Jiro, Danson ~ Love Rival Become Broke Back
Source: http://udn.com/
Translated by Cmiley @ Asianfanatics
GTVidol drama "Rolling Love / 加油!蛋炒飯 (Jia You! Dan Chao Fan / Go! FriedRice)" yesterday was in Shimen ocean side filming outside scene, in thedrama Jiro and Danson are fighting with jealousy over Genie. In reallife, Da Dong (Jiro) has experienced the pain of a two timingrelationship, he said back in the school days, once dated a girlfriendfor 3 years, but she went off with one of his good friends.
Jirosaid, after that he and the girlfriend had a deep conversation, andrealized the girlfriend actually love him the most, and didn'tunderstand why he could give up his feelings for a good friend, hesaid: "the me back then was that type of person that would do that fora friend, but now I won't be that silly!"
In the drama Jiro is asimple character inheriting his father's skill of egg stir fried ricechef, Danson is from a wealthy family which is also the head chef ofthe restaurant, in the drama the 2 both likes song writer singer Genie,because of jealousy a fight is put up, and also breaking plates andpulling clothes.
Personally though, the two are both from singlefamily homes, the route entering the industry is also similar, therevery compatible together, behind the camera they even clasp handstogether, Genie laughs saying: "You guys are filming not liking eachother, how come it's now portraying broke back? What's with that?"
EarlierDanson and Genie filmed an eloping scene, not only making Genie fall tothe ground, the whole head hit the ground, even though it wasn't thatbad, but Genie's spirit seems to not have fully recoverd yet, she says,since returning from Malaysia for work still haven't gone for check-up,the head still feels dizzy. |