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Tongkat ali (eyori coma) - cytotoxic??
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Mak member saya newly diagnosed having sarcoma..
Dier mendapat info yg tongkat ali (eyori coma) adalah salah satu alternatives tuk rawatan 'to fight cancer' selain dari ianya bole meningkatkan tenaga batin seperti mana yg kite sedia maklum...
Soalan saya...
1)Apakah newly drugs that contains of this 'tongkat ali' yg digunakan 'to fight cancer'??
2)Informations about this cytotoxic drugs??
2)Bagaimanakah saya bole mendapatkan ubat nie???
Tima kasih atas pertolongan... |
Reply #1 cadillac05's post
tak tahulah yg tongkat ali boleh ubat sarcoma. lum ada randomised trial for this. wallahualam.
sarcoma is very aggressive. so i can imagine your friend's desperation. i am sure she has been offered current treatment. unfortunately cancer treatment mmg aggressive and depression inducing. but i wouldn't advise taking up a treatment that has not been proven it's efficacy. |
kalau ganoderma tuh ada kemungkinan boleh treat sarcomma |
"A study by the Forest Research Institute of Malaysia (FRIM) showed that the Eurycoma Longifolia Jack or Tongkat Ali (Pasak Bumi) contain anti-oxidant properties, a high level of SOD (Superoxide Dismutase), an anti-oxidant enzyme. The aqueous and methanol extracts of Tongkat Ali has an effect of scavenging superoxide and lipid peroxidation. This showed that Tongkat Ali could inhibit the chain reaction of free radicals that could be harmful to the body system."
Study diatas menunjukkan bahawa tongkat Ali mengandungi antioxidant yg boleh menghalang free radicals. Free radicals ni yg boleh menyebabkan cancer. Oleh itu tongkat Ali tidak boleh mengubat cancer tetapi boleh menghalang terjadinya cancer (prevention). |
tima kasih pada yg replied
sebenarnya aku pun xtaw pesal ubat 'tongkat ali' nie..
member aku tue mungkin dpt info dari sumwhere about this..
sbb setahu aku pun selama aku kat mesia aku xder dengar apa2 berkenaan 'tongkat ali' as cancer treatment..
member aku tue just need sumthings additional apart from his mother current treatment..
[ Last edited by cadillac05 at 18-4-2007 07:20 PM ] |
thank you so much for ur advised..
actually i'm thinking about the same things..lps aku surfing website yg as u said..'has not been proven it's efficacy'
just want to find out more..
neway,aku sentiasa doakan moga Allah tabahkan hati dier mengharungi dugaan ini.. :pray: |
kalau ganoderma tuh ada kemungkinan boleh treat sarcomma
kalu x keberatan...bole elaborate more about this x???
thank you in advance...
[ Last edited by cadillac05 at 19-4-2007 12:06 AM ] |
thanks for ur info..
conclusionnya..belum ada ubat 'to fight cancer' yg related to tongkat ali' melainkan research menunjukkan yg potentialnya 'to prevent cancer'..
i hope pakar2 malaysia on one fine day..will find & produce our own drugs that can help all the peoples around the world..amin.. :pray: |
Originally posted by cadillac05 at 18-4-2007 09:44 PM
thanks for ur info..
conclusionnya..belum ada ubat 'to fight cancer' yg related to tongkat ali' melainkan research menunjukkan yg potentialnya 'to prevent cancer'..
i hope pakar2 malays ...
Yup! Setuju...
Setakat ni belum ada lagi.
Dulu pernah baca pasal 'campuran' herba2 yg claim boleh fight cancer.
Nama dia 'transfer factor' dan ada study utk ubat ni.
Cuma kejituan study la, bukan senang nak buat randomized, doule blind, placebo-control, multicentre study.
Satu lagi 'Optivin'.
Ini pun campuran macam2 herba gak tapi study yg support ni tak begitu kuat.
(kedua2 produk ni di pasarkan secara multi level di Malaysia ni)
Dan saya pun harap akan ada pakar tempatan yg tampil dgn penyelesaian kpd kanser suatu hari nanti. |
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