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Author: tongkatwaran75

[Jenayah] {1}Pengebom berani mati Msia?: Peluang bebas cerah, tiada bukti_post 133#

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Post time 29-10-2012 11:24 PM | Show all posts
aku harap ada al qaeda yg ambik prihatin tentang malaysia, bom sikit kawasan ayam2 tu

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Post time 30-10-2012 12:18 AM | Show all posts
robotech posted on 29-10-2012 07:10 PM
Dibuai mimpi sampai terjaga pun, apa guna jadi jihadi kalau kejenya mengacau bilau negara jiran at ...

Malaysia di bawah BN mengambil pendirian menyelesaikan konflik2 berdarah dgn jalan rundingan, atau melalui tekanan ekonomi, atau melalui tekanan antarabangsa memandangkan kedudukannya sbg negara kecil, yg tidak kuat ketenteraannya. so buat apa cari pasal. same goes tu gerakan pemisah di selatan Thai. memang mrk org islam, tapi apa daya nak bantu dgn ketenteraan. hanya mampu initiate rundingan demi rundingan, kadang2 berjaya juga walaupun hasilnya lambat.  

kalau Malaysia di bawah PAS bagaimana pulak nanti sikap Malaysia??  worry jugak dgn pemimpin2 yg otak seminit.  but don't worry, pemimpin2 otak seminit & berdarah panas ni akan dibalance-up oleh pemimpin DAP & PKR.   

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Post time 30-10-2012 01:24 AM | Show all posts
Kalau M'sian bukannya nak jd pengebomj berani mati, standard M'sian tinggi, IQ mmg gila-gila, genius M'sian kalau involve jd apa? Engineer yg cipta segala macam bom, yg sanggup matinya warga Pakistan, Palestin, Afgan dll...habis kerja balik Malaysia jd politician

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Post time 30-10-2012 08:36 AM | Show all posts
Tuesday October 30, 2012
Razin — a strange loner

SUNGKAI: He was a college student who kept to himself and preferred to pray alone when he visited a mosque, which was often.

This struck the other worshippers as strange since congressional prayer is encouraged in Islam and one reason Muslims go to mosques or surau.

“The boy regularly went to the mosque, but he would pray alone and would not join us,” said a neighbour in Beranang.

“He looked like a decent and nice boy although very quiet and anti-social. When I greeted him, he would smile back but he would not stop for a chat,” the neighbour added.

Twenty-one-year-old Muhamad Razin Sharhan Mustafa Kamal, who was detained in Lebanon on suspicion of links with al-Qaeda, was a quiet and good student, his college mate and a warden said.

Fellow student of Kolej Yayasan Felda Trolak in Sungkai, Mohd Razali Husin said he was shocked to hear the news of Razin's arrest.

He described Razin as a religious and quiet person.

“I met him in July 2011 when we registered for our computer science diploma course at the college. We became friends.

“Razin did not get into any trouble with the lecturers or other students and you could usually find him at the surau,” Razali said.

He added that Razin excelled in his studies and never spoke of the Middle East or jihad.

“We lost contact when we started our internships in September as we worked in different organisations.”

Razali and the warden had not heard of Razif Mohd Ariff who was arrested with Razin in Lebanon for suspected links to al-Qaeda.

The 30-year-old Razif is believed to have recruited Razin to the militant cause (and not the other way round as reported earlier).

The warden, who did not want to be named, said Razin was a good student and did not have any disciplinary problems.

The warden said Razin, who was due to graduate this year, often quoted the Quran in his conversations.

“There is nothing unusual about him,” she added.

The Farmers Organisation Authority meanwhile said that Razin worked with the FOA for two weeks from Oct 18 in Malacca as an economic affairs assistant.

Its management services division deputy director Zulkifly Ismail said: “However, he did not give all the relevant documents such as his medical report. He had not turned up for work since Oct 3. So, we did not confirm him in his position.”

Malacca FOA director Mohd Fauzi Badron added: “When he did not report to work for three days, I sent my officers to check on him at his rented room. They found his motorcycle, laptop and clothes at the house in the centre of town. It did not look as if he was going anywhere.

“He looked like an ordinary guy.”

Apparently, the family had checked with the Immigration Department to find Razin's whereabouts and found he had left the country.

Razin's parents could not be reached for comment.

Not much is known of his family because the husband and wife and their only child kept very much to themselves, according to their neighbours in suburban Beranang.

One neighbour, who declined to be named, said the family members were seldom seen outside their house and they do not mingle with others.

A neighbour, Walid, said Razin did not mix with other boys in the neighbourhood.

He said the boy regularly went to the mosque, but prayed alone.

When told that Razin was one of the suspects linked to al-Qaeda, Walid said: “I do not think he is capable of being a militant.”

Last edited by NIXAR on 30-10-2012 08:38 AM


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Post time 30-10-2012 08:41 AM | Show all posts
Tuesday October 30, 2012Ex-militant:
We send new recruits straight to the front lines

PETALING JAYA: Those recruited into terror groups are now trained at the front lines of action, a former Jemaah Islamiah (JI) member said.

“They all train at the place of action now. How can they train here or in Indonesia or Thailand?

“Those were the old ways. Now security (in these countries) is too tight,” added the former JI militant, who spoke to The Star on the condition of anonymity.

He said getting into a militant cell group was “like applying to join an Ivy League school” in that the interested party had to approach the group and prove themselves.

The former militant, who had been linked to the al-Qaeda, added that insurrectionist groups now moved in small cells and function alone, teaming up with larger factions only at the place of action.

He was commenting on the recent detentions in Lebanon of two Malaysians suspected to be suicide bombers linked to al-Qaeda.

One of them is believed to have links with a top al-Qaeda leader in Yemen, Jamal al-Badawi, who is accused of the 2000 bombing of United States navy destroyer USS Cole in Yemen.

Regarding the pair, identified as Muhamad Razin Sharhan Mustafa Kamal, 21, and Razif Mohd Ariff, 30, the former insurgent said: “I don't think they want to become suicide bombers.

“New guys usually aren't given that task. Got to start from the bottomlah,” he said.

The former militant, who was once detained under the Internal Security Act, described the pair as “brothers-in-arms” and “guys with good intentions.”

He said in keeping with the times, many militant groups now recruit ed on Facebook.

He was surprised, however, that the two had been able to leave the country, claiming the Special Branch normally has information on those suspected of militant actions.

The former militant said insurrectionists frequently joined humanitarian missions to get to their destinations. They are not soldiers of fortune,” he said, alleging the sometimes-violent actions happened because of “injustice to Muslims” and that the so-called jihadists “just want to protect their brothers and sisters.”

“If they die, they go to Heaven,” he said.


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Post time 30-10-2012 09:14 AM | Show all posts
mmg standard orang Melayu settle melalui rundingan itu kepakaran yang sememangnya ada dalam DNA orang Melayu tapi kalo jadi pengebom berani mati mungkin DNA keturunan dia bercampur campur dengan bangsa lain kot


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Post time 30-10-2012 09:23 AM | Show all posts
tobby posted on 30-10-2012 12:18 AM
Malaysia di bawah BN mengambil pendirian menyelesaikan konflik2 berdarah dgn jalan rundingan, atau ...

Dlm hal conflict Rakhine-Rohingya, apa pendirian & tindakan Mesia pulak? Ada dah hantar perunding-cara?

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Post time 30-10-2012 09:32 AM | Show all posts
shamsadis posted on 30-10-2012 09:14 AM
mmg standard orang Melayu settle melalui rundingan itu kepakaran yang sememangnya ada dalam DNA oran ...

klu Msia kuat mcm russia & amerika, dah tentu Msia hanya perlu supply senjata & wang yg byk utk bantu tentera pembebasan rakyat syria.  tapi Msia hanyalah negara kecil yg tak kuat ketenteraannya, tak kuat ekonominya. so fokuslah kpd apa yg Msia mampu iaitu initiate rundingan secara aman, sbgmn Msia mencapai kemerdekaannya dari British, tanpa melalui buluh runcing spt Indon.  DNA Msia dgn Indon/Pakistan ternyata berbeda.

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Post time 30-10-2012 09:33 AM | Show all posts
tobby posted on 30-10-2012 09:32 AM
klu Msia kuat mcm russia & amerika, dah tentu Msia hanya perlu supply senjata & wang yg byk utk ba ...

ada sekali orang Melayu mengamok..masa perang Bosnia

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Post time 30-10-2012 09:47 AM | Show all posts
shamsadis posted on 30-10-2012 09:33 AM
ada sekali orang Melayu mengamok..masa perang Bosnia

klu nak supply senjata utk Free Syria Army malaysia boleh lakukan senyap2, sbgm kita pernah tolong bosnia dulu...

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Post time 30-10-2012 10:58 AM | Show all posts
tobby posted on 30-10-2012 12:18 AM
Malaysia di bawah BN mengambil pendirian menyelesaikan konflik2 berdarah dgn jalan rundingan, atau ...
kalau Malaysia di bawah PAS bagaimana pulak nanti sikap Malaysia??  worry jugak dgn pemimpin2 yg otak seminit.  but don't worry, pemimpin2 otak seminit & berdarah panas ni akan dibalance-up oleh pemimpin DAP & PKR.  

Kelantan di bawah PAS pun tak penah amik pot Selatan Thai, apatah lagi nak campur tgn krisis kat seberang tuh. Tambah lagi Kedah la ni bawah PAS pun, mana ada kisah apa2 pasal krisis Selatan Thai. Kerajaan PAS dijamin Lever Brothers tak terlibat dengan sebarang kegiatan pemisah Selatan Thai sana.

Kalo PAS dengan kerjasama PR jadi Gomen pun, hampir pasti 100% akan ikut jejak polisi ASEAN seperti dulu, iaitu dasar berkecuali & tak campur tangan.

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Post time 30-10-2012 11:01 AM | Show all posts
sekngucing posted on 29-10-2012 11:24 PM
aku harap ada al qaeda yg ambik prihatin tentang malaysia, bom sikit kawasan ayam2 tu

Dok mengharap al-Qaeda ... sikit punya bangang. Pengecut! Kalau berani, jangan harap al-Qaeda, kau buat la sendiri, macam Nordin Mat Top yg bangang mencirit mencicit mencipit lari ke INDONesia sebab takut kena tangkap oleh SB PDRM. Sudahnya buat keparat kat negara orang memalukan negara sendiri & nama Islam.

Adakah kau berani atau level kau setarap arwah Nordin ataupun level keyboard warrior jahhh ...

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Post time 30-10-2012 11:07 AM | Show all posts
Manami posted on 30-10-2012 09:23 AM
Dlm hal conflict Rakhine-Rohingya, apa pendirian & tindakan Mesia pulak? Ada dah hantar perunding- ...

Kerajaan demokratik Myanmar tak bagi orang luar campur tangan. So, sebagai anggota ASEAN yang menghormati dasar tidak campur tangan ASEAN, maka Malaysia tak terlibat dalam isu Rohingya. Sedangkan Bangladesh yang bersempadan dengan Myanmar pun lagi lah tak ambil peduli.

Yang kita mampu terlibat adalah penghantaran & pengagihan barangan bantuan Kerajaan Malaysia kepada pelarian Rohingya di Arakan, Myanmar. Selain tu, Malaysia dah lama menjadi tempat perlindungan pelarian Rohingya yang melarikan diri dari penindasan rejim Myanmar sejak 20 tahun lebih.

Perlu ke kita heboh2 semua ni? Nak tolong, biarlah tangan kanan menghulur tapi tangan kiri taktau apa2.

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Post time 30-10-2012 11:10 AM | Show all posts
mahathirGX posted on 28-10-2012 07:50 AM
Mereka  mau ke syurga  ...  menala    bidadari   ......

madey:  anda   bila  lagi  .......

Ekelehhhh..................teman tak heran laaaaa

Kat Malaysia nie lagi banyak pejuang berani mati.
Setiap hari at least 15 oghang.

Miker biler lagi????
Ataupun akan jadi mangsa pejuang berani mati tersebut???

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Post time 30-10-2012 11:16 AM | Show all posts
tobby posted on 30-10-2012 09:47 AM
klu nak supply senjata utk Free Syria Army malaysia boleh lakukan senyap2, sbgm kita pernah tolong ...

Malaysia secara prinsip takkan terlibat dalam konflik berdarah pembunuhan sesama Islam. Ini termasuklah perang Iraq-Iran yang meragut lebih 1 juta nyawa, kempen insurgensi GAM vs Indonesia di Acheh, kekejaman rejim Iraq Baath di bawah Saddam Hussein menyembelih puluhan ribu pelarian Kurdish Sunni secara senjata kimia, keganasan antara Sunnah vs Syiah di Pakistan, perang saudara Mujahidin vs Taliban di Afghanistan, kempen insurgensi puak Sunnah ke atas kerajaan Iraq sekarang, kempen militia Arab Sudan vs kaum kulit hitam Muslim di Sudan dan kempen puak pemisah di Yaman.

Malaysia hanya terlibat secara ketenteraan di Bosnia, Somalia dan Lubnan di bawah panji2 PBB.

Paling terbaik, Malaysia terlibat secara bantuan kemanusiaan tak kira bencana alam atau peperangan ke kebanyakan negara2 Islam yang bergolak.

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Post time 30-10-2012 11:24 AM | Show all posts
robotech posted on 30-10-2012 11:07 AM
Kerajaan demokratik Myanmar tak bagi orang luar campur tangan. So, sebagai anggota ASEAN yang meng ...

Kalau Myanmar x bagi masok campor, so, adakah Mesia mengambil pendirian berdiam diri & buat x peduli mcm Bangla? Takde tindakan TEKANAN EKONOMI? Atau at least , wat rayuan ke PBB ke haper bagi tekanan utk campor-tgn? Nampak gaya Mesia lagi penting EKONOMI$$$ dpd humanity...

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Post time 30-10-2012 11:26 AM | Show all posts
tobby posted on 29-10-2012 09:55 AM
ya benar. andai kata di Malaysia anak2 kita dicabut kuku & dikepit alat genital mrk di Torture Cen ...

Terkenang lagu ni...


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Post time 30-10-2012 11:53 AM | Show all posts
cecari posted on 28-10-2012 10:23 AM
dapat mana cerita mengarut ni?

Sgt mengarut plak tuh!


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Post time 30-10-2012 11:54 AM | Show all posts
Manami posted on 30-10-2012 11:24 AM
Kalau Myanmar x bagi masok campor, so, adakah Mesia mengambil pendirian berdiam diri & buat x pedu ...

Malaysia negara anggota ASEAN, tertakluk pada norma2 pertubuhan ASEAN. Adakah selama ni Malaysia ambil peduli & hantar tentera pergi berperang membantu gerila GAM vs Indonesia di Acheh, hantar tentera membantu pemberontakan PULO vs Thailand di Selatan Thai, hantar tentera bantu pemberontakan MNLF / MILF vs Filipina di Selatan Filipina?

Apa, tak cukup lagi Malaysia beri bantuan kemanusian kepada pelarian Rohingya di Myanmar? Apa, tak cukup lagi Malaysia beri tempat pelarian Rohingya berteduh kat dalam negara ni lebih 20 tahun?

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Post time 30-10-2012 11:55 AM | Show all posts
where is ayah pin when u need him the most...

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