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Author: bug_vengeance

bangsa Filipines ada kene mengena dgn bangsa melayu ?

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ikankiut This user has been deleted
Post time 16-12-2006 08:22 PM | Show all posts
tengok pelacur-pelacur filipina kat labuan, memang mengancam.
muka sama je macam muka orang melayu.
pinggang kecik, tapi bumper besar.

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Post time 16-12-2006 08:51 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ikankiut at 16-12-2006 08:22 PM
tengok pelacur-pelacur filipina kat labuan, memang mengancam.
muka sama je macam muka orang melayu.
pinggang kecik, tapi bumper besar.

dah la bumper besar.....buah betik pun besoo....

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Post time 18-12-2006 08:09 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by LanoG at 16-12-2006 02:45 PM
Alamak ada gak thread nie rupenya. Okey le, aku nak bagi info sikit sebab aku pernah kaji bangsa Filipina nie dan jugak aku ada beberapa kawan2 yang juga adalah dari Filipina. Untuk pengetahuan sem ...

Bukti penjajahan brunei dahulu terhadap kepulauan Sulu itu ialah semasa pemerintahan Sultan Sulaiman (1432-85), baginda telah mengarahkan anaknda baginda (Sultan Bolkiah- Sultan Brunei ke 5 memerintah dalam tahun 1485-1524)untuk menjadi Adipati Sulu untuk memerintah kerajaan Sulu pada waktu itu dan bukit perhubungan Brunei-Sulu ialah semasa perang saudara yang belaku dalam tahun 1600-an iaitu Sultan Muhyiddin (Sultan ke 13 @ 14 1673-1690)telahpun meminta bantuan dari negara Sulu untuk ketenteraan untuk melawan Sultan Abdul Hakkul Mubiin (Sultan ke 13,  1661-1673).

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Post time 23-1-2007 11:44 AM | Show all posts
:setuju: mmg tak dpt dinafikan lg yg filipino ni sebijik mcm kita org melayu...cuma ckp jer yg lain sikit..

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Post time 23-1-2007 11:57 AM | Show all posts
penah dulu aku naik flight dari amsterdam balik Mesia. kebanyakan org dlm flight tu org Filipina (transit kat KLIA) muka semua cam Melayu. org kat sebelah aku ajak bersembang dia bantai cakap tagalog ngan aku.. dia ingat aku org Filipina cam dia.

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Post time 23-1-2007 12:19 PM | Show all posts
So...dlm crita drama filipina kt tv tu, bkn org philipine pure right? ramai yg dah mixed dgn european i rasa. Tak ramai aktress diorang yg melayu diterima sbg pelakon.

Penyanyi utama ***** cats Doll tu pun ade darah philipines.

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Post time 23-1-2007 02:22 PM | Show all posts
Batista wwe pun mix Filipina gak

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Post time 23-1-2007 06:56 PM | Show all posts
dari apa yang wa baca, memang orang filipina (kristian) ni asalnya dulu rumpun melayu.  bila telah dikristiankan, depa mula berkahwin ngan bangsa-bangsa lain spt cina, spain dsbnya.  buleh jadi sbb tu sekilas pandang sama.  wa sendiri pun pernah ditegur oleh orang filipina yang menyangka wa orang filipina.  tapi wa sendiri tengok dia wa dah tahu yang dia bukan melayu malaya.

tapi ada satu kelompok yang hingga sekarang masih lagi mengekalkan agama islam dan ciri-ciri dan adat rumpun melayu.  bangsamoro.  secara fizikalnya pun hampir sama dengan apa yang kita faham posture melayu nusantara.

orang filipina nie hampir sama ngan grago dan baba melaka.  depa nie pun hasil kahwin portugis/melayu dan cina/melayu.  agama pun bukan islam.  tapi sekiranya mereka ini islam, kita akan tafsirkan mereka sebagai 'melayu' bersandarkan kepada perlembagaan malaysia.

secara ringkasnya, orang filipina memang orang melayu.

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Post time 24-1-2007 09:05 AM | Show all posts
Hehhe...wa punye post yg pasal penyanyi "puss.y cats dolls" dah kna di censorkan daa...
Bukan nk memcarut pun...


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Post time 24-1-2007 03:24 PM | Show all posts
gud info ler....

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Post time 24-1-2007 04:59 PM | Show all posts
...mix filipino tp guna name stage cam nama Melayu....melayuuuu gak yg kene tempias.

Rosemarie Joy Garcia , lahir di province of Bulacan,Central Luzon. Lebih dikenali sbg DIANA ZUBIRI(....zubairi????)

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Post time 24-1-2007 07:19 PM | Show all posts

Reply #71 kuda-liar's post

lolz..dia nie mmg pemes

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Post time 25-1-2007 07:03 PM | Show all posts
I'm a Filipino! so more or less, I can contribute some infos regarding your questions in this thread

92% of Filipinos are predominantly of MALAY ancestry. However, a significant number of Filipinos have Spanish, Chinese or American Ancestry.

The Philippines is predominantly a Catholic Nation because it has been colonized by Spain for more than 300 years.

English is widely spoken because of American colonization in the Philippines.

Filipino culture is mostly westernized and was heavily influenced by the Spaniards and the Americans.

All Philippine Languages are classified as MALAYO-POLYNESIAN that's why Tagalog and Malay have so many similarities.

There are over 170 languages in the Philippines. Filipino(based on Tagalog) and English are the official languages. Other Ethnic languages include Cebuano, Kapampangan, Ilocano, Waray etc. Major foreign languages include English, Spanish and Chinese.

Bahasa Tagalog is a Malayo-Polynesian language that is heavily influenced by Spanish. In fact, almost all philippine languages borrowed thousands of spanish words. Studies state that 40% of Tagalog words are of Spanish origin, 20% Malay, 10% Chinese, 10%English, 5%Nihonggo, 5%Sanskrit, the rest from other languages.

[ Last edited by  rp17 at 25-1-2007 07:23 PM ]

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Post time 21-5-2008 10:30 PM | Show all posts

Organisasi Bahasa Melayu di Bangsa Filipina

What is our goal?

The goal of this organization (Organisasi Bahasa Melayu di Bangsa Filipina) is to facilitate the teaching of the Malay language (Bahasa Melayu) in the Philippines.

What is our proposal?

Our proposal is that Malay be taught to elementary children for 2-3 grades (in addition to, or instead of, Tagalog), and that Malay become an elective for High School and College students.

Why Malay?

* Malay is one of the world's major languages, unlike Tagalog.It is spoken by about 300 million people worldwide and is one of the 3 fastest growing languages in the world according to a 2004 study authored by David Graddol in the eminent scientific journal Science.

* Malay has a very long history as the lingua franca of traders and the marketplace in south east asia, including the Philippines.Malay inscriptions have been found in the Philippines from the 9th century AD, and Magellan used Malay to communicate with the people in Lapu-lapu's area, before meeting his death at the hands of Lapu-lapu himself. Malay is already used as a lingua franca in parts of the southern Philippines today.

* Malay has historically NOT been associated with any one dominant group,unlike such languages as Javanese and Tagalog, This makes it particularly suitable as an adopted language for a diverse nation where the imposition of the dominant group's own language (e.g. Tagalog) might be viewed with resentment by other people in the country.

* Malay is the major or one of the major languages for many of our neighbors in South-East Asia.It is the major language in the Indonesia Archipelago, Malaysia, Brunei, and East Timur (where it is a working language) and its use is growing quickly in places like Singapore (where the impetus to make Singapore's non-Malay citizens conversant in Malay has gained ground). There are minority speakers of Malay in such places as Cambodia, Thailand, and Vietnam, and many Australians also understand Malay from their High School studies. Beyond these countries, Malay is studied by more than 100,000 students worldwide as a foreign language, including by Filipinos who travel to Malaysia to learn the language.

* The adoption of the Malay language proclaims our pride in our strong Malay roots.Indeed, the national hero of the Philippines, Dr. Jose Rizal, is justly lauded as the "Pride of the Malay Race".

* Malay is much much easier to learn than Tagalog or English.

As an example, unlike Tagalog and English, whose verbs change tenses by changing word forms, Bahasa Melayu does not:

Aku pergi ke sekolah (I go to school)

To denote tense, just use:

sedang - to denote a continuous present action
sudah - to denote a past action
akan - to denote a future action

Aku sedang pergi ke sekolah (I am going to school)
Aku sudah pergi ke sekolah (I went to school)
Aku akan pergi ke sekolah (I will go to school)

* Malay and Filipino languages have many common words

Because Malay is related to most of the Filipino languages, there are many common words shared between them. Some examples:

Bahasa Tagalog - Bahasa Melayu

    * ako - aku (=Saya)
    * kami - kita/kami
    * puno - pohon
    * mata - mata
    * sayang - sayang
    * pili -pilih
    * bili - belih
    * basa - baca
    * panik - naik

    * dalawa - dua
    * tatlo - tiga
    * apat - empat
    * lima - lima
    * anim - enam
    * isang libo - seribu

    * langit - langit
    * buwan - bulan
    * kidlat - kilat
    * hangin - angin
    * kuting - kucing

* Will Malay replace Tagalog?

This organization does not necessarily intend to supplant the use of Tagalog with Malay, although it feels that such a result would be beneficial to the nation in the long run.

This feeling is rooted in the belief that the Philippines needs to rid itself of things that impede the progress of our nation. The adoption of Tagalog as the national language (although thinly disguised under the name of "Filipino") is arguably one thing that has impeded the creation of a truly united state.

It can be argued that people who are not Tagalogs, including and especially those from the center and south of the nation, do not want to embrace the Tagalog language because they associate it with dominance from the Manila-based ethnic group of the same name. Thus, Tagalog contributes to the fracturing of our society, and does not unite it, except in the most superficial ways.

The adoption of Malay instead of Tagalog, which is what this organization believes should have been done in the beginning, will mean a further DEMOCRATIZATION of the nation in that a TRUE lingua franca with no strong historical ties to a dominant or colonial ethnic group will be used - instead of one that is a contributing factor to disunity in the country.

* Wouldn't it be better to adopt English instead?

This organization does not advocate the removal of English from the curriculum, and indeed realizes its primary importance in terms of an international language to those not conversant in Malay, and believes the nation should continue to develop students with knowledge of this language. But at the same time, it believes that English would not serve well as the one and only official language, since it is so far removed from our own ethnic roots - an alien tongue that is competent enough when used to communicate with peoples beyond the immediate neighborhood, but one which does not (and should not) fully express our hopes, dreams, and desires as a people.

* Who do I contact for more information?

You may contact L. Leed at

Sources :


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Post time 21-5-2008 10:32 PM | Show all posts

[ Last edited by  HangPC2 at 21-5-2008 10:35 PM ]

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Post time 22-5-2008 09:43 AM | Show all posts

Reply #58 adoi's post

senang la kot bagi dia sebab bahasa melayu ni takde past tense present tense. bahasa tagalog ade tak salah aku

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Post time 22-5-2008 11:03 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by HangPC2 at 22-12-2004 10:17 PM
contoh la ayat tagalog sama macam ayat bahasa melayu

pagako sayo = pengakuan saya  (Bukan pejual sayur laaa)

mula la poso = err.. mula lah puasa lollol:lol

Aku pernah tengok satu filem dia orang... Dalam satu babak tu, ada bidan kampung
sedang menolong sorang pompuan bersalin. Bila anak dah lahir bidan ni
keluor beritau kat laki pompuan tu....."Lelaki anakmu"....memang 100% ayat melayu.

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Post time 23-5-2008 03:56 AM | Show all posts

Reply #77 akunitengah's post

philipinine mmg ade kene mengene ngan melayu ....especially kt selatan filipin .... bkn kesultanan melaka melebar sayap penjajahan sape kesana ke ...dan kt sana gak ade satu patung tau ukiran seorang wira melayu .....

alaa ... org kt fiji dan org asli australia pon ade kene mengene ngan org melayu ..... klau ko baca sejarah dan distribution org melayu nieh ..... hampir seluruh dunia ader darah melayu .... even org red indian pon dikatakan ader kaitan dgn org melayu .... klau ko amik tau pasal theori dan kajian ..... but foundation dier satu jerk ....sume manusia berasal dr adam dan hawa ....

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Post time 31-3-2009 01:56 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 2-4-2009 12:44 AM | Show all posts
habis jose rizal tu pon melayu/islam?

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