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CHINA Catastrophe : latest - 59 mati, tanah runtuh!!
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Gempa bumi kuat melanda Xinjiang
BEIJING: Gempa bumi kuat magnitud 7.3 melanda mukim Yutian di barat laut wilayah Xinjiang pada pagi ini, menurut Pentadbiran Gempa Bumi China.
Gempa bumi itu diikuti dengan ombak antara 5 dan 5.2 pada skala Richter yang menyebabkan penduduk di kawasan itu terpaksa meninggalkan rumah mereka apabila ia berlaku pada jam 6.33 pagi.
Bagaimanapun, tidak ada kes kematian dilaporkan.
Pusat bumi pada altitude 5,500m kira-kira 130 kilometer (km) dari mukim Yutian dan 240km dari mukim Hetian di wilayah autonomus Islam itu yang mempunyai bilangan penduduk Islam yang kecil.
Pada 1992, gempa bumi 5.9 pada skala Richter melanda mukim Hetian tapi tidak ada kes kematian dilaporkan. - Bernama
7.3 skala kira besar ler magnitude tu.. mungkin belum ada kes mati dilaporkan tapi aku caya kalu besar ni lah richter scale tu, mesti besar kemusnahannya.. tak silap aku gempa bumi ni pun affect kat filipina gak.. nanti ler tengok news yg selanjutnya.. mcm2 bencana kat china ni.. leapas satu satu.. last month tak silap dgn ribut salji..
[ Last edited by amazed at 5-6-2009 23:10 ] |
ishk..ishk..mcam2 skrang ni..:cry: |
The more the Chinese abused the Buddhists in Tibet, the closer they get to receiving punishment from Nature. The next time, they couldn't be so lucky.
In the last 50 years, more land become deserts in China, starvation is a norm, pollutions have increased, many farmers and low-level people have been rioting against the Government and the Government is in collapsing.
While the Chinese Communist Government should be using the money they have for betterment of its people, it is wasting it by trying to send man to space and conducting Olimpics, both which gives nothing to the people in return.
Communism FAILED. It fail in Soviet Union, it fail in Vietnam, it will fail in Cuba and it will fail in China. |
banjir di selatan china, ~171 mati!!
Banjir selatan China, 55 terbunuh, tujuh hilang15/06/2008
BEIJING 15 Jun |
57 terkorban akibat banjir besar di selatan China
GUANGZHOU: Sekurang-kurangnya 57 orang terkorban dan lapan lagi hilang dalam kejadian banjir yang merentasi selatan China, lapor media kebangsaan China hari ini.
Lebih daripada 1.27 juta orang sudah dipaksa menyelamatkan diri mereka dengan meninggalkan kediaman di sembilan wilayah termasuk Sichuan yang masih trauma akibnat gempa bumi bulan lalu yang mengorbankan hampir 70,000 orang, kata pegawai dari agensi berita Xinhua.
Hujan lebat di Sichuan, Guizhou dan wilayah Yunnan menyebabkan paras air naik mendadak, terutamanya di kawasan perkilangan pantai Guangdong, lapor Xinhua. Kebanyakan kawasan dijangka akan menerima lebih hujan lebat berterusan dalam tempoh 10 hari.
Xinhua melaporkan, wilayah paling teruk adalah Guangdong dengan 20 orang terkorban dan lapan adalah masih belum ditemui, dan 5.76 juta orang dari 17 bandar tebabit.
Jalan dan rumah sepanjang Sungai Xijiang dalam wilayah Guangdong tenggelam dalam banjir paling teruk yang melanda lembangan Sungai Pearl dalam tempoh 50 tahun, akhbar rasmi China Daily melaporkan.
"Banjir besar akan berlaku sekiranya hujan berterusan," kata Timbalan Pengarah Kawalan Banjir Guandong, Huang Boqing dari Ibu Pejabat Bantuan Banjir dan Kemarau wilayah berkenaan.
Harga sayuran di Guangdong dan empat bandar lain naik sebanyak 70 peratus dan kerugian ekonomi dilaporkan berlaku sehingga RM4.9 bilion disebabkan banjir. Lebih 45,000 kediaman musnah dan 140,000 lagi mengalami rosak teruk. - AP |
57 terbunuh, lebih sejuta hilang tempat tinggal banjir di Selatan China
GUANGZHOU: Banjir besar yang sedang melanda Selatan China, mengorbankan lebih 60 orang manakala 1.27 juta penduduk terpaksa menyelamatkan diri, lapor media tempatan hari ini.
Penduduk di enam wilayah dilaporkan terpaksa meninggalkan rumah masing-masing, termasuk di Sichuan, yang masih truma akibat gempa bumi melanda baru-baru ini yang mengorbankan 70,000 orang.
Agensi Berita Xinhua melaporkan, sekurang-kurangnya 57 orang mati dan lapan lagi masih hilang akibat banjir buruk itu.
Sementara itu, hujan lebat diramal melanda bahagian selatan negara itu untuk beberapa hari lagi, kata jurucakap kaji cuaca.
揜ibut petir dijangka melanda dalam masa dua hari ini di Guangdong, Guangxi dan Fujian regions.
揚aras air kini 24 meter, jauh melepasi paras bahaya iaitu enam meter. Penduduk berhampiran kini sudah dipindahkan ke kawasan lebih selamat," katanya.
Kawasan paling teruk dilanda banjir ialah Guangdong, dengan 20 orang terbunuh dan lapan lagi dilaporkan hilang.
"Seramai 5.76 juta penduduk di 17 bandar di wilayah terdedah kepada bahaya banjir," kata Xinhua. - AP |
China Braces For Worse As Yellow River Threatens Floods
By Tham Choy Lin
BEIJING, June 16 (Bernama) -- China is preparing for worse flooding which has already claimed the lives of at least 57 people in its south over the past 10 days while in the north, a big flood has been forecast in the lower reaches of the country's second longest Yellow River for the first time in 25 years.
Water Resources vice-minister E (Rpt E) Jingping chaired an emergency meeting on Sunday to handle the flood crisis that had hit nine regions, destroying houses, farm crops and causing landslides and mudflows.
Already 1.27 million people have fled their homes as more than 18 million people in Zhejiang, Anhui Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Guizhou and Yunnan provinces and Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region were affected by the floods triggered by torrential rain since June 6, state media said.
The floods have hit at a time when China is still grappling with the aftermath of is worst earthquake in three decades that hit south-western Sichuan over a month ago with more than 69,000 dead and millions left homeless.
Heavy rains are expected to continue to pound south and eastern China in the week ahead, said the national meteorological administration.
Orders have been issued to strengthen flood control measures on two Yangtze tributaries, Xiangjiang and Ganjiang, and Xijiang, the main tributary of the Pearl river, the state flood control and drought relief headquarters (SFDH) said on its website.
Reservoirs and hydro-power stations are being closely watched under the China's second highest flood emergency response alert issued last Wednesday.
The SFDH said on Sunday the Xijiang was nearly seven metres above its danger mark and several other rivers are also exceeding safety levels.
State television said southern Guangdong province was on full alert because the floods from the Xijiang and Beijiang, another branch of the Peral river, are expected to converge on Foshan city, southwest of capital Guangzhouy, on Monday.
Xinhua said as of Sunday, Guangdong reported 20 deaths and eight others missing with 17 cities in the province inundated by waters.
In central Henan province, officials of relevant departments were ordered not to take leave as the lower reaches of the Yellow River, which flows through the province, is expected to have heavy floods since 1982.
"Based on hydro statistics, the longer the time without a big flood, the chances of a big flood is bigger," Liu Guoying, deputy chief of the Yellow River flood control and drought relief headquarters, was quoted as saying by Xinhua.
Xinhua said rain in Henan was forecast mainly in Sanmenxia and was expected to be 20 to 50 per cent heavier this year.
60 korban banjir di China
GUANGZHOU: Banjir besar yang melanda selatan China mengorbankan hampir 60 orang dan memaksa 1.27 juta yang lain meninggalkan rumah mereka, lapor media kerajaan semalam.
Penduduk di kawasan terbabit terpaksa meninggalkan rumah mereka di sembilan wilayah, termasuk Sichuan, yang masih belum pulih daripada gempa yang mengorbankan hampir 70,000 orang, lapor agensi berita Xinhua. Sekurang-kurangnya 57 orang meninggal dunia dan lapan lagi hilang.
Hujan lebat dijangka terus turun di kawasan selatan dalam masa beberapa hari berikut, kata jurucakap Pentadbiran Kaji Cuaca China.
揌ujan petir dijangka berlaku di wilayah Guangdong, Guangxi dan Fujian dalam masa beberapa hari lagi, |
by amazed
cisssssssss china ni tak habis habis dgn bencana... tak sanggup aku nak baca kesiankan penduduknya... tu la.. mmg tak leh ler nak lawan natural disaster ni... aku harap tarak ramai lagi yg mati... dah beribu2 mati last month masa gempa tu.... ni banjir ler pulak..
This is what happens to people who abuse others. China have the biggest human right abuse in the World and they also one of the worst polluters in the World as well. Not to mention that they are invading Tibet and Nepal.
They deserve what they are getting. |
112 korban banjir di 12 wilayah di China
GUANGZHOU: Pegawai Kementerian Hal Ehwal Awam China berkata setakat ini mangsa banjir besar yang melanda 12 wilayah kini mengorbankan 112 penduduk.
Dalam laman web kementerian hari ini menyebut, daripada jumlah itu, 57 mangsa yang terkorban membabitkan mereka dari bahagian tengah dan utara Henan, Shanxi dan Shaanxi.
Baki 55 mangsa lagi dari wilayah selatan iaitu Guangxi, Jiangxi, Hunnan, Hubei, Guangdong, Guizhou, Yunnan, Zhejiang dan Anhui.
Hujan lebat melanda wilayah terbabit sejak beberapa minggu lalu. - AP |
Reply #6 Sephiroth's post
This is what happens to people who abuse others. China have the biggest human right abuse in the World and they also one of the worst polluters in the World as well. Not to mention that they are invading Tibet and Nepal.
They deserve what they are getting.
pada one deserves this kind of disaster whoever whatever they are... you can't stop the natural disaster eventhough how righteous you are... pada aku... kematian yang menyayat hati... terutama recently kat myanmar dan shezuan.. bukan kerana negara tu punye administration yang melampau... abusive polluters... tapi bencana yg memang tak leh nak di elakkan.. it could be anywhere ... afghanistan.. algeria... chile... india... even malaysia.. kalu dah gempa nak menyerang... volcano nak meletus puting beliung nak twist.... who are we to stop those??  |
That is what fools and God-less people usually will say.
Both Hindus and Buddhists could know and accept concept of Karma - good we do, good we will get. Bad things we do, bad things we will get.
I give you two examples :
1. Tsunami in Acheh. Can anyone here state prior to 2005 Tsunami in Acheh, was there any other events such as that occurred in South East Asia, to the extend of killing off 200,000 people?
2. Even here in Malaysia, even since Malacca's Age to now (500 years), have there ever been situations where people would run out of their homes at the middle of the nights like they do for the past few months now?
Nope ... WHY? Because people here have forgotten the basic rule - you do good, you get good things and you do bad, bad things WILL happen to you.
The World's History is full of people who ignore warning from Nature on not to abuse Mother Nature's hospitality and not to abuse their fellow human beings.
Those who failed to understand this, and those who continued to call others who warn them of such FACTS as "dumb religious fanatic" could quickly find themselves becoming part of history (as vanished people). |
Reply #9 Sephiroth's post
aku suka baca post ko.. jgn pulak ko rasa aku ni anti agama lain ker apa ker.. wokey... kawan2 aku mostly diff religion dan aku hormat mereka dan agama mereka... just so you know..
Both Hindus and Buddhists could know and accept concept of Karma - good we do, good we will get. Bad things we do, bad things we will get.
I give you two examples :
1. Tsunami in Acheh. Can anyone here state prior to 2005 Tsunami in Acheh, was there any other events such as that occurred in South East Asia, to the extend of killing off 200,000 people?
well - prior to that --- like how many years before hand? krakatoa killing plenty - in 1883
more than 35,000... for me 10,000 50,000 200,000 still a disaster
2. Even here in Malaysia, even since Malacca's Age to now (500 years), have there ever been situations where people would run out of their homes at the middle of the nights like they do for the past few months now?
u mean because of the earthquake.. i think you can't compare geographical 500 years ago and now.. many have changed ever since.. the plate ... the location... et cetera... et cetera.. Nope ... WHY? Because people here have forgotten the basic rule - you do good, you get good things and you do bad, bad things WILL happen to you.
The World's History is full of people who ignore warning from Nature on not to abuse Mother Nature's hospitality and not to abuse their fellow human beings.
i don't disagree regarding you do good, you get good things you do bad, bad things will happen to you... but.. some bad stuff happened to a good people too.. so stop and think for a sec.... nargis strike delta irrawaddy... killing hundred thousand people... it is not known as the place where people gamble or prostitution etc... but a very poor people
Those who failed to understand this, and those who continued to call others who warn them of such FACTS as "dumb religious fanatic" could quickly find themselves becoming part of history (as vanished people).
i think people should look at this as a warning and as a sign... and take this as an iktibar and a lesson to everyone |
by amazed
well - prior to that --- like how many years before hand? krakatoa killing plenty - in 1883 more than 35,000... for me 10,000 50,000 200,000 still a disaster
Good one ... even so the damage was not as extend of the 2005 Tsunami.
The Earthquake in China have left 50,000 dead (almost double the number) and millions homeless and now the flood which added another 1.27 millions into the list. If we count those who will die of starvation and lack of proper clothing for the winter which could be coming in the next few months, you could see that this toll could reach higher than 35,000.
u mean because of the earthquake.. i think you can't compare geographical 500 years ago and now.. many have changed ever since.. the plate ... the location... et cetera... et cetera..
FYI, the last mega-explosion which occurred (before Krakatoa) was about 70,000 years ago when a volcano in Philiphines (or was it Sumatera, forgot) exploded and covered 70% of the Planet.
So, trust me ... if geographical factors are the main reasons why Malaysia having earthquakes now (even in remote, stable parts like in Kalimantan and East Malaysia) it is because Humans are pissing off Mother Nature. And those who kept reminding them are called "dumb religious fanatics".
but.. some bad stuff happened to a good people too.. so stop and think for a sec.... nargis strike delta irrawaddy... killing hundred thousand people... it is not known as the place where people gamble or prostitution etc... but a very poor people
Yes, poor people who did nothing when Buddhist monks were killed, defending their rights to exist and to live freely. The Buddhist monks were against the decisions of the Junta Military government and they were silenced. This "poor people" as you call them did nothing, when they should have rise up and brought down the government around them.
There's a basic belief in Hindusm - One must NEVER shred the blood of a Holy man. IF such this occur, the land on which the blood have split WILL PERISH ALONG WITH THE PEOPLE WHOM STOOD BY, DOING NOTHING.
Prior to Tsunami 2005 incident, several monks were killed in Southern Thailand by militants while it's government were unable to protect them against this terrorists. This terrorists were trained and supported by Acheh militants. You see a pattern?
People must be responsible for their government's action. The people should not remain quiet while some officials in the Government continue to rule over them and talk on their behalf but actually for their own purpose.
Don't simply put the blame on the Government, stating that the people are innocent of the Government's irresponsible actions. The people have to remember, in state of war, it is the people who will suffer the most, therefore, it is only logical that it is they who determine how the Government should behave. People who are irresponsible are guilt of their Government's irresponsibile actions.
i think people should look at this as a warning and as a sign... and take this as an iktibar and a lesson to everyone
Actually, Chinese people knows this for a long time. They are the ones who practise Feng Shui and held belief that they should never "piss off a dragon". It is common belief that they share the World with other lifeforms and that natural disasters occur because humans have disturbed natural order. They know, but their Government does not care.
If you're a Malaysian, then you could probably remember the Highland Tower incident some 15 years ago. Feng Shui masters have told Malaysians that the natural order is not balance at those site because the buildings was built on top of a Dragon (head is stable and strong but the tail section is not, always moving) and as they predicted, one of three buildings collapsed. |
Reply #11 Sephiroth's post
by Sephiroth
(aku nak cuba gak jawab in english wokey.. tapi mind you english aku berterabur cuma aku harap ko faham apa yg aku nak sampaikan )
The Earthquake in China have left 50,000 dead (almost double the number) and millions homeless and now the flood which added another 1.27 millions into the list. If we count those who will die of starvation and lack of proper clothing for the winter which could be coming in the next few months, you could see that this toll could reach higher than 35,000.
of course it would be more... and the population were also a lot more than 1883... we can't compare the total loss of life.. but we can compare the repurcussion.... and what it did to the nation..
obviously to build up again the area will cost million if not billion of dollars and the worst part is that... you never know that it might strike again while the area is under renovation... just think of the setback!!! cissssss..
FYI, the last mega-explosion which occurred (before Krakatoa) was about 70,000 years ago when a volcano in Philiphines (or was it Sumatera, forgot) exploded and covered 70% of the Planet.
So, trust me ... if geographical factors are the main reasons why Malaysia having earthquakes now (even in remote, stable parts like in Kalimantan and East Malaysia) it is because Humans are pissing off Mother Nature. And those who kept reminding them are called "dumb religious fanatics".
actually 500 years ago about 1556 the earthquake actually strike china killing 830,000 and was known as the worst ever earthquake in the world the cost almost a million death (kalu kat singapore tu tak ada dah penduduk nye... )
personally it is unheard of on my part regarding the term 'dumb religious fanatics' however, i think geographical factors are not the only reason why we are having earthquakes lately (eventho very minor less than 4 magnitude) but there' re few other factors contribute to the disaster too
Yes, poor people who did nothing when Buddhist monks were killed, defending their rights to exist and to live freely. The Buddhist monks were against the decisions of the Junta Military government and they were silenced. This "poor people" as you call them did nothing, when they should have rise up and brought down the government around them.
what could they possibly do??? what means of things that they have to prevent and help out? sometimes we have to be realistic to see the situation and the cause.. i can't stand junta. period. the way they handled the nargis victims situation was awful and inhumane.
There's a basic belief in Hindusm - One must NEVER shred the blood of a Holy man. IF such this occur, the land on which the blood have split WILL PERISH ALONG WITH THE PEOPLE WHOM STOOD BY, DOING NOTHING.
i do not know anything about this and i thank you for enlighten this to me... however i think holy or not human is human and there's no human is above than the other except the one with more knowledge and faith.
Prior to Tsunami 2005 incident, several monks were killed in Southern Thailand by militants while it's government were unable to protect them against this terrorists. This terrorists were trained and supported by Acheh militants. You see a pattern?
it is not because gov't unabled to protect them.. it is because when the killing was spontaneous by the terrorist nothing could stop it except the terrorist themselves. it is not a natural things. it is from human's greed and evil side.
People must be responsible for their government's action. The people should not remain quiet while some officials in the Government continue to rule over them and talk on their behalf but actually for their own purpose.
i disagree people MUST be responsible for their government'a action. many we observed ourselved rallied against their gov't decision making that was against the human rights. so, i think the one in goverment administration is the one who's responsible for the action not the rakyat.
Don't simply put the blame on the Government, stating that the people are innocent of the Government's irresponsible actions. The people have to remember, in state of war, it is the people who will suffer the most, therefore, it is only logical that it is they who determine how the Government should behave. People who are irresponsible are guilt of their Government's irresponsibile actions.
well, it the decision was made by the government, why on earth the rakyat should take the responsiblity especially if the rakyat also were part of the victim of government's decision. as i stated, the ones that rule the government must be responsible for the bad decision making not the rakyat. but i don't disagree with you about the people are those the ones that elected the government... oh well, not all the people elected the government that rule the nation.
Actually, Chinese people knows this for a long time. They are the ones who practise Feng Shui and held belief that they should never "piss off a dragon". It is common belief that they share the World with other lifeforms and that natural disasters occur because humans have disturbed natural order. They know, but their Government does not care.
i agree that human disturbed the natural flow and that's why the mother nature gets upset and turn its head towards the human.. but not in all situation can call for that.
If you're a Malaysian, then you could probably remember the Highland Tower incident some 15 years ago. Feng Shui masters have told Malaysians that the natural order is not balance at those site because the buildings was built on top of a Dragon (head is stable and strong but the tail section is not, always moving) and as they predicted, one of three buildings collapsed
malaysian remains malaysian.. you know for sure - bila ada event yang teruk2 berlaku kat malaysia ni.. paling lama pun 2 minggu nak implement this implement that nak prevent this nak prevent that... supaya tak berlaku lagi... aku bagi 2 minggu TOP... pastu lupa balik...
mengenai highland towers tu... pada aku landslide bukan natural disaster all together... especially bila building yg dibina tu memang terletak kat tepi bukit yang ditarah... tu semua manusia punya hal.. yang lingkup habis satu apartment building tu... tak silap aku block A. kawan aku tinggal situ... luckily dia & keluarga selamat sbb were out that saturday afternoon. tapi memang barang2 habis ler.. tapi aku juga baca tempat tu (bangunan tu) mmg banyak perkara2 tak elok berlaku.. aku pun tak berapa ingat sbb aku muda sikit baru lepas habis pakai diaper... tapi aku baca ler keratan2 newspaper pasal tu..,. thanks sbb ko bagi sikit info ni sephiroth.  |
Banjir: Berjuta di Delta Sungai Mutiara mungkin pindah
[/td][/tr][tr][td]gambar agensi berita Xinhua menunjukkan penduduk berakit melalui jalan-jalan utama yang dinaiki air untuk bergerak di bandar Yangshuo di wilayah autonomi Guangxi Zhuang, barat daya China. |
Thursday June 19, 2008
'Curse of the Fuwa' fulfilled by Chinese floods
By Lucy Hornby and Alfred Cang
BEIJING (Reuters) - Floods sweeping southern China seem to have fulfilled the final stanza of an Internet curse involving Beijing's Olympic mascots, but censors have been quick to remove postings that might fuel the superstition.
After a devastating earthquake struck Sichuan province last month, Internet users tied four of the five "Fuwa" mascots to the calamities that have struck China in the run-up to the Games, which begin in August. One Fuwa is a panda, the totem of Sichuan.
The others resemble a torch, reminding netizens of the protests against the international Olympic torch rally; a Tibetan antelope tied to widespread demonstrations in Tibetan areas; and a swallow that looks like a kite, linked to a deadly train crash in Shandong province.
The final Fuwa, sporting a fish, was left unexplained in the original superstition as a curse yet to come.
Unexplained, that is, until widespread flooding in southern and central China claimed dozens of lives in June.
"I am in Shenzhen. There is heavy rain for two days and no sign that it will stop... now the curse of the last "fish" has proven correct. What shall we do?" said a post by yellow_hades on Tianya, a popular online forum.
That and similar posts have disappeared quickly this week. China's censors monitor the Internet carefully and remove any posts deemed inflammatory or not in line with government policy.
Major calamities, earthquakes in particular, were viewed in imperial China as a sign that a dynasty had lost the mandate of Heaven.
Although the Communist Party has tried to stamp out "feudal superstition" since it took power in 1949, the Beijing Games will start on the auspicious moment of 8:08 pm, on Aug. 8 2008. Eight is a lucky number in Chinese. |
by amazed
however, i think geographical factors are not the only reason why we are having earthquakes lately (eventho very minor less than 4 magnitude) but there' re few other factors contribute to the disaster too
Oh ... so you believe that just because it is mere tremors with less than magnitude 3, it should be safe? Tremors, however smalls could crack the foundations for buildings, bridges, overpass and many more concrete foundations. And because Malaysia have been safe from earthquakes in the past, most of the buildings (if not all) were build with foundations unable to support stronger earthquakes like those which occurred in China and Indonesia. Trust me, Malaysians may someday woke up and find themselves been buried alive.
what could they possibly do??? what means of things that they have to prevent and help out? sometimes we have to be realistic to see the situation and the cause..
In a Democratic Nation, it is the people which supposed to shape the Country and its Government. No Government is above its people, who are the foundation. Rise up and fight if you are oppressed. If you're only good at making excuses, do not seek sympathy when Nature rises up and strike you down along with those who abuse others. There is no excuses to be heard or to be held. Want to live? Then fight.
it is not because gov't unabled to protect them.. it is because when the killing was spontaneous by the terrorist nothing could stop it except the terrorist themselves. it is not a natural things. it is from human's greed and evil side.
The Government could launch a full-scale war to strike out the terrorists, lock-down the borders between Malaysia and Thailand and SHOOT any Malaysians who seeks to help this terrorists. They can also bring in all the Muslims from the village and place them in camps, like what the British have done with the Indians, Chinese and Malays during the Communist attacks (1950s ~ 1970s) or Americans did with Japanese citizens in US during the World War 2.
By placing them in camps, they could monitor them and ensure who are the innocent and who are terrorists. The innocent people could be provided with shelter, food and educations, spliting them from their corrupting elements in the society while the terrorists are shoot like dogs in the streets.
i disagree people MUST be responsible for their government'a action.
In a Democratic nation, the People MUST be responsible for the actions of the Government. PERIOD. Otherwise, you may just accept Communism where a few leaders herd you like cattles.
Remember - the so-called leaders in the Political parties are human beings, not gods. They are humans who lives with the society like everyone else. They are NOT gods to rule over others. Then again, maybe Communism makes their leaders into gods.
i agree that human disturbed the natural flow and that's why the mother nature gets upset and turn its head towards the human.. but not in all situation can call for that.
Everything which happens in this World revolves around Mother Nature and what going on with the Temperature, Weather, Climate and such. If humans upset the Natural balance, it is they who WILL endure the effect. PERIOD.
Like in Highland Towers, humans built buildings (which Mother Nature never said they cannot) in a wrong place. Despite of the warnings by others (Fengshui Masters included, many of them probably been called Dumb Religious fanatics also), no actions have been taken because no one got hurt. Even when the Tower collapsed, people who supposed to be responsible, merely pushed it aside as Accidents. Who to blame here? Mother Nature or stupidity of some people? |
by amazed
Although the Communist Party has tried to stamp out "feudal superstition" since it took power in 1949, the Beijing Games will start on the auspicious moment of 8:08 pm, on Aug. 8 2008. Eight is a lucky number in Chinese.
Hypocritic fools ... it is OK for them to be superstituous but it is not OK for others to be.
Olimpic this year will be held in a graveyard - surrounded by mourning people, suffering people and those who have lost everything. Is this example of Human Spirit which Olimpics supposed to signify? No, it is something the International Community needs to think about.
I'm not saying that they should look for mandate from Heaven for everything they do like what some cultures did in the past. I merely saying, when you know that some people are biggest human right abusers in the World (not to mention that Environmental Abuse and Invasion of Tibet), DO NOT GO and KISS UP their their backside.
A lot of situations in the World regarding genocides and human right abuses CAN BE SOLVED IF the International Community stands up firmly. But UN and the World's so-called Leaders failed many time. This Olimpic Event WILL be a mark in History of their failure.
Oh ... And, it's not a curse, it is retribution. As long as Communists are in the Lands of the Buddha, they WILL lose their own land to Nature. |
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