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Author: Sephiroth

What's going on in Malaysia (Berita Sensasi)

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 Author| Post time 26-8-2015 11:07 AM | Show all posts
Source : ... ches-230046058.html

The national interfaith council will appeal all places of worship in Kuala Lumpur to open their doors to Bersih 4 participants this weekend, despite Putrajaya's declaration that the two-day rally is illegal.

Throwing their support behind the Bersih 4 rally, the Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism (MCCBCHST) said the rally was to demand the people's rights and not about going against the government.

MCCBCHST acting president Datuk R.S. Mohan Shan said this after three Catholic churches offered their grounds as "sanctuary" for the participants.

Do not desecrate the holiness of place of worship by playing politics inside. The purpose of holy places are solely for praying and to communion with God and Community, NOT for political purpose.  

Politics which belongs in the streets should stay in the street. Politics in Parliment, Dewan and Town Halls should remain there for these places are build for various purposes, including for political purposes. However, temples and churches are build solely for purpose of Worshiping and NOTHING ELSE.

Also, I like to remind what had happened in May 13th. The riots in May 13th 1969 started in a Masjid and spill to the streets. Allowing the Bersih people inside the temples and churches could likely to make them target for BN people to come and make problems, which then could spill to a religious tension as the temples and churches are desecrated by these people.

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 Author| Post time 27-8-2015 01:42 PM | Show all posts
Source : ... vote-004636644.html

Veteran journalist Datuk A. Kadir Jasin last night said he believed Datuk Seri Najib Razak will remain in power till the next general election, and that neither street rallies nor attempts to hold a vote of no confidence against him would force the prime minister out of office.
The former group editor-in-chief of the News Straits Times said he was pessimistic because Malaysia was in a situation where the prime minister did not need the people's support.

“If our purpose this weekend is to overthrow Najib, it will not happen. Street protest will not change Najib because if he wants to resign, he would have done so,” Kadir said in reference to the two-day Bersih 4 rally in Kuala Lumpur, which will also be held in Kuching and Kota Kinabalu.

“He does not need 30,000, 40,000, 50,000 or 100,000 people at a Bersih gathering. He does not need us.
"He does not need a no-confidence vote because I think whatever happens within this five or six months will not make Najib resign," Kadir told the forum “Protes Rakyat atau Dewan Rakyat” (People's Protest or Dewan Rakyat), organised by news portal Malaysiakini in Petaling Jaya last night.

He said Najib was clinging to power to avoid other consequences if he stepped down, and was able to do so because he had built an exclusive circle around him.

"He will remain as the prime minister until the next general election because he knows if he were to go now,  he will face many problems. It's better to hold on to whatever little power that he has now rather than not having any,” said Kadir. "He is also a person who is very exclusive with the group of people around him," he added. The government is also adopting a siege mentality, he said, causing it to become more exclusive.

So, do what? Nothing? Pretend everything is alright and pray that by some miracle Najib will become a "good person" overnight and resign on his own?

Najib is up there because the country is full of d!ck-less person like Kadir Jasin. Najib is not a god nor did he fall from the sky. Najib is up there (in power) because it is people like us who put him there. Without the People, NAJIB IS NOTHING. Kadir Jasin need to understand what is a Democratic nation before opening his mouth. IF he gave up fighting, he should crawl somewhere and die already instead of making stupid excuses like this.

Najib is just one person and while it is true that Najib had surrounded himself with an exclusive circle around him, who are they? What is the reason for them to protect Najib? Answer :- Money and Power. Which means as the economy becomes worse and worse and People begin to shun away from (supporting) Najib, so will the power and money slowly erode away. Very soon, there will be people leaving Najib left and right.

So, the People should continue to fight on hard. Change nothing and continue to fight on.

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 Author| Post time 8-9-2015 02:41 PM | Show all posts
Source :

Here's something I found out in the Internet today. Quite shocking how educated women in India seems to abuse men simply by misusing the Dowry Act.
Thank God I am not married.

Dowry Act (IPC 498A) law in India which was created 30 years ago with purpose of allowing women to take up legal cases against their husband if they were abusive toward them due to dowry. Not sure how it could end up in this way today. Maybe too many Indian movies perhaps. Whatever the reasons are, it is the men who are in the receiving end of these. And in India, women status are higher than any other society in the World where women are looked upon with respect and someone to be protected. Therefore, when a man is accused of being abusive or sexually harrassing a woman, he could not receive a fair judgement. The society will automatically assume that he is guilty simply because he is a man. That is sort of India is today.


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 Author| Post time 10-9-2015 01:19 PM | Show all posts
Not exactly a news but something worth reading.

Source : ... n-di-dunia.html?m=1

Home » Agama Hindu » Hindu Agama Paling Toleran Di Dunia
Saturday, May 17, 2014

Kajian Teologi - Agama Hindu memiliki ciri khas sebagai salah satu agama yang paling toleran karena tiadanya skisma meskipun ada kemajemukan tradisi yang bernaung di bawah simbol-simbol agama Hindu.

Yup, true. Only in India that two other major religion (and a few smaller ones like Jainism) had sprung out and were treated fairly by Hindus, such as Sikhism and Buddhism - both which did not treat Hinduism with equal respect.

Sikhism was known to be anti-hindu from the beginning to the point that they (Sikhs) continued to work against Hinduism to establish their own nation. And Buddhism continuously challenged Hindu principle in an endless debate to the point that it was Buddhism which lost in the end (the reason why Buddhism vanished in India except in a few places).

When Christians and Muslims came to India with their own ill-brood agenda (Christians came to steal and Muslims came to conquer), many Hindus fought and died rather than gave up their belief - something today's Hindus in India seems to have forgotten. But nevertheless the belief system kept alive and well by saints and holy men who kept spring up every generation.

It is this tolerance which allowed Hinduism to be flexible but strong and firm at face of chance. It treats whoever come to challenge them with respect and courtesy and continued to dish-out facts and rational belief to the point that Hinduism able to survive to this day.

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 Author| Post time 21-9-2015 09:58 AM | Show all posts
Source : ... sian-031939250.html
Claiming that an acceptable form of racism exists in Islam shows how Malaysian politics lack ideological conviction, ?Negri Sembilan prince Tunku Zain Al-Abidin Ibni Tuanku Muhriz said today.?
Although he mentioned no names, the Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs (IDEAS) president said such rhetoric was just another one of the government’s attempts to justify dividing the people.

“Liberal ideas are branded as alien and heretical concepts and new justifications are dreamt up to consolidate state-sponsored division,” Tunku Zain said in his keynote address at the Malaysia Freedom Summit 2015 in Petaling Jaya.

On Wednesday, Tan Sri Annuar Musa, an Umno Supreme Council member, justified the racial overtone of the ‘red shirt’ rally by declaring himself a racist.
He said his racism was based on Islam and that the religion allowed it as long as it did not involve oppressing others.

On the contrary, I believe that Annuar Musa's opinion about Islamic rascism is correct. That Islam is indeed a rasict ideology. The proof are showing just that. And if any of them disagrees, it will be up to them to prove that Islam is a religion and not a political system.

Everything about Islam was rascist to begin with. After all, you have a so-called religious belief that wants you to dress like an Arab, eat like an Arab, sleep, take bath and even screw around like Arab and even went as far as telling non-Arabic Muslims to wear Arabic clothing and learn Arabic language. It literally telling them (non-Arabic Muslims) that they should throw away their personal racial identify and take up a foreign lifestyle of the Arabs and anyone who opposes these (commandments via Al Quran and Al Hadith) should be considered as enemies of (an Arab god named) Allah. Which part of Islamic teaching which does not show rascism?

It have been my firm belief for a very long time now that Islam is never a religion to begin with, but a carefully crafted political ideology. I have been saying that for years even before anyone else dares to voice it out. However, the recent exodus of Muslims into European countries have been forcing many Europeans to begin to wonder if Islam is a religion or a very carefully crafted political system. After all, they had similar experience just 70 years ago with Adolf Hitler and his Nazism. Matter a fact, only different between Adolf Hitler and Muhammad (the founder of Islam) is that Adolf Hitler did not invent a "god" like Muhammad did.

Some Muslims will admit that Islam is a political ideology, claiming that Islam is a "complete ideology" which consists of all level of life - lifestyle, (syariah) law, warfare and political system. That their Allah did not left behind anything which could make them weak. This Muslims don't understand the context of religion. You see, the only ideology that constrict a person by controlling their lifestyle, laws and etc is not a religion ideology but a political ideology. You can find example of these conducts in various political ideology we have today, such as Communism (a perfect example of Islam-like ideology).

Matter a fact, religious ideology does not constrict a believer into wearing certain type of clothing, or warfare or law. It consists of a basic belief concept (such as Laws of karma in Hinduism and Buddhism and the Ten Commandments in Judaism) and a moral concept on how one should behave in a society (for benefit of everyone else). But the believer still have the right to choose his or her own way of lifestyle as long as he or she willing to accept the consequences of their action. Matter a fact, if Hinduism or Buddhism were to behave like what Muslims had behaved 1,000 years ago, it could have been possible for Hindus and Buddhists to conquer the Asian countries through military conquest back then. But instead, history shows that not only that these belief system did not launch religion wars (like Islam doing now) but also allowed and promoted the locals to pursuit their own social development by their own stride.

But that did not happen in Islam. Islam have a clear aim of conquest of other race and nations, with goal of creating a single race with a Master race in the middle (the Arabs) who will control the masses. It is similar to what Adolf Hitler had imagined but except for several things. He had imagined the German people and those who follow the Germans' physical characteristics as a superior race, and willing to kill others who did not match those characteristics perfectly. In Islam, Islam wants to convert everyone into Muslims and kill those who do not accept.

Therefore, it is my deepest opinion that Islam is a dangerous political ideology, one which should be addressed in the same way the World addressed Adolf Hitler 70 years ago. One should be vary of the so-called moderate Muslims who could cry foul of the treatment of Islam as they are just cowards who refuse to look at the truth. They should be rejected from the mainstream society and their pleads ignored. I will not even going to label Allah as a false god because to say that it could mean that I could admit that Islam is a religion. It is not a religion. Islam is a political system just like Communism, Totalarism and Socialism.


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 Author| Post time 27-10-2015 09:55 AM | Show all posts
Source : ... shun-005903945.html

The Orang Asli from villages in the interiors of Gua Musang, Kelantan, have decided to stop sending their children back to the SK Tohoi boarding school, from where seven pupils had run away and got lost in the jungle for more than a month.

They are adamant their 60-odd children stay away from the school situated some two hours through logging tracks from their villages.

The Orang Asli folk are blaming the boarding school for recklessness and refusal to take responsibility for the incident, which left four of the victims dead.

Kelantan Orang Asli Village Network youth chief Dendi Johari said the Orang Asli, who are from the Temiar tribe, have refused to send their children to the school for fear of what had happened to the seven children.
“All my people in Gua Musang, from Pos Simpul, Kampung Sedal, Kampung Penad and Kampung Gawin, don’t want to send their children to the school in Pos Tohoi,” he told The Malaysian Insider when met at Kampung Penad.

“They don’t ever want to send their young kids to schools far away because of what happened to the children.”

I don't blame the Orang Asli people for stopping their children from going to this school. IF I were in that position, I could have burn down the school with the teachers and the warden inside.

However, there is one solution for this. The problem here is that Orang Asli had lost their faith in school's ability to look after their children. Therefore, the solution is to add more Orang Asli personals into the tasks of safekeeping the children. The Educational ministry should bring bring in volunteers from Orang Asli settlement (among people they could trust) and place them in hostels to take care of those children.

Also the government should press charges toward those responsible for those children running away in the first place. Ignoring that part could undermine any attempt to retrify the problem.

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 Author| Post time 3-11-2015 04:34 PM | Show all posts
Source : ... hina-215908148.html

By Andrea Shalal and Idrees Ali
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Navy plans to conduct patrols within 12 nautical miles of artificial islands in the South China Sea about twice a quarter to remind China and other countries about U.S. rights under international law, a U.S. defence official said on Monday.

"We're going to come down to about twice a quarter or a little more than that," said the official, who was not authorized to speak publicly about Navy operational plans.

"That's the right amount to make it regular but not a constant poke in the eye. It meets the intent to regularly exercise our rights under international law and remind the Chinese and others about our view," the official said.
U.S. Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes on Monday said there would be more demonstrations of the U.S. military's commitment to the right to freely navigate in the region.

"That's our interest there ... It's to demonstrate that we will uphold the principle of freedom of navigation," Rhodes told an event hosted by the Defense One media outlet.

Personally I dislike the idea of having a foreign power like USA here in Asia. Because as the statement stated above, at the end of the day it is all about the so-called "USA's Rights" to be here, as if Asia was part of USA's domain and that we in Asia was queing up to ask them to be here.

I believe that USA is one of the reasons why China was so bold its its military actions as if to move to Sptray Islands and establish a military presence there. Let us not forget that it was USA which heavily invested in China since end of 1990s. So therefore I believe USA will not go to war and what we are seeing here is a nice little drama between Chinese officials and USA government to fool the rest of Asian countries into believing that USA is here to "save" Asia. Let us not forget how USA "saved" Vietnam back in 1960s and 1970s.

Furthermore, China has its own benefit for "playing along" with USA's politic drama. It had a very bad rap sheet for its actions in Nepal and Tibet, supporting idiotic regime in Myanmar (which fell several years back) and its inability to control North Korea. China is considered a "pariah nation" here in Asia and not many countries looking forward to have a deeper relationship with China.

So therefore, in my opinion it is to the best advantage that Asian countries do not get itself involved in this drama, thinking that USA will have any interest in "helping" anyone except itself.

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 Author| Post time 16-11-2015 10:31 AM | Show all posts
Source : ... acks-110520549.html

The Islamic State jihadist group claimed gun and bomb attacks that left more than 120 people dead in Paris in a statement posted online on Saturday.

It said "eight brothers wearing explosive belts and carrying assault rifles" conducted a "blessed attack on... Crusader France."

The statement, published in both Arabic and French, threatened further attacks against France "as long as it continues its Crusader campaign."

May they rot in the deepest, darkest part of Hell for ALL eternity, depraved of ANY chance whatsoever to be reborn in the physical world.

A soldier must fight soldiers - that is the Proper way (Dharma) of Warfare. Anyone who strikes down innocent bystanders because they don't have balls to fight back soldiers are COWARDS. These men who committed suicides in order to kill innocent people are not soldiers in any way. They are the lowest and most despicable being ever.

Source : ... says-014403448.html

Several Malaysian leaders including Defence Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein are now targeted by the militant group Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (Isis), The Star reports.

“I confirm that Isis is targeting our leaders, but the threat will not stop us from continuing our fight against terrorism in the country and the region,” Hishammuddin was quoted as saying in the report.

Hishammuddin said he had learnt he was a target together with other leaders before the Asean Defence Ministers meeting in Langkawi in March.

The report also quoted a Bukit Aman official as saying that Murad Halimuddin, an Isis member, who were detained by the police, as saying that senior ministers were among the targets.

“Murad said that they wanted to kidnap leaders whom they considered as ‘tagut’ (crossed religious boundaries),” the official was quoted as saying in the report.

And yet, Malaysian Government are planning to bring in 3,000 refugees to this country next year. Is that a smart move? How sure is the government that the people they bring in as refugees are not ISIS members in disguise as refugees?

In today's STARS newspaper, it is stated the reason why there is no bomb attacks in Malaysia is because the lack of expertise to make bombs. Expertise can come in form as these refugees. Therefore, it could be highly advisable that the Government stop all attempt to bring in refugees from Syria for the time being.

Look, I really don't care how many BN leaders get killed. Muslims can kill each other as much as they want for all I care. But I really hate the fact that they will turn my beloved country into a hell hole just so they can commit suicide with a daydream of getting 72 prostitutes.

Oh ... IF anyone wants me as a target, please don't use bombs. It is a cowardice way to die. Come at me with swords or other weapons. I want to see the face of a person who could try to take my life (and if they succeed).

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Post time 9-12-2015 10:13 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sephiroth replied at 11-11-2005 10:02 AM
One more possible proof of truthfulness about Ramayana Epic :

Source : ...

I think nasa have distanced itself from this claim and stated that what was captured was nothing more than formation of natually occuring sand banks of 30km long.

And it was not nasa who have done the remote sensing, it was centre of remote sensing of bharatidasan university

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 Author| Post time 9-12-2015 01:43 PM | Show all posts
swimswim replied at 9-12-2015 10:13 AM
I think nasa have distanced itself from this claim and stated that what was captured was nothing m ...

So what if NASA doesn't accept this claim? How is that any proof of non-existence of the bridge?

The reports of this bridge is not new. The bridge is marked on the following historical documents :-

1. In maps prepared by Dutch cartographer in 1747 and currently on display at Tanjavur Library (India).
2. In a map prepared by J. Rennel in 1788 for the Moghul Emperors.
3. Many other maps in Schwartzberg's historical atlas.
4. Travel texts by Marco Polo on his way from China to Venice in 1200s.
5. In book written by Ibn Khordadbeh (Persian geographer in 9th Century) named "Book of Roads and Kingdoms" (c. 850).
6. Al-Biruni (who travelled to India in 1071)
7. And finally by a British cartographer in 1804 who named the Bridge as Adam's Bridge because some Muslims claimed that Adam was first dropped here (in Sri Lanka) and made it across to India through this Bridge.

Official reports stated that this Bridge have been in use by the People of India to go back and forth to Sri Lanka until 1840s when a large cyclone had made it unuseable.


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Post time 9-12-2015 01:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sephiroth replied at 9-12-2015 01:43 PM
So what if NASA doesn't accept this claim? How is that any proof of non-existence of the bridge? ...

I accepted the fact that the bridge is real

However,the articles u put link to does not show the linkage between existance of rama and a naturally occuring phenomenon.

Its not man made.

Its a natural occurance

And its not nasa who did the resonance imaging sh1t. How did u make the conclusion at the first place?

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Post time 9-12-2015 01:56 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
This is the analysis of adams bridge done by the experts in indian space research organisation.

So ure 'halucinations' are more accurate than their studies isit

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 Author| Post time 9-12-2015 02:00 PM | Show all posts
by swimswim

Its not man made.
Its a natural occurance

Natural occurrence? Please show me any other natural occurring bridges that is 30 KM long and have been used for thousands of years as stated by those maps (written largely by men who are not of Hindu background - such as Christians and Muslims alike).

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 Author| Post time 9-12-2015 02:02 PM | Show all posts
by swimswim

This is the analysis of adams bridge done by the experts in indian space research organisation.

So ure 'halucinations' are more accurate than their studies isit

Space research? Shouldn't they be experts in MARINE RESEARCH?

ONLY hallucinations here is that which believed by Christians who claimed some non-existence guy named Jesus dying for them and Muslims who believe there exist a deity name Allah when all Allah was, was Muhammad's own creation. THOSE are illusions.

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Post time 9-12-2015 02:17 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by swimswim at 9-12-2015 02:23 PM
Sephiroth replied at 9-12-2015 02:02 PM
by swimswim

You have no idea of what space research technology could facilitate,do you?

You can find the info for this printscreen in wiki under adams bridge in which your original post blatantly make erroneous conclusion

And sorry to pop your, we dont have specifics in the quran bout a natural occuring bridges in it.


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 Author| Post time 9-12-2015 02:25 PM | Show all posts
by swimswim

And sorry to pop your, we dont have specifics in the quran bout a natural occuring bridges in it.

Then your Al Quran is FALSE.

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Post time 9-12-2015 02:30 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sephiroth replied at 9-12-2015 02:25 PM
by swimswim

Insyallah, i pray you will find the truth.

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 Author| Post time 9-12-2015 02:33 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Sephiroth at 9-12-2015 02:35 PM
swimswim replied at 9-12-2015 02:30 PM
Insyallah, i pray you will find the truth.

I know the Truth. What you are praying for is for me to accept that delusion that you call "Truth".
Pray all you want. You cannot past delusions and illusions to me as Truth.

For example, you say that Adam's Bridge is a Naturally Occurring "land mass" and when I ask back for other examples of such (land masses), you claim your Al Quran doesn't say anything of such. So what are you saying here? That you are LYING to me or that your Al Quran is a LIE to you?

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Post time 9-12-2015 02:43 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Likewise bro,likewise.
Then i pray,may both of us finds the truth.

Btw, can i asks about cow to u.this is really genuine question. Anonymousity in cari is great btw..i couldnt ask my friend as i hate to offend them..

Hope u can help to clarify. I asked my friends why he didnt eat cow.he said its not because cow is god but it is one of sri ramas pet. Is it true? Would u be offended if muslims eat cow meat in front of you?

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 Author| Post time 9-12-2015 02:55 PM | Show all posts
swimswim replied at 9-12-2015 02:43 PM
Likewise bro,likewise.
Then i pray,may both of us finds the truth.

Refer to the following thread :- ... &extra=page%3D1

Hindus in general do not eat meat. Hindus are originally vegetarian society, with only a few group (like Kyastrias) who eat meat.

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