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Sebiji bola boleh...
menghimpun dunia
Sebutir bom boleh...
menghancur dunia. |
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A ball vs. a bomb...
A ball can tarnish relationship,
A bomb can perish relationship. |
ff:FORZA ITALY:pmuka:
[ Last edited by seribulan at 17-6-2006 10:21 AM ] |
Ni hao,
Sebiji bola di mainkan didalam ruangnya yang tersendiri - menghimpun aksi, drama dan emosi manusia dalam satu bentuk yang teratur. Konflik yang dikawal - tanpa menumpahkan darah (emmm...ada sesetengah kes yang ekstrim tapi itu kerana nafsu yang tak terkawal) Para pemain dan pesertanya - terikat pada undang-undang dan tertib perlawanan, dikukuhkan lagi dengan semangat kesukanan. Terkuak sedikit untuk ruang manipulasi - wang, konflik kuasa dan sebagainya. Tapi, itu semua hakikat hidup bukan? Yang menang dijulang, yang kalah tetap tenang malah berazam untuk kembali memberi saingan...
Sebiji, sebutir atau sebuah bom - alat pemusnah segala pengharapan dan segala benda yang baik. Memanupulasi ketakutan, kemarahan membuak - makhluk yang bernama manusia. Kerana peperangan itu dosa yang paling besar kepada semua kemanusiaan. Lebih dari sekadar mencedera dan membunuh, ia memberi parut yang berkekalan kepada sesiapapun. Yang hidup terseksa dengan kepedihan, kehilangan harta benda dan orang tersayang. Belum dikira lagi dendam yang memakan diri, membakar terus rasa ihsan dan kasih sesama makhluk. Tubuh mereka hidup tapi hati mereka sudah mati. Diledakkan dengan dentuman dan desingan yang amat dasyat, dari sebiji bom...
Ah...apakan daya, ironisnya sebiji bola dan sebutir bom. Kalaulah semua konflik didunia ini mampu diselesaikan diatas padang yang menghijau, dibereskan oleh 22 orang diantara dua penjuru yang bertentangan.
tangtut1:jeling: |
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dgn sebijik bola kita telah lupa ada sebijik bom meletup kat iraq yg mana membunuh ramai umat manusia.....kita bersorak dgn sebijik bola sedang kita tak bersedih dgn sebijik bom yg membawa sejuta luka...... |
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sebiji bola eratkan persahabatan dikala sebiji bom merobek kekeluargaan. |
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Bola itu tanda persahabatan
Bom itu tanda permusuhan
walaupun bulatnya sama, tapi kegunaan berbeza |
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On top of that, 9/11: Conspiracy Theorists Run Amok...history repeating itself?
The Oklahoma history?
New York Magazine, 3/27/2006, Validates 'A Real 9/11 Commission' Two 9/11 Foundation Truths
Does New York Magazine writer Mark Jacobson realize that his March 27, 2006 article "9/11: Conspiracy Theorists Run Amok" proved the 9/11 assertions he thought he disproved?
Tuckahoe, NY (PRWEB) March 27, 2006 -- While author Paul J. Landis was preparing this press release for his updated book "A Real 9/11 Commission", (ISBN 0-9760408-1-6, April 2005; US $14.35, UK, ? 9.4,, New York Magazine, March 27, 2006 news stand date, published an article: "9/11: Conspiracy Theorists Run Amok" by Mark Jacobson. The result of this article however, is to validate the Two 9/11 foundation truths as determined by participants in "A Real 9/11 Commission". The Two 9/11 Foundation Truths are: (1) No 757 hit the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, and (2) "Demolition charges" brought down the NYC Twin Towers, not the airplanes that hit them.
The plane that Bush told us hit the Pentagon isn? seen in any photographs. Some ask if it existed at all.
How does an article "9/11: Conspiracy Theorists Run Amok" do this wonderful service of revealing significant 9/11 truths to its readers and American citizens? Perhaps because even if Mr. Jacobson believed his title as he wrote his article and prepared the interview information, the truth, show in dramatic pictures, evidence, demanded to be known.
Is a picture still worth a thousand words? and can a picture dispel a thousand lies"? Yes, says author Landis, and "A Real 9/11 Commission" uses evidence to explain how.
On the bottom middle of pages 28 and 29 of "9/11: Conspiracy Theorists Run Amok" there are pictures before and with the explosion outside the Pentagon on the morning of 9/11/2001. The caption reads, "The plane that Bush told us hit the Pentagon isn? seen in any photographs. Some ask if it existed at all." "Bush told us" added by author Paul Landis.
The fact is, a 60 ton, 156 foot long 757 could not have been the cause of the explosion and not be in this explosion picture. A 757 is twice as long as the Pentagon is high. See "A Real 9/11 Commission" page 28.
In his section 10: Disinformation, Jacobson reports, "Talk came to a halt, however, with the mention of whether it was American Airlines Flight 77 that hit the Pentagon 9/11." Jacobson then mentions Thierry Meyssan and his "Hunt the Boeing site" that asserts a 757 did not hit the Pentagon.
Jacobson continues: "But there are problems, such as many eyewitnesses who saw a plane flying low near the Pentagon shortly before impact".
Sloppy reasoning? asks author Landis. If spectators report a low flying "plane", they saw a low flying plane. Did they see a 757 or a "low flying plane"? Either way, the facts are: no 757 could have made the explosion and not be in the picture, and of the many pictures at the Pentagon after the explosion, including the one now on the cover of "A Real 9/11 Commission", none show any Evidence of a 757. Period. Flying low near the pentagon and not hitting the Pentagon is a possibility Jacobson and others in his article apparently did not or choose not to, consider.
Tragically, Landis asks, "This elaborate media fairy tale was ready to be used by the Bush administration to protect what actually happened to the real hijacked 757. Doesn? that provide evidence that they did indeed know these events were planned? And aren? Bush and Cheney the ones from whom Americans need to demand an answer to the question: ?here is the 757 that was hijacked and what happened to the passengers??"
Also on pages 28 and 29 there are pictures of the NYC Towers "collapse". The caption page 28 upper left, "the speed at which the towers came down ?uggests controlled demolition..". On page 29 upper right, the caption asks if a "puff of smoke" below the symmetrical exploding structure, "could be evidence of an internal explosion consistent with controlled demolition"?
Landis suggests the reader visualize what the appearance of the "natural" collapse of the towers might look like, compared with the enormous energy, the symmetrical quality of the "explosive" collapse and recall that there are pictures of thousand pound steel beams are seen horizontally "shot like arrows" into nearby buildings". Also, "large sections of the North Tower? outer steel framework weigh hundreds of tons joined together. Where did the huge amount of energy come from to eject them roughly 600 feet, two football fields, through the air into the rooftop of the Winter garden?" ("911 Eyewitness", Richard A Siegel,
Mr. Siegel also has captured the "sounds" and "timings" of the demolition charges that brought down the NYC Towers, including Magnitude 2.1 and 2.3 Richter scale explosions seventeen seconds before the collapse starts!
As Landis suggests we look at the Iraq war as a symptom, not the disease. The same is suggested as we look at the tragic events of September 11, 2001. The ?isease" Landis suggests Americans must "cure", remove, is the non-US constitution of Bush, Cheney and others: The Project for the New American Century (PNAC). This "project " calls for a "new Pearl Harbor" to scare Americans so that "project" supporters can create an Empire, USA. See "A Real 9/11 Commission" Pages 44 to 46.
"A 757 did not hit the Pentagon," Landis says. "The towers did not collapse from natural forces, Bush just failed to tell us they were demolished. As long as Americans permit their negligent Congress to leave the PNAC Tyrants in power, there will be more 9/11?, continued War in Iraq, continued use of Depleted Uranium, actions against Iran and more drastic erosion of the US Constitution and our civil rights."
The above referenced New York Magazine article is available at:
The Constitution of Bush and Cheney is NOT the Constitution of the United States! |
bola leh jadi alat utk perdamaian, juga alat utk memulakan peperangan |
grugals This user has been deleted
bola juga kadang kala boleh jadi punca pulak kadang kala pencetus kemerdekaan..walaupun ada kehancuran sebelumnya |
Ni hao : )
I nak tambah sedikit lagi - walaupun berbeza dari segi tujuan, lapangan dan medan skop yang berbeza - kedua-duanya berkongsi satu persamaan. Sebiji bola ataupun sebutir bom - mampu 'membulatkan' tekad, niat dan usaha pelakunya untuk mencapai sesuatu, iaitu - Kemenangan...
Zai qian,
tangtut1 |
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Persamaan : 1. Kedua-duanya adalah bulat
2. Bila dijatuhkan, semua orang terpekik terlolong
Perbezaan : 1. Bom orang tak suka, bola orang suka
2. Bom meleraikan orang, bola menghimpunkan orang
Tapi, sedarkah kita bahawa akibat yang dibawa oleh ke dua-dua ni adalah sama! Fikir-fikirkanlah... |
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Edited by seribulan at 15-1-2018 05:07 PM
forza Italia
From 5 December 2017 to 31 January 2018 (12:00 MSK), you can apply for 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia™ Tickets. Ticket Applicants may submit their Ticket Application at any time throughout the respective Random Selection Draw Sales Period, without any preference given in respect of the date of the submission. Click here to apply!
1. Sebiji bola boleh menyatukan umat manusia bila mana stadium dan kedai mamak penuh dgn ummah x kira pangkat,bangsa dan agama utk menyokong pasukan bola sepak pilihan masing2.
2. Sebiji bom boleh menyebabkan dunia huru hara, berperang dan manusia hidup dalam ketakutan dan merasa tidak aman. |
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Edited by hiswife at 21-1-2018 10:48 AM
Be like a ball. The harder people push you down, the higher you bounce back- just like a ball. And the world will see you... at your highest.
Dont be like a bomb. The moment people drop you, you explode. You destroy everything around you. And you're gone with all the dust.
So be cool yeah. No matter how hard people push you down. No matter how low people drop you. Always bounce back, high like a ball |
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bola-kalau salah tendang terlepas dari gol...
bom-salah campak or xsalah campak,,tetap meletus n bersepai kepala otak... |
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Fwd- Tukar topik sat 😃👇🏽
Antara *PERLAWANAN WORLD CUP 2018 YANG BEST* untuk di tonton *Waktu Malaysia* bersama Keluarga tersayang :-)
14 Jun Pembukaan *(Malam Takbir Raya)* - Russia vs Arab Saudi ( 11malam)
15 Jun *(Raya Pertama)*
Mesir vs Uruguay (8malam)
16 Jun *(Raya Kedua)*
France vs Aussie (6petang)
Argentina vs Iceland (9malam)
17 Jun *(Raya Ketiga)*
Germany vs Mexico (11malam)
18 Jun *(Raya Keempat)*
d vs S.Korea (8malam)
Belgium vs Panama (11malam)
19 Jun *(Raya Kelima)*
Colombia vs Japan(8malam)
20 Jun *(Raya Keenam)*
Portugal vs Moroco (8malam)
Uruguay vs Arab Saudi (11malam)
21 Jun *(Raya Ketujuh)*
France vs Peru (11malam)
22 Jun *(Raya Kelapan)*
Brazil vs Costa Rica (8malam)
23 Jun *(Raya Kesembilan)*
Belgium vs Tunisia (8malam)
24 Jun *(Raya Kesepuluh)*
England vs Panama (8malam)
Japan vs Senegal (11malam)
25 Jun *(Raya Kesebelas)*
Arab Saudi vs Mesir (10malam)
Uruguay vs Russia (10malam)
26 Jun *(Raya Keduabelas)*
Denmark vs France (10malam)
27 Jun *(Raya Ketigabelas)*
Germany vs S.Korea (10malam)
28 Jun (Raya 14)
JDT vs Mexico(845 pm)
*Raya Tahun 2018 tak perlu plan berjalan Raya* 😂😂
Sebiji bola mengubah nasib anak jalanan dari fakir ke legenda cth Pele, Maradona..sebiji bola juga menjadi sebab bangsawan Brunei bisa sepasukan dgn anak marhaen dr Afrika. Sebutir bom juga tak mengenal bangsa atau kasta, tapi tujuannya tidak lain, hanya menghantar mangsa ke kuburan. |
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Category: Belia & Informasi