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Author: Cakkkk....aaaa

CUTI HARI MALAYSIA..melampau tak?(edited)

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Post time 27-8-2010 11:45 AM | Show all posts
bagus pe cuti...
asyik nak kejer je, dah aaa gaji sikit...
org negara lain sumer macam2 cuti ada.. ...
sevenoctober Post at 27-8-2010 11:36

Betullah sgt cik seven...i suka you..

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Post time 27-8-2010 11:45 AM | Show all posts
sape la yg tak suka cuti itew....pelik...:re:

ai suka cuti....

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Post time 27-8-2010 11:46 AM | Show all posts
i ske je cuti...

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Post time 27-8-2010 11:47 AM | Show all posts
ok cuti oooo...boleh main ps3 di rumah....

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Post time 27-8-2010 11:49 AM | Show all posts
x kisah, kalu cuti ada masa main dgn anak2, tp kalu x cuti pun ok jer.. bleh datang kerja....

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Post time 27-8-2010 11:50 AM | Show all posts
orang bagi cuti pun complain...bodoh punya orang...

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Post time 27-8-2010 11:56 AM | Show all posts
alah majikan nie berkira sgt......
untunng berkepok2...
bagi org yg keja macam nak mampos secoit jew
masuk poket diorg bertan2.....
apa ler yang nak berkira sgt benda2 cam nie...
tau untung diorg jew... untung org lain??? harammm nampak

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Post time 27-8-2010 11:58 AM | Show all posts
sila tambah lagi public holiday kat malaysia ni ok?
cuti musim panas sbb panas sgt ke..
sbb malam2 aku x boleh tdo, sbb panas sgt...

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Post time 27-8-2010 12:04 PM | Show all posts
16 September.... hari malaysia...
Dah berlambak dah cuti kat Malaysia ni..

Lagi nak tambah?

A ...
Cakkkk....aaaa Post at 27-8-2010 09:51


Result poll kau tu aku dah boleh agak..

Sorry to say lah, MAJORITI orang Malaysia ni malas..tak produktif.
Ada yang produktif, rajin bekerja, tapi amat sedikit.
Aku dah perhatikan trend MC bawak lah dari Johor, N.Sembilan, Selangor..sama aja.

Tengok mentaliti Chinese bekerja macam mana..amat susah nak bercuti walaupun mereka makan gaji.
Aku tak sure observation kat klinik kau mcm mana, tapi ni yg aku perhatikan.

Rata rata yang makan gaji memang suka cuti la..pedulik hapa pasal politik tu semua.. Kutuk najib kutuk jugak..berbakul bakul laki bini tu dikutuk, tapi diberi cuti, ambekkkkkkkkk lah..

Bila kita sebagai majikan kata "malaysia dah terlebih cuti umum', golongan makan gaji akan marah..itu stended..

Tapi kalau luaskan pandangan, kerjas di serata ceruk dunia, hatta makan gaji pun, baru akan sedar betapa melimpah ruahnya public holiday kat Malaysia ni.

Tahun ni OK jatuh 16 Sept hari Khamis...
Bagi pekerja gomen(dan lain2 sektor yg cuti sabtu) yg tak produktif, aku berani jamin hari Jumaat 17 Sept tu masing masing akan kena migraine lah, cirit birit lah, senggugut lah...

Well, bagi yg kerja makan gaji tu, ada pendapat klise macam ni:

"aku kerja teruk2 pun, bukannya gaji aku naik, boss/gomen yg kaya"

Tu kalau semua benda nak dipandang dari aspek keduniaan...ada satu tazkirah pasal ini kat radio IKIM, ustaz ni cakap;

" kerja itu ibadah, kalau kita laksanakan dgn sungguh2, tak menuang, adalah pahala di situ...gaji itu penting, tapi pahala itu yang akan di carry foward ke sana...sama juga dgn menipu MC/menuang...ada lah bahagiannya.."

Aku sendiri kadangkala malu tengok org melayu islam yang dah tua bangka dok menipu MC lagi...
Ingatlah pakcik, duit gaji tu yg disumbat kat mulut anak bini...

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Post time 27-8-2010 12:05 PM | Show all posts
Artikel beza hari merdeka dan hari penyatuan/ kemasukan

In 2008, Najib Tun Razak said this:

    NAJIB: Gov’t does not agree to Sept 16 being made public holiday

    The federal government is not agreeable to the suggestion by Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) advisor Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim that Sept 16 be made a public holiday in the five states under Pakatan Rakyat.

    Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said there should only be one National Day for the country.

    “We have chosen the date as our independence day. Having another date will give rise to all kinds of interpretation, polemic and this is not healthy to national integration.

    “This is our stand; we give importance to unity and national integration,” he told reporters after launching the Chery multi-purpose vehicle here today.

    Malaysia celebrates its National Day on Aug 31 every year.

    Anwar had suggested that Kedah, Penang, Perak, Selangor and Kelantan — all of which are under Pakatan Rakyat — declare Sept 16 each year as a public holiday to commemorate the formation of Malaysia.

    Penang and Kelantan had accepted the proposal while the three other states were still considering it.

Another year has gone by and we Malaysians are still stuck in this polemic of which date is more important to us. Let me put things into perspective.

The US, a country where Anwar is closely affiliated to, had made 4th of July every year to unite the people in celebrating its independence. Many did not know that on the 4th of July 1796, only 13 states of the former American colony gained independence.

The last state, Hawaii, became the 50th state in the US after it joined them on 21st August, 1959.

But did they celebrate their independence day on 21st August every year? No. If they did, that means, the US is only 50 years old. Even younger than Malaysia.

Some say it is more appropriate to put more importance to 16th September as it is more relevant to the nation’s formation as a whole. I tend to disagree.

Independence day is to commemorate the day all of us achieved freedom from our colonial masters. And it is not only the feeling of freedom from the British rule. It also encompassed the sense of liberation from all the centuries of being ruled under the Portuguese and the Dutch as well.

Finally, on that day, we could chart our own future, instead of being told what to do from the powers in Lisbon, Amsterdam and finally, in London. If not for the endless sacrifices made by the people who fought for our freedom, our independence might come much, much later. Perhaps in 1984, like Brunei’s.

You can also ask any Americans why they lay greater importance to 4th of July instead of 21st August and the answer would be along the line of the things I stated above.

To lay greater importance to 16th September over 31st August would greatly diminish the value of work, time and struggle that our forefathers had invested in.

Does Anwar Ibrahim and Pakatan Rakyat prepare to lose that? Is he willing to steal the original independence day from the country?

To make matters worse, they had cleverly disguised this into 1Malaysia concept. Truth be told, integration can only be felt when there is ONE interpretation of what and when is our Independence Day.

This act of thievery which is aimed only to increase confusion and friction among the people towards their own history.

And please bear in mind (and this is super important), without 31st August 1957, there can never be 16th September 1963. Without the grueling hardship and sacrifices of the people in the past to ensure  independence in 1957, there can never be Malaysia as it was in 1963. This is the lesson that needs to be told to the younger generation. A lesson which the despicable opposition and all its portals like Malaysian Insider, Malaysian Today and MalaysiaKini trying hard not to extol to our younger generation.

To them, whatever the forefathers had achieved back then should just be thrown to the dustbin.

We can go to any pro opposition blogs and see the stark difference in how they wish their 31st August. Most of them chose to write condescending articles and criticism about the fate of Malaysia on its 52nd birthday. Can you find any of the pro opposition blogs with articles that have anything good to say about Malaysia on that day? Besides the usual government bashing and how shitty the conditions of their livelihood were, is there anything patriotic we can take away from? Do you love your country more after reading their articles? Or do you resent your country even more? Is the correct patriotic attitude being promoted by those blogs?

I have no qualms if people want to celebrate 16th September as Malaysia Day but to  make it  even grander than 31st August or to disown 31st August completely and make it an orphan is simply an act of treason in my books. Please look at how the US citizens celebrate their Independence Day. They are united in their pride for the country regardless how despicable they find their leaders.

Hawaians, Californians, Texans, New Yorkers etc all see 4th of July as the birth of their country. 50 states come together to celebrate ONE DATE as the uniting factor in the spirit of their patriotism. We only have 13 states and still being thrown into disunity just because a few opposition leaders want to gain some political mileage?

The opposition needs to be responsible in what they are promoting. You will reap what you sow in the future and it may not be to your liking. ... y-and-malaysia-day/

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Post time 27-8-2010 12:16 PM | Show all posts
yerlah, aku pun nak apply gitu

Kalau bagi pekerja yang kerja kat company normal mungkin ta ...
mushroomsup Post at 27-8-2010 11:17

Sama la....
aku pun suka je cuti 16 September tu...sebab banyak cuti umum yang company aku x amik...Wesak Day, Thaipusam, Maulud Nabi, Awal Ramadan, every sabtu....semua kena bila dapat additional public holiday ni..yahuuuuuuuuuuuuuu leh cuti....

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Post time 27-8-2010 12:20 PM | Show all posts
klau bleh dlm 1 thn...setengah tahun cuti...!!

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Post time 27-8-2010 12:25 PM | Show all posts

Result poll kau tu aku dah boleh agak..

Sorry to say lah, MAJORIT ...
RedDevils Post at 27-8-2010 12:04

Kalau tengok cina/jepun kerja mmglah tak ingat cuti.....tapi aku bukan nak jadi macam derang..
sebab derang anggap duit tu tuhan....most of them pun mmg tak ada tuhan duitajelah kat mata derang..takkan kita nak tiru org macam tu kot...tapi daraipada pemerhatian aku..mmg melayu dah ramai tiru sikap-sikap cINA NI..Even lebih lagi..macam kehidupan ni dah tak ada erti selain duit.....esok nak raya pun boleh bukak bisnes lagi......
NAMPAK MACAM PRODUKTIF DAN BAGUS TAPI BILA KITA pandang dari segi lain...buruk sgt rupanya....

Agama pun tak kata kita mesti asyik keroje aje kerojenye....

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Post time 27-8-2010 12:27 PM | Show all posts
Kalau tengok cina/jepun kerja mmglah tak ingat cuti.....tapi aku bukan nak jadi macam derang..
ladyrock Post at 27-8-2010 12:25

Kau tak faham apa yg aku cuba sampaikan rupanya...takpe lah

Cakkkk..aa  pasti faham..

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Post time 27-8-2010 12:28 PM | Show all posts
bos aku kata cuti kat malaysia ni terlalu byk..melampau kata nya..kitaorang area selangor thaipusam & nuzul quran bos suh keje..

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Post time 27-8-2010 12:30 PM | Show all posts
bos aku kata cuti kat malaysia ni terlalu byk..melampau kata nya..kitaorang area selangor thaipusam  ...
matabesar Post at 27-8-2010 12:28

    cuba kau pulak jadik kau semua melayu..agak2 taipusam kau tutup tak

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Post time 27-8-2010 12:30 PM | Show all posts
Kalau tengok cina/jepun kerja mmglah tak ingat cuti.....tapi aku bukan nak jadi macam derang..
ladyrock Post at 27-8-2010 12:25

hehe .. alasan melayu celaka yg tak mo kerja kuat...hehehhehe
kununnya ada life, kununnya ada family..

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Post time 27-8-2010 12:33 PM | Show all posts
hehe .. alasan melayu celaka yg tak mo kerja kuat...hehehhehe
kununnya ada life, kununnya ada fam ...
peYno Post at 27-8-2010 12:30

ko pulak melayu yg desperado  melalak kehulu ke hilir

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Post time 27-8-2010 12:33 PM | Show all posts
hehe .. alasan melayu celaka yg tak mo kerja kuat...hehehhehe
kununnya ada life, kununnya ada fam ...
peYno Post at 27-8-2010 12:30

    Tu la pasal...Bila suruh melayu jadik produktif, terus fikir sampai ke ekstrem....sampai fikir nak tiru cina 100%..sampai fikir malam raya nak kerja..padahal ruang lingkup jadik produktif luas...

Tak menuang dalam kerja pun part of productivity..tak menipu MC pun part of productivity...siapkan kerja tanpa perlu rasuah/sogokan pun part of productivity..

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Post time 27-8-2010 12:35 PM | Show all posts
kalau di bagi cuti...cuti aje la.. ape nak bising nye.. kalau x bagi cuti macam hari ni nuzul quran aku kena keje ..jadi keje je la.. tp triple pay la... klu x.. sape nak keje??  banyak bising ar...

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