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Slipped / Herniated Disk - Kehamilan dan effection

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Post time 24-8-2005 02:02 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Saya nak tau laa pada yg ariff bab2 kehamilan ni...
sebenarnya saya plan nak mengandung tapi sekarang ni saya risau nak mengandung sbb saya mengalami sleep disc (tulang belakang). Jadi ada apa2 efect tak klau saya mengandung nati. maksud saya dan pada baby...
Sekarang ni kalau saya sakit saya still makan ubat .. tapi fisioterapi saya dah lama tak pergi...
Untuk pengetahuan kawan2 saya pernah mengandung dan gugur awal thn ni  ... masa tu kandungan saya baru 6 minggu.. tapi saya selamat tak perlu buat D & C. sbb doktor check dah kosong kandungan tu...
Harap dapat laa membantu saya ni sbb saya plan bulan depan nak mengandung....
tapi hati takut2 jerr ni...

[ Last edited by DARSITA at 29-8-2005 07:16 AM ]



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drmnh This user has been deleted
Post time 25-8-2005 06:49 PM | Show all posts

Prolapsed Intervertebral Disc or Slipped disc

Nasihat professional saya sebelum mengandung pi fisio dulu to strengthen your back muscles to prepare for pregnancy sebab masa mengandung pain killers kecuali Panadol tidak dibenarkan. Kemungkinan besar mengandung takkan memudaratkan slipped disctapi lebih baik bersedia dgn mulukan semula senaman belakang tu.



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Post time 29-8-2005 08:52 AM | Show all posts


the adoption of lordotic? lordosis curvature i think is quite a normal thing is not it?

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Post time 29-8-2005 11:28 PM | Show all posts
What Cause It
- Neck or back injury is the most common cause.
- Weak muscles, obesity, or a sedentary lifestyle may put uneven stress on the spine and cause a slipped disk.
- Herniated disks are more prevalent among men under age 45. Risk increases again among the elderly, owing to disk degeneration

- Back or neck pain that worsens with movement, ciughing, sneezing or straining.
- Pain that radient from the spine down the arm or leg
- Pain, tingling, or numbness in the buttocks, a leg (sciatica), or an arm, usually on one side.
- Back pain not relieved by over-the-counter pain relievers.

- Bend and lift objects from knee, not the waist. DO NOT strain to lift things that are too heavy.
- Avoid activities that require sudden twisting movements, such as golf and tennis.
- Follow a program of moderate, regular exercise to strengthen back and abdominal musles.
- Lose weight if you are overweight.

- Restricting activity by lying flat for a few days may help relieve symptoms. Avoid activities such as lifting or pushing that aggravate symptoms.
- Ice or heat packs should be used for pain. Muscle relaxants and anti-inflammatories may be prescribed.

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Post time 6-3-2006 09:53 AM | Show all posts
Jumpa pun thread nie.

Liz nak tanya. Ramai kawan2 di office mengalami slipped disk.

Now sudah 4 org.

Mmg doctor kata ramai dar company nie mengalami slipped disk.

Apa sebab2nya yer.
Adakah kerana duduk teerlalu lama.. kedudukan kerusi dan PC tidak betull?

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Post time 6-3-2006 10:26 AM | Show all posts
fuyoooo..awat ramai tuh mix?your company must do something la..maybe change the chair n table so that more comfortable.kat company kite pun ada sorang..but dia neh dr kasik dr kecik tulang dia abnormal sket.last year g kursus ngan NIOSH pun ada sebut hal nih..kite igt sempoi2 jek sakit2 blakang nih..

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Post time 14-7-2006 01:42 PM | Show all posts
Hernia mengenali dan merawatnya

Penonjolan organ ini boleh berlaku ke dalam dan dikenali sebagai hernia internal atau penonjolan keluar, dikenali sebagai external hernia (dapat dilihat).

Mengenai sebab-sebab ia berlaku pula, ia dapat dibahagikan kepada sebab kecacatan lahir (kongenital) dan kecacatan yang diperolehi (acquired).

Abdomen ialah kawasan yang terletak di antara diafragma iaitu di sempadan bawah tulang rusuk dan tulang punggung.

Diafragma memisahkan ruang toraks dan abdomen.

Hernia internal boleh berlaku dalam abdomen itu sendiri atau melalui lubang dalam diafragma.

Manakala hernia external berlaku melalui kecacatan atau 'lubang' pada dinding abdomen sama ada di hadapan atau belakang. Hernia external biasanya dapat dilihat dan dirasai oleh pesakit.

Untuk kefahaman yang lebih mendalam perbincangan akan dilakukan di bawah tajuk hernia yang berkenaan.

Hernia Diafragma:

Biasanya hernia ini berlaku pada kanak-kanak yang baru lahir dan ia merupakan kecacatan lahir. Terdapat lubang di diafragma dan usus sama ada usus kecil atau besar boleh masuk ke dalam ruang toraks dan menyebabkan kesesakan nafas.

Limpa juga boleh masuk ke dalam ruang toraks. Keadaan ini mudah dikenali selepas melihat gambar x-ray dada.

Keadaan ini juga boleh berlaku apabila diafragma terkoyak selepas kemalangan yang menyebabkan peningkatan tekanan dalam abdomen.

Rawatan pembedahan boleh mengatasi keadaan demikian dengan cara menutup lubang di diafragma tersebut.

Hernia 'Inguinal' Tidak Terus (Indirect Inguinal Hernia):

Pembengkakan boleh berlaku di pangkal kemaluan (groin) sama ada pada lelaki atau perempuan.

Bengkak disebabkan sama ada usus kecil, usus besar, sekum (caecum) atau pundi kencing telah masuk ke dalam terowong inguinal di mana terdapatnya salur air mani yang dikenali sebagai spermatic cord pada lelaki.

Pada wanita terowong inguinal hanya dipenuhi dengan ligamen lebar. Bengkak boleh merebak ke kerandut buah lelaki atau bibir kemaluan wanita. Ia boleh berlaku pada semua peringkat umur.

Keadaan ini memerlukan rawatan segera kerana khuatir organ dalam akan tersekat dalam terowong inguinal dan menyebabkan kematian bahagian organ terlibat.

Melalui pembedahan, sarung hernia ditutup dan dinding belakang terowong diperkuat dengan menggunakan tali tangsi atau linen.

Hernia Terus (Direct Hernia):

Bengkak boleh berlaku di bahagian atas pangkal kemaluan disebabkan kelemahan pada dinding abdomen di kawasan segitiga.

Bengkak ini tidak menjalar ke kemaluan sebaliknya berada di atas kemaluan.

Penyakit ini berlaku pada orang dewasa dan disebabkan oleh penggunaan otot abdomen secara berlebihan.

Hernia Pangkal Paha (Hernia Femoral):

Bengkak di pangkal paha lebih kerap berlaku di kalangan wanita dan selalunya keadaan ini disalah tafsir sebagai pembengkakan kelenjar limpa.

Sebahagian dinding usus sama ada kecil atau besar boleh terlekat dalam terowong 'femoral' dan boleh menyebabkan kematian bahagian organ terlibat.

Keadaan ini memerlukan rawatan pembedahan segera kerana kebarangkalian usus terlepas sendiri adalah tipis sekali.

Hernia Pusat:

Bengkak boleh berlaku di parut bekas tali pusat atau di sekitarnya apabila usus atau omentum termasuk dalam lubang hernia tersebut.

Pusat akan nampak membonjol keluar dan kadangkala berwarna kebiruan.

Keadaan ini juga memerlukan rawatan secara pembedahan kerana dikhuatiri usus atau omentum akan terlekat di dalam hernia tersebut.

Hernia Epigastrik: Hernia boleh terjadi akibat kegagalan percantuman tisu rektus di kawasan antara ulu hati dan pusat. Lubang yang terjadi boleh berupa lubang yang kecil sahaja ataupun besar.

Lubang ini akan memerangkap tisu lemak dan boleh menyebabkan kesakitan. Rawatan pembedahan adalah perlu untuk menutup lubang tersebut.

Hernia Insisional:

Hernia jenis ini terjadi selepas pesakit menjalani pembedahan sama ada pembedahan biasa atau pembedahan cesarian. Keadaan ini senang berlaku apabila menjalani aktiviti fizikal sebelum luka sembuh atau terdapatnya jangkitan kuman pada luka tersebut.

Pesakit akan mendapati parut bedah akan melebar dan menonjol terutama ketika mengangkat barang.

Jika hernia melibatkan seluruh parut bedah, 'lubang' hernia biasanya besar dan tidak berbahaya. Apabila 'lubang' hernia itu kecil dan dalam, kemungkinan usus terperangkap adalah tinggi.

Sakit Di Ulu Hati:

Salah satu sebab simptom 'gastrik' ialah berlakunya kemasukan sempadan esofagus dan perut ke dalam ruang toraks. Perut boleh masuk ke toraks secara menggulung (rolling hernia) atau menggelongsor (sliding hernia).

Apabila keadaan ini terjadi, asid hidroklorik dan perut akan terbebas ke dalam esofagus menyebabkan hakisan dan memberikan kesakitan seperti sakit gastritis (gastrik).


Budaya orang Melayu, apabila berlaku kesakitan hernia seperti dalam penerangan di atas, benda pertama yang selalu disebut ialah penyakit angin.

Bomoh akan cepat-cepat mengesahkan ini penyakit banyak angin.

Sebenarnya ini tidak betul dan keputusan yang demikian akan mendorong pesakit hernia untuk tidak mendapatkan rawatan dan menanggung kesakitan tersebut selamanya.


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A380 This user has been deleted
Post time 14-7-2006 01:59 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Syd at 14-7-2006 01:42 PM
Hernia mengenali dan merawatnya

Penonjolan organ ini boleh berlaku ke dalam dan dikenali sebagai hernia internal atau penonjolan keluar, dikenali sebagai external hernia (dapat dilihat).

Meng ...

In my opinion, this is more to hernia atau sakit angin pasang. Takde kena mengena dgn slipped disc atau herniated disc.

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A380 This user has been deleted
Post time 14-7-2006 02:09 PM | Show all posts

Herniated disc or "slipped" disc

What is a Herniated Disc?
Herniation of the nucleus pulposus (HNP) occurs when the nucleus pulposus (gel-like substance) breaks through the anulus fibrosus (tire-like structure) of an intervertebral disc (spinal shock absorber).

A herniated disc occurs most often in the lumbar region of the spine especially at the L4-L5 and L5-S1 levels (L = Lumbar, S = Sacral). This is because the lumbar spine carries most of the body's weight. People between the ages of 30 and 50 appear to be vulnerable because the elasticity and water content of the nucleus decreases with age.

The progression to an actual HNP varies from slow to sudden onset of symptoms. There are four stages: (1) disc protrusion (2) prolapsed disc (3) disc extrusion (4) sequestered disc. Stages 1 and 2 are referred to as incomplete, where 3 and 4 are complete herniations. Pain resulting from herniation may be combined with a radiculopathy, which means neurological deficit. The deficit may include sensory changes (i.e. tingling, numbness) and/or motor changes (i.e. weakness, reflex loss). These changes are caused by nerve compression created by pressure from interior disc material.

Progression of Herniated Disc

The extremities affected are dependent upon the vertebral level at which the HNP occurred. Consider the following examples:

Cervical - Pain in the neck, shoulders, and arms
Thoracic - Pain radiates into the chest
Lumbar - Pain extends into the buttocks, thighs, legs

Cauda Equina Syndrome occurs from a central disc herniation and is serious requiring immediate surgical intervention. The symptoms include bilateral leg pain, loss of perianal sensation (anus), paralysis of the bladder, and weakness of the anal sphincter.

Diagnosis of a Herniated Disc
The spine is examined with the patient laying down and standing. Due to muscle spasm, a loss of normal spinal curvature may be noted. Radicular pain (inflammation of a spinal nerve) may increase when pressure is applied to the affected spinal level.

A Lasegue test, also known as Straight-leg Raising Test, is performed. The patient lies down, the knee is extended, and the hip is flexed. If pain is aggravated or produced, it is an indication the lower lumbosacral nerve roots are inflamed.

Other neurological tests are performed to determine loss of sensation and/or motor function. Abnormal reflexes are noted as these changes may indicate the location of the herniation.

Radiographs are helpful, but Computed Axial Tomography (CAT) or Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) provides more detail. The MRI is the best method enabling the physician to see the soft spinal tissues unseen in a conventional x-ray.

The findings from the examination and tests are compared to make a proper diagnosis. This includes determining the location of the herniation so treatment options can be reviewed with the patient.

[ Last edited by  A380 at 14-7-2006 02:12 PM ]



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A380 This user has been deleted
Post time 14-7-2006 02:13 PM | Show all posts
What is Sciatica?

The sciatic nerve is a large nerve which comes from your lower back and travels down the back of your legs and then branches out to your feet. It allows you to feel sensations and move muscles in your legs. Sciatica is where inflammation or pressure from the back causes the sciatic nerve to become painful. Sometimes, the function of the nerve can become impaired resulting in weakness or pins and needles. Sciatica can be present with or without backache and can send pain down the back of your leg.

Why might it happen in pregnancy?

Contrary to popular belief, there is no evidence to suggest that sciatica is caused by anything specifically related to pregnancy. Pregnancy related changes can cause pelvic pain and back ache, but not sciatica. The majority of women who think they have sciatica during pregnancy actually have a condition known as Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP). Sciatica is not caused by the baby pressing on a nerve. In younger people, it is often caused by damage to a disc leading to inflammation around the nerve or direct pressure from a prolapsed or 'slipped' disc. In older people, it may be due to compression from a ligament or bone. Neither of these situations occur more frequently in pregnancy and the chances are that if you do have sciatica during pregnancy, it would have come on whether you were pregnant or not.

If you think, or have been told, that you have sciatica, read our Pelvic Girdle Pain article to see if this describes your symptoms more accurately.

What are the symptoms?

The pain of sciatica can be shooting, burning or you may experience pins and needles or numbness. It may come and go, often affects just one side and can occasionally be so severe that every movement is excruciating. You may experience lower back pain, pain at the back of the thigh, a pain that extends down the back of the leg to the foot, a burning or tingling sensation in your leg, numbness or pins and needles in your leg or foot. The pain may just be in small patches or affect larger areas.
According to the charity Back Care, half of people will recover within six weeks and only one in every hundred referred to an out-patients clinic will require surgery to relieve sciatica.

How is it treated?

See your GP or midwife and ask to be referred to a physiotherapist who specialises in women's health. To find one near you, contact the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Women's Health. Your physiotherapist may use manual therapy if your back is found to be stiff and in some cases may use manipulation.
She will probably give you a pregnancy support belt to wear, which fits underneath your bump and relieves pressure on your spine. You will also be given exercises to help strengthen your pelvic floor, abdominal muscles and back.
Anti-inflammatory drugs (such as aspirin or ibuprofen) will help relieve pain if sciatica continues after your baby is born, but shouldn't be taken in pregnancy. Steroid injections can also be given after the birth to relieve pain.
Other therapies that may be useful include osteopathy and chiropractic, but it is essential that you see a registered practitioner who is experienced in treating pregnant women.
In extreme cases (and not during pregnancy), pressure on the sciatic nerve may need to be treated with spinal surgery to remove part of the prolapsed disc and stop it pressing on the nerve.

Self-help tips

• Applying a heat or an ice pack to the painful area for ten minutes can provide relief and is safe in pregnancy.
• Wearing flat, soft shoes may help prevent jarring of the spine when you walk, however, some women find that wearing shoes with a bit of heel helps their back pain. Ask your physiotherapist for advice.
• Keep mobile and avoid sitting still for long periods.
• Listen to your body and stop doing whatever is causing you pain.
• Watch your posture and try to keep your back as straight as possible. When seated use a small bolster cushion or a rolled up towel behind your back to support the spine.
• Use pillows and cushions to support your bump in bed.
• Avoid heavy lifting -- if you do have to lift anything, always bend from your knees and keep your back straight.

During and after the birth

The positions you can adopt during labour may be limited by your sciatica, so ask your physiotherapist for advice. Using a birthing pool can be helpful as movements may feel easier.
With any back condition, it is important to look after your posture. When breastfeeding, sit on a straight-backed chair, raise your baby to breast height with a pillow or cushion and keep your feet flat on the floor. Try to change your baby on a changing station rather than on the floor. When you lift your baby, keep your back straight, bend your knees and avoid twisting movements.
Ask your physiotherapist about exercise classes that you can join to improve your general fitness, strength and flexibility. This will help to avoid your problem becoming longstanding.

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A380 This user has been deleted
Post time 14-7-2006 02:18 PM | Show all posts
Going for your physio regularly would be best apart from practising the correct way of getting up from bed, gentle streching exercises, and the works. Tht's the only way u can strengthen your back muscle as well as manage the pain. This is a condition where you cannot eliminate all together, but more towards pain management.

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Chippo This user has been deleted
Post time 14-7-2006 10:59 PM | Show all posts
Syd, u have confused between Hernia and a herniated Disc.

Anywa, let me speak from Experience. I suffered from a Intervetebrae Prolapsed Disc or Herniated Disc or more commonly known as slipped disc since 1987. It was an old Rugby Injury. Used to go for physio and other forms of therapies although it helped but not much though.

Seriously, the only other way is to do traction, i mean not that lousy traction that ur therapists recommend you for like 1 hour or 2 hours a week, but seriously get tied to the bed and continuous traction for a couple of days. Cuma bukak bila nak makan atau pi bilik air. Only that helps. I am telling u this from experience.

I know the pain from PID, its like crazy, u can cry esp when the disc compresses ur nerves and u get Sciatica. No Joking matter. I have searched the whole web for a solution but nothing much is available.

Then in 1991, i got involved in an accident, a race on my bike that did not end well. I had a fractured left femur, my disc completely herniated, i had groin injuries and also very bad internal injuries. Yes i survived but I had to go for a micro disectomy. It was the 1st ever procedure back then in Spore. I was the 1st one to go thru it. I had a prolapse at L4 & L5 of mu Lumbar Disc.

Since then, I have got my PID 3 times again, the remainder can slip out again. Well one was from a simple cough and the other a diving accident, I sliped and fell with the dive tank on my back. That was back. Admitted a few times again. Never considered another surgery. Anyway, Chiropractors als help alot. There are many people who have solved their PID with Chiropractors, but u need a very good one and Chiropractors are expensive if u can afford one.

However there is a new procedure now for Slipped Disc, its a minor Day surgery where they use laser and cut off the protruding disc. The incision is also so small that you can hardly see it. You can infact walk home after the surgery and only need to rest for a week before going back to work. This procedure is now available for people suffering from Prolapsed Disc.



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Post time 14-7-2006 11:14 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Syd at 14-7-2006 01:42 PM
Hernia mengenali dan merawatnya

Penonjolan organ ini boleh berlaku ke dalam dan dikenali sebagai hernia internal atau penonjolan keluar, dikenali sebagai external hernia (dapat dilihat).

Meng ...

...eerrr...good effort sis...tapi...salah channel lerrr...hernia ngan herniated disc nie is 2 totally different issues...heh:love:

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Post time 15-7-2006 01:37 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Syd at 14-7-2006 01:42 PM
Hernia mengenali dan merawatnya

Penonjolan organ ini boleh berlaku ke dalam dan dikenali sebagai hernia internal atau penonjolan keluar, dikenali sebagai external hernia (dapat dilihat).

Meng ...

hernia bukan slipped disc.. ye.. jangan confuse


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Post time 15-7-2006 01:43 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by cats75 at 24-8-2005 02:02 PM
Saya nak tau laa pada yg ariff bab2 kehamilan ni...
sebenarnya saya plan nak mengandung tapi sekarang ni saya risau nak mengandung sbb saya mengalami sleep disc (tulang belakang). Jadi ada apa2 e ...

errr si cats75  ni dah selamat bersalin agaknya.... postni dah dari tahun lepas la..;)

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