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orang makan orang

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hanif50 This user has been deleted
Post time 11-3-2007 12:11 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
sapa ada web mengenai orang makan orang,sebab saya nak tengok gambar dia camner.kalau
ada link boleh le kasi .



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Post time 11-3-2007 03:51 PM | Show all posts

Ular makan org

org makan org x de le....
ular makan org ader.....



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Post time 11-3-2007 10:36 PM | Show all posts


Dulu rasanya pernah tengok cd tu.... cannibal holocaust

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Post time 12-3-2007 07:31 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by fleurzsa at 11-3-2007 10:36 PM
Dulu rasanya pernah tengok cd tu.... cannibal holocaust

Linknya macam ada masalah

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Post time 12-3-2007 07:32 PM | Show all posts

Reply #2 sephia_liza's post

eee.. geli lah

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Post time 12-3-2007 07:42 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by hanif50 at 11-3-2007 12:11
sapa ada web mengenai orang makan orang,sebab saya nak tengok gambar dia camner.kalau
ada link boleh le kasi .

kalu aku mkn kao,agak2 rasa apa? kari? soseh? durian?

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Post time 13-3-2007 11:23 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by hanif50 at 11-3-2007 12:11 PM
sapa ada web mengenai orang makan orang,sebab saya nak tengok gambar dia camner.kalau
ada link boleh le kasi .

adeh... lain plak ilmu ko ni.... nak tengok org mkn org.. cub tengok pon takut+ geli+geram...

hehehe.. cub tengok kat tb jer... tu pun kat berita.. di Indon, nama laki tu Sumanto.. gemar mkn org... dia dihadapkan ke mahkamah.. muka inosen  jer.. heboh la skejap pasal kanibalism ni... selang 2-3 bulan lepas tu, ada lagi kisah org mkn org.. tp ni pompuan lak.. sbb org sekeliling tak tau nama ponpuan tu, so derang gelar Sumanti lak..
dikhabarkan, Sumanti tu mental.. suka jalan2 tanpa baju keliling kampung..padahal dia tu mendatang jer kat kampung org tu.. tiba msa, Sumanti tak kelihatan, so org kampung pun tercari2 gak.. tau2, Sumanti didapati  disebuah rumah kosong, terbaring lesu.. berdekatan dgn tubuh Sumanti, ada tulang belulang kecill.. setelah disiasat, rupanya Sumanti baru jer melahirkan anak tersebut dipanggang dan dimakan!!  ish.. takut aku nengok tulang2 jari baby tuh..
dan blom lama ni pun, ada lagi org mkn org.. lelaki.. kes mental gak... pun sama, muka inosen jer bila disumbat ke penjara.. muka senyum2 bagai....



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Post time 13-3-2007 11:26 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sephia_liza at 11-3-2007 03:51 PM
org makan org x de le....
ular makan org ader.....

http://ww ...

whoa.... ni kat mana ni? seingat cub, dulu yg kuar kat sokabar cina, ular tu baru ngap part kepala jer... yg ni 1 badan dah masuk perut ular....

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Post time 30-3-2007 12:05 PM | Show all posts
kisah pelajar u tersesat di hutan amazon mana ntah....kena ngap dgn canibal..

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Post time 30-3-2007 02:29 PM | Show all posts
hishh...ngeri aku..anak sendiri pon diratah....

haku penah gak tgk mkn org...hisshh tapi tak sanggup tgk sampai habis..gelissssss...

Use magic Report

Post time 30-3-2007 02:47 PM | Show all posts
cite kanibal holocaust tu cite betul ke?cam dibuat2 je..

Use magic Report

Post time 30-3-2007 04:45 PM | Show all posts
Yang bingung makanan yang cerdik, yang tidur makanan yang jaga...

Use magic Report

Post time 3-4-2007 12:46 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Gunner at 30-3-07 02:47 PM
cite kanibal holocaust tu cite betul ke?cam dibuat2 je..

rasanyer cite tu tipu jer
cam cite blair with project

Use magic Report

Post time 3-4-2007 10:45 PM | Show all posts

Reply #11 Gunner's post

cite tu cite buat.mase memule haku tengok pun ingat betul.

die nyer pelakon sebelum berlakon kene sain kontrak yg takleh kuar berlakon dlm cite lain selame setahun lps cite ni kuar.

tu sume sbb nak kasik real yg diorang ni bebetul kene mkn ngn org hannibal.

Use magic Report

Post time 4-4-2007 02:33 AM | Show all posts
tp aku nmpk tote sorg laki tu kene potong live dlm vdc cannibal holocaust tu..
n pompuan tu kene rogol sampai terkoyak pepek dan peha..
seram woo..

tak tau betul ke tak, maybe certain part dibuat, certain part mmg real..isk..isk..aku pun tak tau

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Post time 4-4-2007 02:51 AM | Show all posts
ok ni the fact psl movie cannibal tu.. mcm tak caya je fake, sb nmpk real kene potong kaki segala...that mean director filem ni mmg kreatif..

Cannibal Holocaust (1980)
  • The special effects in the film were so realistic that director Ruggero Deodato reportedly had to go to court and prove that it was just make-up and fake blood and guts.
  • The animal slaughterings in the movie were real, which resulted in the movie's being banned in its native Italy.
  • The film caused some scandal in Italy at the time, and had troublewith the censorship board. There was a rumor that the performers hadreally been slain, so director Ruggero Deodato had to take the actors with him to the set of an Italian TV show in order to prove that they hadn't been eaten alive.
  • The in-film-documentary "The Last Road To Hell", which featuresseveral executions, consists of authentic footage supposedly fromUganda.
  • Deodato was inspired to make the movie after seeing his sonwatching the violent news on TV, and thinking about how the journalistsfocus on the violence.
  • This movie has gained the title of the most notorious movie ofall-time, and is often claimed to be banned in over 50 countriesworldwide. If true, it would easily hold the world record for the mostheavily banned film.
  • Deodato wanted a scene in which the natives fed an enemy tribesmanto piranhas but he didn't have a working underwater camera. Only stillshots of that scene exist.
  • The iconic image for the film shows a "cannibal" girl impaled on astick. Upon being summoned to court in order to assert that no actorswere harmed during production, Deodato explained that the girl simplysat on a bicycle seat attached to the pole's base, while holding asmall pointed balsa wood piece in her mouth. The fake blood was thenadded. Deodato commented that the girl had an unusually calmtemperament to be able to remain so still during the filming.
  • According to a 2005 interview with Carl Gabriel Yorke (Alan Yates), Yorke said that when rehearsing for the sex scene with Francesca Ciardi(Faye Daniels), she suggested that the two go out in the middle of thejungle and "actually do it". Yorke declined, stating that he was withsomebody back in New York. As a result, Ciardi was very upset with himduring the entire shoot
  • When Carl Gabriel Yorke(Alan Yates) arrived in the Amazon for shooting, he wasn't given ascript or an idea of what the movie was about. As soon as he arrived,director Ruggero Deodato shouted "That's my star! Get him into makeup!"Almost immediately, the first scene they shot was the amputation of oneof the character's leg. Yorke later in an interview said while stayingthere in the jungle, he didn't know whether this film was a Hollywoodproduction or simply a snuff film.
  • A large advertisement for Dracula (1979) is visible in the opening shots of the streets of New York City.
  • Immediately after a pig was shot and killed in the movie, Carl Gabriel Yorkebotched a long monologue Deodato very much wanted to be included in themovie. After rehearsing the line several times and doing fine, Yorkesays he screwed up during filming because he heard the pig squeal anddie. Retakes weren't possible because they had no access to any morepigs, which they would only use to shoot and kill.
  • Originally, Deodato had a fake monkey head with fake brains in itto have the natives eat instead of actually killing and eating amonkey. The natives talked him out of it, however, as monkey brainswere a delicacy to them.
  • The pistol used by Robert Kerman in the movie was a Smith and Wesson .32
  • Director Cameo: [Ruggero Deodato] A man sitting on a blanket outside of the NYU university.
  • The scene where an actor kills a monkey was shot twice, so two monkeys were killed for that scene.
  • Though uncaring towards the nature of his film during shooting, Ruggero Deodato now regrets everything he did, mostly the actual animal killings. He said once that he wishes now that he never made the movie.
  • Robert Kerman's character had to be dubbed, but all other actors' real voices were used.
  • Claims of this being a snuff film are still rampant. Even asrecently as 1993, authorities at a Birmingham comic fair seized thefilm on this belief.
  • There have been six unofficial sequels to Cannibal Holocaust. Natura contro(1988) was the first movie to call itself Cannibal Holocaust II (inItaly, Turkey, and the UK). Other movies that tried to incorporatethemselves with Cannibal Holocaust were Schiave bianche: violenza in Amazzonia (1985) (Cannibal Holocaust 2: The Catherine Miles Story on European DVD), Mangiati vivi (1980) (Cannibal Holocausto 2 on Argentinian DVD), Mondo cannibale (2003) (V) (known as Cannibal Holocaust 2: The Beginning in Japan), and Nella terra dei cannibali(2003) (V) (also known as Cannibal Holocaust 3: Cannibal vs. Commandoin Japan). If all these movies were considered actual sequels, CannibalHolocaust would have four "part two"s in its series.
  • The turtle killed in the turtle killing scene was a Yellow-spotted river turtle or Podocnemis unifilis.
  • In ten days after its release, the movie grossed what would beabout $5 million dollars today (approximately $1.9 million in February1980) before the film was seized by the courts and Deodato arrested.Because of its infamy and several subsequent re-releases, it is claimedthat the film has grossed $200 million worldwide (inflation notadjusted), though this has never been verified.
  • Despite his character's behavior during filming, Perry Pirkanen cried after filming the infamous turtle scene.
  • One of the highest grossing films ever in Japan.

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Post time 4-4-2007 10:21 PM | Show all posts

Reply #16 be_delicious's post

yess mase aku bace yang mende nih sume buatan macam tak percaya.

sbb mcm real,part rogol,bunuh,beranak sume real.

cite ni di ban kat bnyk negara termasuk mesia kan?

Use magic Report

Post time 6-4-2007 12:52 PM | Show all posts
alah malaysia.. potong kepale skit pon dh potong. ni kan pulak potong atas bawah. hu3... aku rase citer ni cam konspirasi je. nak buruk3 kan org kulit hitam...

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Post time 6-4-2007 02:40 PM | Show all posts

Reply #18 homer_simpson's post

anyway u dh tgk ke cite tu?

cite tu yg mkn org bukan org kulit hitam.tapi org putih gak.

orang asli kat mane tah

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Post time 6-4-2007 10:31 PM | Show all posts
Kalu tak silap org batak makan manusia kan. Org batak ni kat Indon. Diaorg kata daging omputeh paling tak sedap.........:kant:

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