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Author: audryliahepburn

Indonesia Berangkatkan Tim "engginering KFX ke Korea Selatan

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Post time 20-7-2011 11:02 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by malberi8 at 20-7-2011 11:03
yang aku tahu dapat info kat Metrotv ayat "INDON/ENDON" tu pertama k ...
audryliahepburn Post at 17-7-2011 06:15 PM

    saya pasti Metrotv Indonesia yang menjadi dalang untuk mengeruhkan hubungan Indonesia dan malaysia ... setelah saya periksa tiada bukti yang mengesahkan cerita mengenai sultan dari msia. yang mengatakan indonesia bukan negara serumpun dan mengubah nama negara INDONESIA menjadi "ENDON/INDON" ... kerna itu juga rakyat negara2 lain seperti brunei & singapura memanggil orang2 indonesia itu INDON tiada pula media Indonesia yg melenting..

pada hakikatnya Indonesia yang tidak mengiktiraf kemerdekaan negara Malaysia dan menyerang Malaysia semasa konfrantasi dahulu ... harus diingat Malaysia tidak pernah menyerang mana2 negara jiran ya....

rata2nya rakyat Indon terlalu terpengaruh dengan media yg dimiliki oleh peniaga2 yg bukan Islam (majoritinya Cina) yg sering mengambil kesempatan untuk mendapat keuntungan dengan membuat berita2 palsu dan fitnah untuk melariskan jualan mereka dan cuba untuk mengeruhkan hubungan kedua2 negara ini... kita harus sadar bahawa negara red dot dihujung semenanjung itu tidak akan tega melihat hubungan baik dari segi ekonomi dan ketenteraan antara kedua2 negara islam ini. keamanan , kemajuan ekonomi dan ketenteraan Indonesia dan Malaysia adalah dianggap ancaman kepada ekonomi dan keselamatan negara red dot tersebut..

malah pernah ada teori yg mengatakan bahawa kekacauan politik hingga menyebabkan keruntuhan ekonomi thailand juga adalah disebabkan kerja2 kotor negara red dot yg sekian lama telah menyerap masuk kedalam ekonomi dan politik dgn secara halus melaga2kan rakyat thai... semua ini semata2 agar thailand tidak akan menjadi satu kuasa ekonomi dirantau ini yg satu hari kelak mampu untuk menjayakan projek membuat terusan di segenting Kra .... jika ini berlaku maka ekonomi negara red dot itu akan mati secara perlahan2...

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Post time 20-7-2011 01:09 PM | Show all posts
yang aku tahu dapat info kat Metrotv ayat "INDON/ENDON" tu pertama k ...
audryliahepburn Post at 17-7-2011 18:15

Mengarutlah ko indon...mana sultan pulak yang mula-mukla sebut INDON...
kalu loe mao tau yang mula-mula sebut perkataan INDON adalah rakyat indon sendiri...

sewaktu berlaku ledakan iimigran indon ke Malaysia taon 70 an silam...Rakyat indon sering perkenalkan diri sebagai 'Orang Indo' tetapi disalah paham oleh orang Malaysia sebagai "orang Indon' kerana dalam istilah Malaysia tidak ada kata singkat bagi sesuatu bangsa atau negara...Rakyat Malaysia akan menyebut kerakyatan sesuatau negara bangsa secara penuh misalnya "Amerika, Australia, Korea Selatan, United Kingdom/U.K, New Zealand dll...

Tapi sudah menjadi kebiasanya rakyat indon akan memberi kata singkat kepada negara-negara lain misalnya Amerika=Amrik, Korea Selatan= Korsel, Australia=Australi dll....

Kalu Indon seenaknya bisa singkatkan panggilan so kenapa risuh apabila Malaysia singkatkan kepada  Indon?

Tapi tenang aja gan.... perkataan INDON udah dipaten oleh Malaysia dan rakyat dan pemerintah indon gak bisa protes...ok!

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 Author| Post time 20-7-2011 05:51 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by audryliahepburn at 20-7-2011 18:04

Reply 42# gede-bab

    waallhualam.. {:1_125:} ! menurut yang saya tahu tahun 70's itu imigran dalam bentuk cek gu, matematika, scienc, kesehatan, dan itu atas perintah dari soekarno. tahun 70an masih belum ramai TKI. thats it.

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 Author| Post time 20-7-2011 05:56 PM | Show all posts
Reply 40# tempur

    contoh ayat "butoh" di indonesia digunakan sebagai perkataan sopantetapi dimalaysia memang inaya dianggap kurang ajar....tapi kami takboleh salahkan indonesia kerana itu adalah bahasa yang digunakan olehmereka wlaupun perkataan itu tidak diterima di Malaysia..adalah tidakadil jika rakyat indonesia menyalahkan rakyat malaysia mengunakanperkataan indon di sini.... camna lak dengan negara lain yang memangilrakyat indonesia sebagai INDON.kenapa mereka tidak dipersalahkan..akurasa media korang yang lebih sudu dari kuah supaya kedua buah negartidak bersatu...

iya saya tau pulak, karena saya juga melayu. BUTOH= PENIS.
kat kota ku juga tak boleh cakap macam tu, kalau di indonesia BUTOH dan butu* itu jelas beda.

anyway..tak mau capak terlampau jauh..saya rasa ini sudah out of topic. saya join kat forum ni bukan nak tebar kebencian pon.


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 Author| Post time 20-7-2011 06:01 PM | Show all posts
Reply 41# malberi8

    sememang ada lah..kalau tak silap mungkin 2 tahun lalu metrotv pernah menayangkan pasal cite tu. tapi ya sudah lah. tak perlu ambil pusing. bukan indonesia tidak mau malaysia merdeka, indonesia hanya tidak mau malaysia jatuh ke tanggan inggris.  ini hanya pendapat saya berdasarkan apa yang saya ketahui. jika sememangnya ada yang kurang atau tidak benar silahkan saudara-saudara yang lainnya menambahkan supaya lebih jelas.


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Post time 21-7-2011 11:19 AM | Show all posts
Takde hal..janji perkara yang tidak melibatkan hina menghina...  kita sama saja..negara nusantara...dipecahkan dalam dunia modern yang memrlukan kemerdekaan utk mendapat jaminan keselamatan negara2 dunia.

tengok camna org layan palestin bila mereka tak merdeka..sedangkan negara itu memang hak mereka pun...........

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 Author| Post time 21-7-2011 03:09 PM | Show all posts
Reply 46# tempur

    tu lah...tak lama aku tengok kita serantau ni habis kena jajah lagi la...setiap hari habiskan kutuk2 je.


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Post time 21-7-2011 06:17 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by DavidLee19 at 21-7-2011 22:10

Hehehehe ...... the biggest problem for Indonesia is their consistency to fulfill the agreement that they have made with the other countries and/or third parties. The top officer take the money for their personal purpose and then blame to the others for the delay and/or cancel of the project ... ... .

This is shown in their latest PKR Sigma 10514 project with Schelde. The Gov't of Indonesia failed to fulfill their commitment under the Agreement to Schelde as their partner for PKR (they failed to complete the outstanding action under the agreement. Until now, there is still no formal letter from the Ministry of Defence eg their firm position on the project - to continue and/or to cancel that project. I also heard that Schelde will take legal action through international court if gov't of Indonesia still can't show its 'good in faith' to them .. ...

I think the some problem will also happen to South Korea for their KFX  project ....

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Post time 22-7-2011 03:33 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by gede-bab at 22-7-2011 15:40
Reply  gede-bab

    waallhualam..  ! menurut yang saya tahu tahun 70's itu imigran da ...
audryliahepburn Post at 20-7-2011 17:51

pantat loe!! imigran indon udah rame di Malaysia sejak taon 60an lagi...kerja kuli kontrak bikin bangunan...ya udah gak usah munafik gan....

loe tetap bangsa kuli dari jaman belanda ampe kini....‘een natie van koelias en een koelie onder de naties’

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 Author| Post time 22-7-2011 09:18 PM | Show all posts
Reply 49# gede-bab


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 Author| Post time 22-7-2011 09:22 PM | Show all posts
Reply 48# DavidLee19

    insyallah pak cid davidlee ..kami belajar dari TOT LPD..sekarang kami mau belajar TOT KFX, submarine changbogo 2 dibangun di korea selatan, 1 unit di PT.PAL indonesia. dan TOT Tank dari Korea Selatan, masih belum diketahui jenis tank yang akan ditawari Korea selatan. untuk PKR..kami sudah melakukan pemotongan baja pertama, jika tidak ada permasalahan lagi, project PKR mulai dibangun tahun ini. wassalam..

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Post time 22-7-2011 10:58 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by matriq at 22-7-2011 23:36
Hehehehe ...... the biggest problem for Indonesia is their consistency to fulfill the agreement that ...
DavidLee19 Post at 21-7-2011 18:17
PKR is in progress, the problem is not about agreement, but the rise of metal price & liquidity, fortunately all problems are solved and the project still goes on, we've proved that joint military projects we ever made has been succesfully worked, CN 235 with spain, FNC based SS1 ( belgium), VAB based Anoa (french), LPD makassar class with korean DSME, why should we doubt Sigma class based PKR and KFX-IFX ?
what happened with malays "Berapi" firearms? PARS?Steyr AUG ( now turns to M4)? MEKO class? (now shows interest in SIGMA class)
epic fail !!!!................again

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Post time 22-7-2011 11:21 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by matriq at 22-7-2011 23:33
pantat loe!! imigran indon udah rame di Malaysia sejak taon 60an lagi...kerja kuli kontrak bikin ...
gede-bab Post at 22-7-2011 15:33

    you guys malon always talk :"Indo amah, Indo babu" but never count how many Indonesian experts in boustead, airod and all your strategic industries. and some naturalized Indonesian imigrants formerly you called it "babu-kuli" now their sons in service with malaysian arm forces, PDRM, pegawai kerajaan etc ( you should read your history, especially after 13 mei 1969 when Soeharto sent about 200 miilions Indonesian workers to malaysia then your govt naturalized them by condition they must choose UMNO in pilihan raya, if your history never mentioned it, well   I'm not surprised)
what are Indonesian workers in malaysia for? to help your melayu ethnic keep majority against not so far in quantity - chinese & Indian besides to sustain your economy. can you imagine if we pull them back home ( and offcourse we can)?
would ya replace them with bangladeshi or cambodian workers? go on, is a blessed for us

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Post time 23-7-2011 01:32 AM | Show all posts
especially after 13 mei 1969 when Soeharto sent about 200 miilions Indonesian workers to malaysia
matriq Post at 22-7-2011 23:21

200 millions? yeah right

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Post time 23-7-2011 09:50 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by malberi8 at 23-7-2011 09:57

Reply 53# matriq

everyone knows is a FACT that majority of the INDON people came and work as " Amah" & "Babu" and lately in the manufacturing industry ... to compare those figure with the number of staff working for Boustead?? WTF are you trying to justify here? the reason for hiring INDON labour is becoz its cheap , and cheap n damn cheap!! no brain is ok as long its cheap! and those who has settle down here are no more INDON citizen, you think they want to go back to INDON ?... and if our govt open the door for citizenship for INDON you think how many of you will come here ..even if they have to crawl to get here, they will!! if your govt wanted to pull them back home? do you think they ever want to get home.. Malaysia has become their home !!! ! use your brain la dont give stupid remarks like that la ....i think those who have settle down here will beat the hell out of ya if they know who you really are came with that stupid ideas ha ha ha,,,

I think its a brilliant idea of both PM at that time to send 200Mil (if you say so) indon to Malaysia and work in the plantation sector ...we even name one of the plantation area as FELDA suharto, and good for them, they are happy and some of them became rich with lots of money. The program helps Indon to settle 200Mil poverty problems at one go ! and for Malaysian its helps to balance the MOSLEM ppl and non Moslem here we are still majority ..! if not things might happen like Singapore... the original native all gone and became a minority ...

i think in the future its better to surrender one of Indonesia province together with the ppl. so we can help them to manage the economy and become successful...
by the way Malaysians ppl. are not even close to 100M!!! so next time use your brain..if u ever got one la

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Post time 23-7-2011 07:12 PM | Show all posts
Reply  matriq

everyone knows is a FACT that majority of the INDON people came and work  ...
malberi8 Post at 23-7-2011 09:50

fool MALGAYSIAL like others,  you guys hire Indonesian workers bcoz the same culture & religion, and you confirmed that our workers to sustain melayu population too, your economy is addicted to our workers, I said "workers" not naturalized imigrants, and they are about 2 million I dont think they will refuse if we pull back them, and we'll see the war between melayu MALGAYSIAL & china+keling

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Post time 23-7-2011 08:42 PM | Show all posts
PKR is in progress, the problem is not about agreement, but the rise of metal price & liquidity, fo ...
matriq Post at 22-7-2011 22:58

semarmesem lagi semar mesem lagi

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Post time 23-7-2011 08:46 PM | Show all posts
pantat loe!! imigran indon udah rame di Malaysia sejak taon 60an lagi...kerja kuli kontrak bikin ...
gede-bab Post at 22-7-2011 15:33

salah satu nya loe kan loe generasi imigrant ke berapa cuk ?

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Post time 23-7-2011 09:51 PM | Show all posts
apa punya thread cerita pasal KFX pergi plak kecoh indon lah malon la mod tido ka??

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Post time 24-7-2011 05:21 PM | Show all posts
200 millions?

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