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Author: honeybee1802

Kempen penyusuan ibu gagal

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Post time 20-9-2005 03:18 PM | Show all posts
i think it's ok to discuss experience memasing sbb related dgn isu ni jugak kan? lagipun kempen penyusuan ibu tu gagal sebab depa tak enforce hosp swasta encourage menyusu badan.. jadi mungkin discussion ni sampai ke attention org kementerian kesihatan ke.. mana tahu kan

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Post time 21-9-2005 12:05 AM | Show all posts promised...some info on breastfeeding...

...we have to be committed to promoting breastfeeding because of the benefits for both mother and child....

Breastmilk is the best food for your baby as it contains all the nutrition that your baby needs in his first 6 months.

Furthermore, through your milk, your child will acquire the immunity which you have developed against certain illnesses.

More significantly, breastfeeding enhances the bond between you and your baby. Mothers who breastfeed often feel a strong sense of closeness towards their babies and vice versa.

Benefits For The Baby
Complete nutrition
It contains all the nutrients babies need for the first 4 to 6 months of age.

Counters risk of infection
Colostrum, the early milk produced after birth, is rich in antibodies. These antibodies help the baby fight against infections e.g. diarrhoea and respiratory infections. Breastfed babies are also less prone to allergies, colic and constipation.

Comfort and security as your baby feeds from your breast.

Benefits For The Mother
There is no need for bottles, sterilisation or temperature check.

Breastmilk is free of germs and washing your nipples with water once daily is sufficient.

Cost saving
Breastmilk does not cost money and saves you paying for formula feeds.

Contraction of the womb
When baby suckles, this reduces the chance of severe bleeding and speeds up the return of the womb to pre-pregnancy size.

It builds the mother's confidence as she fulfills the child's emotional and physical needs.

Child spacing
Breastfeeding delays the return of menstruation and can help you plan your family if you are fully breastfeeding for the first 6 months.

Risk of breast cancer is reduced in women who breastfeed.

During breastfeeding, calories are used up and the fat stored around the hips and thighs during pregnancy may be lost if a sensible diet is followed.

Preparation For Breastfeeding

You should be prepared physically, mentally and emotionally

Physical preparation



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Post time 21-9-2005 12:31 AM | Show all posts
...bahagian 2...

Tips For Successful Breastfeeding
Your baby's first feed should be as soon as possible after delivery, ideally within the first hour of birth.

Feed your baby according to his needs and allow him to feed for as long as he wants. A healthy baby usually has 8 - 10 feeds in a day or, once every 2 - 3 hours. Total breastfeeding with no supplement helps to establish your milk supply and reduce the chance of engorgement.

Some mothers may experience difficulties in breastfeeding such as attaching their babies or pain in the nipple. These can be reduced by ensuring that your baby is held correctly and attached in the appropriate manner.

Technique Of Attachment When Breastfeeding

The following is a step by step guide to attaching your baby to your breast.

1. Support your baby at your breast level with his body turned on the side and his mouth facing your nipple.

2. Support your breast with 4 fingers below and the thumb by the side, away from the areola.

3. Tease your baby's lower lip with your nipple to get him to open his mouth.

4. Bring your baby to the breast when he opens his mouth wide.

5. Make sure that your baby grasps as much of the areola (the dark ring surrounding the nipple) as possible.

You are holding your baby correctly if you observe the following signs:


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Post time 21-9-2005 12:48 AM | Show all posts
...sambung part 3...:cak:

Expressing Breastmilk
In instances when you are not able to breastfeed your baby directly, you can still provide your baby with breastmilk if you express your milk and store it for use. Expressing helps to initiate and establish lactation when direct feeding is not possible. It also helps to relieve blocked ducts which prevent milk flow.

If your breast is engorged, you may feel some tension around your nipple. Expressing some milk will help to relieve the discomfort and enable your baby to grasp the areola properly.

Ideally, the number of expressions a day should be the same as that of normal breastfeeding. That is, approximately 8 - 10 times a day.

Preparation for Expressing Breastmilk
1. Ensure that the equipment is sterilised before use.
2. Think about your baby to help stimulate milk flow.
3. Adopt a comfortable and relaxed position.

4. Apply a warm towel over your breast to increase circulation.

5. Massage your breast using a circular motion.

6. Stroke your breast in a downward manner, from the top of the breast towards the nipple.

7. Shake your breasts.

Ways Of Expressing Breastmilk
You can choose to express your milk by hand or by using a pump, which you can purchase or rent. You are encouraged to adopt the method that best suits you.

Expressing by hand  

Place your forefinger and thumb at the edge of the areola and press back firmly against your breast. Bring your fingers together and compress the areola using the finger pads.  
You are encouraged to compress your breast following a rhythm when expressing milk.

Expressing by hand pumps  

You are advised to use the piston-type pump, which gives you control over the suction.

Ensure that the flange of the pump is placed over the areola to form a complete seal, as your baby's mouth would when you breastfeed.
Pump continuously for 5 minutes, alternating each breast and massaging your breasts in between.

Each session should not last more than 30 minutes in order not to tire yourself.

Expressing by battery-operated or electric pump

If you choose to use the battery-operated or electric pump, remember to begin with the minimum power before increasing the intensity to the point which you are comfortable with.  

Storing Expresed Breastmilk
Expressed milk can be stored in a separate-door freezer for 3 - 6 months. You can keep it for up to 48 hours in a refrigerator at a temperature of 4 degrees Celsius. Breastmilk can also be left at room temperature (25篊) for up to 4 hours.

When storing expressed milk, always remember to use a sterilised bottle. You should also label all the containers with the date and time of collection. Store the milk in feed size amounts.

Thawing expressed breastmilk
For quick thawing of frozen breastmilk, allow it to stand in warm water for 10 minutes.

Alternatively, you may choose to thaw the milk in the refrigerator. Milk thawed this way can be stored up to 24 hours if placed in the refrigerator.

You should warm the milk by standing it in a bowl of warm water before feeding your baby.

Shake the container before feeding.

Do not boil the milk or warm it in the microwave oven.

Excess milk left in the container after a feed should be discarded. Never refreeze milk that has been thawed.

Transportation Of Breastmilk Carry the bottles of expressed breastmilk in a cooler box with ice packs. Once you reach your destination, transfer the bottles into the refrigerator.


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Post time 21-9-2005 12:54 AM | Show all posts

Sterilisation Of Storage Containers And Breast Pumps
Ensure breast pump, storage container and cap are washed and sterilised before each use. This is important to prevent infection to the baby.

Cleaning the utensils
Wash the breast pump, storage container and cap with soapy water using a brush and rinse thoroughly.  

Method Of Sterilisation

Boiling method
Submerge washed breast pump, storage container, cap and a pair of tongs in a container of clean water. Cover container and allow the water to boil. Let water boil for another 10 minutes.
Allow water to cool after boiling before discarding water form the container. Leave the sterilised utensils cover in the container.  
Wash your hands with soap and water before picking the sterile tongs from the container.  
Use the sterile tongs to remove and assemble the utensils. Avoid touching the inner parts of the breast pump, cap or storage container with your hand.  

Soaking method (chemical sterilisation)
Wash your hands with soap and water.   
Use a plastic container with lid that can hold all the breast pump, storage container and caps. Follow the manufacturer's instructions on the use of the sterilising agent and prepare the solution.  
Submerge washed breast pump, storage container, cap and plastic tongs in the covered container with sterilising solution. Soak all utensils for at least an hour, without adding anything in.  

Wash your hands with soap and water before picking the sterile tongs from the container.  
Use the sterile tongs to remove and assemble the utensils.

Avoid touching the inner parts of the breast pump, cap or storage container with your hand.
Drain utensils well before use.

Remember! After each use, wash and soak utensils again before using.
Change the sterilising solution everyday.  

Working And Breastfeeding
You may adopt one of the following options to continue with breastfeeding while working.

Total breastfeeding
Express your milk while at work so that it may be given to your baby the next day. And you can breastfeed your baby directly when you are with him.

You may start introducing a bottle of expressed milk to your baby at about 4 weeks after birth. Gradually increase the number of expressed milk feeds at about 2 weeks before you start work.

Partial breastfeeding
Give your baby formula milk when you are at work and breastfeed him directly when you are with him.

About 2 weeks before you start work, gradually wean off the breast feeds which you will not be feeding your baby and replace with formula


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Post time 21-9-2005 01:05 AM | Show all posts
cayalah blackmore.. mcm ni la baru kempen sungguh-sungguh :clap:

most yg ko paste tu, ada dlm booklet aku. igt nak kena baca lagi sekali sblom masuk hospital. sudahlah aku sensorang kat sini, nak pegang baby pun dok lepas lagi

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Post time 21-9-2005 01:09 AM | Show all posts
...ok...last one...:cak:

Solutions To Some Problems In Breastfeeding

Sore Nipples
This often occurs when you first start breastfeeding.Nipples may become red and cracked or bleeding. Nipples may be sore until they become accustomed to the baby's sucking. Soreness may also be due to poor positioning, removing baby from breast improperly, not allowing the nipples to dry, irritants such as soap, shampoo, rough clothing, plastic liners in bras, or harsh laundry detergents.To prevent having sore nipples:

1) Ensure your baby is positioned correctly
2) Rotate position of baby when feeding
3) Short frequent feedings
4) Make sure baby has large portion of nipple in mouth, not just the tip
5) Make sure baby's mouth is close to the nipple to avoid pulling on the nipple
6) Air-dry nipples and use Eucerin cream as necessary
7) Nurse on least sore side first
8) Always break suction before removing baby
9) If nipples become cracked or bleeds, apply saline soaks, ice to nipples before feeding, or nipple shields


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Post time 21-9-2005 01:13 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by eyzlyn at 21-9-2005 01:05 AM
cayalah blackmore.. mcm ni la baru kempen sungguh-sungguh :clap:

most yg ko paste tu, ada dlm booklet aku. igt nak kena baca lagi sekali sblom masuk hospital. sudahlah aku sensorang kat sini, na ...
...lermakkkkk...nie kerja senang lah eyzlyn...aku main cut and paste jer...:cak:...eerrr...courtesy from my spital lerrrr....:bgrin:

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Post time 21-9-2005 01:40 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by blackmore at 21-9-2005 01:13 AM
...lermakkkkk...nie kerja senang lah eyzlyn...aku main cut and paste jer...:cak:...eerrr...courtesy from my spital lerrrr....:bgrin:

ko ni doktor ker? blom tido lagi? aku baru balik peknen class, hari ni belajar CPR utk baby, kalau baby chocking ker, demam ker..

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Post time 21-9-2005 02:10 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by eyzlyn at 21-9-2005 01:40 AM
ko ni doktor ker? blom tido lagi? aku baru balik peknen class, hari ni belajar CPR utk baby, kalau baby chocking ker, demam ker..

...eerr...doktor??? bukan...aku nie nasik tambah jer kat sini..:cak: blajar CPR tuk baby ek??...good for u...ok...skarng nak kasik ko pop quiz...eerr...tengok ko ingat tak apa ko blajar tadi...:cak: long does it take before irreversible biological death occur (brain death)??

Q2...what is the first thing that u should do when u find that your baby is not moving??

Q3...what are the ABC of CPR??

...ok...3 jer dulu...bley ingat tak???

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Post time 21-9-2005 02:26 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by blackmore at 21-9-2005 02:10 AM

...eerr...doktor??? bukan...aku nie nasik tambah jer kat sini..:cak: blajar CPR tuk baby ek??...good for u...ok...skarng nak kasik ko pop quiz ...

hahahhaha.. aku tak tahu la.... aku igt satu jer, kalau baby tak gerak, call 911.. dan jgn letak telefon, nanti diaorg blh trace alamat kita dan akan hantar bantuan dgn segera...

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Post time 21-9-2005 02:40 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by eyzlyn at 21-9-2005 02:26 AM

hahahhaha.. aku tak tahu la.... aku igt satu jer, kalau baby tak gerak, call 911.. dan jgn letak telefon, nanti diaorg blh trace alamat kita dan akan hantar bantuan dgn segera... blajar CPR?? mana nie???..lolbgrin:

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Post time 21-9-2005 02:46 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by blackmore at 21-9-2005 02:40 AM blajar CPR?? mana nie???..lolbgrin:

aku ngantuk la tadi.. lagipun dia banyak kasi handout.. yg aku igt camner nak buat kalau baby choking.. kena tepuk kat belakang badan 5 kali, lepas tu pusing balik, tekan guna 2 jari kat dada dia....

kalau nak full CPR punya , kena pi amik course la. tapi tak tahanlah yg tu nak kena bayar lak. yg tadi free jer, tu dia ajar skit-skit..

one more, nak elakkan dari SIDS ( sudden infant death syndrom), masa baby tidur dlm crib tu, jgn letak bantal ker, toy ker, bumper pad ker.. biar dia baring flat jer. sini banyak jugak kes SIDS,

alamak, aku dah teroff topic pulak.. ini cerita fasal penyusuan ibu..


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Post time 21-9-2005 08:30 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ButterCup at 20-9-2005 02:31 PM
mcm I pulak tak tahu kenapa susu tak pernah putus2 ada sampai i terpaksa amik iniative utk putuskan penyusuan badan bila anak i dah menjangkau umor 2 tahun lebih. target 2 tahun tp susah nak hentikan sampai i amik cuti seminggu nak kasi dia biasa dgn susu formula. Selalu pagi2 perah smapi 7 8 botol utk dia. Kat opis pulak bawak pam. Gi mana2 pun i nak nyusukan dia selamba ajer tp kaber ngan towel laa..

wah... beruntungnya u...

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 Author| Post time 21-9-2005 08:48 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by blackmore at 21-9-2005 02:10 AM

...eerr...doktor??? bukan...aku nie nasik tambah jer kat sini..:cak: blajar CPR tuk baby ek??...good for u...ok...skarng nak kasik ko pop quiz ...

CPR?ahaks...dah lamer aku tinggalkan sejak zmn skolah..soklan 2 yg atas..aku cl emergency jek la...yg lat tuh meh aku try yek...
A-airways.make sure there is nothing blocking the airways
C-ape yek?;)
betui ka?
well blackmore nak tanya ah...sama tak benefitsnyer kalo kite bg breastmilk kat todd 2+yr yg dah lamer tak dibreastfed ngan baby aged 0-6mo tuh?:stp:

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Post time 21-9-2005 10:06 AM | Show all posts
Good info blackmore.

A =  Airway
B =  Breathing
C = Circulation

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Post time 21-9-2005 12:15 PM | Show all posts
blakmore leh la aku print input ko kasik tue utk panduan aku bersalin taon depan.

aku vist kwn aku yg baru gave brith (first time mother gaklah cam aku nie) dier cerita mcm nak nangis...dah beberapa hari terai nak susukan baby baby dier cam tak reti reti nak suck the nipple. biler sua mulut kat nipple..dier tak gerak. baby dier cam terkebil2 ajek. aku nak tolong pon tak reti.

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Post time 21-9-2005 12:15 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by honeybee1802 at 21-9-2005 08:48 AM

CPR?ahaks...dah lamer aku tinggalkan sejak zmn skolah..soklan 2 yg atas..aku cl emergency jek la...yg lat tuh meh aku try yek...
A-airways.make sure there is nothing blocking the airways
B-brea ...

...yes...sama benefitsnya...

...C is for circulation...u check for signs of circulation...normal breathing, coughing or movement or pulse...

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Post time 21-9-2005 12:35 PM | Show all posts
kenapalah masa saya mengandungkan anak yg pertama tak jumpa dgn forum nie. mmg betul2 jahil saya pasal BF nie. over confident lak tu bleh BF. so... tak pernah lah buat search ke ape ke.....

dari ape yg saya baca posting kawan2 nie, mmg byk betulnyer kenapa kempen ni gagal. sayalah salah satu ibu yg gagal tu kerana jahil pasal BF. saya tak tau mcm mana nak store milk while i'm working. believe it or not.... saya tak tau langsung pasal adenyer breast pump yg efficient to collect ur milk for storage. pade fikiran saya.... bile kerje, mcm mana nak BF anak. org sekeliling saya, my family my fren semua yg bekerja bleh dikatekan 100% bottlefeed anak dorang. so, saya ingat its a norm. i tot bleh bottlefeed my baby day time and BF at night. rupanyer dgn cara mcm tu, anak saya jadi refuse nak BF dan lastly air susu kering sendiri. bende2 ni takpernah terlintas lam fikiran saya

kempen jer tanpa INFO lengkap yg boleh sampai kpd setiap ibu tak guna jugak. nurse di setiap hospital kerajaan spptnyer diajar to educate kaum ibu. bukan nyer memaksa tanpa memberi penjelasan spt kes cikdee. hospital swasta pon ptt main peranan.

insyaallah my next pregnancy.... i nak total BF my baby. thanx to all kerana mmberikan saya ilmu yg tak ternilai harganyer nie :love:

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Post time 21-9-2005 12:56 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by DUDAensem at 21-9-2005 10:06 AM
Good info blackmore.

A =  Airway
B =  Breathing
C = Circulation

...thank u bro..

... pandai ko...:clap::clap::clap::bgrin:

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