my hubby kena diagnose dengan satu penyakit kulit nama nye urticaria.simpton dia ada bintik2 merah di seluruh badan dan muka. bintik2 merah ni kadang2 gatal. kalau ada sesiapa kat sini tahu pasal penyakit ni .. bagitau kat sini.. please.. |
i ada wat research sesikit pasal sakit ni..
) is a skin condition, commonly caused by an allergic reaction, that is characterized by raised red skin wheals (welts)). It is also known as nettle rash or uredo.Weals from urticaria can appear anywhere on the body, including theface, lips, tongue, throat, and ears. The weals may vary in size fromabout 5 mm (0.2 inches) in diameter to the size of a dinner plate; theytypically itchseverely, sting, or burn, and often have a pale border. Urticaria isgenerally caused by direct contact with an allergenic substance, or animmune response to food or some other allergen,but can also appear for other reasons, notably emotional stress. Therash can be triggered by quite innocent events, such as mere rubbing orexposure to cold.
file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/Muntasir/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/moz-screenshot.jpgfile:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/Muntasir/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/moz-screenshot-1.jpg![](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/5d/Urticaria_2.jpg/150px-Urticaria_2.jpg) |
org yg kene nih rsnyer musti dia jenih allergik nehh...musti ada kene apa2 or termkn apa2 yg tak leh makan nehh...aku penah kene gak...ada ulat terlekat kat bj kot...habis satu bdn... |
my husband dah pi doctor rasanya dah 5 ke 6 kali, tapi keadaan masih macam tuh. sekarang dah stop makan apa2 yang boleh trigger allergy reactions..tapi masih lum turun rashes dia.. |
today pun tatau apsal...pepegi rs gatal..mata gatal..trus telan clarinase... |
gegata ke ni ye? lupa lak medical term dia. but my son pernah kene dulu... n now doc kata my son ada eczema. but apa2 pon rasanye semua ni problem yg sama.. caused by allergens. try gunakan cetaphil. so far my son sesuai dengan cetaphil tu utk mosturize kulit dia n cleanse. |
eczema tu macam gatal berair ye?. suami tak camtu lak.. kat badan dia macam ada bintik2 merah aje.. gatal pun kekadang aje.. tapi kesian orang tengok macam takut..kononnye takut menjangkit..tapi myself ngan anak2 ok aje.. |
Reply #7 adiwish's post
dia tak berjangkit...sbb dia sorang jek yg alergik actually...musti memula dia merah kecik..pehtu lama mcm membesar n dia gabung plak kan?it's not only sbb makanan..kadang2 envorinment sendiri..like yg mself kene ler...sometimes mana tau dlm umah ada lipas...ada taik dia ke kencing dia ke..kita tak nampak...kene kat org tak alergik takde per...kene kat org alergik jdk le gitu... |
Another name is hives. My son dah a few times kena urticaria ni. Kesian sesangat bila ada penyakit ni. It itches like mad. The first time kena memang the whole body - pindah-randah itch tu. Kejap kat peha, pastu kat abdomen, belakang, kaki etc etc you get my point.
What helped him the first time - masa tu kita orang tak pandai lagi - was steroid jabs. But injection ni kesan dia kejap je like for 24 hours. Pastu dia jadi balik. Dr pun tak nak kasi injection berulang-ulang sebab steroid kan - banyak side effect.
Last month my son kena balik hives ni. This time I gave him oatmeal bath, mandi dengan air garam. Pastu makan vitamin C and E. Bila gatal sapu lotion yang ada aloe vera sebab sejuk. Bila gatal sangat buat cold compress - letak ais dalam towel kecil and tekan bahagian yang gatal. My son's episode usual last for about one week. Makan kena pantang - jangan makan benda yang boleh sebabkan gatal like telur, seafood - anything protein. If possible makan simple food like plain bubur nasi, roti with butter sikit etc. Lots of fruits & vegetables.
Good luck & hope your hubby's hives go off quickly. Don't worry benda ni tak berjangkit. |
Originally posted by AnitaSabrina at 19-3-2008 08:36 PM ![](http://forum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Another name is hives. My son dah a few times kena urticaria ni. Kesian sesangat bila ada penyakit ni. It itches like mad. The first time kena memang the whole body - pindah-randah itch tu. ...
syptoms yang u cakap ni sama betul ngan my hubby..doctor tak kasi dia steroid jab tapi pills.. tapi ada kesan sampingan.. biasa berapa lama boleh baik betul?
anyway sampai bila tak leh makan seafood ni sume..my husband pun dah tak tau nak buat apa..fening... |
actually.. mende ni allergic... cuba risik2.. famili ada history skin allergic tak. mcm my son sebelum ni pernah kene mcm tu. masa tu lepas raya.. balik kg... dok kejar ayam la.. so dia mmg alah dengan kotor2 n miang2 or mungkin hama. then.. doc kata u gegata or hives la kiranye. at first dia bg calamine lotion. tp tak sesuai utk my son. kulit dia jadi kering sangat n berparut hitam. so switch to cetaphil cleansing lotion. after mandi... bersih2.. cecepat pkaikan 1 badan cetaphil ni. ok.. baikla gegatanye tu.
tup2 last 2 weeks blk kg lg.. kene lg.. sbb cuaca kt kg panas.. so dia naik rashes la.. mcm2. kali ni makin teruk kene kt pergelangan kaki. sampai mengelupas digaru2. gi klinik doc kata eczema. so now baru la saya realize yg all this while saya sendiri sebenarnye ada eczema. tp saya assume skin allergic biasa. tu yg dapat kt anak. now anak saya continue pkai cetaphil. n now baru cuba 1 sabun utk eczema... "polytar". tgkla kesannye camne. n for myself.. baru start amik EPO. n for my son nnti ingat nk try bg vit C n E. |
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