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Author: Sephiroth

What's going on in Malaysia (Berita Sensasi)

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 Author| Post time 30-5-2015 06:01 PM | Show all posts
Source : ... icials_1604183.html

Washington: China recently deployed two artillery pieces on one of its artificial islands in the contested South China Sea, US defense officials said on Friday, in an unprecedented move that will heighten suspicion of Beijing`s intentions.

The heavy weapons, since removed, posed no security threat but their positioning -- within range of territory claimed by Vietnam -- underscored Washington`s concerns that China is pursuing a huge island-building project for military purposes, officials said.

The two motorized artillery pieces were spotted on a manmade island about a month ago in the Spratly Islands, a defense official who spoke on condition of anonymity told AFP, citing surveillance imagery.

It is the first time that China has been accused of deploying artillery or other weaponry on their manmade islands in the area.

"We can confirm we have identified some weapons on one of these reclaimed Chinese islands," Pentagon spokesman Colonel Steven Warren told reporters.

"The militarization of these islands is something we`re opposed to."

War is coming to our shores very soon, due to China's stupidity and barbaric attitude. China will not stop there, they will continue to pour military vessels, personals and military weapons which could threanten all the nations surrounding the island - which could include Indochina, Vietnam, Philiphines, Thailand, Sabah, Sarawak and Malaysia.

Question now is what will ASEAN countries do? Is Malaysia ready for war if the need arises to defend the South East Asian countries and its seas?


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 Author| Post time 5-6-2015 02:56 PM | Show all posts
Source : ... uake-002100779.html

KOTA KINABALU, June 5 — A magnitude 6.0 earthquake hit Sabah’s west coast here this morning, with tremors felt all over the state’s capital city here.

According to earthquake watch website, the earthquake’s epicentre was located 14km north of the Ranau, about a two-hour drive over mountain roads from Kota Kinabalu.

Tremors were felt around the city and on Mount Kinabalu at around 7.15am, where it was reported several landslides have occurred.

State Meteorological Department director Abdul Malek Tussin said the earthquake depth was reported at 54km with tremors felt around Ranau, Tambunan, Tuaran, Kota Belud and the interiors.

The tremors left locals in a panicked state, with many fleeing from office and residential high-rise buildings.
“I woke up to the building shaking. You can see the hanging lamps swaying. My neighbours were shouting and ran out of the apartment block in panic,” said one resident.

Last week, there were a disturbing and irritating news about a group of (westerner) mountain climbers who did some mischief on the top of Mt. Kinabalu. According to the report, these Western barbarians climb up the mountain (which is sacred to the locals), stripped naked and post the pictures on social media. While there were outrages from the locals, the government nor the barbarians did nothing more than laugh it off. Well ... who is laughing now?

Some Arabic wannabees, Christians and barbarians alike do not have any respect to the local belief. They laugh it off when people says a mountain is sacred, or the river is sacred and such. They have no respect toward Nature, believing that their ridiculous Arabic god or some dead Roman corpse gives them special rights and privileges over the World. Arrogant pigs.

Now there is a city full of panicked people after a single earthquake, and the mountain is full of a group of 140 plus climbers, all pissing in their pants waiting to be rescued. Padan muka. Disrespect the Mountain and Mother Nature more with your monkey attitude and tomorrow, we may see a Tsunami come and clear the coastline of these pigs and dogs.

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 Author| Post time 8-6-2015 01:41 PM | Show all posts
Source : ... pped-032118352.html

Siblings Lindsey and Danielle Petersen are barred from leaving Malaysia after the duo and eight others posed naked at Mount Kinabalu in Sabah, Canadian news portal reported.
The group were blamed by the local indigenous people for a 5.9-magnitude earthquake that hit Ranau, 20km from the Kinabalu Park two days ago.
The Canadian siblings and three others have been identified by the Malaysian police.
Locals believe the mountain is sacred place where spirits reside after people have passed away, the report said.

Deputy Sabah Chief Minister Joseph Pairin Kitingan was quoted as saying the tourists “showed disrespect to the sacred mountain” by stripping down to pose naked on the morning of May 30, at the 8km mark of the two-day trek up Mount Kinabalu.

News reports said 10 tourists undressed and took photos, which was reported by their protesting guide, according to Malaysian police.
The other three are two Dutch citizens named Eleanor Hawrins and Dylan Thomas, and a German citizen named Stephan Pohlner.

Actually nothing will change even if Police take actions toward this group, because there will always be some other idiots who will come and do the same nonsense in the future. And FYI - this is not the first case in the World. Remember the naked party incident in Penang, I think back in 2012? In Cambodia early this year (around February), similar incident had occurred where few idiots did the same thing (posed naked) and took pictures in front of the Angkor Wat which is the sacred place for the Vietnamese.

Bottomline is this - it is up to the Government to protect these sites from such disgusting behaviors. It is impossible to educated these Westerners about our culture, heritage and belief, as they are barbarians, incapable of understanding such notions. Even if we were to tell them, they could only laugh at our face, believing that we are being superstitious and our requests are nonsense (as if stripping butt naked on top of the mountain is an action done by a civilised or well-mannered person).

Instead, the government should force the tourist groups who bring in these people into the country to register their names (perhaps at the local police station), together with a "gurantoo" (Si Penjamin) who is the tour guide. They should be told strictly about the rules, guidelines and local beliefs on what to do and not to do when they are visiting these places. If they failed to follow these conditions, the guides should turn around and go back to the place he or she come from as their behavior could nullify their agreement (with the guide) about his or her duty. IF they are already on top, the guide should leave them to their fate and if they die, than the guide should not be held responsible as they did not follow their agreed conditions.

Tough measures like this could ensure that fools like these could think twice before stripping down and insult the Spirits on our sacred mountains and places.

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Post time 8-6-2015 03:54 PM | Show all posts
Sephiroth replied at 8-6-2015 01:41 PM
Source :
Actually nothing will change even if Police take actions toward this group, because there will always be some other idiots who will come and do the same nonsense in the future. And FYI - this is not the first case in the World. Remember the naked party incident in Penang, I think back in 2012? In Cambodia early this year (around February), similar incident had occurred where few idiots did the same thing (posed naked) and took pictures in front of the Angkor Wat which is the sacred place for the Vietnamese.
agora live   naked too...any comment??


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Post time 8-6-2015 03:57 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Truth.8 at 8-6-2015 03:58 PM
PS - A note to God :- I am personally suggesting the next one to be one month for flood and a large tsunami from South China Sea. Thank you.

surly your note will be not far none happen ..
mine ? many : tsunami, toranado and recent one  "disaster april 2015" which killed more than 8000 in nepal....

do i need to write another disaster?not now....


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 Author| Post time 8-6-2015 05:11 PM | Show all posts
Source : ... abis-155421770.html

They have weed instead of wine and a “pooh-bah” in place of a pastor who preaches the power of pot to heal the world: Welcome to The First Church of Cannabis.
In May, this Indiana house of worship won the right to light up freely and spread its groovy gospel thanks to a newly awarded nonprofit designation from the Internal Revenue Service.

Because the church has been deemed a charity, donors can deduct gifts made to the church on federal tax returns, and when the cannabis congregation finds a location, it will be eligible for a property tax exemption — even though neither medical nor recreational marijuana is legal in the state of Indiana.

“We don’t want to poison people. We want to see them healthy. And cannabis is the healthiest plant on Earth,” church founder Bill Levin said in an interview with Yahoo News.  

Great ... Only in the West that we could find Church of the Drug-addicts.

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Post time 8-6-2015 06:19 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Truth.8 at 8-6-2015 06:32 PM
Sephiroth replied at 8-6-2015 05:11 PM
Great ... Only in the West that we could find Church of the Drug-addicts.

really? I could says mostly hindus takes  ganja  and worshipping samsu drinking god...such behaviours we can found in hindusim

Why do Aghoris consume marijuana at some holy shrines? How is it linked with spirituality? Can you answer me?


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 Author| Post time 12-6-2015 01:58 PM | Show all posts
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China first made its claim over the islands after World War II which went uncontested until the 1970s. China is in dispute over maritime boundaries with 4 ASEAN members, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and the Philippines. Rising tensions between Beijing and Manila has resulted in both sides accusing the other of violating prior agreements and maritime boundaries.

China’s claim to the Spratly islands is based on the historical evidence. In the eyes of the Chinese authorities, their version of history trumps international law.

The international community has accused China of behaving like an emperor with its unreasonable, aggressive and intimidating stance in the dispute by insisting on bilateral negotiations and refusing to participate in tribunal proceedings. The outcome of this dispute could also have adverse effects on the Tribunal. If it fails to end the dispute or is seen to have no jurisdiction in the case, that could endanger the “authoritative” power of the tribunal.

The ideal outcome is that the tribunal will rule that the resources in the disputed area are to be shared with the Philippines and others regardless of China’s historic claims.
Should the Tribunal not favour China, many suspect that the Chinese will simply not abide with its final decision and suffer the consequences of a diplomatic fallout with its neighbours. By refusing to listen to its allies and neighbours and not complying with international law, the outcome of this dispute could potentially be devastating for all.
I have been carefully monitoring this development for the past few months now. China Communist government actions are nothing short of modern-day invasion, just as it had done in the past, all the way to 300 CE when a Chinese "ambassador" laid seige to the Ancient lands of Champa and took over it illegally. Nothing had changed and with those pathetic pigs we call Chinese, I doubt anything will change as intruding into other people's home seems to be in their genetic nature (being pigs that is). However, that is not why I write this post. So far, I have see two clear danger which is waiting for ASEAN nations ahead.

The first danger :- Despite of having ASEAN group since 1960s (which China is not part of the group), they are divided in approach to deal with China and each seems to try to deal with China individually. Which is a grave mistake. Already, ASEAN failed once and proven itself to be a toothless tiger when it allowed one of its members - Mynmar to link itself with China and continue to abuse its people till recently. In this situation (with the Pig Nation itself), it could be very foolish if any ONE nation in ASEAN group to try deal with China separatedly. This is because China is too strong for any one nation in Asia - economically and by military standards.

Furthermore, I'm very doubtful that Singapore could likely to join ASEAN nations against China, which means ASEAN nations should be wary about Singapore in the future IF and WHEN confrontations does occur. And it WILL - WHY? Because unlike ASEAN nations, China is prepared to go to war. It never cared for its people's safety nor its nation's development enough that it could sit down to discuss this issue. China already made up it's mind that the regions (shown in the map) are its due to some riddiculos history it had cooked up with and it WILL launch military actions.

Furthermore, I'm very doubtful on what Malaysia could do in such situation. Malaysian Government now is a loudmouth busybody who had NO BALLS to solve problems. It doesn't have a stand nor does it have guts enough to remain resolved in its stance. ASEANS should not put too much hope toward Malaysian government and should look for a stronger leader who takes the stand against China - which currently should be Philiphines, Thailand and the Indochina nations which had (directly or indirectly) suffered in hands of China before.

The second danger - the involvement of USA in matters concerning ASEAN.

It could be very foolish if ASEAN nations were to accept USA involvement in this affair, namely because NOTHING USA had done so far had ever resulted in a good ending. In laymen term - everything USA touched turns to $hit.

ASEAN countries should remember USA involvement in Korean wars (in 1950s) which resulted in the country split in half and to this day, at each others' throats. Or the Vietnam war (1964 - 1973) with the same result. Or Afghan wars in 1980s which resulted in the Al Queda fraction we have today and so on. USA have only ONE interest and that is to sell weapons and with the current dangerous situation in ASIA, USA could have the biggest sells of weapons ever - from Japan, Philiphines, Thailand, Indochina, possibly Malaysia and Indonesia. While it is true that USA are bound legally to defend Asia countries like Japan and Philiphines (and its business interest in Singapore), I believe having USA involved here could only worsen the matter.

Furthermore, China is not as strong as it appears. China is very weak and very vurneable and its actions of expanding to other nations' waters are direct proof of this. In my eyes, China is like a big, fat bully who cannot run or catch up with other kids (ASEAN nations). So it resorts to bully and threaning others (especially individual nations). China knows its economy is depends on ASEAN nations and that it is lacking in vital resources for its nation (and its disgusting populations') growth. And like all bullies, China can only grow fat by stealing from others, as what is happening now.

Perhaps the best way to "fight back" at China is not through military actions, but economy actions. By cutting economy ties with China on ALL sectors, ASEAN nations could likely to cause the fat pig to starve and as long as ASEAN nations remain strong, military actions can be deterred and ASEAN could push China back to the hog-hole it had crawl out from.

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 Author| Post time 14-6-2015 12:10 PM | Show all posts
Source : ... urat-100629776.html
Malaysians rallied around gymnast Farah Ann Abdul Hadi after the SEA Games gold medallist was attacked by Muslims for exposing her "aurat".
A full body picture of the 21-year-old in her purple gymnast outfit, which was uploaded on Buletin TV3's Facebook page, along with the caption that the Malay woman has won a gold medal for floor exercise in artistic gymnastic, saw numerous criticism directed at her.

However, there are equally huge number of Malaysians who congratulated her on her win and told her to ignore the hateful comments.
"Congratulations for making the country proud. Don't worry so much about the idiots. You did us all proud," said Hafidz Baharom.
Siti Kassim said she was proud of Farah's achievements and told her to ignore the negativity.
"A big huge congratulations Farah dear! As a mother, I would be proud to have a daughter like you! Ignore those retards who can't see beyond their limited brain capacity! Keep up the good work! We are proud of you!" she said.

Congrulation is in order to Farah Ann Abdul Hadi for winning the Gold medal. She needs only to remember one thing when reading this sort of Arabic-like criticism - her criticisers - they are born USELESS, live a USELESS life and will DIE AS USELESS people. You on the other hand will be remembered as a hero who had made Malaysia proud.

It takes a very small mind (about the size of their testicle - which probably what they use for brains) to look at a women while she is performing her performance in sport arena. I have seen many sport events - whether in TV or in live action to know that one should judge a sportman and women by the performance they have done, NOT by what they are wearing. ONLY a sick person (mentally) could concentrate in looking at the private parts while ignoring the overall performance. VERY sick indeed.

I know because I am a martial artist and had experience fighting (armed and unarmed) battles with both sexes. I remember fighting men and women and hitting them on various parts of the body (including their private parts a few times) and receiving equal amount of blows to my own (private parts). Clothes I wore during these matches are hardly importance, only winning or losing. It is the same here with sportmen. If all they worry is about looking decent, they might as well "bungkus" and balik kampung (go back home).

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Post time 14-6-2015 01:56 PM | Show all posts
looks like someone doesn't know the difference between spiritualism and ignorance
sorry..not implying you sephiroth..

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 Author| Post time 15-6-2015 10:10 AM | Show all posts
skippy replied at 14-6-2015 01:56 PM
looks like someone doesn't know the difference between spiritualism and ignorance
sorry.. ...

Do not feed the trolls and stupid people. It will only encourage them to shoot their mouth more.

This thread is to share news in Malaysia and around the World. NOT to entertain mentally sick people and their delusions.

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 Author| Post time 15-6-2015 01:25 PM | Show all posts
Source : ... hina-000000566.html

The United States should recognize China’s “legitimate concerns” in the West Philippine Sea (South China Sea) to maintain positive military ties between the two countries, a Chinese newspaper said.

In an editorial dated June 11, China Daily admitted that mutual suspicion “runs deep” between the two countries despite improvements in their military exchanges.

“This is especially the case after Washington implemented its ‘pivot to Asia’ strategy in recent years. Washington needs to clarify that its military maneuvers in the Asia-Pacific are not aimed at trying to contain China,” the paper said, referring to the US plan to deploy a majority of its naval fleet to the Pacific.

“It should also recognize China’s legitimate concerns over its territorial integrity in the South China Sea,” it added.
China claims about 90 percent of the West Philippine Sea while the Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia, Vietnam and Taiwan have overlapping claims.

It seems China looking at USA as its biggest threat for military expansion and modern-day invasion of South East Asian seas. It is looking down on ASEAN countries, almost as if the combine mights of all these (five countries - Vietnam, Thailand, Philiphines, Malaysia and Indonesia, among others) were no match for its great military power.

So far, it is good that USA is "being impartial" about the whole affair with China and ASEAN - despite of being the reason why China behave in such manner. Let us not forget that it was USA and its economic boost in late 1990s which actually "encouraged" China's increase in military expansion. As the economy improved, China started to expand to other countries in Asia through economic means and now, to ensure that its economy does not suffer, it is expanding to ASIA through military tactics. So, USA is to blame for China's bold moves today.

USA's impartial policy allows China to remain in a guessing game of what USA could do. China could likely to know that it cannot take military actions against ASEAN nations because USA have economic interest here in Asia (like Singapore) and also bound legally to protect certain countries like Japan and Philiphines. In another word, it is very likely that (like it or not) USA is trapped in a position where it have to send military personals to Asia if China continued with its current arrogant (and pig-headed) ways. And time is not at China's side either. As the expansion continues illegally in those disputed islands, it could be only matter of time before China moves its troops into the region and force a military responses from ASEAN.

Currently, I could see only one choice the ASEAN countries have of now. ASEAN countries should launch an economy sanction toward China - stopping ALL form of business and trade with China for as long as China remain pig-headed in claiming those islands illegally. The faster ASEAN does this, the faster they could retard China's military movement as it could reduce drastically the economy strenght of China. Time is not a factor for ASEAN here because once China complete its illegal bases in those island, next could likely to be military expansion to "force" ASEANS to keep their economic doors open for the fat pig we all know as mainland China.

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Post time 16-6-2015 10:08 AM | Show all posts
Edited by Truth.8 at 16-6-2015 01:08 PM

looks like someone doesn't know the difference between spiritualism and ignorance

that’s my point....does the drug addict issue got anything dowith Christianity? The Bible did not endorsed such teachings but it seems  someone with full  of hatred put up such write up…clearly  his soul need cleaning….
..but we could see in india hindus eating corpse, taking drug etc done by this so called spiritual person…right infront of the     temples...

if you called it ignorance, why no stern action taken to stop such behaviours?


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Post time 16-6-2015 10:11 AM | Show all posts
Edited by Truth.8 at 16-6-2015 12:11 PM
Sephiroth replied at 15-6-2015 10:10 AM
NOT to entertain mentally sick people and their delusions.

oh really? since when this forum which related to      Hindusim turning as political disscussion?  clearly it show you are suffering mental disorders and of course     in full of delusions

oh yes, I left out one....telling to forummer that sending note to God to destroy     we could conclude that the one suffering delusions is YOU            
my humble advise: SEEK HELP

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 Author| Post time 16-6-2015 01:33 PM | Show all posts
Source : ... over-205151187.html

By Matthew Pennington, Associated Press | Associated Press – 6 hours ago
Singapore's Foreign Minister K Shanmugam :-

"If you don't do this deal, what are your levers of power? How integrated are you into the Asian economies?" Shanmugam told the Center for Strategic and International Studies, ahead of meetings with senior administration officials Tuesday. "The choice is a very stark one. Do you want to be part of the region or you want to be out of the region?"

Other participants are Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, and Vietnam.
I like him. He got the issue right on the spot - pushing USA to be more credibile in economic terms and its active role as a trade partner in Asia region.

Since 1990s, it is USA which actually improved China's economic trade tremendously to the point that today, China is a real pain-in-the-@SS toward most (if not all) ASEAN nations. This was done to upset the increasing trade and economic influence Japan and South Korea had toward Asia markets, especially with the shrinking of European market for USA products and services. Not enough with that, India beginning to emerge as a new economic power under the new (no-retard) government of BJP and Narenda Modi. This could mean that within the next few years, India could start to product its own product and services and that could provide Asian countries with cheaper alternative instead of USA and Western products. All these developments shows that USA's grip on Asian market starting to slip.

Maybe USA was hoping China could become its trade partner and seeing how big and fat China is, USA could use China to push USA product (but made in China) into Asian countries. It could be cheaper to produce and market (from China) and China in return could provide slave labor ... ahem ... cheap labor (the same thing) from its overgrown but retarded population of drones which we call Chinese mainland population.

However I don't think USA was thinking that China could resort to military tactics as it did with the islands which it was trying to claim from ASEAN countries, which in return put USA in a bad spot. Now USA have to figure out how to "force" China to get out of ASEAN regions (if possible - peacefully) and at the same time, ensure that ASEAN countries could continue to trade with USA for the future after the blunder USA had made by allowing its trade (since 1990s) empower China to the point of it is strong enough to launch military moves.

It will be interesting to see how USA get out of this mess.

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 Author| Post time 16-6-2015 01:54 PM | Show all posts
Source : ... ious-145700675.html

KUALA LUMPUR, June 15 — A minister today said that the federal government will carry out an in-depth study on Islamic compliance for clothing used for sports and other fields, following criticism over the outfit used by a champion gymnast at the ongoing SEA Games in Singapore.
Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom, in charge of Islamic affairs, said there is no denying that it is the responsibility of Muslims regardless of gender to cover their “aurat”, which roughly translates to parts of the body that should not be publicly exposed.

“We take note of this so it becomes a guide, in whatever field including sports for us to take a more in-depth look at clothing on issues that can taint Islam, including Muslim women,” he said in response to a question when winding up points raised during the 11th Malaysia Plan debate.
PAS’ Rantau Panjang MP Siti Zailah Mohd Yusoff had asked earlier if Putrajaya has looked into enforcing Shariah compliance in all issues that involve Muslims, zooming in on the recent controversy over gymnast Farah Ann Abdul Hadi’s attire during her gold medal performance.

She stressed that the clothing used by female Muslim athletes that expose their aurat clearly went against sharak or Islamic principles and “is very shameful”.
It is bull$hit like this which makes Islam a load of Arabic crap, suitable only to be laughed at and not followed. Matter a fact, I doubt anyone with common sense could follow this nonsense. I really pity some of these Muslim women who strive hard for their country, only to have Arab dogs like Jamil Khir Baharom, Siti Zailah and Perak Mufti busy monitoring how low their skirts and how appropriate their dresses could be. Do you think these three Arabic dogs can do crap for their country as that gymnast (Ms. Farah Ann) did? I doubt that could qualify to become her (Ms. Farah Ann's) slippers, much less her equals.

Only thing shameful here is how these people behave and make a mole hill out of something irrelevant here. It is also going to be shameful because a lot of young people interested in Sports going to stop participating for the nation because these sort of attitude from retards who suppose to be government servants. And the Perak Mufti is another retard - he calls himself man of god but quick to judge on close Farrah Ann's clothes were to her genitals.

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 Author| Post time 16-6-2015 04:06 PM | Show all posts
Source : ... nish-023008215.html

By CHRISTOPHER BODEEN | Associated Press – 29 minutes ago

BEIJING (AP) — China will complete land reclamation projects on its disputed South China Sea territorial claims as planned within days, the Foreign Ministry said Tuesday, in an apparent bid to reassure its neighbors over moves seen as sharpening tensions in the strategically vital region.
However, in a sign that developments were far from over, a statement posted to the ministry's website said China would follow up by building infrastructure to carry out functions ranging from maritime search and rescue to environmental conservation and scientific research.
"It is learned from relevant Chinese competent departments that, as planned, the land reclamation project of China's construction on some stationed islands and reefs of the Nansha Islands will be completed in the upcoming days," the statement said, using the Chinese term for the Spratly islands, which lie at the heart of the South China Sea territorial dispute.

"China is showing that it has its own timetable," Ruan said.
Anyone who thinks that China going to use these artificial islands for anything like scientific research or such nonsense, could likely to be a very stupid person or a mainland Chinese him/herself.

We have to remember, China already tried to put two large guns on the island and backed out ONLY because such actions had ASEAN countries in uproar and its actions had ruffle the feathers of its business partner (the USA). China WILL put troops and military hardware onto the artificial islands in attempt to control South Asian Sea and it will take military actions toward ASEAN which could challenge its military might, just as the Chinese Emperors' in the past had done so. After all, China thinks itself as rulers of Asia even during ancient times.

What worries me is that this spot (the artificial islands) are very close to many of the Asian countries (Indochina, Philiphines, Malaysia, Brunei, Sabah and Sarawak). What stops China from repeating its claims of these lands to belong to China Empire, by giving some bogus historical "evidence" and then continue to invade these lands under a false pretense? Answer - NOTHING. And we should remember - Chinese government is a Communist regime and we (in Asia) have dealt with Communists and their military uprising since 1960s. Matter a fact, one should not forget China's role in encouraging Mynmar Junta regime until recently. Therefore, one should not put too much trust and faith on China and its words.

In another unrelated event :-

Source : ... dent-201206233.html
"I have decided. I am a candidate for president of the United States," he said.
While he is the son and brother of two former presidents, Bush highlighted his own political vision and his two terms as governor of Florida.
Great ... as if two warmongers from Bush family was not enough, we will now have a third Bush family member.

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 Author| Post time 17-6-2015 10:06 AM | Show all posts
Edited by Sephiroth at 17-6-2015 02:57 PM

Source : ... part-084520767.html

Democratic Action Party (DAP) chief Lim Guan Eng said his party would no longer work with the Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party (PAS), with whom the secular DAP has clashed over the latter's calls for strict Islamic law.
" Pakatan Rakyat therefore ceases to exist," Lim said in a statement.

The PAS's youth wing leader, however, said his bloc remained committed to the alliance.
"We are still with Pakatan. The DAP's decision will not dissolve the coalition," Nik Mohamad Abduh Nik Abdul Aziz was quoted saying by The Malaysian Insider news portal.

PKR has not yet made a statement on Pakatan's claimed demise.

Why am I not one bit surprised?

PAS is like an Arabic dog, shaking its tail toward Arab and barks at everything and everyone in order to fullfil its daydream of becoming an Arabic lapdog. DAP is like a Chinese swine - eat and drink everything and anything and willing to live like swine in worldly existence. It is hardly a surprise that dogs and swine could work together toward a common goal.

PKR made a very BIG blunder in allowing PAS into its mixture from the start. These Arabic dogs (PAS) have hidden agenda of converting Malaysia into Taliban state and they had made it clear that this was not a new goal. So why did PKR - which receive a lot of support from non-Muslims, went and kiss the rear end of PAS? Was it a gamble to get Malays to join them? Most likely.

Right now, the blow of DAP rejecting PAS and denounce the Coalitation seems to put pressure in PKR. PKR have to make a decision (and soon) whether it will stand with DAP or with PAS. If it stands with PAS, PKR will alienate non-Muslims' vote in the next election and indirectly paved a way for PAS for implement Hudud (because then PKR will look as if it is indebt to PAS for any wins in the next GE).

However, if it stand with DAP, PKR will look as if it had alienated Muslim voters and will be labelled as a secular and unislamic state by Muslims (especially by Barisan Nasional). PAS will beat the war drum toward Muslims within PKR who could support DAP in removing PAS from the coaliation. And frankly speaking, PAS will be the one loser in the short term here as it was unpopular before it entered coaliation and it will become an unpopular kid once more if both PAS and PKR rejected PAS and its continous daydream of becoming a Taliban country.

So, right now, the crossroads are laid before PKR - what will it choose? DAP or PAS?

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Post time 18-6-2015 01:23 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Truth.8 at 18-6-2015 01:25 PM
Why am I not one bit surprised?

why? because you need  HELP,,,,,,, seek psychiatrist help...if no money...simple,  you can get free to check your mental state:
Free online self-help - Mental health programs -‎   


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 Author| Post time 23-6-2015 10:35 AM | Show all posts
Source : ... told-065800075.html

KUALA LUMPUR, June 22 — Kedah’s state executive councillor in charge of education denied today an accusation against a primary school teacher who allegedly suggested to non-Muslim pupils to drink their own urine to quench their thirst.
Datuk Tajul Urus Mat Zain, who is also assemblyman for Tanjong Dawai where the school is located, claimed that the teacher did not utter the words alleged but did not elaborate, only saying he will be holding a news conference on the matter later.
“It's not true, the teacher did not say that,” he told Malay Mail Online over the phone.

The letter, purportedly from an unnamed group of non-Muslim students, claimed the teacher had uttered the words during the school’s assembly yesterday. The Education Ministry has also directed its Kedah Education Department to investigate the incident, its deputy minister P. Kamalanathan said.

Last year, the headline was non-Muslim students were told to eat inside the toilet. This year, a piece of Arabic $hit got on stage and told non-Muslim students to drink their own urine if they got thirsty. Allegedly it was a joke but no one is laughing. Perhaps we could laugh if the idiot who said it were brought to the road, beaten to a pulp and made to drink from the toilet. Yes, that could be fun to watch.

It is always have been my opinion that Arabic $hits like Muslims are not qualified to be in ANY position which require them to deal with our children. This is also why we're fighting hard to ensure our traditional schools (Tamil and Chinese) are remain open - so our children will not be subjected to such inhumane treatment and end up growing up like Muslim retards.

Perhaps now, Indian and Chinese society could work together in supporting their relative schools which can be administrated and maintained indefinately through public funds (without government support). Maybe then  our children will be save from eyes of these pathetic Arab dogs and could not grow up as weak and supersitious retards.

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