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Author: HangPC2

Misi Penghantaran Bantuan Kemanusian Ke Gaza

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Post time 1-6-2010 08:32 AM | Show all posts
Dah agak dah, zionist tak akan bagi laluan mudah kepada misi kemanusiaan ni. Kononnya kapal tu disyaki bawa senjata... kalau betul bawa senjata , berapa ramai komando zionist laknat tu yang mampus pecah kepala kena tembak? yang aku nampak dalam tv komando zionist laknat tu kena pukul dengan batang penyapu je...

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Post time 1-6-2010 08:52 AM | Show all posts
semoga bangsa2 donia yg lain bangkit menentang bangsa lahanat tuh habis2an...

dah lama sangat dah.....

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Post time 1-6-2010 09:13 AM | Show all posts
Bangsa Juz tu memang diketahui kaum lahanat oleh Allah, bangsa yg zolim dan hipokrit..tapi yg wa heran kenapa bangsa sekaum Arab Mesir yg semoyang, sebangsa, sepupu bangsa Arab Palestin enggan bantu dan tak nak buka sempadan, malah lagi mudah utk hantar konvoi melalui sempadan darat dari susah payah hangkut dengan kapal bagai..

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Post time 1-6-2010 09:17 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by wongedandotcom2 at 1-6-2010 09:39

Israel Serang Kapal Kemanusiaan
SBY Kesulitan Berkomunikasi dengan WNI di Kapal Mavi Marmara
Anwar Khumaini - detikNews

Jakarta - 12 Warga Negara Indonesia (WNI) berada dalam kapal Mavi Marmara yang diserang tentara Israel saat hendak mendekat ke Jalur Gaza. Guna memastikan kondisi WNI dalam kapal tersebut, Presiden SBY sempat mengupayakan berkomunikasi dengan mereka, namun upaya tersebut gagal.

"Presiden menjajaki untuk dilakukan mediasi oleh Kemenlu tapi memang yang saya ketahui Presiden belum berhasil komunikasi langsung," kata Juru Bicara Presiden bidang Dalam Negeri Julian Aldrin Pasha kepada detikcom, Senin (31/5/2010).

Presiden, menurut Julian juga belum mendapatkan laporan adanya WNI Yang meninggal dalam insiden penyerangan tersebut. Presiden mengaku sangat prihatin dan mengutuk keras terhadap tindakan brutal oleh tentara Israel.

"Presiden prihatin dan sangat menyesalkan peristiwa ini, serta mengecam dan mengutuk keras," kata pria asal Lampung ini.

Pada Senin (31/5/2010) malam, imbuh Julian, Presiden memanggil para Menteri Koordinator untuk membahas berbagai hal, termasuk membahas krisis yang terjadi di Jalur Gaza. 'Semua Menko malam ini dipanggil di Cikeas," ungkap Julian.

Indonesia Akan Bangun Rumah Sakit di Gaza

Sabtu, 29 Mei 2010 18:46 WIB | Peristiwa | Politik/Hankam | Dibaca 917 kali

Indonesia Akan Bangun Rumah Sakit di Gaza
Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Indonesia akan mendirikan rumah sakit di Jalur Gaza senilai Rp 20 miliar untuk menambah fasilitas kesehatan yang ada di kawasan tersebut, demikian konferensi pers bersama usai pertemuan bilateral Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono dengan Presiden Palestina Mahmoud Abbas di Istana Merdeka, Jakarta, Sabtu.

Presiden Yudhoyono menyatakan Indonesia siap memberikan bantuan kemanusiaan dalam bentuk apa pun kepada Palestina jika dibutu*kan.

"Kita juga akan mendirikan rumah sakit di Gaza senilai Rp 20 miliar dengan harapan bisa menambah fasilitas di Gaza," ujarnya.

Indonesia, lanjut dia, juga siap melanjutkan kontribusi pembangunan kapasitas untuk berdirinya negara Palestina merdeka seperti yang selama ini dilakukan melalui forum negara-negara Asia Afrika.

"Saya juga sampaikan bahwa Indonesia siap untuk menjadi bagian dari proses perdamaian sesuai peran yang tepat dan dikehendaki oleh pemimpin Palestina," kata Presiden.

Proses perdamaian babak baru yang melibatkan negara-negara timur tengah itu, menurut Presiden, adalah negosiasi yang paling mungkin guna mewujudkan negara Palestina yang merdeka dan bisa memecahkan masalah secara permanen.

Presiden Yudhoyono dalam pertemuan bilateral berlangsung sekitar 30 menit itu menegaskan komitmen Indonesia dan dukungan Indonesia untuk berdirinya negara Palestina merdeka.

"Indonesia memiliki pendirian dan sikap konsisten dan konsekuen yaitu mendukung penuh kemerdekaan Palestina karena itu akan membawa keadilan sejati bagi Palestina dan juga dunia," tuturnya.

Sedangkan Presiden Abbas dalam pertemuan bilateral memberikan penjelasan tentang situasi terkini di Palestina serta prospek upaya perdamaian yang telah memasuki babak baru guna menyelesaikan konflik berkepanjangan antara Palestina dan Israel.

Dalam pernyataannya pada konferensi pers, Presiden Abbas menyatakan penghargaan dan terima kasihnya kepada Indonesia yang selalu mendukung perjuangan rakyat Palestina.

Presiden Abbas yang berkunjung kedua kalinya ke Indonesia itu menyampaikan harapan berdirinya negara Palestina merdeka melalui proses perdamaian yang didukung oleh negara-negara Arab dan juga komunitas internasional.

Ia juga berharap tercapainya rekonsiliasi nasional di negaranya dengan kelompok Hamas demi kepentingan rakyat Palestina.

Sebelum mengakhiri konferensi pers, Presiden Abbas juga menyampaikan harapan dapat mengundang Presiden Yudhoyono suatu hari nanti ketika negara Palestina sudah terwujud agar kedua pemimpin itu dapat berdoa bersama di Masjid Al Aqsa.

Delegasi Palestina terdiri atas Menteri Agama Mahmoud SA Alhabash, juru bicara otoritas nasional Palestina Nabil GO Aburudainah, penasehat kepresidenan bidang hubungan internasional Abdallah HJ Alfrangi, dan tiga penasehat Presiden Palestina; Adnan Nayef Abedlrahim, Mustafa Fayez Mustafa Abu Alrub, dan Majdi AM Khaldi.

Sedangkan dalam pertemuan bilateral, Presiden Yudhoyono didampingi Menko Polhukam Djoko Suyanto, Menteri Luar Negeri Marty Natalegawa, Menteri Sekretaris Negara Sudi Silalahi, Menteri Agama Suryadharma Ali, Menteri Kesehatan Endang Sedyaningsih, dan Sekretaris Kabinet Dipo Alam.(*)


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Post time 1-6-2010 09:40 AM | Show all posts
Santetkan aja perdana menteri israel tu....:@

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 Author| Post time 1-6-2010 09:41 AM | Show all posts
Kepada Allah kami berharap, kerana kami ini tiada kekuatan kecuali itu

#   12:24 PM May 30th  via web

# Kami sedang jlnkan tugas yg kami pikul, anda juga ada tugas yg mesti ditunaikan 12:23 PM May 30th via web

# INGAT! apa tugas anda? 1) sebarkan maklumat, 2) doa utk kami 12:23 PM May 30th via web

# expect sampai Gaza jam 7pg esok 12:22 PM May 30th via web

# sbgmn d sebut sblm ni, kami expect hostility drp navy/komando zionis. jam 11 mlm hingga 3am kami FULL alert 12:22 PM May 30th via web

# fasa kritikal. takat ni alhamdulillah takdak incidents, w/p ada nampak mcm drones flying up there 12:21 PM May 30th via web

# skrg jam 10mlm (3am KL) kami semakin menghampiri Gaza 12:19 PM May 30th via web

# ada juga sorang profesor dlm intl law dan human rights, bekas MP 4:13 AM May 30th via web

# semuanya 5 org MPs drp German. Sorang drp mrk adlh defence committee parliament German 4:11 AM May 30th via web

# Israel expanded military zone kpd 68 miles off Gaza Coast 4:10 AM May 30th via web

# Breakign News: kami akanbergerak 1 jam lagi - Bulent. 4:09 AM May 30th via web

# 2 Mps drp German. 3 lagi dlm kapal lain 4:09 AM May 30th via web

# jgn lupa sebarkan maklumat konvoi ke mana saja, kita berperang media skrg 3:36 AM May 30th via web

# skrg ada press conf dulu brsm MP drp German 3:35 AM May 30th via web

# doa, doa, doa 1:39 AM May 30th via web

# kalau ada emergency, IHH akan ambil alih semua media 1:39 AM May 30th via web

# again, tak sure if we'd be connected again. pressure in the press room now. Anyway, apa2pun ikuti update kat Al Jazeera 1:38 AM May 30th via web

# mlm tadi depa dah buat drills. good, takdak sapa sgt yg perasan. 1:37 AM May 30th via web

# once kita bergerak nanti, 200 petugas akan mula ambil tempat purely utk keselamatan sepanjang perjalanan. 1:37 AM May 30th via web

# Everythıng else: team msia sdg join cultural events at the back - dengarnya depa kena nasyid 1:35 AM May 30th via web

Sources :


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 Author| Post time 1-6-2010 09:54 AM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 1-6-2010 09:58 AM | Show all posts
The search for Malaysian journalists in Gaza flotilla raid continues

Monday, May 31st, 2010 20:06:00

KUALA LUMPUR : A journalist and a cameraman from Astro Awani were on board the Turkish ship Mavi Marmara which was attacked by Israeli soldiers this morning, near Gaza, but their fate is still unknown.

According to an official from the station, they had been trying to contact journalist Ashwad Ismail, 25, and cameraman Shamsul Kamal Latip, 38, from 11am this morning but were not successful.

" We have lost contact with them. We are trying to find out about their condition through various means," he said when contacted.

He said their last contact with the duo was at 7.45pm yesterday when the ship was nearing Gaza, while visual on the movement of the Mavi ship was received early today.

While the duo's fate is still unknown, six other Malaysians on board another ship, Rachel Corrie, are safe.

Perdana Global Peace Organisation (PGPO) representatives Shamsul Akmar Musa Kamal, Matthias Chang and Ahmad Faizal Azumu, Parit Member of Parliament Dr Mohd Nizar Zakaria, TV3 reporter Halim Mohamed and cameraman Mohd Jufri Judin were on board the ship.

Al Jazeera reported that at least 15 activists were killed and many more injured when Israeli commandos attacked the Turkish ship which was leading the flotilla early this morning.

Shamsul, in an SMS to the PGPO, said they are about 1,000 miles from Gaza.

" We have heard about IHH. The plan now is to go ahead and turn back if there is warning from the Israeli army, " he said.

According to the PGPO, the vessels are carrying 5,000 tonnes of reconstruction materials, school supplies and medical equipment to the Gaza Strip.

Meanwhile, Pakistan has condemned the brutal and brazen use of force by Israel on the aid convoy.

Pakistan High Commission Press Atache here, Qamar Bashir, said the attack was a violation of prevailing international laws and norms.

"The President of Pakistan and the Prime Minister of Pakistan have also condemned the Israeli aggression against the aid convoy.

" Pakistan is contacting its missions in the region to gather further information on the attack and the well-being of Pakistani participants in the convoy, " he told Bernama. -

- Bernama -


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 Author| Post time 1-6-2010 10:31 AM | Show all posts



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 Author| Post time 1-6-2010 11:41 AM | Show all posts
Irish Boat the MV Rachel Corrie proceeding to Gaza

May 31, 2010

I received the following message from a member of the Belfast Palestine Solidarity Committee which has received word from the Free Gaza Movement that those aboard the Irish vessel "Rachel Corrie" have decided to proceed to Gaza. A full press release is expected shortly.

Niamh Moloughney of the Free Gaza Movement has just sent the following message :

>> Ok just got word from Derek,
>> they have all agreed to take the Rachel Corrie to Gaza as intended,
>> she's 2 days away, it's a Malaysian & Irish partnership
>> on board we have Denis Halliday, Mairead Maguire, Derek & Jenny Graham, Fiona Thompson (film)
>> and Mathias Chang human rights lawyer, Malaysian MP & media
>> The Malaysians are serious contenders- they are very close to their government & have FULL support.
>> We have 2 days to turn this outrage into a victory & get the Rachel Corrie into Gaza with the support of the world
>> and open this sea route.
>> Will get press release together when I finish work - hopefully can stay awake!
>> all the best,
>> Niamh

It's vital that we now give full support to this ship reaching Gaza. ... orrie-proceeding-to


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Post time 1-6-2010 11:54 AM | Show all posts
semoga berjaya rachel corrie dan anak2 kapal irish n malaysia dalamnya.....

go go rachel corrie, hit those jehuds high, hard n fast on their bloody obnoxious faces....

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 Author| Post time 1-6-2010 12:05 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 1-6-2010 12:27 PM | Show all posts
Reply 25# Foxtrot

Jembalayang mana boleh seberang laut..itu perjanjian santet dan manderem, kalau tak dah lama Bush mati terjelan kena cekik polong

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 Author| Post time 1-6-2010 12:29 PM | Show all posts
11 Malaysians on board Turkish vessel attacked by Israelis

KUALA LUMPUR: At least nine Malaysian volunteers and two members of the media were on board the Turkish ship, Mavi Marmara, which was attacked by Israeli Navy off the Gaza coast yesterday morning. As at press time, their fate remained unknown.

They were among 17 Malaysians who were taking part in the “Freedom Flotilla”, which was sending aid and pro-Palestinian activitists to Gaza. There were six ships in the flotilla and Mavi Marmara was the lead ship.

The other six Malaysians on the mission are on the Rachel Corrie ship and they are reported to be safe.

The vessels are carrying 5,000 tonnes of reconstruction materials, school supplies and medical equipment to the Gaza Strip.

Israeli naval commandos raided the ships while they were in international waters after ordering them to stop 130km from Gaza’s coast.

Malaysia, which joined the international community in condemning the attack, said the assault in international waters was a flagrant and serious breach of international law.

In a statement issued here late yesterday, Foreign Affairs Minister Datuk Seri Anifah Aman demanded that Israel immediately cease its excessive and inhumane treatment of the activists and called for the immediate release of the innocent people and the ships.

He also called for the United Nations Security Council to convene an emergency meeting to consider the criminal act of Israel against humanitarian activists and pressure Israel to immediately lift the inhumane blockade on Gaza.

“ The government of Malaysia offers its deepest sympathies and condolences to families of those killed and injured in this untoward incident.

“ The government and people of Malaysia also share the pain and anguish of the bereaved families of the slain activists and our thoughts and prayers are with them in this hour of grief. May God grant them strength and fortitude in facing this tragedy. ”

The ministry said it was closely monitoring the devel opments as there were Malaysians on board the vessel.

Former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, in condemning the attack, called on the international com munity to take action against Israel.

“ The Israelis used force on a totally unarmed ship. This is a ridiculous action on a non-combatant ship that carried no weapons.

“ This is against humanitarian practices. They should not block the supply ships that carried, among others, wheel chairs, medical aid and building material for homes,” he told a press conference at the Perdana Leadership Foundation in Putrajaya yesterday.

He rubbished claims by the Israeli authorities that those on the ships had sharp objects with them. “ What do they mean by sharp objects? Knives or pencils? ” he asked.

Dr Mahathir, who is Perdana Global Peace Organisation chairman, said the raid as a “ clear message to the world of the inhumane act by the Israelis”.

“ They can do anything they want, break any international law without care and they will be protected by certain people. ”

- NST -


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 Author| Post time 1-6-2010 12:39 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 1-6-2010 01:21 PM | Show all posts
Reply  Foxtrot

Jembalayang mana boleh seberang laut..itu perjanjian santet dan manderem, kalau t ...
areguard Post at 1-6-2010 12:27

Kalau dah nama yahudi, kita kutuklah macam mana, tak jadi kudis pun kat depa.... Kena ada tindakan sekatan ekonomi barulah depa tercekik...

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Post time 1-6-2010 02:22 PM | Show all posts
Setakat kutuk..kecam..diorang buat derg je..undang PBB diaorang selamber je langgar...kalau setakar misi camni memang takde hal la bagi dia utk dimusnahkan sebab media diorang akan cover nyer utk menghalalkan segala tindakan regim zionis...sepatutnya setiap negara turut menyumbangkan kapal perang sebagai pengiring........

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 Author| Post time 1-6-2010 03:00 PM | Show all posts
Aid ship Rachel Corrie, with 6 Malaysians, presses on to Gaza

KUALA LUMPUR : The humanitarian aid ship Rachel Corrie, which has six Malaysians on board, is pressing ahead in rough seas to breach the Israeli blockade of Gaza.

It is now about 300 miles from Gaza and the rough seas mean that it would be about 48 hours before it could reach Gaza, according to the the NGO Global Perdana Global Peace Organisation.

Sufi Yusoff, secretary to the NGO’s chairman Tun Mahathir Mohamad, said that he spoke to journalist Shamsul Akmar, who is on board the Rachel Corrie, at about 10am Tuesday on satellite phone and was told that the rough seas made it difficult to predict when they would reach Gaza. Sufi said that the small ship had a total of 19 people on board - six Malaysians, five Irish and eight crew.

“ We would like to emphasise that this is a totally humanitarian exercise. There are no terrorist elements on board. The Israelis have no reason to attack this ship,” he said.

Aside from veteran journalist Shamsul, they are lawyer Matthias Chang, Parit MP Nizar Zakaria, activist Ahmad Faizal Azumu and TV3 crew members Halim Mohamed and Jufri Junid.

Among the Irish are Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire and former UN Assistant Secretary-General Denis Halliday.

" These are hardly terrorist elements. The Israelis can have no excuse to raid the Rachel Corrie, " Sufi said.

Early Monday, Israeli commados stormed the Mavi Marmara, the Turkish ship heading a flotilla of six aid ships heading for Gaza, saying that the ship carried passengers with terrorist links.

At least 10 people were killed in that raid, triggering international outrage and condemnation.

The Mavi Marmara was 65 km off Gaza in international waters. News reports say that all six ships in the flotilla are now in the Israeli port of Ashdod and the passengers and crew in custody.

The Rachel Corrie, an 1,200-ton Irish-owned cargo ship, is loaded with reconstruction, medical and educational supplies sponsored by the peoples of Malaysia, Ireland, Scotland, and Britain.

The vessel was to have been part of the flotilla but was initially delayed because of mechanical problems and only left Malta on May 30.

According to NGO Free Gaza, Israel has limited fuel to run the power station in the past three months and much of Gaza is often in darkness.

There are just enough trucks coming in to barely prevent total starvation, and Egypt, complicit with the Israeli-US policy of blockading Palestinians, is building an underground steel wall to prevent people in Gaza from bringing in vitally needed supplies through tunnels, it says.

About 1.5 million Palestinians were trapped in the ‘open-air prison’, it said.

Meanwhile, Tun Mahathir will be interviewed on Al Jazeera at 1pm.


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Post time 1-6-2010 03:12 PM | Show all posts
Reply  Foxtrot

Jembalayang mana boleh seberang laut..itu perjanjian santet dan manderem, kalau t ...
areguard Post at 1-6-2010 12:27

Kalau nak santet yahudi buleh apa...tapi starting point dia kena kat semenanjung mesia le.......

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Post time 1-6-2010 03:15 PM | Show all posts
sepertimana dalam kes perlanunan di somalia,
kerajaan telah membuat tindakan berani
dengan mengirimkan kapal perang TLDM

hal yang sama mungkin boleh jadi salah satu
opsyen dalam isu kali ini, selagi kapal perang kita
masih mematuhi undang2 antarabangsa dan
tidak melakukan sebarang provokasi dalam usaha
menyelamatkan warga malaysia yg terlibat..

tapi israel bukan seperti somalia..
ianya seperti sebuah negara alien yg
terasing dan tersendiri dengan tindakan
yang sukar diramal, hal itu perlu diambilkira..

cumanya, jika opsyen berisiko tinggi ini dipertimbangkan,
mungkin KD Mahawangsa, Jebat, Muhammad Amin dan Pahang
wajar diaturgerakkan sebagai flotilla pilihan oleh TLDM
untuk misi yang boleh
dianggap paling mencabar setakat ini

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