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Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT)
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Basically its a heart rhythm disorder which the heart beats faster than normal.
sy first time kene svt ni if not mistaken wen i was 7..den kene lg time 12 and 17..n now im 21..yg time form5 tu xkene masuk ward pn..the doc inject n ubat tu normal kan my heart beat in a few second,rehat2 skjp dkt sane n i was ready to go home..
but today,i was shocked wen my mum tol me dat my brother was admitted lasnite n die kene svt jgk..he is 13 yrs old..mebi klua hosp esok kot coz doc nk monitor die 24jam..hope he'l get well soon..
my question is..adakah svt ni penyakit keturunan? (my family lain xde pn penyakit jantung ape2..includin' my grandparent..sume ok)
bahaya x?coz sy xmkn ubat ape pn..n im an active person..blaja martial arts..hiking,camping, far xde plak tibe2 kene svt time tgh buat activities ni..kire mcm org normal je..n 4 me,i dun thk svt ni bahaye n i dun see it as penyakit..adakah perception sy ni salah?
any advice 4 me? |
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Saya tak pernah terlihat dalam mana2 artikel perubatan yg mengatakan SVT ni ada faktor keturunan. Tapi salah satu penyebab SVT ni anxiety...yg ini boleh keturunan. Memang SVT biasa terjadi pada orang muda. Selain anxiety, kurang oksigen, kurang air, kesakitan, hyperthyroid, demam dan exercise boleh menyebabkan masalah ni. Setengah ubat2 pun macam ubat lelah, ubat jantung, anti depressant pun boleh menyebabkan SVT.
Rawatan awal yg boleh kita buat (langkah sementara)..
tahan nafas sekejap
buat meneran macam nak buang air besar (sambil mencangkung)
rendam muka sekejap dalam air sejuk
urut salur darah dekat hujung rahang..bawah telinga (carotid sinus massage)
Kalau cara2 diatas tak berjaya mengurangkan SVT dalam 20 minit...kena pegi hospital. Biasa nya kita akan diberi beta blockers atau calcium antagonist untuk sementara waktu. |
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Originally posted by zerozone at 17-3-2007 12:46
Saya tak pernah terlihat dalam mana2 artikel perubatan yg mengatakan SVT ni ada faktor keturunan. Tapi salah satu penyebab SVT ni anxiety...yg ini boleh keturunan. Memang SVT biasa terjadi pada o ...
...what about wolff-parkinson-white syndrome which is said to be inherited??.. |
Thanks blackmore kerana mengingatkan saya tentang WPW syndrome. Kajian menunjukkan ada unsur2 family trait. Kanak2 lelaki lebih mendapat penyakit ni dibandingkan perempuan. |
Reply #2 zerozone's post
sy biasanye akan urut salur darah tu n menom air suam..
tp sebenarnye scienfically urut salur darah tu utk ape?ape kaitan dgn jantung?sy buat je coz doctor yg suruh..
anxiety?mcm x je..iv cek my thyroid level n its normal..
n wpw syndrome tu ape?ade kaitan dgn svt ke? |
Reply #2 zerozone's post
satu n adik tu xde mkn ubat ape pn..we r healthy n tibe2 kene svt..
nasib la svt ni bkn all the time,sy kene 3kali in 15years..n xpayah on medication..
sume org mcm tu ke atau ade org yg kene lebih kerap? |
narrow complex tachycardia |
sakit apo nie?terangkanlah lebih detail |
Reply #8 ctsueraya's post
biasa jantung org dewasa punye denyutan is 60-100beats per minit..
n tachycardia tu bile beat die lbh dr 100..n sumtimes smp 300..
cube byg kan bile jantung tu denyut laju2.. |
Reply #9 BaBy^GhoSt's post
Saya selalu rasa berdebar tp heartbeat within 60-100beats per minit.. Masalah pa plak tuh... |
WPW syndrome terjadi apabila terdapat arus yg abnormal dari atrium ke bhg ventrical jantung yg di panggil bundle of Kent. Bundle ni yg membawa rangsangan dari atrium ke ventricle lebih besar dan tebal dari bundle of His (yg normal). Rangsangan yg dibawa oleh bundle of Kent ni lebih kuat dan selalunya akan bypass bundle of His. Ini menyebabkan jantung berdenyut dengan cepat. Masalah ini tak terdapat pada semua orang... setengah2 research meletakkan 2 orang pd setiap 100,000. Kecacatan ini ada sejak lahir dan melibatkan beberapa ahli kelurga yg lain. Cara rawatan sama saperti yg diterangkan diatas.
2) Apa yg kita tekan pada angle of jaw ialah carotid sinus dan ini secara reflex akan menyebabkan jantung berdenyut perlahan. |
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Reply #11 zerozone's post
maksudnye WPW ni lain dr SVT kan.. |
Originally posted by BaBy^GhoSt at 22-3-2007 12:28 AM
maksudnye WPW ni lain dr SVT kan..
WPW syndrome salah satu penyebab SVT |
i wen to homeopaty clinic..sj2 cek..die ckp its bcoz of my lung..
mcm nonsense je :hmm: |
Reply #16 BaBy^GhoSt's post
dah buat holter monitoring tak? |
Reply #17 cherub's post
wat is holter monitoring? |
Reply #18 BaBy^GhoSt's post
Holter monitor
From Wikipedia,
Holter monitorIn medicine, a Holter monitor (also called an ambulatory electrocardiography device), named after its inventor, Dr. Norman J. Holter, is a portable device for continuously monitoring the electrical activity of the heart for 24 hours or more. Its extended recording period is useful for observing occasional cardiac arrhythmias that would be difficult to identify in a shorter period of time. For patients with more transient symptoms, a Cardiac Event Monitor which can be worn for a month or more can be used.
Much like standard electrocardiography (ECG), the Holter monitor records electrical signals from the heart via a series of electrodes attached to the chest. The number and position of electrodes varies by model, but most Holter monitors employ from three to seven. These electrodes are connected to a small piece of equipment that is attached to the patient's belt, and is responsible for keeping a log of the heart's electrical activity throughout the recording period.
Units record onto digital flash memory devices. The data are uploaded into a computer which then automatically analyzes the input, counting ECG complexes, calculating summary statistics such as average heart rate, minimum and maximum heart rate, and finding candidate areas in the recording worthy of further study by the technician.
Both 24 hr and 30 day event recorders are available.
Event diary
In addition to wearing the device, most patients are asked to keep a diary of activities such as running and sleeping, symptoms, and times that their symptoms occur. This information is used by doctors and technicians to rapidly pinpoint problem areas in the vast amount of data recorded during the monitoring period. |
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Reply #19 cherub's post
ouh..mmg klu kene svt ni nk kene dok dkt hosp 4 24hrs supaya dorg boleh its holter monitoring la eh..baru tau nama die
thx |
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