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Landmark: Petaling Street / Chinatown / Madras Lane

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Post time 30-3-2008 08:19 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Naga hijau PS
Jalan Petaling tidak menunjukkan sebarang petanda akan mati biarpun sudah berdiri di situ untuk berdekad lamanya.

ALIRAN manusia tidak putus biarpun sehingga waktu
untuk menghentikan operasi perniagaan.

PS ataupun Jalan Petaling bukanlah titik baru dalam peta pelancongan Malaysia. Di sini letaknya pusat Chinatown yang paling terkenal di Kuala Lumpur. Menjadi lokasi kunjungan pelancong asing dan penduduk tempatan, siang dan malamnya dihidupkan dengan aktiviti perniagaan.

Aliran trafik manusia tidak pernah putus, menjadikan ia lebih menarik dan mengujakan untuk dilawati.

Gerai-gerai baju, kain, seluar, beg, kasut, barangan kraf atau cenderamata berderetan. Disebabkan sambutan yang amat menggalakkan, jalan ini ditutup sepenuhnya kepada kenderaan pada waktu malam, membolehkan puluhan gerai barangan dibuka di tengah-tengahnya.

Kelebihannya terletak pada kepelbagaian produk mampu milik dan keterbukaannya untuk aktiviti tawar-menawar.
Riuh suara peniaga menarik perhatian pelanggan yang lalu-lalang. Walaupun pada mulanya sekadar menoleh untuk melihat barangan yang ada, tidak kurang juga yang 'tewas' kepada harga murahnya.

Malah gerai-gerai buah, minuman, serta restoran menambah kerancakan suasana malamnya. Bau buah berangan dipanggang, aroma mi Hokkien, ikan bakar, asam laksa dan mi kari menerewang di ruang udara.

Perhatikan juga Restoran Yook Woo Hin yang merupakan salah sebuah tempat makan yang paling lama bertahan di Kuala Lumpur.

Jika dahulu jalannya berlopak, tidak rata dan sesak dengan payung-payung besar yang berwarna-warni, kini, selepas dinaik taraf dengan kos mencecah RM11.3 juta pada tahun 2003, ia dipayungi bumbung panjang terentang di sepanjang jalan itu.
Di permulaan dan penghujung jalan itu didirikan pintu gerbang berukir naga hijau yang bagaikan mengalu-alukan kedatangan pengunjung dengan atmosfera orientalnya.

Syurga untuk aktiviti tawar-menawar ini juga berada di kedudukan tanah tinggi Kuala Lumpur, menjadikannya kurang terdedah kepada risiko banjir kilat yang sekali-sekala mengisi kalendar tahunan bandar raya ini.

Pelancong juga dapat memilih untuk menginap di hotel, hostel atau rumah tumpangan yang disediakan di antara rumah-rumah kedai yang mengapit barisan gerai termasuk Hostel Army, Hotel Malaya, Hotel Swiss Inn, dan Hotel Stayorange - lokasi yang tepat buat mereka yang mahu menyaksikan warna-warni lampu neon dan arus manusia.

Berdekatan dengan Masjid Jamek, sebuah masjid yang mengaplikasi seni bina Moor, serta hanya beberapa minit perjalanan dari Pasar Seni, PS mudah untuk diakses, terutamanya dengan menaiki Transit Aliran Ringan (LRT) Pasar Seni atau monorel di Jalan Maharajalela.

Mercu tanda lain yang senang untuk diperhatikan ialah Kuil Sri Mahamariamman, terletak di Jalan Tun H.S. Lee. Ia kuil paling tua di ibu kota - FATIMI NADIAH ZAINUDEEN

last week aku beli rolex rm15... tu pun dia letak rm30.. aku beli 2.. satu nak bagi hadiah kat member aku di DeKalb.. birthday dia.. musti dia ingat.. woooo janitor kat m'sia gaji ribu raban.. tee hee    anyway.. ni aje ler tempat aku nak shopping best sikit..  dan dapat afford..  lagi pun ada satu stall tu mmg aku dah jadi regular customer dia.. so aku selalu dapat good deal kat situ.. cayork cayork.. aku datang kl pun dalam 2 minggu or 3 minggu sekali.. sbb malas nak travel dari s alam ke kl.. kalu nak gi PS aje terus jompa kawan2 lepak minum2 kat sentul.. wokey la tu.. sesekali..   pada yg nak sopping tu.. aku cadangkan pegi aje kat PS ni.. bukannya apa  mcm2 ada kat sini... nak makan pun.. ada makcik kat depan kotaraya yg jual masakan kampong  besh  gak!     murah aje..     pada aku... PS ni tempat yg boleh jadi landmark history : chinatown in KL... :victory:

[ Last edited by  amazed at 12-4-2009 16:27 ]

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Post time 30-3-2008 09:15 AM | Show all posts
Dulu aku rajin ler pi jenjalan kat PS nih. Tapi la nih kurang selesa sket, ada beberapa peniaga kat situ yg mmg samseng kalau kita dok belek2, mintak harga kurng pastu last2 tak mau beli. Depa nih boleh maki kita mcm2 sampai nak bergaduh.. Bukan psl racist ke haper, aku penah baca dalam Forum, some Chinese forumers kat situ pun komplen dan nasihat supaya kita hati2. Maklum ler kat situ dah jadi mcm underworld utk orang2 con-man yg jual counterfeit goods dll.

So hati2 ler.

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 Author| Post time 30-3-2008 01:11 PM | Show all posts

Reply #2 noriabdullah's post

aku rasa ni nasihat baek!!  kalu lelaki cam aku pun aku takkan pegi sorang2.. aku mesti pegi dgn member aku..  just nak safe ajer.. lagi pun sonok sikit gi dgn member..  pada yg pompuan tu.. kalu boley  pegi dgn boyfren ke laki ke atau kalu dgn kawan2 pompuan biar 2-3 orang dan selalu hati2 sikit..   sopping sopping gak.. tapi safety korang tu lagi penting ek..

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Post time 31-3-2008 08:30 AM | Show all posts
Petaling street dah tak macam dulu...dulu kalau kita blah dari satu stall, tokei dia akan bagi harga macam kita nak...sekarang kena maki! Itu nasib baik kalau kena maki...kalau kena hempuk? Satu lagi...area tu Chinatown...tapi dah penuh dengan Bangla....

PS juga tempat paling dibenci salah sorang lecturer aku kat UK la kawan tu ajar Intellectual Property...PS pulak syurga pirate!!

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Post time 31-3-2008 01:26 PM | Show all posts

Reply #4 alphawolf's post

ye lah.. tukang jual ramai orang bangla.. harga mahal satu hal.. pastu gerai semua mcm ada connection..

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Post time 31-3-2008 01:43 PM | Show all posts

Reply #4 alphawolf's post

lor ye ke??
mcm tu Thailand lagik teruk..
siap buat kete F1 tiruan..

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 Author| Post time 14-6-2008 08:48 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by alphawolf at 31-3-2008 08:30 AM
Petaling street dah tak macam dulu...dulu kalau kita blah dari satu stall, tokei dia akan bagi harga macam kita nak...sekarang kena maki! Itu nasib baik kalau kena maki...kalau kena hempuk? Satu  ...

aku turun KL tadi  gi dgn member aku...  apa lagi  kitorang pegi PS   beli 4 dvd citer lama ajer... murah wooo  aku bayar RM10 dapat 4 dvd... murah giler  aper ke..     beli juger ler  selai tshirt  murah2 aje... baloi ler gak... pastu belasah teh tarik kat kedai makcik bawah jambatan... kawan aku yg tau tempat tu...  sedap gak..    punya la ramai orang  cisssss  

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Post time 14-6-2008 09:42 PM | Show all posts
Toksah le pegi PS ni BOikot je .. Beli barang kat situ ibarat macam beli dengan Lanun .......aku benci betul dgn PS ni

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Post time 27-6-2008 10:07 AM | Show all posts
ni la tmpat salah satu yg aku pling bhati2 bla nak g...tkut wooo...buatnya aku xnak bli brg..mapus woo kna ktuk nnt huuu

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Post time 27-6-2008 03:03 PM | Show all posts
Dulu ramai yg Chinese berjual kat PS ni. Sekarang ni ramai bangla la pulok.

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Post time 11-12-2008 09:46 AM | Show all posts

gambar petaling street dulu -

gambar petaling street sekarang -

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 Author| Post time 12-4-2009 04:30 PM | Show all posts
Sunday April 12, 2009
Down Madras Lane
Story and Photos by GRACE CHEN

Madras Lane has managed to retain its charm through the years.

THOUGH the official name of the street is Jalan Sultan, no one ever calls Madras Lane by this name. Perhaps it may have something to do with the hawkers here who insist on hanging onto the memory of the Madras Cinema which burnt down in 1979.

Wan Siew Yee, the chee cheong fun lady, recalls the moment of the fire as clearly as if it had happened yesterday.

The lunch crowd at Madras Lane.

揟here was a shout and I thought a fight had broken out. When I went to see what was going on, someone rushed out of the cinema and told me that there was a fire. There had been several small fires in the cinema before but this time the entire building was razed,

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 Author| Post time 26-10-2009 01:24 PM | Show all posts
Monday October 26, 2009New roof over Petaling StreetStory and photos by LIM CHIA YING

VISITORS to Petaling Street may notice there is a brand new stretch of blue roofing over one-third of the road that is a popular tourist spot.

It replaces the old roofing, said to have been more than five years old, some panels of which were falling off, hence posing a danger to traders and customers.

The completed stretch is the first phase of the upgrading work to be done. The second phase started last Friday.
Bukit Bintang MP Fong Kui Lun, who was at the site to see the completed work on Friday, said the roof replacement project, which was divided into three phases, cost over RM1mil.

Completed: The new roof and its supporting aluminium beams that constituted the first phase of the upgrading work in Petaling Street.

It is being undertaken by the Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL).

“The reason the DBKL divided the work into three phases is to minimise interruption and not cause too much inconvenience to the traders as those operating in the affected sections have been asked to close their business during the upgrading,” Fong said.

“When the first phase was being carried out, the traders in that section could not operate. The work was completed within 18 days and they resumed business today (last Friday).

“Now, it’s the turn of the traders in the second section to close to facilitate the second phase.

“This contractor has been ahead of schedule and we expect the second phase to be completed by Nov 9, after which the third phase will start.”

Next in line: The old roofing (left) to be replaced with a new roof of the same material in Phase Two.Work on the section started on Friday.

It is learnt that the roof is of the same polycarbonate material as the old roof, but Fong said this time around, it had stronger aluminium beams and lining.

“Lighting has been added and there are also roof gutters to channel rain water away,” he said.

Kuala Lumpur Hawkers and Petty Traders Association vice-chairman Datuk Ang Say Tee said what was important was the safety of traders and customers as some of the loose polycarbonate panels of the old roof had fallen and hit people in the process.

“We thank the DBKL for the allocation and attention in this matter.

“However, it is regrettable the contract specifications do not include repainting of the supporting columns/pillars, which are already rusty with the paint slowly peeling off.

“I urge the DBKL to also consider this soon so that the pillars will complement the new roof.”

During the site visit, the heat could be felt but Fong said it was probably due to the roof’s light blue colour instead of a darker hue, which might result in a more sombre atmosphere.

Ang said he was happy that the traders had given their cooperation during the upgrading.

A bag trader, who wished to be known only as Steven and has been operating there for over 10 years, said he had suffered losses when he had to close but conceded that the work had to be done sooner or later.

He said the roof was probably last changed in 2002, adding that it was too early to tell if the new roof was satisfactory.
Another trader, selling watches, who declined to be named, however said it had only been a few years since the roof was changed and questioned its quality.

“When it rained (the previous day), it had caused a little flooding that affected our stall.

“Now that it is the rainy season, we may even have to close early,” he said, adding that the DBKL should do some checks,” he said.

Petaling Street has 773 licensed traders and, according to Fong, there should not be anymore foreign workers manning the stalls following the June 1 ultimatum by the DBKL that traders who employed foreign helpers would have their licences revoked.

He said that although some workers looked like foreigners, they were really locals from Sabah, and that the DBKL enforcement team made daily rounds to ensure the stalls observed the ruling.

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Post time 26-10-2009 05:08 PM | Show all posts
Pelik kn kerajaan ni?

At one hand diorang nk basmi barang2 tiruan dan aktivit2 samseng.

at the other hand diorang galakkan pulak tourist utk shopping kt PS tu.

Dulu time study pnh le beli bju tk ori brand adidas dgn nike kt situ. 10 hinggit je. Tp kain jnis low, then gatal2...

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 Author| Post time 11-2-2010 07:40 PM | Show all posts

KEMUNCULAN Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak (berbaju batik)
yang mengadakan lawatan mengejut di Jalan Petaling, Kuala Lumpur sempena
sambutan Tahun Baru Cina disambut ribuan warga kota yang berada di sekitar
jalan tersebut, 11 Februari. - Utusan

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Post time 19-3-2010 12:37 PM | Show all posts
aku mmg xpernah g PS ni tp hubby aku ckp waktu dulu2 dia gi ada 2-3 orang kepung dia, pastu paw dia, maybe sbb dia g sorang2 kot.. so, dia nasihat kat aku, takyah gi sana... jadinya, aku just lalu je kat situ... teringin gak nk masuk tp memikirkan keselamatan aku, baik xyah gi...

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Post time 6-5-2010 09:40 PM | Show all posts
kalau time nak raya tu,mcm2 jenis manusia ada kat sana..

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Post time 7-5-2010 07:29 PM | Show all posts
Satu2nya tempat sesak yg aku suka pergi ialah PS Boutique ni... sebab ada banyak benda yang boleh aku tengok... kat sini yang boleh beli ialah jam murah2... tali pinggang, kalo nak beli beg kena hati2 la...coz ada kulit vavi pun depa selamba jual...lagi dengan cahaya ala2 terang reban ayam jek

kat sana kalau tak nak beli jangan tawar, sah kena maki la kalau dia dah turunkan beg, ko tawar... pastu tak jadi beli. benda ni jadi kat member aku... takat maki depan takpe...cina tu jerit weh! malu!!!

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Post time 22-5-2010 05:27 PM | Show all posts
Reply 2# noriabdullah

    samseng cina aku ok lagi..sbb aku leh nego ngn dorg lagi..n dari kecik sllu layan kn dorg so..tade masalah..yg tak thn sekarang ni..bnyk plak samseng bangla..hak2..aku nk gaduh pun takde mood...jadi baik tak yah g..tunggu sok2 dahbnyk point aku g gak lnyak bangla2 budus ni..

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