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Tolong : Kanser Rahim
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Saya baru disahkan menghidapi kanser rahim tapi masih lagi di peringkat awal.Minta tolong kalau ada sesiapa mempunyai pengalaman menghadapinya. |
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Originally posted by club64 at 24-9-2005 05:32 AM
Saya baru disahkan menghidapi kanser rahim tapi masih lagi di peringkat awal.Minta tolong kalau ada sesiapa mempunyai pengalaman menghadapinya.
tumpang sedih,harap tabah menghadapinya, anda buat pap smear kah???apa tanda penyakit tu ye... |
Originally posted by club64 at 24-9-2005 05:32 AM
Saya baru disahkan menghidapi kanser rahim tapi masih lagi di peringkat awal.Minta tolong kalau ada sesiapa mempunyai pengalaman menghadapinya.
...untuk kanser rahim...walaupon diperingkat awal...the mainstay treatment would be to remove your entire uterus and ovaries...and may or may not include some of the lymph nodes at your pelvic treatment will depend on the histological results...kiv chemo...kiv radiation therapy...kiv chemo + radiation...or if u are lucky...u dont need any of those...
...tak de personal pengalaman...tapi...tell me what u need to noe...kalau bley always here most of the! |
Kanser apa tu....???
boleh bagi nama specific sikit.....ikut apa yg doctor U cakap laa...???.....selalunya diaorang boleh guess what type of cancer that they are dealing with....
different cancer behave mode of tx juga berbeza.... |
naiza, saya buat pap smear tiap tahun, n early this year,my mens. cycle not quite regular (prolonged period).So, doc send me for ultrasound, they just cannot detect.Last 2 month buat lagi ultrasound + masukkan camera dlm womb pun tak jumpa apa2.Until, last Sept 8th they send to D & C.Oh! ya, in the meantime tu, my period still heavy with passing a blood clot. According to my doc. the moment she saw my blood pattern she alread suspect something just went wrong so then she hantar sample to the path. lab. Just last Tuesday I dapat tau that I had a - endometrial cancer(one of the uterine cancer). So, this Tuesday saya ada appt. with the Cancer Agency to discuss & decide which treatment is the best for me.1 thing for sure they will remove my whole womb.Say nak menangis pun dah tak airmata.saya memang beruntung husband very supportive, anak2 pun terima, kawan2 sekeliling pun terlalu banyak memberi sokongan & semangat.And saya tahu setelah 5 hari ni saya bertambah kuat & yakin utk melawan cancer ini.Saya memang redha dan percaya pada qada' & qadar. |
Originally posted by Cakkkk....aaaa at 24-9-2005 08:44 PM
Kanser apa tu....???
boleh bagi nama specific sikit.....ikut apa yg doctor U cakap laa...???.....selalunya diaorang boleh guess what type of cancer that they are dealing with....
different ca ...
...lehhhh???...Cakkk....aaaa....kang aku cubit pipi ko baru ko tau!!...kan si club tu dah cakap kanser rahim...dah cukup specific dah tu...kalau dalam bahasa inggeris dipanggil uterine cancer... cancer treatment...slalunya diorang tak main the guessing game...they cant afford to guess...treatment is specifically planned based on the histological report... |
Exactly. Many thanks blackmore. It's seem to me you know a lots.I had a few question in my mind actually, but I think I wait un-til my meeting with that Cancer Agency.You know what the more I get info about this penyakit the more I sakit perut. Bukan nak ingat2kan sangat sakit tu tapi kdg2 bila terlintas di fikiran tu yg jadi sebak dada.Berat mata memandang berat lagi badan I yg memikulnya.
[ Last edited by club64 at 24-9-2005 12:45 PM ] |
Originally posted by blackmore at 24-9-2005 11:32 PM
...lehhhh???...Cakkk....aaaa....kang aku cubit pipi ko baru ko tau!!...kan si club tu dah cakap kanser rahim...dah cukup specific dah tu...kalau dalam bahasa inggeris d ...
Laaaa....cubit pulak...
Dah intro diapun dua ayat aje.....dia tak katapun dah buat investigation ke idak...dah hantar specimen ke lab ke idak....So sebelum particular Dr tu teruskan dengan further investigation for sure dia kena ada a few working diagnosis (educated guessing i mean)..... post diatas berdasarkan apa yg thread owner tulis....and I dont want to jump into any conclusion...
That's why I tanya...want to know how far she know about her probs...and it seems to me that the doctor have told her everything regarding the treatment and further mx...
So nampaknya owner thread berminat utk tahu personal experience dari org2 yg telah mengalaminya(kalau ada) a support group..... |
Originally posted by club64 at 25-9-2005 03:43 AM
Exactly. Many thanks blackmore. It's seem to me you know a lots.I had a few question in my mind actually, but I think I wait un-til my meeting with that Cancer Agency.You know what the more I get ...
I feel sorry for U too.....:cry::cry:
Dealing with cancer is tough.......the word cancer itself invoke certain degree of fear among us...What more if you have one!!...
You're lucky enough to have your spouse and the whole family giving full support financially and emotionally......And a good medical system that able to detect and offer U the best possible treatment...
The best way to relieve your fear and negative perception is by engaging into the support group....Large hospital usually has a pool of cancer patients who already undergo treatment and they might hand U invaluable info and experince in dealing with cancer....U might not be able to talk to endometrial ca pt...but other ca pt can help too....
Like to know more after you've seen your sp.... |
Originally posted by club64 at 25-9-2005 03:43 AM
Exactly. Many thanks blackmore. It's seem to me you know a lots.I had a few question in my mind actually, but I think I wait un-til my meeting with that Cancer Agency.You know what the more I get ... hal...whenever u are here... |
Originally posted by Cakkkk....aaaa at 25-9-2005 11:42 AM
Laaaa....cubit pulak...
Dah intro diapun dua ayat aje.....dia tak katapun dah buat investigation ke idak...dah hantar specimen ke lab ke idak....So sebelum particular Dr tu teruskan dengan ...
...ok...ok...points noted... |
Originally posted by Cakkkk....aaaa at 25-9-2005 03:16 PM
hehehe.....tak keje ke ari ni SIS????
ff:ff: 2 hari...:bgrin: |
actually i'm in British Colombia,Canada.Tuesday ni saya ada appointment with BC Cancer Agency.Disana nanti saya akan ditentukan apa treatment that I should get, removing the whole womb it's definately.Well. wish me luck!! |
aisey..jauhnyer,,..if it is the best for u,then go for it.u r very fortunate to have all supports around u good luck! |
Thank u so much honeybee.... |
kalau boleh i nak tanya..aper tanda2 awal yang u raser...i nak tahu gak..cause my mom selalu sakit kat bahagian perut...dulu sebelah jer..sekarang dah dua2 belah...dah 2 kali masuk kamera ..tapi tak nampak aper2...sedih i tengok my mom...kalau boleh i nak tahu simptom aper yg u alami... |
tanda2 awal yg i rasa (yg confirm) ialah my prolonged period.awal tahun ni i mula perasan yg bleeding tu lama dan too heavy with passing a blood clot.selalu tu sampai 10 hari berhenti 2 atau 3 hari period semula.back pain pun ada tapi i tak pasti itu symptomnya until i go to the website which explained everything about this disease.( i noticed that i had a few symptom yg di sebutkan dlm website tu.tapi i memang tak ada rasa sakit perut even until now.berapa umur mother u?kalau ikut kata my doc, umur macam i ni (below 40's)memang jarang sekali kena uterus kanser ni.tapi dah nak kena nak buat macamana.Tuhan sahaja yg tahu apa yg i rasakan.kadang2 tu bila i dapat menulis dlm forum sebegini berkongsi cerita i memang rasa lega.lupa sekejap sakit kat dalam ni... |
Originally posted by ros_merah at 27-9-2005 09:41 AM
kalau boleh i nak tanya..aper tanda2 awal yang u raser...i nak tahu gak..cause my mom selalu sakit kat bahagian perut...dulu sebelah jer..sekarang dah dua2 belah...dah 2 kali masuk kamera ..tapi ta ...
...the very most common sign of ca uterus nie is abnormal per vaginal bleeding...usually...kalau wanita tu dah putus haid...then she experiences pv bleeding again...she has to see her dr could not necessarily be cancerous...but...if it is...immediate treatment can be initiated...and chances of detecting the tumor early is better...
...for ca uterus...most of the time the women do not complained of abdominal pain...but...if your mum always complaining of abdominal discomfort and pain...she should see her dr again and have some investigations done...for eg...perhaps a pelvic ultrasound to rule out any other gynae ca...such as ca ovary....which often has symptoms of abd pain...discomfort which most women would just brush it aside thinking that it was just an indigestion....u said your mum had a scope done...what kind of scope was that???..if it was just putting a scope into the might not be able to tell whether the ovaries are healthy looking or to elaborate??... |
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