2005 01:26 AM | Show all posts
Carrot Cake [Chanel2004]

-pic verify by nrshahirah

150g grated raw carrots,squeeze out excess juice
2 medium apples,grated and squeeze out excess juice
280 gm Superfine flour,sifted
200g sugar                        
1 1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt                        
2 tsp cinnamon
240 ml corn oil                  
4 large eggs           
1 1/2 tsp vanilla essence     
110g Walnuts, chopped

Cream Cheese Frosting:
50g unsalted butter               
100g cream cheese                        
5 tbsp icing sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence                        
1 tsp grated lemon zest               
1/2 tbsp lemon juice

Preheat oven to 180 degrees C and place rack in center of oven. Greased and floured a 9 x 13 x 2 inch (23 x 33 x 5 cm) pan.  
Peel and grate carrots and apples. Set aside.
In a separate bowl whisk together the flour, sugar, baking soda, salt, and cinnamon.  
In bowl of electric mixer combine the oil, eggs, and vanilla extract. Add the flour mixture and beat to combine.   Fold in the grated carrots, apples, and walnuts. Pour batter into prepared pan and bake 30 to 40 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.   
Cool on wire rack and when completely cooled, spread with cream cheese frosting.  
Beat cream cheese and butter in mixer or food processor until fluffy. Beat in icing sugar, vanilla extract, lemon zest and juice until light and fluffy. If not thick enough add more icing sugar.

Carrot Cake [sarah]

Ni dia resepi carrot cake yg sarah buat... memang sedap, lebih sedap dari Secret Recipe (pada tekak sarah laaa)

4 biji telur ( diasingkan)
1 1/2 cawan corn oil atau vegetable oil ( darurat minyak masak pun
150g gula castor
150g brown sugar
1 1/2 cawan carrot (diparut)

250g tepung gandum
1 sudu teh serbuk kayu manis
1 1/2 sudu teh baking soda
1 sudu teh garam

100g  walnut ( dicingcang, wajib ada baru sedap)

1. Pukul kuning telur, kemudian masukkan minyak, gula (kedua2 jenis tu) dan carrot. Kacau sebati, masukkan pula walnut dan akhir sekali masukkan adunan bahan2 kering yg diayak tadi. Kacau perlahan guna senduk kayu.

2. Pukul putih telur sampai betul2 kembang, soft peak form(ni penting!) & masukkan dlm adunan kek.

3. Bakar pada suhu 180c selama 45 min.

tips: bila dah masak dan cucuk dgn lidi tengok betul2, kadang2 bila
cucuk tak melekat lagi tapi ada nampak berminyak pada lidi means
belum masak betul, kena betul2 licin lidi tu baru masak.

frosting ( ni wajib buat baru ngam dgn cake carrot)
120g butter
250g cream cheese
120g icing sugar

pukul semua aduan hingga sebati & ringan. Dan boleh dihias di atas kek & tabur kacang walnut.

[ Last edited by NoorMasri at 21-8-2005 03:07 AM ]

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Post time 17-4-2005 02:42 PM | Show all posts
Kek Pandan Berlapis [bb_nessa]

Bahan-Bahan (Kek):
115 gm tepung halus
1 sudu kecil serbuk penaik
3 biji telur
115 gm gula
60 gm mentega (Cairkan)
Sedikit esen vanila
Sedikit garam Bahan-Bahan (Kastad):
1000 ml air
600 gm santan siap
255 gm gula
90 gm tepung kastad
1 ? sudu besar agar-agar segera
1. Pukul telur, masukkan gula.
2. Masukkan tepung dan mentega cair.
3. Bakar dengan suhu 180癈 selama 20 minit.
4. Apabila masak dibelah 3 melintang.
5. Untuk kastad, santan dibancuh dengan air. Campurkan kesemua bahan kastad dan masakkan di atas api yang kuat.
6. Lapiskan kek tadi dengan kastad dan hidangkan.


Chiffon Cake
4 yolks
70gm caster sugar
¼ tsp salt
80 gm oil
115gm pandan juice (6 or more pandan+water to extract)

150gm superfine flour
1tsp baking powder

4 egg whites
60gm caster sugar
1tsp cream of tartar

1050gm santan cair (around 1 1/2 to 2 coconut)
225gm caster sugar
75ml pandan juice/extract (extract together from pandan in A)
3/4tsp pandan essence
90gm green hoen kwoe
1 1/2 Tb instant jelly/agar2 powder

Dessicated coconut

1.        Preheat oven 180C.       
2.        Beat A by using hand whisk until sugar dissolve.
3.        Add in sifted B, stir until combined.
4.        Beat egg whites and cream of tartar until foamy, add in caster sugar and continue to beat until stiff (meringue).       
5.        Fold C into AB mixture in 3 batches (3 times) using hand whisk, each time stir SLOWLY.
6.        Pour into a lined 10 x 10 inch tin.
7.        Baked for around 45-50 minutes or until top is brown. Once baked, straight away invert tin on to wire rack and let it cool for 1 hour.
8.        After 1 hour, turnover, remove from tin and rid off crust or skin from top of cake.
9.        Slice into 4 layers. Put aside and prepare for custard.

10.        Combine D in a non stick wok or saucepan.
11.        Cook under low flame, stir constantly until thicken and bubble appeared. Off flame.

12.        Use back the tin. Pour around 1 ½ cup of custard into tin and level it out. Let it set a little while (not too long)               
13.        Take a layer of cake and lay it on the custard. Pour custard onto the cake and make sure to fill the gap at the sides. (In the case where there is too little gap in between cake and tin, cut off the sides beforehand)
14.        Repeat same for next layer and the last layer will be the cake layer. NEVER POUR CUSTARD on top of the layer as that will be the base of the cake.
15.        Cover the top with cling wrap or aluminum foil and chill cake for 3-4 hours but overnight better.
16.        Once chilled, use knife to loosen custard at the sides (please be careful you might cut the custard),
17.        Turn the cake over gently on to a board and sprinkle with dessicated coconut on top and to the sides of the cake and voila, it抯 ready to be eaten

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Post time 17-4-2005 06:35 PM | Show all posts






Butter cake [Chanel2004]

12 egg yolk
3/4 cup sugar
1 tsp cream tartar
3 egg white
1 cup sugar
1 1/2 bar butter shit,room temperature and cut into small pieces
1 cup milk
2 tbspoon baking powder
3 1/2 cup cake flour,sift together with the baking powder
2 tbsp vanilla essence or 1 tbsp vanilla extract

Preheat oven to 170'c
Lined and lightly greased a 9 x 13 inch rectangular pan OR 4 loaf pans.
Whisk the egg yolks with sugar(3/4 cup) till light and fluffy,then drop in the butter little by little and continue beat till light.
Mix the vanilla essence or extract into the milk,alternatively blend in the milk and flour into the butter mixture at lowest speed.
In another bowl,whisk the egg whites,cream tartar and sugar(1 cup)till stiff.
Fold the stiff egg whites slowly into the flour mixture (carefull not to over mix).
Pour the mixture into prepared pans and bake for about 60 mins.

shit i use Bridel butter (you can get this butter at Cold Storage, if you cant find it just use SCS/Fern butter..... both work wel)

Kek Butter Maklang (sempoi) [MAKLANG]

1 cawan mentega
1 cawan gula halus
1 cawan tepung gandum
1 cawan tepung kastard
1 sudu besar susu pekat manis
4 biji telur
1 sudu the vanilla dan serbuk penaik
Cara membuatnya
1.        Pukul telur dan mentega hingga kembang
2.        Masukan telur satu demi satu, vanilla, susu pekat manis dan serbuk penaik. Gaul hingga sebati.
3.        Masukan tepung gandum, tepung kastard dan gaul sebati.
4.        Masukan ke dalam acuan dan bakar hingga masak

Sandwich Cake. [alin_raaz]

250 gm tepung naik sendiri
250 gm butter
250 gm gula castor
5 biji telor
1/2 sudu teh esen vanila
Sedikit gula aising - untuk tabur atas kek

Cara:  Pukul butter and gula sampai kembang, Masuk telur sebiji sebiji. Pukul lagi. Masukkan tepung yang telah diayak, Kaup balik adunan hingga rata.
Tuang adunan didalam bekas yg telah dilenser ngan sedikit margerin. Bakar selama 30 minit atau hingga masak.  Keluarkan kek, sejukkan dan belah bahagian tengah, sapukan jem strawberry dan tangkup balik. Taburkan gula aising diatas permukaan kek (gunakan pengayak tepung).


250 gm butter
40 gm majerin
210 gm gula kastor
5 biji telur [pukul kembang sikit jer]
1 s/k esen vanilla
260 gm tepung gandum
1 s/k baking powder
50 gm susu full cream

1. Pukul butter, majerin, gula sehingga gebu.
2. Nasukkan perlahan telur dan kacau sehingga kembang lagi. Masukkan esen vailla.
3. Masukkan tepung gandum dan baking pwder yg telah diayakkan berselang seli dengan susu.
4. Kacau rata dan masukkan adunan kedalam acuan.
5. Bakar dalam oven 170'C selama 40 - 45 minit

[ Last edited by NoorMasri at 21-8-2005 03:00 AM ]

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Post time 17-4-2005 06:38 PM | Show all posts
Prune Butter Cake [alin_raaz]

250 gm butter
250 gm gula castor
250 gm tepung gandum- diayak bersama 1/2 s/t baking powder
100 gm pitted prune - direndam dalam air panas sebentar then toskan
5 biji telur
Esen vanila

Pukul butter and gula sampai kembang. Masukkan telur satu persatu, kendian masukkan esen vanila. Gaul rata, masukkan pulak prune tadi. Last masukkan tepung. Kaup balikkan sampai rata. Masukkan dalam loyang 9" bakar selama 40-45 minit

Family Nestum cake [Chanel2004]

240 gm butter,room temperature
200 gm sugar
1 tbsp Honey
4 eggs(m)
50 gm Nestum
200 gm Self raising flour,sifted
150 ml milk

Preheat oven to 180'c
Lined and grease a 9 inch tin
Beat butter,sugar and honey till light and fluffy (carefull not to over beat it)
Add in eggs one by one and beat well.
Add nestum and mix well.
Fold in sifted flour alternatively with the milk and blend wel combined.
Bake the cake for about 40 to 45 minutes.l

[ Last edited by NoorMasri at 21-8-2005 02:58 AM ]

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Post time 17-4-2005 08:34 PM | Show all posts

Di sini saya nak kongsi ngan kawan2 kat sini cara2 nak wat toping coklat dgn menggunakan serbuk koko.Memang prosesnya agak meletihkan tapi hasilnya memang puas hati.Resepi dibawah memang banyak boleh guna utk 3 biji kek tp boleh simpan lam peti sejuk dan ia tidak akan mengeras spt chocolate cooking.


Tepung Jagung-100gram
Serbuk koko-75gram
Susu tepung-50gram
(kesemua bahan diatas dikacau hingga beul2 rata)


Cara membuatnya:
Bahan yang telah dikacau rata tadi dimasukkan air secukupnya dan kacau lagi hingga larut.Pas tu tapis ke dalam periuk supaya adunan tu betul2 licin dan tidak berbintil-bintil.Kacau di atas double-boiler hingga agak pekat.Stlh kelihatan pekat dan terasa berat mengacaunya masukkan marjerin dan kacau lagi hingga pekat dan berkilat.Perlu diingatkan semasa proses mengacaunya api mestilah sederhana dan jgn sesekali berhenti mengacaunya krn ini akan menyebabkan coklat itu tidak cantik dan licin.Proses mengacau ni memang memerlukan kesabaran dan ambil masa yang lama jugak.Tapi hasilnya memang cantik dan sedap.Resepi ni saya dapat dr sebuah cake house di Medan Mara.Cubalah,pasti tak menyesal.

choc topping...[juya79]

single cream
coklat yg dicairkan
a little bit of sugar (kalau nak letak la)

then panaskan together... pour over the cake... yummy... senang je... heheh..

Choc Topping [hanieliza]

2 s/b serbuk koko
1/2 tin susu pekat
2 s/b minyak

Kacaukan dalam doble boiler sehingga sebati dan berkilat.


250 gm cooking coklat
3 s/b whipping cream [boleh juga gantikan ngan susu cair]
3 s/b butter

Panaskan semua bahan dalam doubler-bioler.
Bila nampak coklat nak cair tutup api dan teruskan mengacau dalam double-boiler sehingga coklat dan semua bahan sebati.

Chocolate Filling or Topping [chempaka_ku]

200g dark chocolate, melted
90g butter, melted

Combine chocolate and butter in small bowl, stir until smooth, stand until spreadable (or use double boiler's method).

[ Last edited by CatLady on 17-4-2005 at 09:08 PM ]

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Post time 18-4-2005 11:29 PM | Show all posts
SOFT MARBLE CAKE [white pearl]

270 gram mentega
260 gram tepung gandum
250 gram gula kastor
10 gram serbuk koko
(atau lebih sedap jika digantikan dgn 3 sudu makan coklat emulco**)
6 biji telur saiz besar
2 sudu makan susu manis
1 sudu makan (rata) ovalette
1 sudu makan air
1 sudu teh baking powder
1 sudu teh serbuk vanilla

cara membuatnya:

1)  mentega, susu dan vanilla disatukan, kemudian dipukul hingga putih, ketepikan

2)  telur, ovalette, air, baking powder, tepung dan gula disatukan, pukul hingga kembang.

3)  masukkan adunan mentega dan kacau rata

4)  keluarkan 1/4 bahagian adunan dan campurkan dengan serbuk koko atau coklat emulco

5)  siapkan tin kek berukuran 10x7x3 inci yang sudah dialas kertas dan disapukan mentega

6)  masukkan tiga senduk adunan plain dan 1 senduk adunan coklat dan ulang cara ini hingga semua adunan habis

7)  bakar adunan dalam ketuhar dengan suhu 180 darjah celcius selama 45 minit.

**coklat emulco boleh juga digantikan dengan strawberry paste jika tidak suka coklat....

MARBLE CAKE [hanieliza]

bahan A
250 gm butter
40 gm majerin
210 gm gula kastor/halus
5 biji telur ayam

bahan B
230 gm tepung gandum......]
1 sudu teh baking powder....] ayak bersama
30 gm serbuk koko
80 ml susu segar/fresh milk

1. Pukul mentega dan gula hingga betul-betul kembang.
2. Masukkan telur sebiji deni sebiji dan diikuti dengan esenvanilla.
3. Masukkan tepung sedikit demi sedikit berselang seli dengan susu.
4. Teruskan memukul adunan dengan perlahan untuk seketika sehingga benar-benar sebati.
5. Bahagikan adunan kepada dua bahagian yang dimasukkan ke dalam bekas berasingan.
6. Satu bahagian ditambah dengan serbuk koko. Satu bahagian lagi biarkan warna asal.
7. Panaskan oven 180'C selama 10 minit.
8. Sediakan acuan loyang yang telah digriskan terlebih dahulu dengan dedikit mentega dan taburkan tepung nipis sikit atau lapikkan loyang dengan kertas minyak.
9. Sudukan adunan ke dalam loyang dari kedua-dua bahagian secara berselang-seli sehingga kelihatan berbelang.
10. Bakar adunan selama 50 - 60  minit dengan suhu 180 C.

KEK KEJU MARBLE [hanieliza]

Bahan A
250 gm Krim Keju
30 gm mentega
30 gm gula kastor
3 biji kuning telur grade A
2 biji limau kasturi..ambil jusnya
1 s/k esen vanilla

Bahan B
3 biji putih telur grade A
30 gm gula kastor
1/2 s/k cream of tartar

1 s/b tepung jagung

1 s/k coklat emulco

Oven setting 140'C
Masa Bakar 1 jam secara steam-bake

1. Pukulkan krim keju, mentega, dan gula dalam mangkuk sehingga kembang.
2. Masukkan telur kuning satu persatu.
3. Masukkan perlahan esen vanilla dn jus limau kasturi.
4. Masukkan semua bahan B dalam mangkuk yg lain dan pukul sehingga menjadi ringan dn gebu.
5. Campurkan bahan B kedalam bahan A. Kacau rata.
6. Masukkan tepung jagung kedalam adunan perlahan. Kacau rata.
7. Bahagikan adunan pada 2 mangkuk.
8. 1 bahagian dibiarkan warna asal dan 1 bahgian ndicampurkan coklat emulco.
9. Kacau adunan yg coklat supaya sama rata warnanya.
10. Lapikkan loyang dengan 2 lapis kertas minyak.
11. Masukkan adunan dalam acuan berselang seli warna asal dan coklat.
12. Masukkan acuan ini dalam acauan yg lebih besar dan masukkan air.
13. Bakar sehingga masak.
14. Bila nak potong gunakan pisau pelastik yg telah dicelupkan dalam air panas.
15. Sejukkan betul2 sebelum dipotong dan hidangkan.

KEK MARBLE [blackmore]

Bahan A

250gm butter
1 tsp serbuk vanilla
30gm susu tepong...tak kira arr...nespray...dutch lady...dumex pon bley

...bahan2 nie dijadikan satu dan dipukul ngan K-beater...sampai adunan sebati dan butter berkilat...kemudian asingkan dalam bekas yang lain...

Bahan B

160gm gula kastor
7 biji kuning telor
6 biji putih telor
1 sudu makan ovalette

...masukkan bahan B dalam bekas yang lain dan dipukul dengan kelajuan tinggi sampai adunan nie kembang...usually it takes about 15-20 minits..

Bahan C

200gm tepong naik sendiri + 1/2 tsp baking powder - diayak
200gm tepong optima (yang nie tak yah diayak)
3 sudu makan susu cair...tak kira apa brand..asal susu cair...susu dumex pon ok

...ok...selepas bahan2 B kembang...pelankan kelajuan mesin pemukul dan masukkan susu cair...then...masukkan tepong-tepong tu...di pukul sebentar saja hingga sebati...then stopped the machine...masukkan bahan A dan kacau hingga rata dan sebati using a wooden spatula...

...selepas usual...bahagikan pada dua bahagian...satu bahagian add cocoa powder...kalau u all nak letak additional flavour pon bley...bagi 3 bahagian...pastu the other bahagian add strawberry flavor...pon sedap gak...nanti bila siap...ada 3 warna...

...tin pembakar digilap ngan sedikit butter....then alas ngan kertas pembakar...oven set kepanasan dia to 190 degrees...tin pembakar gunakan yang 11" x 11".....bakar selama kira2 45 minit - 1 jam... satu jam...bila korang nak keluarkan kek tu and korang prasan yang bila korang angkat jer tin pembakar...kek tu macam "bergoyang-goyang" di bahagian tengah2...korang tak mo angkat dulu...bley bakar lagi selama 20-30 minit lagi...nie sebab kadang2...different oven...dia pey temperature ada lain sikit darrrr....and usually happens kalau korang pakai tin pembakar yang kecil than 11"...then bila nak pasti dah betul2 masak...korang cucuk arr ngan lidi satay tu...kalau lepas dicabut lidi tu kering...dah masak lah tu...

[ Last edited by  nhuda at 30-10-2007 09:03 AM ]

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Post time 18-4-2005 11:30 PM | Show all posts
Chilled Vanilla and Cappucino cheesecake [chanel2004]

125 gm Digestive biscuits,blend till fined
65 gm Butter,melted

Cappucino Layer :
250g Cream Cheese, softened
1/3 cup caster sugar

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Post time 19-4-2005 12:28 AM | Show all posts
Black Forest Cake [chempaka_ku]

tak pernah cuba but here it is....

200g unsalted butter
3/4 cup caster sugar
3 eggs, lightly beaten
1 tsp vanilla essence
1 2/3 cups self-raising flour - sifted
1/3 cup plain flour - sifted
3/4 cup cocoa powder - sifted
1 tbsp instant cofee powder
1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda
1/2 cup buttermilk (or substitute skim milk)
1/3 cup milk
1 1/4 cups cream, whipped
425g can pitted cherries, drained

Chocolate Mock Cream
200g dark chocolate, chopped
250g unsalted butter


1.  Preheat oven to 180C.  Brush a deep, 23cm round cake tin with melted butter or oil (non-smelly oil like corn), line base and side with paper, grease paper.

2.  Beat butter and sugar until light & creamy (Use a small mixing bowl).  Add eggs gradually, beating thoroughly after each addition.  Add essence, beat until combined.

3.  Transfer mixture to large mixing bowl.  Fold in sifted flours, cocoa, cofee and soda alternately with combined buttermilk and milk.  Stir until just combined and the mixture is almost smooth (Use a metal spoon to fold).

4.  Pour mixture evenly into prepared tin.  Bake for 40 to 50 mins or until skewer comes out clean when inserted in centre of cake.  Leave cake in tin 20 mins before turning onto a wire rack to cool.

Cara Chocolate Mock Cream:
1.  Place chocolate in glass bowl.  Stir over barely simmering water until melted, remove from heat.  
2.  Beat butter in small mixing bowl until light and creamy.
3.  Add chocolate, beat 1 min or until mixture is glossy and smooth.


1.  Turn cake upside down.  Cut into three layers horizontally.  Place 1st layer on serving plate.  Spread cake evenly with half the whipped cream, top with half the cherries.  Continue layering with remaining cake, cream and cherries, ending with cake on top.

2.  Spread mock cream over top and sides.  

Happy baking......

Recipe I like - Devil's Food Cake.  Cara buat maca kek Black forest & ingredients less than di atas but almost the same.  Yummy!!!!

KEK BLACK FOREST [hanieliza]

Kek Span Coklat
250 gm tepung coklat sponge mix [selalunya kak liza beli tepung ni kat kedai bahan kek]
3 biji telur A
100 gm air
100 gm minyak jagung
1 s/k coklat paste

1. Panaskan oven.
2. Pukul semua bahan hingga gebu..anggaran 10 minit dengan kelajuan sederhana
3. Masukkan ke dalam acuan bulat dan bakar pada suhu 170'C selama 30 minit.
4. Setelah masak, sejukkan dan potong dua lapis.

Krim segar:
250 gm fresh cream sejuk[beli dari kedai bahan kek]
hiasan..buah ceri/strawberry/kiwi
coklat rice/hirisan cooking coklat

1. Pukulkan fresh cream sehingga gebu dan ringan [bila diterbalikkan ..tak jatuh]
2. Sapukan sedikir cream ni pada bahagian yg telah dipotong sebagi lapisan tengah.
3. Sapukan lebihan cream ni disekeliling kek san juga atas kek.
4. Susunkan potongan bahan hiasan mengikut kreativiti sendiri.

utk melapis black forest camni caranya..[ninoZ]

bahan2 yg diperlukan :

kek span
whip cream/fresh cream
gula icing
dark pitted cherry [toskan then asingkan airnya]
plain syrup [campur dgn jus dark pitted cherry]
chocolate shave/ chocolate rice
morachino cherry

kek span tu kene biar dulu overnight then baru dipotong kepada 2 atau 3 lapisan.
pukul cream dgn pemutar kek sampai kembang then tambahkan sedikit demi sedikit gula icing sampai  adunan tu jadi cam soft peak kalau kita cedok

letak satu lapis kek then sprinkle bhgn atasnya dgn plain syrup, pastu sapukan cream yg telah dipukul then susunkan dark pitted cherry diatasnya..
ulang proses di atas sampai abih lapisan kek.

then ratakan krim ke seluruh permukaan tepi n atas.
paipkan rossette atau ape2 hiasan  cream yg kita nak..then taburkan choc shave/rice
letakkan morachino cherry kat atas rossette

simpan dlm peti sejuk 3-4 jam..then siap utk dihidangkan

*plain syrup : satu cawan air di masak dgn satu cawan gula hingga larut pastu di sejukkan

Variasi Filling
selain dari guna dark pitted cherry..kita boleh gunakan cherry pie fillings yg dah siap dlm tin..kan kedai2 bahan kek biasanya ade dijual pie filling ni

[ Last edited by NoorMasri at 21-8-2005 02:56 AM ]

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Post time 19-4-2005 12:29 AM | Show all posts
Resepi German: Black Forest Gateau  [dindazZz]


Kek Span:

- 6 biji telur kuning
- 200g telur
- 1 cawan gula caster
- 80g tepung (diayak)
- 20g serbuk koko
- 35g tepung gandum
- 40g coklat cair
- 40g mentega cair (x pasti sukatan betul)
- Kertas minyak utk membakar


- 300g air
- 150g gula caster
- 70g minuman ceri berkarbonat


- 400g ceri dalam tin
- 1 liter whip cream
- Tepung jagung
- 70g gula caster
- 1/2 sudu teh vanillin
- 1/2 sudu teh serbuk kulit kayu manis
- Kulit Lemon yg dikeringkan dlm oven (jadikan serbuk)
- 80g minuman ceri berkarbonat
- 100g sirap (lihat resipi sirap)

Topping hiasan:

- chocolate rice
- Shaved chocolate (boleh buat dgn vegetable peeler)
- Maraschino cherry


Panaskan telur dan gula caster dlm periuk kecil utk beberapa minit 'till dlm suhu 50'c. Angkat periuk dari api dan pukul lagi campuran itu sehingga pekat dan gebu, kira2 10 minit.

Tambahkan tepung dan serbuk koko dan gaul rata perlahan2. Masukkan mentega cair dan kacau berhati2.

Masukkan campuran dlm tin pembakar yg sudah digris dan dilapik dgn kertas minyak. Ratakan permukaan dan bakar dlm oven dgn suhu 180'c selama 25-30 minit.

Keluarkan kek yg sudah dibakar. Rehatkan 24jam atau semalaman.

Asingkan ceri dlm tin dari jusnya; ambil 2 sudu besar minuman ceri berkarbonat ke dlm mangkuk, jus ceri dipanaskan didlm periuk. Kemudian, 1 sudu besar tepung jagung yg sudah dicairkan ke dlm jus ceri utk memekat dan megilatkan inti. Masukkan pula campuran 1 sudu besar gula caster dan serbuk kulit lemon bakar serta serbuk kulit kayu manis.

Masukkan campuran jus ceri ke dlm minuman ceri berkarbonat dan kacau seketika. Kemudian, tambahkan buah ceri dan panaskan sebentar. Angkat dan tuang dlm mangkuk. Sejukkan.

Bahagikan kek span kpd 3 lapisan dan tuangkan coklat cair di atas setiap lapisan dan ratakan sehingga meliputi seluruh atas kek. Sejukkan dlm peti ais (not freezer).

Sementara kek sejuk, pukul whip cream hingga kembang bersama2 dgn gula dan vanillin.

Untuk syrup, masukkan air dan minuman ceri berkarbonat dlm gula caster. Kacau hingga larut.

Keluarkan kek dari peti ais dan berus syrup tadi. Ratakan dgn campuran ceri diatas, kemudian whipped cream. Letak lapisan ke-2 diatasnya. Beruskan syrup di atas kek. Ratakan whipped cream. Lapisan ketiga, beruskan syrup kemudian ratakan keseluruhan kek dgn lebihan whipped cream.

Hias mengikut selera..

[ Last edited by NoorMasri at 21-8-2005 02:57 AM ]

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Post time 19-4-2005 08:49 AM | Show all posts

10 biji telur
1 tin mentega ( 16oz) (450 gm)
1 tin besar kaya (2 x 230 gm - container plastik)
1/2 tin susu cair
13 sudu makan gula pasir (lebih kurang 160 gm)
17 sudu makan tepung gandum (lebih kurang 140 gm)
1 sudu makan koko
sedikit pewarna hijau

1- pukul mentega + gula - kembang
2- masukan telur - kacau lagi
3- masukkan susu, kaya, tepung dan kacau sebati
adunan bagi 2 satu letak koko satu letak pewarna hijau
masak selapis selapis dengan kukus.

Note : Thanks to 1mas2ra for the conversion

[ Last edited by  nhuda at 18-4-2007 09:08 AM ]

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