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Author: orangbesi

Adakah JESUS pernah berkahwin?

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Post time 19-9-2014 09:58 AM | Show all posts

20 Big Lies in the DaVinci Code

Don’t be fooled. Here are just a few ways Dan Brown’s best-selling book twists and distorts the truth of the gospel.
In a little more than three years The Da Vinci Code has become the best-selling adult novel of all time. It has also become the subject of intense debate among Christians because of its radical claims that undermine basic Christianity.

Why all the fuss over a work of fiction? The answer lies on Page 1, where author Dan Brown asserts that "all descriptions of artwork, architecture, documents, and secret rituals in this novel are accurate."

In reality, the novel is a model of inaccuracy in almost every subject it addresses. Critics have noted its mistakes in mathematics, French geography and even the layout of the Louvre. More important, Brown's jarring claims about Jesus, the Bible, secret societies and ritual sex are based on shallow research, sloppy investigation and careless thought. However, given the novel's popularity and the staggering bravado in its tone, it is necessary for Christians to provide a critique of its central blunders. Here are 20 of them.

1.The Bible was invented by Roman Emperor Constantine in the fourth century.
The Da Vinci Code reports that "Constantine commissioned and financed a new Bible," one that left out the Gnostic texts and included the four traditional Gospels. In fact, Constantine had nothing to do with the making of the Christian canon. He is not even mentioned in the standard Cambridge History of the Bible. The traditional Gospels were recognized by virtually all Christians 150 years before Constantine.

2. The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Gnostic Gospels are the "earliest Christian records."
Not so. The Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in 1947 and date from 250 B.C. to A.D. 100. However, these documents have virtually nothing to do with Christianity but with various Jewish groups, rituals and ideas before and during the time of Christ.

The Gnostic Gospels offer a twisted and heretical version of the Christian faith, but they didn't come into existence until about a century or more after the death of Christ.

The earliest Christian records are the writings of the New Testament.

3. The Gnostic Gospels present a positive view of the feminine.
The Gnostic texts are said to picture a human, sexualized Jesus who embraced the sacred feminine. Actually, the Jesus presented in the Gnostic material is often simply weird, and the underlying ideology tends to be radically anti-feminine. Consider this bizarre passage from the Gospel of Thomas: "Simon Peter said to them, 'Make Mary leave us, for females don't deserve life.' Jesus said, 'Look, I will guide her to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every female who makes herself male will enter the kingdom of Heaven.'"

4. Early Christians did not believe Jesus was God's Son.
This is a bizarre claim, rooted in either willful ignorance or blindness to the obvious. After 2,000 years, people continue to debate whether Jesus is the Son of God. But what has never been subject to doubt is that early Christians confessed that Jesus is God's Son, as the following Scriptures indicate: "Simon Peter answered and said, 'You are the Christ, the Son of the living God'" (Matt. 16:16); "But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son" (Gal. 4:4).

5. The Council of Nicea (A.D. 325) invented the divinity of Jesus.
Contrary to Brown's claim, the famous church council met to clarify the divinity of Jesus, not create it. There are thousands of references to the divinity of Jesus in Christian literature and archaeology before the Council at Nicea. This includes the hundreds of claims in the New Testament and the witness of early church leaders through the second and third centuries.

6. Jesus was really a pagan or a witch.
No standard reference works on witchcraft ever include Jesus as a witch or pagan. The novel attempts to argue that Jesus was a copycat figure of ancient pagan deities. This view depends on totally ignoring the Jewish context of the life and teaching of Jesus. If Jesus had been a pagan or a witch, this would have been noticed by the Jewish leaders who opposed Him.

7. Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene.
The novel claims that there are "countless references" to their union in ancient history and that the topic "has been explored ad nauseam by modern historians." First, there is nothing in the New Testament or other first century material about such a marriage. Second, there is no explicit mention of the alleged marriage in the Gnostic material of the second and third centuries. All we have in the Gnostic material is one reference to Mary as the "companion" of Jesus. That word, however, does not usually mean "spouse" or "wife."

8. Jesus and Mary had a child named Sarah.
The novel claims Mary was pregnant at the time of the death of Jesus. Joseph of Arimathea, her uncle, helped her move to France. There she gave birth to a girl she named Sarah. Mary and Sarah found refuge in the Jewish community in France. We are told that "countless scholars of that era chronicled Mary Magdalene's days in France." This is nothing but historical junk first made popular by the 1982 potboiler Holy Blood, Holy Grail. There are no ancient documents supporting any of these claims, and no scholars of that era chronicled these alleged events.

9. There was a smear campaign against Mary Magdalene in Catholic tradition.
To the contrary, Mary Magdalene receives positive attention in the Bible and in Catholic tradition. In fact, she is regarded as a saint, and her Feast Day is July 22. As a close disciple of Jesus, she was one of the first witnesses of His resurrection. The mistaken view that she was a prostitute did not arise until A.D. 591 when Pope Gregory I confused her with a prostitute mentioned in Luke 7:36-50.

10. A secret society named the Priory of Sion started in 1099 and has protected the bones of Mary Magdalene and documents about the bloodline of Jesus Christ.
This is one of the most significant blunders of The Da Vinci Code. The Priory of Sion was actually started in France on May 7, 1956, by a con artist named Pierre Plantard (1920-2000). The Priory was first a civic organization. In the 1960s Plantard created the mythology of a secret society led by figures such as Isaac Newton and Leonardo da Vinci.

11. Ancient documents about the Priory were discovered in the Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris in 1975.
The Da Vinci Code refers to these alleged parchments as Les Dossiers Secrets. These documents are not ancient but are actually forgeries done by Philippe de Chérisey (1925-1985), a co-conspirator with Plantard. They were not discovered by the French library in 1975 but were placed there by Plantard in 1967.

Both de Chérisey and Plantard admitted the hoax before their deaths. In fact, Plantard was forced to admit his fraud before Judge Thierry Jean-Pierre in a French court case in September 1993.

12. There are historical lists of the Grand Masters of the Priory of Sion.
Actually, when Plantard invented the Priory of Sion he copied most of his list of Grand Masters from lists of alleged leaders of other groups, such as the Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis, a secret society founded in America in 1915. Plantard also changed his list of Grand Masters as he adopted different conspiracy theories about his Priory of Sion.

13. The Holy Grail is not the cup used at the Last Supper but the bones of Mary Magdalene.
The novel states that "the quest for the Holy Grail is literally the quest to kneel before the bones of Mary Magdalene. A journey to pray at the feet of the outcast one, the lost sacred feminine."

The Holy Grail legends started about A.D. 1180 and continued through the 19th century. They never involved claims about the bones of Mary Magdalene. Isn't it amazing that no Priory of Sion member has ever given in to the temptation to reveal the location of the bones of Mary Magdalene?

14. The Knights Templar guarded the bones of Mary Magdalene and four huge chests of ancient documents about the bloodline of Jesus Christ and the French kings who descended from Him.
The Knights Templar is a religious military order founded in the early 12th century. Hugues de Payens, a French Knight, led eight comrades in the campaign to protect pilgrims to the Holy Land.

It has never been argued in the historical material about the Templars that they protected either Mary Magdalene or documents about French kings. These claims are the inventions of Pierre Plantard, who declared at one point that he was the descendant of Jesus and the proper heir to the French throne.

15. Leonardo da Vinci was once the Grand Master of the Priory of Sion.
The Priory started 437 years after the death of the great artist. Not one Leonardo da Vinci specialist in the entire world has supported the view that he once headed a pagan sex cult. James Beck of Columbia University calls this "total nonsense." Leonard da Vinci scholars have convened special conferences in order to debunk the novel's false claims about the famous artist.

16. Leonardo da Vinci placed Mary Magdalene next to Jesus in his famous painting The Last Supper.
In da Vinci's time everyone believed that this person was John, the beloved disciple. Renaissance art specialists have always noted that John was painted in a rather effeminate manner. The painting was not meant to reveal the identity of a woman but the tension created among the apostles after Jesus says to them, "'One of you will betray Me'" (Matt. 26:21). Of course, even if da Vinci put a woman next to Jesus in his painting, this would not tell us anything about the real Last Supper more than 14 centuries earlier.

17. The Catholic Church killed 5 million
women during the Witchcraft Inquisition. The women targeted as witches were freethinkers, scholars, priestesses, gypsies, nature lovers, mystics and midwives.

The novel radically misinterprets the nature and scope of the Inquisition. First, both men and women were targeted as witches. Second, the female victims were generally older and were not from any specific class or profession. Third, the deaths totaled no more than 100,000, counting both males and females. Most important, the Inquisition was rooted in the real belief that certain men and women actually worshiped Satan and performed diabolical acts of evil.

18. French President
Francois Mitterand ordered 666 panes of glass in the pyramid at the front entrance to the Louvre.

The novel adopts a false rumor that circulated in French society two decades ago. Mitterand did not order 666 panes of glass to be in the pyramid. In fact, the public relations office at the Louvre informed me that the pyramid actually has 673 panes of glass.

19. Early Jewish as well as Christian tradition involved sex ritualism in worship.
There is not a single hint in the entire Old Testament or in Jewish history that sex rites were part of temple worship. Jewish males did not engage in sex with priestesses in the temple. The word "priestess" is not even used in the Old Testament.

In the novel Jesus and Mary Magdalene are pictured as the ideal participants in an early Christian sex ritual. This wild claim has no basis in history, either in terms of early Christian tradition or even in reference to Gnostic documents.

20 True worship involves sex ritualism.
The Da Vinci Code states that "historically, intercourse was the act through which male and female experienced God" and that "by communing with woman … man could achieve a climactic instant when his mind went totally blank and he could see God."

The Da Vinci Code will bring great harm to every innocent religious seeker who follows its endorsement of sex ritual as the path to God. Brown is surely bluffing in his rhetoric about sex in worship. It is impossible to imagine that he really believes his own novel's ideology.

Would he be willing to participate in the ancient ritual that The Da Vinci Code defends? Would he really recommend this ancient ritual to his wife, family and friends?

In both book and movie form The Da Vinci Code represents a threat as well as an opportunity for Christians. Its danger lies in its strident assertions of falsehoods that undermine basic teachings of the gospel.

Uninformed readers and moviegoers must be made aware of the historical blunders in Dan Brown's claims. At the same time, the novel and movie create an unprecedented opportunity for believers to witness about the reliability of the Bible and its central redemptive message—that the Son of God became flesh, died on the cross and rose again.
James A. Beverley is associate director of the Institute for the Study of American Religion in Santa Barbara and professor of Christian Thought and Ethics at Tyndale Seminary in Toronto. He is also the author of 10 books, including Counterfeit Code and Religions A to Z. For information on his writings, visit

Decoding The Da Vinci Code

It can be difficult to know how to separate the facts from fiction in Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code, first a novel and now a film. Here are a few of the numerous resources available to help decipher the code.

Darrell L. Bock, Ph.D., is the research professor of New Testament studies at Dallas Theological Seminary. His Breaking the Da Vinci Code (Nelson Books) provides "answers to the questions everyone's asking." He includes a glossary of the history of the ancient texts reviewed in the book, definitions and summaries.

James L. Garlow and Peter Jones offer Cracking Da Vinci's Code: You've Read the Fiction, Now Read the Facts from Cook Communications' Victor Books. Garlow, a pastor, has a Ph.D. from Drew University and has earned master's degrees in divinity and theology. Jones has earned two master's degrees of divinity, a master's of theology from Harvard Divinity School and a Ph.D. from Harvard. The pair expose the underlying agenda in Brown's novel. The new student edition, by Adam Palmer and Jeff Dunn, gives the younger generation answers to questions such as: Who wrote the Bible? What is the hidden code? Does the Holy Grail really exist?

Kenneth Boa and John Alan Turner recently released The Gospel According to the Da Vinci Code (Broadman & Holman). Boa has a Ph.D., a master's in theology and a doctorate of philosophy. He is the president of Reflections Ministries, which has a mission "to provide safe places for people to consider the claims of Christ." Turner has a master's of theology and is a writer, speaker and consultant for Reflections Ministries and churches. Last edited by Truth.8 on 19-9-2014 09:59 AM


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Post time 19-9-2014 09:59 AM | Show all posts
The pair is concerned with the factual errors in the novel, but even more so with the worldview promoted in all of Brown's writings. The authors explain that Brown says he's a Christian, but "Christianity" means something different to everyone. Boa and Turner challenge Christians to be the ones influencing society and remind the church to stand up for truth and eradicate the "anything goes" Christianity worldview.

Richard Abanes is a nationally recognized researcher and award-winning journalist. He looks at Jesus, Mary Magdalene and Leonardo da Vinci in The Truth Behind the Da Vinci Code (Harvest House) and answers questions about the clues in da Vinci's paintings, Jesus and Mary, the Lost Gospels and the Holy Grail. Counterfeit Code by James A. Beverley (BayRidge Books) is a comprehensive reply to the theories of The Da Vinci Code. On his Web site Beverley says he wrote this book to "help Christians respond in the right way, with the right answers."

Investigative journalist Lee Strobel and Garry Poole offer to individuals the book Exploring the Da Vinci Code: Investigating the Issues Raised by the Book and Movie, which includes insights from an investigative trip to London and Paris as well as input from biblical and historical scholars. Discussing the Da Vinci Code, also from Strobel and Poole, is an interactive DVD and discussion package. These four sessions include Strobel's perspectives, interviews with experts, a discussion guide, questions, background material and more.

Even fiction authors take on the claims about Mary Magdalene. From Tyndale House, best-selling authors Karen Kingsbury and Angela Hunt offer two different approaches. In the contemporary parable Divine, Kingsbury demonstrates Mary's relationship with Jesus—as her Savior, not as her husband. Hunt, known for her historical research, takes readers back in time in the biblically based Magdalene.

For information about Pierre Plantard, the Priory of Sion, and Holy Blood, Holy Grail visit the Web site of Paul Smith ( Tyndale offers the Web site for fiction, nonfiction and church resources, such as The Da Vinci Deception Experience. This seven-session series for churches or small groups is based on Erwin W. Lutzer's book The Da Vinci Deception. The kit includes a copy of the book, an event starter, six weekly segment overviews, tools and tips for organizing a community event, reproducible handouts, and more.

Sifting through Brown's assertions can be a daunting task. But the materials available can help anyone be successful in their search for the truth.

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Post time 19-9-2014 12:02 PM | Show all posts
by Bullshit.8

you not even a Bible scholar...hence, your view considered to be rubbised and bull...

My views? Nircine Creed are Roman tradition which are followed by most if not ALL priests of the Church. Are they rubbish and dull?

Is your god so humanely stupid that he couldn't even see how many problems he could solve by marrying to Mary (or any other woman who have proper intellect) as I have stated?

No, the problem here is that Christians have been brainwashed by Roman Church to believe that Jesus was anything but a man. And any views that state otherwise is fought foolishly by zealots like you without even knowing that you actually making your god Jesus look like a damn a$$ instead of an intelligent god.

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Post time 20-9-2014 11:49 AM | Show all posts
Sephiroth posted on 19-9-2014 12:02 PM
by Bullshit.8
My views? Nircine Creed are Roman tradition which are followed by most if not ALL priests of the Church. Are they rubbish and dull?
why I need to listen to someone who believed god  is gender bender and enuch are scared ? i dont care a shit what you think about my faith.......


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 Author| Post time 20-9-2014 12:41 PM | Show all posts
Sephiroth posted on 18-9-2014 08:31 AM
by orangbesi

Siapa yg pandai2 mengubah Kitab Veda? Apa maksud kamu dgn kitab asal? Macam mana kamu tahu samada apa yg orang Hindu ada itu kitab asal ataupun tidak???
Tak payah takut, masa kamu (orang Islam, Christian dan atheist) bukannya lama sangat di dunia ini. Tuhan aku masih menberikan masa kpd manusia mengubah diri tetapi masa itu sudah menjadi singkat. Dari kurun, menjadi dekad, kemudian tahun dan kini, hari demi hari.
Kamu buka pintu depan rumah kamu esok, belum tentu dunia di luar kamu kekal spt apa yg kamu ingat hari sebelumnya ataupun sedang terbakar. Kamu tengok siang hari yg jelas dan belum tentu esok, ianya akan kekal sedemikian ataupun seluruh dunia ini akan diselubungi oleh kegelapan yg akan berterusan setahun lebih.

jadi, jawapan kamu kitab veda yg sedia ada terpelihara dari dahulu
tapi kenapa pengikutnya pun bergolong2 juga?

saya tak kata kitab veda tiada langsung pada orang Hindu
cuma kenapa semua golongan pengikutnya tidak dibenarkan membacanya ( ini yg saya dapat, betulkan jika saya salah)

Tuhan kamu.....................???
ada beza ke dgn Tuhan aku???
atau dgn erti kata lain - ada banyak ke Tuhan???


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Post time 20-9-2014 09:06 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 20-9-2014 11:49 AM
why I need to listen to someone who believed god  is gender bender and enuch are scared ? i dont  ...

If that is your choice, then so be it. I really couldn't be bothered either way.

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Post time 20-9-2014 09:20 PM | Show all posts
by orangbesi

jadi, jawapan kamu kitab veda yg sedia ada terpelihara dari dahulu

Kitab Veda pada mulanya wujud sbg SATU buku. Utk memudahkan proses menghafalkan buku tersebut, ianya diceraikan menjadi empat jilid - setiap satunya menpunyai mesejnya tersendiri. Mereka adalah - Rig Veda, Yayur veda, Sama veda dan Athar veda.

Akan tetapi masalah wujud bila seseorang itu menjadi pandai dalam satu jilid dan kemudiannya mengunakannya utk menpersoalkan akan mesej yg wujud dlm jilid lain. Ini merupakan "retakan pertama" dlm agama Hindu. Bila manusia sudah lupa bahawa (ke-empat2) Vedas harus dibaca, difahami dan dijadikan pedoman hidup dan seseorang itu tidak lengkap dgn hanya menbaca dan memahami satu jilid shj.

Apa yg kamu perlu mengetahui di sini adalah - dgn secara simbolik, Tuhan seolah2 telah menberitahu kpd manusia bahawa manusia yg pada satu masa itu hidup bersatu akan berpisah menjadi empat dgn empat jenis pemahaman agama yg berlainan yg menjadi sumber kpd agama2 lain yg seterusnya menporakperandakan kefahaman manusia akan Spiritualism.

Kenapa semua orang tidak dibenarkan menbacanya? Kerana Veda itu luas maksud dan pemahamannya. Hanya mereka2 yg mengabdikan kehidupan mereka mengaji Veda yg akan mampu mengetahui akan rahsia2 yg terselerak di dalamnya.

Akan tetapi Tuhan itu memang adil. Utk semua orang lain yg tidak mampu mengabdikan kehidupan mereka, Dis sudah menyediakan Bhavagad Gita yg merupakan summary kpd Vedas.

atau dgn erti kata lain - ada banyak ke Tuhan???

Satu Tuhan - tetapi kamu kena ingat, bukan semua yg disembah oleh manusia itu adalah Tuhan. Ada juga makluk yg mengangkat dirinya sbg Tuhan. Sbg contohnya, dlm satu cerita Purana mengenai Avatar Narasimha, raksasa Hiranyahasipu mengangkat dirinya sbg Tuhan kerana dia mendapat kuasa yg hebat.

Jadi manusia harus berhati2 dgn agama yg mereka menganuti. Kerana bukan semua agama itu akan menbawa mereka kpd Jalan yg Betul.

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 Author| Post time 22-9-2014 04:26 PM | Show all posts
Sephiroth posted on 20-9-2014 09:20 PM
by orangbesi

Kitab Veda pada mulanya wujud sbg SATU buku. Utk memudahkan proses menghafalkan buku tersebut, ianya diceraikan menjadi empat jilid - setiap satunya menpunyai mesejnya tersendiri. Mereka adalah - Rig Veda, Yayur veda, Sama veda dan Athar veda.
Akan tetapi masalah wujud bila seseorang itu menjadi pandai dalam satu jilid dan kemudiannya mengunakannya utk menpersoalkan akan mesej yg wujud dlm jilid lain. Ini merupakan "retakan pertama" dlm agama Hindu. Bila manusia sudah lupa bahawa (ke-empat2) Vedas harus dibaca, difahami dan dijadikan pedoman hidup dan seseorang itu tidak lengkap dgn hanya menbaca dan memahami satu jilid shj.

saya akuinya - kebenaran ini
cuma pertanyaan,,,siapa yg menceraikannya???
kenapa tidak terus dipelihara sebagaimana SEDIA ADA?

Apa yg kamu perlu mengetahui di sini adalah - dgn secara simbolik, Tuhan seolah2 telah menberitahu kpd manusia bahawa manusia yg pada satu masa itu hidup bersatu akan berpisah menjadi empat dgn empat jenis pemahaman agama yg berlainan yg menjadi sumber kpd agama2 lain yg seterusnya menporakperandakan kefahaman manusia akan Spiritualism.

ok - boleh diterima

Kenapa semua orang tidak dibenarkan menbacanya? Kerana Veda itu luas maksud dan pemahamannya. Hanya mereka2 yg mengabdikan kehidupan mereka mengaji Veda yg akan mampu mengetahui akan rahsia2 yg terselerak di dalamnya.
Akan tetapi Tuhan itu memang adil. Utk semua orang lain yg tidak mampu mengabdikan kehidupan mereka, Dis sudah menyediakan Bhavagad Gita yg merupakan summary kpd Vedas.

jadi Bhavagad Gita adalah karangan manusia kan.

Satu Tuhan - tetapi kamu kena ingat, bukan semua yg disembah oleh manusia itu adalah Tuhan. Ada juga makluk yg mengangkat dirinya sbg Tuhan. Sbg contohnya, dlm satu cerita Purana mengenai Avatar Narasimha, raksasa Hiranyahasipu mengangkat dirinya sbg Tuhan kerana dia mendapat kuasa yg hebat.
Jadi manusia harus berhati2 dgn agama yg mereka menganuti. Kerana bukan semua agama itu akan menbawa mereka kpd Jalan yg Betul.

hanya manusia je yg pandai2 bertuhankan hawa nafsu!!!


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Post time 22-9-2014 09:55 PM | Show all posts
by orangbesi

saya akuinya - kebenaran ini
cuma pertanyaan,,,siapa yg menceraikannya???
kenapa tidak terus dipelihara sebagaimana SEDIA ADA?

Kamu tahu tak berapa besarnya Kitab Veda itu? Setiap satu jilid itu menyebut akan satu bab dlm kehidupan dan kalau dinyanyikan dgn sempurna, ianya akan mengambil masa lebih dari 4 JAM utk dihabiskan satu jilid.

jadi Bhavagad Gita adalah karangan manusia kan.

Bhavagad Gita diturunkan pada hari peperangan di medan Kurusekhtra (yg masih wujud 80 KM dari Delhi). Ianya diberikan kpd tiga orang oleh Shri Krishna - kpd seorang kawan Brahmin, Arjuna dan seorang lagi saya dah lupa. Ianya bukan karangan manusia.

hanya manusia je yg pandai2 bertuhankan hawa nafsu!!!

Manusia diperbodohkan oleh sesuatu makluk2 yg tidak mahu manusia terus maju dlm bidang Spiritualism. Ini kerana tugas manusia yg sebenarnya hanya bermula bila manusia sudah maju dlm bidang Spiritualism. Manusia masih lagi spt seekor anak burung yg terperangkap dlm telur dan masih tak mampu menetas lagi.

Hanya segentir kecil manusia di dunia ini yg tahu akan tugas sebenar yg Tuhan sudah sediakan utk manusia dan mereka tinggal di dunia ini sezaman demi sezaman dgn cuba menberikan nasihat dan pedoman kpd manusia dgn secara tidak langsung.

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 Author| Post time 4-10-2014 05:15 PM | Show all posts
Sephiroth posted on 22-9-2014 09:55 PM
by orangbesi

Kamu tahu tak berapa besarnya Kitab Veda itu? Setiap satu jilid itu menyebut akan satu bab dlm kehidupan dan kalau dinyanyikan dgn sempurna, ianya akan mengambil masa lebih dari 4 JAM utk dihabiskan satu jilid.

aku tahu leeee..........mana ada kitab karangan manusia camni
4 JAM je ke???
aku kena ambil masa sampai masa aku dimatikan - utk menyempurnakannya
itu pun belum tentu lagi

Bhavagad Gita diturunkan pada hari peperangan di medan Kurusekhtra (yg masih wujud 80 KM dari Delhi). Ianya diberikan kpd tiga orang oleh Shri Krishna - kpd seorang kawan Brahmin, Arjuna dan seorang lagi saya dah lupa. Ianya bukan karangan manusia.

iye ke?
berapa jarak masa dari kitab veda itu sendiri?
dan adakah ianya satu masa/zaman dengan ajaran buddha ?

Manusia diperbodohkan oleh sesuatu makluk2 yg tidak mahu manusia terus maju dlm bidang Spiritualism. Ini kerana tugas manusia yg sebenarnya hanya bermula bila manusia sudah maju dlm bidang Spiritualism. Manusia masih lagi spt seekor anak burung yg terperangkap dlm telur dan masih tak mampu menetas lagi.

sesuatu makhluk???
saya rasa, diri sendiri yg tak mahu, kerana mengikut hawa nafsu

Hanya segentir kecil manusia di dunia ini yg tahu akan tugas sebenar yg Tuhan sudah sediakan utk manusia dan mereka tinggal di dunia ini sezaman demi sezaman dgn cuba menberikan nasihat dan pedoman kpd manusia dgn secara tidak langsung.

dah tahu......kena jalankan sebaik yg mungkin
moga sejahtera selalu

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Post time 5-10-2014 11:18 AM | Show all posts
by orangbesi

aku tahu leeee..........mana ada kitab karangan manusia camni
4 JAM je ke???

Saya kata LEBIH dari 4 JAM. Dan itu pun hanya SATU JILID dari 4 JILID kesemuanya. Tambahan, kalau kamu cukup banyak hayat sampai mampu memahami keempat2 jilid tersebut, belum tentu kamu akan bersua dgn Tuhan kerana ianya masih bergantung kpd diri kamu sendiri utk mengusahakan apa yg kamu pelajari.

dan adakah ianya satu masa/zaman dengan ajaran buddha ?

Ajaran Buddha itu disampaikan 2500 tahun yg lalu. Kitab Veda sudah pun wujud lebih 5,000 tahun yg lalu dan Kitab Mahabratha pula menceritakan akan peperangan Kurushektra yg berlangsung lebih kurang 9,000 tahun yg lalu. Buktinya adalah kewujudan dan kehilangan sungai Saraswati yg mengalir dari Himalaya dan lalui kawasan yg kini gelar sbg Pakistan dan Afghanistan. 9,000 tahun yg lalu, kawasan ini bukannya padang pasir tetapi suatu kawasan yg hijau dan subur.

Malahan, tak ada orang tahu akan Sungai tersebut bila Muslims dan Christians sampai ke situ dan mereka melebalkan sungai tersebut sbg "sungai mitos". Hanya mengunakan teknologi satellite terbaru, kita mampu mengenalpasti bekas sungai tersebut.

saya rasa, diri sendiri yg tak mahu, kerana mengikut hawa nafsu

Kamu tak faham, sebab itu kamu tak mahu mengaku bahawa kamu ditunggang oleh sesuatu makluk lain. Ego kamu tidak mahu kamu mengaku bahawa kamu diperbodohkan oleh makluk lain.

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 Author| Post time 9-10-2014 12:13 PM | Show all posts
Sephiroth posted on 5-10-2014 11:18 AM
by orangbesi

Saya kata LEBIH dari 4 JAM. Dan itu pun hanya SATU JILID dari 4 JILID kesemuanya. Tambahan, kalau kamu cukup banyak hayat sampai mampu memahami keempat2 jilid tersebut, belum tentu kamu akan bersua dgn Tuhan kerana ianya masih bergantung kpd diri kamu sendiri utk mengusahakan apa yg kamu pelajari.

oh lebih dr 4 jam, ok leeee
dan betul tu kalau faham kesemuanya, bukannya hebat sangat pun
dah jalankan sepenuhnya pun masih lagi YANG DIJADIKAN kannnnnnn

Ajaran Buddha itu disampaikan 2500 tahun yg lalu. Kitab Veda sudah pun wujud lebih 5,000 tahun yg lalu dan Kitab Mahabratha pula menceritakan akan peperangan Kurushektra yg berlangsung lebih kurang 9,000 tahun yg lalu. Buktinya adalah kewujudan dan kehilangan sungai Saraswati yg mengalir dari Himalaya dan lalui kawasan yg kini gelar sbg Pakistan dan Afghanistan. 9,000 tahun yg lalu, kawasan ini bukannya padang pasir tetapi suatu kawasan yg hijau dan subur.
Malahan, tak ada orang tahu akan Sungai tersebut bila Muslims dan Christians sampai ke situ dan mereka melebalkan sungai tersebut sbg "sungai mitos". Hanya mengunakan teknologi satellite terbaru, kita mampu mengenalpasti bekas sungai tersebut.

Kitab Mahabratha?
nanti aku teliti sikit ya, aku baru dengar je ni
cuma kitab Bhavagad Gita tu, bila kewujudannya?
(sory saya tanya ya - nak memahami pemikiran mereka2 yg dahulu2)

Kamu tak faham, sebab itu kamu tak mahu mengaku bahawa kamu ditunggang oleh sesuatu makluk lain. Ego kamu tidak mahu kamu mengaku bahawa kamu diperbodohkan oleh makluk lain

boleh kamu namakan species makhluk itu, yg memperbodohkan manusia?
dan adakah makhluk itu bertanggungjawab sepenuhnya kerana memperbodohkan manusia
dan adakah manusia bodoh semata-mata???


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Post time 10-10-2014 09:05 AM | Show all posts
by orangbesi

Kitab Mahabratha?
nanti aku teliti sikit ya, aku baru dengar je ni
cuma kitab Bhavagad Gita tu, bila kewujudannya?

Lebih 9,000 tahun yg lalu. Ianya ditulis dlm bentuk jilid 3,100 BC (5,000 tahun yg lalu) dan dikekalkan dlm bentuk oral selama hampir 4,000 tahun.

boleh kamu namakan species makhluk itu, yg memperbodohkan manusia?

Mereka tak ada nama spt manusia.

dan adakah makhluk itu bertanggungjawab sepenuhnya kerana memperbodohkan manusia
dan adakah manusia bodoh semata-mata???

Manusia yg bertanggungjawab sepenuhnya. Manusia ada akal dan free will utk menolak skim bodoh mereka itu. Tetapi banyak manusia yg terus lalai dan berfikir mereka melakukan kerja2 Tuhan melalui ajaran sesat makluk2 ini.

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 Author| Post time 11-10-2014 10:20 AM | Show all posts
Sephiroth posted on 10-10-2014 09:05 AM
by orangbesi

Lebih 9,000 tahun yg lalu. Ianya ditulis dlm bentuk jilid 3,100 BC (5,000 tahun yg lalu) dan dikekalkan dlm bentuk oral selama hampir 4,000 tahun.

ok nanti aku cuba google, tq

Mereka tak ada nama spt manusia.

oooooo syaitan atau devil le ni kan

Manusia yg bertanggungjawab sepenuhnya. Manusia ada akal dan free will utk menolak skim bodoh mereka itu. Tetapi banyak manusia yg terus lalai dan berfikir mereka melakukan kerja2 Tuhan melalui ajaran sesat makluk2 ini.

moga kamu terus menegakkan KEBENARAN


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Post time 13-10-2014 01:30 PM | Show all posts
by orangbesi

oooooo syaitan atau devil le ni kan

Itu hanyalah nama yg diberikan oleh manusia. Manusia jarang tahu akan hakikat sebenar dunia ini.

moga kamu terus menegakkan KEBENARAN

Tak ada kebenaran ataupun kesalahan. Yang hanya ada adalah - Tahu atau Tak tahu. Itu je.
Ianya samada kamu tahu dan memahami keadaan yg sebenarnya ataupun kamu tak nak ambil tahu dan terus hidup dlm sebar kepura2an.

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 Author| Post time 18-10-2014 10:42 AM | Show all posts
Sephiroth posted on 13-10-2014 01:30 PM
by orangbesi

Itu hanyalah nama yg diberikan oleh manusia. Manusia jarang tahu akan hakikat sebenar dunia ini.

sekadar nama?.................betul le tu
kalau tidak apa yg mau dipanggil kan
diri sendiri ke?

Tak ada kebenaran ataupun kesalahan. Yang hanya ada adalah - Tahu atau Tak tahu. Itu je.
Ianya samada kamu tahu dan memahami keadaan yg sebenarnya ataupun kamu tak nak ambil tahu dan terus hidup dlm sebar kepura2an

tanpa kebenaran atau kesalahan...........tak de le kita kat bumi ni kan
nak tak nak kena pura2 kejap leeee
sebelum keikhlasan memenuhi tiap sudut hati dan akal kita

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Post time 18-10-2014 01:44 PM | Show all posts
by orangbesi

sekadar nama?.................betul le tu
kalau tidak apa yg mau dipanggil kan
diri sendiri ke?

Kalau aku kata "Anak Pak Ali menbunuh orang", kamu kenal siapa itu Pak Ali atau Anaknya? Tak ... hanya saya shj tahu. Sama juga di sini. Kalau aku bagi tahu nama pun, tak berguna juga kalau kamu tak pernah melihat ataupun mengalami kejahatan tersebut. Kalau kamu nak mengalaminya, lantak kamu lah. Esok lusa kamu menjadi Syaitan spt Adolf Hitler ataupun menjadi gila kerana tak mampu bertahan, jangan salahkan daku.

PS : Kamu tahu kenapa aku mengunakan Adolf Hitler sbg contoh? Kamu tahu macam mana dia dapat ilham utk Holocaust dan menjahanamkan orang2 Yahudi di Eropah. Menurut satu documentary Sejarah, selepas Hitler menawan Poland pada tahun 1939, dia diterima baik oleh semua kaum - Yahudi dan bukan Yahudi. Hitler pergi ke Musium Poland kerana dia jenis minat Sejarah dan artifak bersejarah dan pada masa itu, sebilah mata lembing purba yg kononnya digunakan utk menikam Jesus Christ ada didlm pameran pada masa itu. Dia dikatakan berdiri dihadepan display selama 1 jam, seolah2 terpukau. Selepas dia sedar, kamu tahu apa arahan yg diberikan? Tahan semua orang Yahudi di bandar tersebut dan bawa mata lembing tersebut ke pejabatnya. Inilah detik permulaan Holocaust.

Sekarang aku tanya kamu - kamu berani ke merenung dlm kegelapan? Kamu berani ke menpertarungkan kewarasan kamu itu?

tanpa kebenaran atau kesalahan...........tak de le kita kat bumi ni kan
nak tak nak kena pura2 kejap leeee
sebelum keikhlasan memenuhi tiap sudut hati dan akal kita

Keangguhan manusia menganggap dirinya mampu mengetahui kesemuanya. Sama spt seekor gajah menganggap dirinya cukup besar utk minum semua air dlm lautan semata2 kerana dia mampu meminum semua air dlm sebuah kolam kecil.

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 Author| Post time 20-10-2014 11:30 AM | Show all posts
Sephiroth posted on 18-10-2014 01:44 PM
by orangbesi

Kalau aku kata "Anak Pak Ali menbunuh orang", kamu kenal siapa itu Pak Ali atau Anaknya? Tak ... hanya saya shj tahu. Sama juga di sini. Kalau aku bagi tahu nama pun, tak berguna juga kalau kamu tak pernah melihat ataupun mengalami kejahatan tersebut.

nama jugak je kan
sama je kalau jenis yg jahat jahat ni

Kalau kamu nak mengalaminya, lantak kamu lah. Esok lusa kamu menjadi Syaitan spt Adolf Hitler ataupun menjadi gila kerana tak mampu bertahan, jangan salahkan daku.

aik, aku ke
dah pernah gila seround daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Sekarang aku tanya kamu - kamu berani ke merenung dlm kegelapan? Kamu berani ke menpertarungkan kewarasan kamu itu?

renung saja je keeeee
lagi baik MASUK TERUS DLM KEGELAPAN itu sendiri
mampu ke atau tidak

Keangguhan manusia menganggap dirinya mampu mengetahui kesemuanya. Sama spt seekor gajah menganggap dirinya cukup besar utk minum semua air dlm lautan semata2 kerana dia mampu meminum semua air dlm sebuah kolam kecil.

ni le dinamakan manusia.............................always perasan yg lebih

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Post time 20-10-2014 11:36 AM | Show all posts
by orangbesi

renung saja je keeeee
lagi baik MASUK TERUS DLM KEGELAPAN itu sendiri
mampu ke atau tidak

Jangan main2 dgn bab sedemikian. "Ada" yg mendengar. Esok lusa, kalau kamu kena, baru tahu.

ni le dinamakan manusia.............................always perasan yg lebih

Manusia yg waras adalah manusia yg tahu menilaikan keupayaan dirinya dan tidak angguk sangat.

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 Author| Post time 21-10-2014 10:19 AM | Show all posts
Sephiroth posted on 20-10-2014 11:36 AM
by orangbesi

Jangan main2 dgn bab sedemikian. "Ada" yg mendengar. Esok lusa, kalau kamu kena, baru tahu.

kegelapan itu - ada pada diri sendiri
tak perlu pergi jauh jauh kannnnnnn

perhatikan pada manusia....
yg semakin menghampiri TUHANNYA dgn cahaya yg terang benderang
dan disebalik itu kegelapan dirinya semakin hitam - sama kenaikannya dgn cahaya itu sendiri
perhatikan betul betul ................................iye kannnnnn

Manusia yg waras adalah manusia yg tahu menilaikan keupayaan dirinya dan tidak angguk sangat.

tanpa akal, dok ikut telunjuk je
sama kot cam binatang ternak

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