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cara2 membeli minyak wangi

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Post time 16-2-2007 12:06 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
wa nak tanya la pendapat korang, wa baru2 ni beli minyak wangi ( takde la baru sebelum raya hari tu ) tapi sekrang bila wa pakai wa rasa hidung wa gatal la, dan beberapa org pun ckp bau dia keras.....( minyak wangi jenama Mont blanc individuel )

wa tak pandai sgt beli minyak wangi nie, selalu yg beli kan minyak wangi kat wa, mak cik wa, mak wa, dan peminat2 wa ( he..he.. )

cuma tahun lepas wa dah habis minyak wangi tu la yg wa gi beli sendiri tu,

tapi bila org pompuan beli perfume, best plak bau dia, bila wa beli, masa nak bau dia best, tapi lama2 wa rasa cam tak best plak.....

cam mana cara2 nak beli minyak wangi ek......??

sebelum ni kawan2 wa bagi minyak wangi jenama chevignon dan errrr...err ada satu jenama minyak wangi jenama france yg botol dia bodi lelaki .......

wa saja jer test minyak wangi lain , dgn harapan dpt [perfum yg lagi best...tapi last2 dpt yg tak best...

wa ingat wa nak beli jer minyak yg sama jenama dgn yg kawan2 wa bagi tu.......

tapi perfum tu wa nak wat apa ar, tak pakai bazir plak, pakai -nanti wa gatal idung dan sesak napas plak....

wa ingat wa nak wat pewangi keta jer....tapi tetap kena kat wa balik.....

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Post time 16-2-2007 12:24 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1 salimrock's post

Kalau wangi beli jer la
Try POLO BLUE.. mmg wangi

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Post time 16-2-2007 11:41 PM | Show all posts
wa  guna..BVLGARI extreme & channel homme sport.. wa bau ok la..
lu try la beli..mana tau lu suker..sehhhh..!

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Post time 17-2-2007 08:56 AM | Show all posts
Yang bentuk body lelaki tu JPG Men..
this one..

memang bery nice for man..  yang lain Issey Miyake, Acqua D Gio....try all this Salim..u will not regret


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Post time 17-2-2007 09:08 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1 salimrock's post

wakakakakaka.. ko nak bergaya rambu ramba ni pasal aper?? amboi3 ramai nye belikan ko minyak mangi nanti kita gi shopping2 minyak mangi wokeh..

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Mr.Forensics This user has been deleted
Post time 17-2-2007 11:22 AM | Show all posts
aku ingat ke apa thread ni..hampir2 salah format aku nak jawab..

masalah aku bila beli minyak wangi ialah aku kehabisan tenpat untuk calitkan minyak wangi tu...
lengan kiri kanan siku semua aku dah calit,\last2 sekali aku senirik dah pening dgn bau.

ada tip tak supaya aku boleh organize testing minyak wangi ni...
apa cara yang paling sesuai?

yang keliru,
kuala lumpur.

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Post time 17-2-2007 01:09 PM | Show all posts

Reply #7 Mr.Forensics's post

tuang kt rambut pulak

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Post time 21-2-2007 04:04 PM | Show all posts

The Basics Of Choosing The Right Fragrance

by St閜hanie Royo
(NAPSA)桪abbing perfume on the inside of your wrist...switching to a seasonal scent? Fragrance faux pas or facts? Here are some common questions about fragrance, along with the recommended do抯 and dont抯.

How should you choose a fragrance?
First, never test more than two scents at a time to avoid overload!
Next, give a fragrance time to unfold.
The top note, heart and bottom note will each surface as it dries down on your skin.
So let the scent linger and develop for at least an hour.
But remember, fragrances are delicate; never rub after you spray because it will ruin the composition of the fragrance.

Where should you apply fragrance?
The myth of dabbing fragrance only on your pulse points is just that梐 myth.
If a fragrance is only applied to the neck, wrists or behind the ears, the scent will rise and disappear.
It is important to apply a fragrance all over the body to ensure the scent lasts.
Believe it or not, clean hair also holds fragrance well, and oily skin holds a fragrance longer than dry skin.

What are the hot fragrances this season?
Be a heartbreaker this season梑e daring.
Lighter scents are best, but not too light.
Look for perfumes that have sheer top notes like mandarin and black currant and then rich undertones of vanilla and jasmine and base notes of white musks.
You want a bold fragrance that is still fresh and not too heavy.
My favorite is Azzura by Azzaro; it has the perfect mix of sparkling notes with sultry undertones.

Why do some fragrances seem to change from person to person?
Everyone has a unique body chemistry and a perfume reacts individually based on your genes and the overall pH balance of your skin, giving you your own unique

How long will a fragrance last on the skin?
Fragrances are designed to linger about four hours; you should expect to reapply twice a day.

What is the shelf life of a fragrance?
About three years from when it was bottled.
To ensure freshness, store your bottle in a dry place that is out of direct sunlight and make sure it is not subjected to extreme temperatures.
Colognes and eaux de toilette may be kept in the refrigerator in order to maintain their freshness.

For more information on Azzura, visit select department stores nationwide.
St閜hanie Royo is a fragrance expert from the Clarins Fragrance Group, a leading distributor of fragrances for men and women.

[ Last edited by  herbivor at 21-2-2007 04:06 PM ]



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Post time 21-2-2007 04:05 PM | Show all posts

Choosing The Perfume That Is Right For You

Choosing The Perfume That Is Right For You

Choosing the right perfume to suit your style and needs is challenging, but rewarding and fun. Your perfume is a way of expressing your personality. Like quality fashion accessories, good perfume adds a finishing touch to what you're wearing.

It is easy to be persuaded by the extravagant advertisements of the perfume industry, but it is a mistake to decide what you want without first trying a perfume out properly. Remember that the description of a perfume in a magazine, no matter how persuasive, is only a description. Perfumes that contain quality ingredients are expensive and it is very important that when you wear your perfume you feel great.

The first step is to think about what kinds of smells you find most attractive. Do some research. Do you love the smell of a cake baking? There are a lot of perfumes these days based around the scent of vanilla. Are you a beach person who loves the smell of the ocean? The new oceanic fragrances might be right for you.

You may not think you want to smell like tea or fresh laundry but if you like these smells they may be a clue to the sort of perfume your looking for.

The six main categories of perfume are:

1. Floral - with flowers as the dominant theme, very feminine and romantic.

2. Fruity- spicy and fresh with fruits used as part of the formula.

3. Oceanic



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Post time 21-2-2007 04:07 PM | Show all posts
Choosing the Right Perfume


If you have decided to purchase perfume for yourself, or for someone else as a gift, you will find that it may be difficult to decide which perfume to choose. With so many different varieties of perfumes on the market, just how are you supposed to select the right one? Below, you will find the answer.

First, if cost is a big consideration when you are purchasing perfume, then you may want to predetermine how much you are going to spend before you start shopping. Some brands can be pretty pricey and if you are on a budget, you will want to remain within the confines of your spending limit.

Next, you will need to determine if you want to purchase a perfume that has a light or a heavy scent. If you are buying for yourself, this task is far easier than if you are purchasing perfume for someone else. Therefore, finding out in advance what perfume a person prefers is your best option. For instance, if your friend likes wearing musk, then look for musk when you are purchasing perfume, and if your friend or loved one likes earthy scents, then look for an earthy scent when you shop.

Next, there is actually a trick to smelling perfume. Have you ever noticed that when you smell perfume from the bottle, and then you smell it on your wrist, it does not ever smell the same? That's because perfumes react with your body chemicals. So, you will want to purchase a perfume that is not only pleasing to the nose when you open the bottle, but one that is pleasing when it reacts to skin contact. Also, once you have applied the perfume to your wrist, wait a few seconds as the strong odor will dissipate and will leave you with the scent that the perfume is meant to provide.

It is not a wise idea to purchase perfume just because the bottle is pretty. Unless you truly do not care what is inside the bottle and you only want the bottle, you really should take a few moments to test out what's inside. You may find that the perfume inside your gorgeous bottle smells absolutely atrocious or that it does not suit your personality at all.

Finally, if you decide to purchase perfumes online you should email the company to send you a variety of samples before you make your purchases. Again, a website can tell you absolutely nothing about what a perfume smells like. Just because the advertisement says that the perfume has a lovely musk scent, it doesn't mean that you will think the scent is lovely when you receive your package. Therefore, unless you are familiar with a perfume product, refrain from shopping for perfumes online until you have had an opportunity to sample the product.

About The Author
Michael Russell, your independent guide to


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Post time 21-2-2007 04:09 PM | Show all posts
My personal favourite male perfume:

1. Aqua d' Gio, Giorgio Armani
2. Clinique Happy for Men
3. Eternity
4. Polo Blue
5. Polo Black
6. Bvlgari
7. Hugo
8. Ultra Violet

gerenti yummy!

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Post time 21-2-2007 04:10 PM | Show all posts
bring some coffee powder or beans with u when u go shopping for perfumes. lepas hidu 2 or 3 bau perfume, hidu coffee powder/beans tu. bleh clearkan bau yang dah melekat kat idung. it works. herb dah pernah cuba

[ Last edited by  herbivor at 21-2-2007 04:12 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 27-2-2007 03:20 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sofea at 17-2-2007 08:56 AM
Yang bentuk body lelaki tu JPG Men..
this one..

memang bery nice for man..  yang lain Issey Miyake, Acqua D Gio....try all t ...

ha betul tu JPG-aku pun tak tau nak sebut jean paul gartier nie.....sebut short form jer la....wa suka bau dia, saja jer la wa nak try yg lain, cam issey dan acqua ni cam common sgt, karang sama bau dgn kawan2....

wa kekadang test minyak wangi diorang bagi biji kopi utk neutrallise kan bau tu....

tapi kalo byk sgt buleh konpius oooo....

jadi wa harap audioslave belikan wa minyak wangi.....sempena bulan March yg akan dtg nie......wakaakak

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Post time 27-2-2007 03:25 PM | Show all posts

Reply #14 salimrock's post

march ni birthday ko ker?? mak ko belikan minyak wangi aper?? ckp arr kikiki.. anak manjer tol la ko ni sampai mak belikan..

[ Last edited by  audioslavefan at 27-2-2007 03:26 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 27-2-2007 03:32 PM | Show all posts

Reply #14 audioslavefan's post

ko nie kan, kat mana2 pun ada....takde kerja ke??

mak aku kekadang beli kan pasal kawan2 dia jual.......wakakakak

tapi kalo diorang beli, best lak bau, kalo wa beli...kekadnag dpt yg best, kekadang dpt yg tak best....

ingat nak suruh lu belikan la odio, buleh???

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Post time 27-2-2007 03:37 PM | Show all posts

Reply #15 salimrock's post

boley aja dong.. aku keje arr. ni pon aku baru masok forum pastu nampak posting ko kt cni

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 Author| Post time 7-3-2007 10:05 AM | Show all posts
wa ada sekali dpt perfume chevignon , cam mana nak pronounce jenama perfume tu arrr.......wa kalo org tanya wa pakai perfume apa, wa ckp wa tak tau,( pasal wa tak tau nak sebut,wakakakakakak) wa ckp org bagi, perfume perancis nyer.....zidane pakai, henry pakai, makalele pakai dan jacques chirac pun pakai.....


wa baru ingat pasal pagi tadi wa mandi dgn shower gel dia, perfume dah hilang, hilang bersama PS2 cousin wa pasal wa simpan dlm beg dia, pastu kena rembat ..... nanti wa nak beli la perfume tu .......

wa sebenar nyer tak suka beli perfume pasal mahal, wa lebih suka kalo org belikan utk wa.....


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Post time 20-3-2007 10:02 PM | Show all posts
kau amik minyak wangi itu, pigi kaunter, keluarkan duit dan kalau ada baki tunggu. lepas tu blah ~~ senang kan?

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Post time 24-3-2007 06:51 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by salimrock at 7-3-2007 10:05 AM
wa ada sekali dpt perfume chevignon , cam mana nak pronounce jenama perfume tu arrr.......wa kalo org tanya wa pakai perfume apa, wa ckp wa tak tau,( pasal wa tak tau nak sebut,wakakakakakak) wa  ...

chevignon nko bli kat mana..?

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Post time 26-3-2007 08:01 AM | Show all posts
nak tanya ni...
kalau kita pakai perfume...
pastu masuk dlm keter, bukak aircond
dan aircond tu kita halakan pada kita...
adakah ia akan mengurangkan bau perfume tu nnt?


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