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Hujung bibir kering,merekah dan luka (Angular Cheilitis)

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Post time 26-9-2017 11:55 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Hi...kita nak share pengalaman hujung bibir merekah dan luka pada minggu lepas....semuanya bermula bila waktu pagi,kita dah bangun nak buka mulut nak gosok gigi, area hujung bibir kat dua2 belah tu jadi merekah dan rasa sakit bila nak buka mulut...nak bercakap pun sakit... mula2 ingatkan masalah bibir kering ke kita letak la lipbalm,lip butter kat area corner tu...tak berkesan pastu try letak minyak pula sbb bibir pun dah start kering...bila letak minyak tu seakan2 minyak tu diabsorbed serta merta oleh kulit bibir tu...takde kesan melembapkan langsung...  kita pelik juga la sbb kita minum air kosong secukupnya, takde habit lick bibir yg boleh menyebabkan bibir kering..takde tukar lipstick.....lepas beberapa hari still takde apa2 perubahan..bibir still kering..hujung bibir still luka dan sakit....omg I dah scared kita google la apa benda ni... dapat tahu nama condition ni Angular Cheilitis
Angular cheilitis is a condition that causes red, swollen patches in the corners of your mouth where your lips meet and make an angle. Other names for it are perleche and angular stomatitis. You can get it on one side of your mouth or on both sides at the same time.Your lips can feel dry and uncomfortable. Sometimes your lips and mouth can feel like they’re burning. You also might have a bad taste in your mouth.

standard la bila google akan keluar scary scary findings...huhu...macam angular cheilitis ni, antara sebab boleh jadi ialah due to fungal or bacterial infection,eczema, ada kaitan dgn anemia, cancer, diabetes,immune disorder etc.. pemakai braces juga ada risk nak dapat angular cheilis ni,and yes kita pakai braces tapi dah pakai 3 tahun lebih dan ni first time kena so nah tak mungkin pasal braces......tapi bila kita baca artikel kat website buzzfeed ni,

kat hujung2 artikel tu mention

Other possibilities include contact dermatitis (an allergy to things like food, cosmetics, or toothpaste that sit on the skin around the mouth)
kita terus oh no! toothpaste..yes,kita baru je tukar toothpaste..    kita baru pakai Colgate Optic White Dazzling White sebab kat Guardian ada 50% discount so kita beli la..nak try.....

so kita straight away pergi farmasi beli toothpaste lain...dan dari artikel buzzfeed tu juga ada mention boleh guna nappy rash ointment kat tempat luka supaya luka cepat baik..kita beli nappy rash ointment jenama Bephanten..surprisingly cream ni boleh guna utk benda lain juga..ingatkan utk baby je...huhu

Bepanthen® Antiseptic Cream helps treat cuts and minor wounds.

Supporting the healing of damaged skin, Bepanthen® Antiseptic Cream is an all-purpose antiseptic cream for the effective treatment of cuts, abrasions, scalds, insect bites, stings and sunburn.

Bepanthen® Antiseptic Cream can be used for the gentle and effective care of skin irritations and mothers cracked or damaged nipples* during lactation.

Bepanthen® Antiseptic Cream helps the skin to repair and is suitable to be used on baby's skin.

Waktu malam guna toothpaste yg baru dan letak cream Bephanten ni kat corner bibir tu,esok pagi dah baik luka kita... Alhamdulillah..mcm tak percaya je... seksa sakit kat area corner tu dah takde.... dah boleh buka mulut seluas-luasnya..haha..   

so ya..basically siapa2 yg tiba2 bibir jadi kering dan luka walaupun selalu minum air kosong dan letak lipbalm boleh la try tukar ubat hard to believe that innocent thing like a toothpaste can cause such misery...


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 Author| Post time 26-9-2017 12:00 PM | Show all posts
so far dah 4 barang kita beli  kat Guardians yg ada 50% discount yg mendatangkan dah serik pula nak try benda2 discount over2 ni...

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Post time 26-9-2017 12:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by samisfar at 26-9-2017 12:23 PM

I got it once sakit ya ampun arnd bibir i.....i sapu vaseline oil bkn lotion yng 100% petroleum jelly tu yng colourless
I donno apa yng i allergic sampai bibir i jadi mcm tu!

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Post time 26-9-2017 12:26 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Elle_mujigae replied at 26-9-2017 12:00 PM
so far dah 4 barang kita beli  kat Guardians yg ada 50% discount yg mendatangkan dah s ...

Bole list down 4 brg tu?
So far xpnh lg jd mcm ni..cuma penah jd kehitaman kat area smile lines..pakai krim kes masa form 4@5 dlu

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 Author| Post time 26-9-2017 12:37 PM | Show all posts
samisfar replied at 26-9-2017 12:22 PM
I got it once sakit ya ampun arnd bibir i.....i sapu vaseline oil bkn lotion yng 100% petroleum jell ...

sakit kan..   bibir ada rasa burning sensation pastu bila pegang tekstur macam plastik...scary betul...

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 Author| Post time 26-9-2017 12:39 PM | Show all posts
oh cakap pasal burning sensation, kita ada beli  100% aloe  vera gel pada waktu yg sama..sbb selalu baca aloe vera ni kan nourishing,cooling,moisturizing mcm tu..tapi bila sapu je terus rasa burning sensation cepat2 kita sapu bibir dgn tisu ... tak sesuai...

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 Author| Post time 26-9-2017 12:51 PM | Show all posts
lil_sparky replied at 26-9-2017 12:26 PM
Bole list down 4 brg tu?
So far xpnh lg jd mcm ni..cuma penah jd kehitaman kat area smile lines.. ...

kita beli
  • Hada Labo BB Air BB Cream... -muka berminyak dan jerawat naik
  • Palladio High Intensity Lip Balm.. -bibir kering
  • Colgate Optic White Dazzling Toothpaste.. - angular cheilitis

eh 3 je..rasa tadi macam dah try 4 barang...


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 Author| Post time 26-9-2017 12:55 PM | Show all posts
sekarang pakai ubat gigi jenama Splat..beli kat Caring pharmacy... ubat gigi ni kurang buih so I guess sebab itu ia tak mengeringkan area bibir..


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Post time 26-9-2017 06:26 PM | Show all posts
hai elle..
nak menyibuk gak..
kite pon ada masalah bibir kering, minum air bergelen2 pon x de function.
abes kite koyak2 bibir kita. dah jadi habit, tangan x boleh dok diam.
dah try vaseline petroleum jelly, innisfree lip treatment and lip scrub, pon x berkesan.
makin kering ade la.
pkai lipstick utk moisturize bibir pon xde function..same je.aishhh
is it because my toothpaste? nak kna tukar la gitu.

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Post time 26-9-2017 06:31 PM | Show all posts
Elle_mujigae replied at 26-9-2017 12:39 PM
oh cakap pasal burning sensation, kita ada beli  100% aloe  vera gel pada waktu yg sama..sbb selalu  ...

the same thing happened to me. tapi x la yg 100% tu, kite pny yg 92%
apply kat lips,same je..kering jgak.
apply kat muka, trus jadi merah2 pedih.
tapi kawan kite pkai, trus muka licin, jerawat xde, parut pon hilang.
agaknya ikot jenis kulit muka jgak kot..

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 Author| Post time 27-9-2017 02:43 AM | Show all posts
Edited by Elle_mujigae at 27-9-2017 03:11 AM
shogun77 replied at 26-9-2017 06:26 PM
hai elle..
nak menyibuk gak..
kite pon ada masalah bibir kering, minum air bergelen2 pon x de func ...

hi shogun! woot woot...

bila baca part koyak bibir tu somehow boleh terasa pedih kat bibir..adui... nak makan makanan pedas tak boleh kan...>.<

dah serious tu masalah bibir kering shogun... boleh cuba try tukar ubat gigi...pilih ubat gigi yg kurang buih...kurang buih tu maknanya concentration SLS kurang sbb kita pernah buka thread pasal kandungan dalam bahan kosmetik... . SLS ni can be an irritant kalau concentration dia tinggi like 2%  dan pada orang yg low tolerant pada kandungan SLS ni--->weols la tu..sob sob.....  

yg ubat gigi Colgate kita pakai hari tu, ada SLS..  yg ubat gigi sekarang (Splat) pun ada adik beradik SLS juga, Sodium Coco Sulphate tapi bezanya ubat gigi Colgate tu banyak buih...lepas guna rasa gigi bersih sgt..yg ubat gigi sekarang sgt kurang buih..sampai I letak banyak sbb kurang buih rasa tak bersih pula...haha..

Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) is a common ingredient found in soaps and shampoos. SLS is a detergent, which means it does a good job of breaking up oil and grease. It's also the substance that makes soap get frothy when you rub it on your body.
If you have the suspicion that washing your face is making your skin dry, or that shampooing is giving you an itchy scalp or making your eyes sting, or that cleaning your teeth is giving you mouth ulcers, sodium lauryl sulfate is the likely culprit. In studies, there are “significant correlations” (in the words of one) between SLS and contact dermatitis. The Journal of the American College of Toxicology says that it has “a degenerative effect on the cell membranes because of its protein denaturing properties”. The Journal adds that “high levels of skin penetration may occur at even low use concentration.


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 Author| Post time 27-9-2017 02:58 AM | Show all posts
Edited by Elle_mujigae at 27-9-2017 03:00 AM
shogun77 replied at 26-9-2017 06:31 PM
the same thing happened to me. tapi x la yg 100% tu, kite pny yg 92%
apply kat lips,same je..keri ...

yup..memang ikut kulit...kulit kita berdua tak sesuai pakai produk aloe vera ni nampaknya...huhu.....

utk pelembap bibir sekarang kita guna Moogoo Cow Lick Lipbalm... kita ada banyak lipbalm dan lip butter tapi satu pun tak berkesan bila kena masalah bibir kering minggu lepas..bila pakai takde apa2 kesan pun...   lipbalm Moocow ni baru pakai 2 hari dah ada nampak kesan positif...berkesan...

so basically apa kita buat;

  • tukar ubat gigi ke yg kurang buih
  • kalau ada luka kat corner bibir, rawat luka dengan Bepanthen..yg ni kita pakai sekali je.. secoet dah baik luka...
  • pakai lipbalm Moocow utk rawat bibir kering

so now tinggal nak scrub bibir je utk muluskan balik bibir...boleh dikatakan kita dah pulih sepenuhnya masalah bibir kering dan luka ni..dah boleh pakai lipstick..yeay..


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 Author| Post time 27-9-2017 03:04 AM | Show all posts
eh Moocow pula..Moogoo la...   

kita beli kat Carings Pharmacy... ada beberapa jenis juga..strawberry, honey,SPF  tapi kita pilih yg Cow Lick ni sbb baca ingredients mcm ini yg paling melembapkan...


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Post time 27-9-2017 09:31 PM | Show all posts

woot woot backyes mmg pedih, nak mkan favourite food pon susah, tu la kan sape sruh tgn x reti dok diam.
exactly!, mmg serious thap kekeringan lips ni.  kalau ok, ok.tapi most of the time,
mmg lips ni x ok. nak pkai yg lipstick pon x boleh. kena coating dgn vaseline dlu, baru pkai yg lipstick tpi still mcm tu jgk.

kite pon rasa mcm tu, x da buih x da feel nak berus gigi. rasa x bersih.
tapi kite pernah try yg zact pny toothpaste tu, konon nak putihkan gigi.
sekali je try, trus padankan muka sendiri,

jadi hitam kat tepi lips but now dh back to normal.

soon boleh la kite try splat pulak ke kodomo lion ke.

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Post time 27-9-2017 09:46 PM | Show all posts
Elle_mujigae replied at 27-9-2017 02:58 AM
yup..memang ikut kulit...kulit kita berdua tak sesuai pakai produk aloe vera ni nampaknya...huhu.. ...

tu la, kulit kite mmg sensitive sgt. mostly cleanser kat drugstore smua x boleh pkai.kena pkai yg organic i thought boleh la pkai aloe vera tu, sudahnya hmmm..

soon kite try moogoo plak. pernah try sekali, yg kawan punya
btollllll..lips balm tu dh mcm2 jenis, still didnt work well..

susah jgk kan.


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 Author| Post time 28-9-2017 01:07 AM | Show all posts
shogun77 replied at 27-9-2017 09:31 PM
woot woot backyes mmg pedih, nak mkan favourite food pon susah, tu la kan sape sruh tgn  ...

haha..sama la..kita beli Colgate optic white tu pun sbb konon2 dah nak buka braces ni so dah boleh pakai whitening toothpaste utk putihkan gigi..last2 habis bibir kita kering dibuatnya... tapi Zact tu lagi scary effect dia..siap lebamkan bibir dibuatnya...  nasib baik dah pulih...
Insyaallah boleh baik tu bibir shogun...try dulu alternatives lain.. kodomo lion pun kodomo lion la...haha...janji bibir tak kering..luka luka...

kat Carings Pharmacy banyak pilihan ubat gigi selain dari Colgate dan Darlie...

hari tu masa beli Splat, kita nampak moisturizing toothpaste ni..kita dah plan kalau Splat ni tak okay kita akan beli yg ni but Alhamdulillah guna Splat pun dah okay...


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Post time 3-10-2017 06:23 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Cantiknya avvy mod. Mod ke tu

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 Author| Post time 4-10-2017 08:55 PM | Show all posts
evlinne replied at 3-10-2017 06:23 PM
Cantiknya avvy mod. Mod ke tu

eh tak la..avvy ni bukan kita...haha...kita biasa2 je...

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Post time 4-10-2017 09:34 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
I rasa u tak boleh pakai toothpaste yg ada SLS... kebanyakan toothpaste ada SLS yg boleh sebabkan kulit kering

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Post time 9-10-2017 02:06 PM | Show all posts
hello elle.
kite x tukar ubat gigi lagi, tapi kite ade try nivea care n colour for the chapped lips ni.
it works wonders!!
im truly happy.hilang satu masalah.

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