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Patutkah Saya Menjalani Pembedahan?
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Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera.
Pada 23/02/06 yang lalu saya telah menjalani suatu pembedahan memasukkan besi untuk menampung tulang bahu kiri saya yang patah. Doktor menyarankan supaya selepas tempoh setahun, besi itu dikeluarkan semula bagi mengelakkan sebarang komplikasi sekiranya apa2 kemalangan terjadi kepada saya.
Buat masa ini, saya tidak mengalami sebarang masalah besar dengan keadaan bahu saya sekarang i.e. ada besi di dalamnya. 燙uma kadangkala saya terasa lenguh jika melakukan kerja |
Kalau biarkan besi tu kat situ pun ok gak...tapi takut kena sambar petir pulak. Orang lelaki more prone kena sambar petir kalau nak banding ngan pompuan. |
xtau nak kata pe... tp takutnya asik kena bedah camtu.... kalu dia bedah lg buang besi tu nanti dia tukar besi lain ke.... |
More review please..
Nak set appointment dgn doktor ni..
Reply #5 freekey's post
ooo camtu.....
semoga selamat segala....... |
mistygurl This user has been deleted
Rasanya lebih baik awk buat pembedahan buang besi tu la.... |
Kalau kehadhiran besi dan skru tu membuat you rasa tak selesa...lebih baik buang...lagipun tulang tu dah cantum dan cukup kuat. |
...i would suggest u ikut what the dr has advised u...dia yang masukkan implant tu...dia jugak tau when he should have them removed... |
Originally posted by freekey at 26-1-2007 01:49 AM
Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera.
Pada 23/02/06 yang lalu saya telah menjalani suatu pembedahan memasukkan besi untuk menampung tulang bahu kiri saya yang patah. Doktor menyarankan supaya s ...
dear freekey..
dalam hal ni kene tengok pros and cons.. yg mana lebih berat yg tu kene pilih..
the best is always .. talk to yr surgeon yg buat that operation..surely he knows better why he wants the besi removed after a year... and let him know about yr financial prob too ..
let him see you beyond that prob of yr bahu..
if i were you... i would remove them sebab
1) the screw yg tersembul... if the skin above it breaks.. ada potential dapat infection which can travel down to the bone..
2)kalau teraccident sekali lagi (na'uzubillah).. that besi boleh bengkok..and this is again a potential hazard to the surrouding organs and tissues
3).. cosmetic.. i wouldnt want my husband ...get distracted by the screw on my bahu.. |
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Originally posted by rebas at 26-1-2007 04:18 PM
dear freekey..
dalam hal ni kene tengok pros and cons.. yg mana lebih berat yg tu kene pilih..
the best is always .. talk to yr surgeon yg buat that operation..sure ...
2)kalau teraccident sekali lagi (na'uzubillah).. that besi boleh bengkok..and this is again a potential hazard to the surrouding organs and tissues
Thanks rebas for your thoughtfull comments.. :hatdown:
Actually yg sy highlightkan warna biru tulah reason yang doktor tu bagi.. Dia cakap nanti kalau eksiden lagi.. mungkin ada masalah.. Ermm..
Pasal reason yg last tu.. ehehe.. Best per.. Saya suka kalau ada tangan yg lembut usap2 bahu sy yg ada skru tu.. sedap sangat rasanya,... :love: Saya selalu suruh anak sedara saya buat mcm tu once in a while.. :love:
Originally posted by blackmore at 26-1-2007 03:52 PM
...i would suggest u ikut what the dr has advised u...dia yang masukkan implant tu...dia jugak tau when he should have them removed...
Tp kan blackmore.. I have a thought that the hospital is taking advantage of me i.e. making more money... :nyorok:
In fact, some suspicious things happen masa aku eksiden tu.. Actually tulang rusuk kiri bahagian belakang aku pun patah gak.. Masa memula tu.. doktor tu kata (the surgeon himself) cakap takda apa2.. those broken ribs will heal by themselves.. Pastu alih2 dua hari pastu.. Dia cakap tulang rusuk aku tu terkena paru2 lak... dia takut jd pneumonia.. So terpaksalah tebung lubang kat dada aku utk elakkan penumonia tu.. Ermmm.. rasa mcm suspicious sgt..
Sebab aku pun tak rasa mcm ada masalah pernafasan masa tu..燬o..營爃ave燼爐hought爐hat燿oktor2爐u燽erpakat爑tk燿ptkan燿uit爈ebih...燤entang2lah爇ita爊i爐ak爐ahu燼pa爇an..
Ermm.. so camner eh.. Actually.. this is a different story..
Pasal keluarkan besi tu citer lain..
Originally posted by zerozone at 26-1-2007 03:17 PM
Kalau kehadhiran besi dan skru tu membuat you rasa tak selesa...lebih baik buang...lagipun tulang tu dah cantum dan cukup kuat.
Actually rasa tak selesa tu minimal sangat..
Saya takut lepas operation nanti jd lain lak..
Pastu perkara2 yg sy tak suka pasal operation ni...
1. Saya kena tanggalkan semua pakaian.. |
Originally posted by BabyFarid at 27-1-2007 12:21 AM
alamak seramnyer.. tapi baby rasa kalau tak selesa better kuarkan ajer.. u dah kawen lom?.. bukan aper.. kot kesan jangka panjang takut ader impaction lain plak.. tapi kalau u rasa curios... aper ...
kene refer gak ngan u nyer admin kot2 tak cover..
Thanks for your response.
That's another issue.. is there a possibility this operation is not covered by the company??
Originally posted by freekey at 26-1-2007 16:40
Tp kan blackmore.. I have a thought that the hospital is taking advantage of me i.e. making more money... :nyorok:
In fact, some suspicious things happen masa aku eksiden tu.. Actually tulan ...
...kalau ko rasa2 2nd opinion...tengok what that ortho surgeon cakap...
...the thing about fracture ribs yang membuat ortho surgeons worried is the fact that it has potential to cause injury to your lungs...the broken bones can puncture your lungs causing your lungs to collapse (pneumothorax)...
...seriously...aku tak pikir yang dr ko tu nak perform unneccessary procedure to u......bersangka baik beb...kita pi kat mereka tuk merawat kita dan membetulkan mana2 yang patut...have more trust in them....jangan ingat dorang nak makan duit kita jer...yang penting...kesihatan kita...
Originally posted by freekey at 26-1-2007 16:44
Pastu perkara2 yg sy tak suka pasal operation ni...
1. Saya kena tanggalkan semua pakaian.. hanya boleh sarung baju operation je.. :malu:
2. Immediate after operation tu rasa lemah sangat... banyak muntah2.. teruk sangat rasa..
3. Nanti jenuh nak tunggu luka kat bahu tu sembuh,... arghhhh... Meaning I will have a second cut on my shoulder!! :kant:
...standard procedure lah dear...apa2 op pon...mana2 negeri ko pi pon...once ko dah nak kena op...pakaian semua kena tanggal...nie semua tuk memudahkan or facilitate surgery...
...tang muntah2 dan feeling weak tu...normal lerr...after effect of anaesthesia... |
Originally posted by freekey at 27-1-2007 00:59
Thanks for your response.
That's another issue.. is there a possibility this operation is not covered by the company??
http://planet. ...
...tentang cost operasi nie...ko pi check ngan HR ko tang your medical sure u are entitled to hospitalisation benefits kan???...
...another thing yang aku nak highlight is that u have to have some form of insurance coverage also...
...tak bley nak bergantung pada majikan jer tuk cover your hospital bills...cos they have certain limits of coverage... have to have at least one insurance plan yang bley cover your hospitalisation needs...
...ko bley pi kat thread nie for further details and info...>>>click sini<<<
Reply #1 freekey's post
: freekey
Aku tak tahu pun ko pernah patah tulang bahu
Kesian ko freekey... :cry:
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