At his new high school, a rebellious teen Jake Tyler is lured into an ultimate underground fighting club in a Backyard Fight, where he finds a mentor in a mixed martial arts veteran. After receiving threats to the safety of his friends and family, Jake seeks the mentoring of a veteran fighter, to train his mind and body for one final no-holds-barred elimination fight with his unrelenting personal nemesis and local martial arts champion Ryan McCarthy.
dah lama hollywood tak kuarkan citer lawan-lawan..Tapi aku masih menunggu dvdrip version kuar..setakat ni semua version CAM..gambar panggung.
aku baru tgk dvd nye smalam..mmg teruja arr tgk lakonan derang....fight derang pon mmg best........lagi satu sker awek dier..mmg geram habis aku tgk....lagi lagi masa dier fight ngan jake kat bilek tue....skali aderk dier terjah..huhuhuh...tp mmg best arr citer nieee |
Reply #2 arduka_kencana's post
gambo molek tak? aku nak cari kat dvdrip citer ni kat tenet lum jumpa lagi la |
aku beli tue....kurang sket gambo dier laa...cam siol..mmg nak beli yg terang nye plak.....tp bley tgk laa..takda nampak paler org laa........ |
citer baru ek.. best tak citer nih..? |
wah...mcm best...
nak kene carik dvd nih...
=) |
Reply #6 juwaini's post
mesti ada aksi romen teruk2 ni |
Originally posted by seri03 at 16-9-2008 03:22 PM
mesti ada aksi romen teruk2 ni
Romen? Takde la romen pun...
Standard citer orang putih la, ada kiss-kiss gitu...
Tapi takde la sampai tahap porno pun... |
best cite ni smpi aku sendiri pon angan2 nak dpt body cam dia... |
xbley tengok... bahaya |
Originally posted by juwaini at 17-9-2008 12:34 AM
Romen? Takde la romen pun...
Standard citer orang putih la, ada kiss-kiss gitu...
Tapi takde la sampai tahap porno pun...
apa kiss2 gitu..:@
ala2 porno tu.. |
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