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Author: Mitdob

Young and living diffuser

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Post time 10-8-2020 09:37 PM | Show all posts
Edited by farlis at 10-8-2020 09:39 PM
pinkzara replied at 9-8-2020 07:53 PM
Kalau you rasa nak feel pengantin baru, try geranium. Bau dia kadang mcm sirap ros. kdg mcm bunga  ...

Oo..orait.. nti nk cuba Geranium pulak..
Sensation tu i beli EO..Massage oil pun bau lebih kurang ya.
Betulla u ckp, mcm sambut Deepavali bau dia..Celah mana yg sedap..
I try mix up dgn EO lain, still kuat giler bau dia.. Setitik ja Sensation, yg lain i letak byk..still xleh tahan..

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Post time 11-8-2020 07:30 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ramaramu replied at 6-8-2020 11:00 AM
ladies.. stress i baca thread ni sebab rasa macam bazir nya duit i spend for YL ni..
i beli banyak  ...

You..I pun baru je beli eo yl ni satu set. Now I ada sikit rasa menyesal. Awal awal kawan I cerita (tu pun after I dah enroll ya) I rasa macam MLM but nak buat macam mana, teruskan aje la. Luckily I dalam plan nak beli another diffuser untuk bilik anak  I, and untuk ruang tamu. So I akan opt out something yang cheaper. Thanks tt bukak thread ni. Membantu sangat2. Thanks jugak kepada yang share.

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 Author| Post time 11-8-2020 11:33 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
pitera replied at 9-8-2020 10:01 AM
Oh yeke? Kalau tak direct titiskan kena buat mcmana?

Kte ke showroom dia, sales person tu kata kalau nak guna eo yg mmg betul2 oil bukan water base xleh trus titik dalam tank tu sbb nnti akan rosakkan plate dalam tu end up akan merekah, kalau nk jugak pakai oil kne titiskan dalam compartment dia, but compartment tu x bercampur dngan air tu, oil tu akan evaporate je dari wap2 air tu nnti. So nnti mcm rugi la sbb x bau sangat, kalau nk jugak kne guna eo yg water base yg dieorng jual, tp kte mcm ragu2 sbb ada ke eo yg authentic guna water base.

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Post time 12-8-2020 05:55 PM | Show all posts
besar mana diffuser yg boleh cater ruang tamu?
baru nak berjinak2

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 Author| Post time 12-8-2020 06:18 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
TabletSusu replied at 12-8-2020 05:55 PM
besar mana diffuser yg boleh cater ruang tamu?
baru nak berjinak2

Kalau bg kte tgok pada tank diffuser tu, lagi bsar maybe lagi lama kot ketahanan dia and level misting tu utk dia cover area yg luas. and depend pada level utk misting tu, kalau nk cepat boleh tros level paling tinggi.

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Post time 13-8-2020 10:37 PM | Show all posts
chuols yg pkai diffuser ni korg selalu ke cuci diffuser tu ? tahu x ada kes diffuser tu ternak bakteria sbb guna air tercemar / ada spora mcm lumut sbb lama x cuci, bila air diffuser tu dilepaskan, manusia sedut, masuk dlm paru2, then chuols pn tahu whats next.


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 Author| Post time 14-8-2020 01:28 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Orix replied at 13-8-2020 10:37 PM
chuols yg pkai diffuser ni korg selalu ke cuci diffuser tu ? tahu x ada kes diffuser tu ternak bakte ...

Benar, kat dalam manual pon ada kata kne selalu cuci diffuser.

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Post time 14-8-2020 11:36 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
farlis replied at 9-8-2020 06:24 PM
kata fungsi dia nak naikkan mood, wujudkan suasana romantis di kamar tidurada lagi sebotol pen ...

Ye ke tak best sensation tu nasib baik iols tak terbeli lagi

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Post time 14-8-2020 11:39 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Mitdob replied at 14-8-2020 01:28 PM
Benar, kat dalam manual pon ada kata kne selalu cuci diffuser.

Betul diffuser murahan iols pun ada tulis step cleaning semua.

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Post time 16-8-2020 03:39 PM | Show all posts
bestnya group ni.. x penah try lg eo.. tp nk beli diffuser dulu.. mind to share diffuser yang murah2.. beli ktner..

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 Author| Post time 16-8-2020 05:51 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
syanaz_88 replied at 16-8-2020 03:39 PM
bestnya group ni.. x penah try lg eo.. tp nk beli diffuser dulu.. mind to share diffuser yang murah2 ...

Kte baru grab acson punya, waktu promo rm 200, and dia ada bluetooth speaker, comes with 6 bottles of eo, lemongrass, lavender, rose geranium, eucalyptus, teatree and orange

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Post time 17-8-2020 01:37 PM | Show all posts
kejap..i confuse sekarang. brand ni nama dia Young and Living ke, Young Living? takde and?

ke dua2 ni adalah brand yg berbeza?

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Post time 19-8-2020 02:28 PM | Show all posts
syanaz_88 replied at 16-8-2020 03:39 PM
bestnya group ni.. x penah try lg eo.. tp nk beli diffuser dulu.. mind to share diffuser yang murah2 ...

uolls kalo first time nak try, boleh try yg mur mur sikit, unless uolls tak de hal bab2 bajet ni.. boleh lah grab Young Living/ doTerra
yg agak murah, uolls boleh cari now food. shopee/ iherbs pun jual
apa-apa brand pun ok, selagi dia pure essential oil jgn cari fragrance oil.. tu utk buat wangi2 tanpa manafaat cam kat kedai lovelylace hehe
uolls pun leh g pinterest & byk chart2 kat situ tunjuk kegunaan all these oils
certail oils uolls tak leh apply directly kat kulit, kena blend dgn carrier oil (almond/ olive oil) etc sebab kuat sangat & boleh buat kulit melecur

oil paling berguna ialah lavender.. serbaguna. utk relax, tido lena, titis dlm minyak/losyen/syampoo.. wangi ajeee. kalo uols luka/ gatal2 kena gigit serangga pun boleh apply directly kat skin. kadang-kadang iols saja calit sikit bawah hidung sebab sedap sgt bau dia hehehe
peppermint pun banyak guna gak

iols selalu pakai lavender, peppermint, eculyptus, teatree, lemon & lemongrass
peppermint/ eculyptus mmg berguna sgt kalo hidung tersumbat

iolss mmg letak satu botol 10ml (brand thelement - headache & migraine blend EO)  dlm handbag sebab iolss selalu pening & kena travel sickness lagi2 kalo jln tu pusing2 atau naik flight yg asyik la goyang2/ langgar airpocket. botol tu dah blend utk sakit kepala. selalunya iols bau & letak sikit kat tengkuk & kiri kanan kepala. bau pun sedap

lately ni iolss guna doTerra Past Tense, pakai sikit je & mmg sedap utk sakit bahu dan sakit kepala & tahan lama effect tingling tu. Bau kureng sedap sikit tapi senang sebab dia ada roll on.

try la uolss.. best hehehe
takde difusser pun tak pe.. try beli lavender satu.. pastu calit kat bantal b4 tido.. wangiiiii
amik bau kat botol & tarik nafas dalam2 pun sooodappppp
nyaman je rasa hehehe


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Post time 19-8-2020 02:31 PM | Show all posts
sekarang kat netflix ada documentary pasal essential oil ni - the good & the bad (in terms of MLM manipulating - camtu lah)
tajuk dia (UN)well - siri 1 tu
try la tengok

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 Author| Post time 22-8-2020 12:50 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
babydoll replied at 17-8-2020 01:37 PM
kejap..i confuse sekarang. brand ni nama dia Young and Living ke, Young Living? takde and?

ke dua ...

Suppose young living je. Tp kte terletak and. Sorryy huhuhuhu

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 Author| Post time 22-8-2020 12:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
smurfetz replied at 19-8-2020 02:31 PM
sekarang kat netflix ada documentary pasal essential oil ni - the good & the bad (in terms of MLM ma ...

Thank you u for the tips, yup kalau mcm page sebelum ni pon ada jugak yg share the benefit of eo, yg pnting tau benefit dia dalam masa yg sama x terlalu taksub.

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 Author| Post time 22-8-2020 03:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Essential oils and the stink of half-truths

Essential oils must not be made out to be something, more than what can be scientifically proven, writes Aznim Ruhana Md Yusup

IT happened quite suddenly. On Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, I started seeing friends and acquaintances touting the benefits of aromatherapy and essential oils.

Used as individual oils or mixed in a recipe, essential oils are claimed to remedy any number of minor ailments, from coughs and colds to body aches and pain. Essential oils are said to curb or stimulate appetite and strengthen the immune system, improve indoor air quality, keep young children focused and balance mood swings.

Common essential oils include peppermint, lemon, lavender and orange, but there are also sandalwood, clary sage, helichrysum and vetiver. The essential part of an essential oil is its scent, and the oil is typically packaged in amber-coloured 10ml glass bottles. The oil is used sparingly in drops and broadcast using diffusers, or diluted in carrier oil before being applied on the skin.

But the pitch for essential oils can sometimes sounds dubious, since they promise solutions for a wide range of problems using nothing more than drops of oil and anecdotal evidence.

The evangelical tendency of loyal users also brings to mind the anti-vaccine crowd or natural birth proponents. Meanwhile, the steep prices of the products beg the question whether it’s all over-hyped.


Dr Che Puteh Osman is a fellow at the Atta-Ur-Rahman Institute for Natural Product Discovery at Universiti Teknologi Mara, and she’s generally fine with people using essential oils. But they are not medicine and should not be used as such.

“If people use essential oils as aromatherapy as stated in the manufacturer’s guideline, then it shouldn’t be a problem,” says Che Puteh, who also lectures at the university’s Faculty of Applied Sciences.

“The problem is some people believe that essential oils can also be consumed. Even lemon essential oil, which sounds harmless. But lemon juice and lemon essential oil are not the same thing.

“It comes down to the fact that if a product is meant to be consumed, it needs to be registered as such. But under the National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency, essential oils are registered as cosmetics (not pharmaceutical), and only for external application,” she explains.

Moreover, she advises caution when applying essential oils on skin because they may cause an allergic reaction, most commonly, contact dermatitis, although not limited to this alone.

Camphor in essential oils can also enter the blood stream via inhalation or skin absorption. At unsafe levels, they can cause complications such as vomiting and seizures. She adds that the ingredient should not be used on children below two.


Most essential oils are extracted from its source plant using water or steam distillation. This includes lavender and eucalyptus. Jasmine and other delicate flowers undergo a solvent extraction method since high heat will destroy their aromatic properties. Citrus oils such as lemon and orange are usually made from pressing the fruit’s skin.

Meanwhile, prices for essential oils depend on the complexity of the extraction process, amount of raw material needed and the rarity of that raw material. Peppermint and orange essential oils are relatively inexpensive because it’s not hard to get or process the ingredients but the same can’t be said for frankincense.

According to Che Puteh, essential oils contain dozens or hundreds of chemical compounds. For example, lavender essential oil has two main chemical compounds called linalool and linalyl acetate plus dozens of others depending on the plant variety.

“There are people who like to say that essential oil is a natural product and that it has no chemicals when the basic truth is that everything is made of chemicals,” rues Che Puteh. “Such misunderstanding creates this belief that everything derived from plants is safe and harmless, which is not the case.”

In short, a drop of lemon juice is not the same as a drop of lemon essential oil. The extraction process uses multiple lemons that concentrate the chemical compounds so things that are harmless or beneficial in small doses may have the opposite effect in potent form. Additionally, lemon essential oil is made from the skin, sometimes flowers or leaves, which is different to the pulp that we eat.


As a form of aromatherapy, credible research into the effectiveness of essential oils is limited to them inducing calmness and relaxation. Essential oils can also increase a person’s tolerance to pain, thus reducing the need for painkillers or anti-nausea medication. This works as pleasant scents from essential oils send signals to the brain to release feel-good chemicals.

But there are no clinical trials to prove the benefits of ingesting essential oils nor is there sufficient evidence that they can cure or treat diseases. “It doesn’t mean that there is no benefit to ingesting essential oils but there’s no guarantee that they are safe. So from a chemistry point of view, it’s not safe,” says Che Puteh.

At this point, there are many uncertainties — and the point of clinical trials is to answer these concerns. It’s a long and expensive process involving many people. A testimonial or anecdote from a user does not compare to the scrutiny involved when developing mainstream drugs.

For example, what are the side effects? How much can you safely consume before it becomes dangerous? How long does it stay in the body? Does the compound degrade in our stomach acid? What is the standard chemical composition in the essential oil to ensure that it works the same way every time for every person?


Che Puteh finds there is a tendency to misunderstand and oversell the benefits and effectiveness of so-called natural products, not just essential oils. This is perhaps due to ignorance or greed or even wishful thinking.

But people’s lives may be at stake so the claims must be questioned and stopped if untrue. One of her efforts to address the issue is through Facebook posts with her coalition of science-based academics and professionals under a group called Ini Sains Beb.

Take, for example, soursop juice and the claims that it has anti-cancer properties. This comes from the fact that soursop fruit and leaves contain the chemical class acetogenin, which in pre-clinical trials on mice and human cells was proven to destroy cancer cells.

“The problem is the compound causes neurotoxicity, so it’s not a suitable drug candidate. There are ongoing studies on anticancer properties of acetogenin synthetic derivatives to improve its safety and efficacy,” she says.

“I’ve heard people say it’s a pharmaceutical industry conspiracy but that’s not it. There are better candidates to be developed into anti-cancer drugs. So enjoy your soursop juice but remember it’s a drink, not medicine.”

Another overselling tactic is listing all the chemical compounds in that natural product, then listing the benefits of each compound based on different individual research. This is how you get products that claim to cure 1,001 diseases. But that’s not how it works.

Che Puteh explains; “To claim something as medicine, its active ingredients must be identified and quantified. You cannot simply cite other people’s research to verify the efficacy of your products.”

Chemical components of plants can differ from one another due to environmental factors, even among the same species. So research is needed to ensure consistency and reproducibility of the herbal medicine, and that it’s safe and effective.

“We’re not against herbal products,” she adds. “At our institute we study many different herbs and plants. My interest is researching plants as potential anti-malarial drugs while others study pegaga (asiatic pennywort), mas cotek and many others. So people need to do proper studies and get it registered as a medicine at NPRA before making medicinal claims.”

Che Puteh is also concerned about how these products are marketed towards people with chronic diseases. People with kidney problems or heart disease who take (mainstream) medication on a regular basis run into danger when they also consume untested herbal products.

“There are not enough studies being done on the interaction between registered drugs and local herbal products. The danger being that herbs can cause the medication to stay longer in the bloodstream, or render it ineffective.For example, mas cotek contains apigenin. Studies overseas have found their local food and herbs (eg grapefruit) that also contain apigenin can cause drug interaction.

“But is that also the case here? There’s not much research on that yet but we should be cautious.”

Ni yg kte baca kat fb. Gunakan secara berpada2

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Post time 22-8-2020 04:28 PM | Show all posts
Menarik topik ni..i pun memang pengguna essential oils sejak enroll jadi member YL akhir tahun 2018.   Time mula2 join tu sebab i suka bau oils yg kawan i bagi try.. dia cerita la all the benefits of using EO ni..dia tak la overclaim coz dia ckp keberkesanan EO ni bergantung pada badan masing2 ..i pun sejak dah beli oils tu rajin gi surf Pinterest tgk pasal oil blend lah beli mahal2 takkan nak amik bau je..rugi la Ok cut things short.. antara EO YL yang i/family pakai dan berkesan ialah:

1. Copaiba - I sakit gusi coz banyak kunyah daging liat..sakit woo gusi bengkak..i google oil apa untuk bengkak..keluar info pasal i titis setitik kat jari pastu ratakan kat gusi yg bengkak tu..tak lama pastu mmg xde dah sakit gusi i..Alhamdulillah..atas izin Allah

2. Rosemary + lemon - I tau rosemary ni bagus utk i blend both dlm diffuser..saja letak lemon utk tone down bau rosemary..Alhamdulillah mata i segar bugar boleh stay up mark students' assignment sampai pukul 4.30 pagi..kalau tak i pukul 10.30 dah tido  pastu mmg payah nak bangun pepagi buta

3. Peppermint - Yg ni my mom selalu pakai..mak i ada darah tinggi so bila darah naik, dia rasa tak selesa dlm i titis 1-2 drops of peppermint kat tapak tangan soh mak buat deep breathing..tekup tangan kat hidung..bau je peppermint tu for 1 min or selama mana yg kita nak..asalkan bau tu ada lagi..tak pun lepas bau, boleh sapu2 sikit kat leher or belakang telinga..i titis gak kat tgh2 kepala mak..urut2 sikit..hasilnya, mak i dah kurang sgt rasa sakit kepala tu..esok bangun trus aktif balik..Alhamdulillah.

4. Purification - Anak sedara tetiba naik rashes kat tangan..i nak sapu oil Thieves takut budak tak tahan panas pulak..nak dilute, xde minyak yg i guna Purification coz tak panas..Alhamdulillah juga rashes makin surut..xde la anak sedara i tergaru2 gatal lagi..tapi kitorg still bawa gi klinik gak pastu. Oil ni utk tolong redakan dulu.

5. Lavender - I selalu diffuse untuk tido..mmg sedapppp..kekadang campur dgn cedarwood utk dapatkan deep sleep..memang mcm kena klorofom..tido x sedar dah..rasa nyaman je bilik..lavender ni utk kecantikan pun boleh..titis dlm moisturizer or yg ni i tak penah try lagi.

6. Oregano - Anak sedara batuk2 berkahak tak leh tido..Akak i sapu oregano kat perut ngan belakang badan anak dia..pastu xde dah batuk2 tu..trus anak sedara i bole tido aman2 pastu.  Oregano ni panas sikit tapi berkesan kat anak sedara i.

Ok tu je rasanya setakat ni yg memang i guna dan berkesan..ada byk lagi oils yg i guna tapi yg 6 ni yg guna dan berkesan selain utk tujuan berwangian. Setakat ni i guna brand YL je coz i yakin dgn kualiti oil diorg. Pape pun, guna EO ni hanya ikhtiar..Allah juga yg menyembuhkan

Yang pasal guna diffuser brand lain selain EO, i ada tanya dlm group..diorg ckp diffuser YL ada ultrasonic atomizer yg pecahkan molekul2 oils kepada zarah yg lebih kecil..kalau humidifier oils tu just terapung kat permukaan sayang la coz tak utilized betul2 khasiat EO tu..maaf ye kalau penjelasan i ni tak tepat ke apa..i just summarize apa yg team EO tu ckp..Tapi kalau uols ada info yg lebih tepat, boleh je kongsi

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Post time 26-8-2020 05:36 AM | Show all posts
I guna humidifier instead, tapi ada slot utk letak essential oil.
I guna essential peppermint from muji, lavender dari M&S. Mur2 jer.
Bilik takla kering & berbau wangi jgk..
Diffuser ni keluar water vapour mcm humidifier jgk la kan..


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Post time 1-9-2020 08:50 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Nak beli dffuser, cari yg ultrasonic.. yg mur-mur banyak jual kat lazada shopee.. ada yg tak sampai RM60.. tak silap, yg jenis murah ni lah ada company eo offer diffuser sampai harga ratus2.. korang cari je kat lazada shopee.. tak de beza.. bau jugak eo YL ai.. bab YL ni, dulu ai member.. pas tu menyampah dgn style nak order, terus stop.. tak kuasa nak mengkayakan upline.. dah laaa dulu kalau nak order, postage mahal gila sampai RM21.. last2 jumpa brand Now, sama je eloknya.. beli Now lavender, buat balm & letak kat luka anak, elok je baiknya.. Ai beli jugak IL Puro.. sama je kualiti dgn YL & Now.. pure jugak.. yg penting kena tau source diorg tu dari mana.. kena rajin buat research..

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