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bolehkah keluar haidh tp mengandung...
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salam kepada semua forumner yg aku sanjungi dan hormati.INSYALLAH..erm nak tny nih ttg masalah mengandung nih..erm kalau seseorg tuh wat persetubuhan dengan isteri dia,then selepas sebulan tuh,isteri dia masih lagi keluar haid macam bulan2 yg nak tny lah,adakah persetubuhan yg dilakukan sebulan sebelum tuh x menghasilkan anak??
setahu sy la,haidh keluar sebab ovum yg tidak disenyawakan.betul kan?? |
betull... tp ada gak pompuan yg experience haid tp tetap mengandung.. in fact ada yg dah 5 bulan mengandung, tp masih haid mcm biasa...
diorang gelar keadaan ni bunting pelanduk |
implantation bleeding, kromosom abnormalities semua boleh beri early months (i st tirmester) haemorrhage |
ha ni department Dr. Blackmore ni...tanya dier...
tp bleeding still boleh terjadi even mengandung....cara senang...amik urine test tgk level HCG level, confirm ngandung ke tak...
byk causes bleeding the top of my head: tumour, fibroids, endometriosis, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, hypothyroidism, infection/inflammation of the tubes, genital tracts... |
...ok lah...gini...there is no such thing as being pregnant and having menses at the same time...sebab...semasa seseorang wanita tu hamil...her ovaries stop ovulating...ovaries dorang rest for that whole pregnancy period...making menstruation impossible...
...kalau ada bleeding semasa could be due to several reasons...
...bleeding in the first half of pregnancy is common...contributing factors include what we call as implantation bleeding...which can occur anywhere from 6-12 days after conception...almost every woman will experience implantation bleeding...but...the degree of the bleeding varies...some will lightly spot for a few hours...others may have some light spotting for a couple of days...
...apart from this...bleeding in early pregnancy can also be contributed to some type of infection in the pelvic cavity...
...some women also experience some vaginal bleed after intercourse because the cevix is very tender and sensitive...if this happens...then avoid intercourse until u have been seen by your bear in mind that sexual intercourse does not cause a miscarriage...avoiding it during such a period can prevent further irritation and bleeding to the cevix..
...bleeding during the second half of pregnancy are caused by some common conditions such as an inflammed cervix or growths on the polyps...
...late bleeding may pose a threat to the health of the woman or the baby...therefore...they must consult their gynae when they experience any bleeding in the second or third trimester of their pregnancy...
...women whose placenta is low lying also at risk of bleeding...placenta previa occurs when the placenta lies low in the uterus partly or completely covering the this is something very serious and requires immediate care....bleeding occurs wiithout pain....
...vaginal bleeding may also be caused by another obstetric emergency known as placental abruption...placental abruption occurs when the placenta detached itself from the uterine wall before or during labour...ngeri beb kalau ada abruptio cases...silap dan lambat manage both mother and baby bley hilang nyawa...huhuhu... |
Originally posted by Arissa_Sofea at 17-9-2008 21:22 ![](
ha ni department Dr. Blackmore ni...tanya dier...
tp bleeding still boleh terjadi even mengandung....cara senang...amik urine test tgk level HCG level, confirm ngandung ke tak...
byk causes ... not a dr lerrr... |
Originally posted by blackmore at 17-9-2008 10:48 PM
...ok lah...gini...there is no such thing as being pregnant and having menses at the same time...sebab...semasa seseorang wanita tu hamil...her ovaries stop ovulating...ovaries dorang rest for th ...
tu dia detailed explanation....thanks...aku pun taktau psl mender2 ni....
nanti leh la buat pakar....O&G consultant Dr. Blackmore
[ Last edited by Arissa_Sofea at 17-9-2008 11:04 PM ] |
Reply #2 katak hijau's post
betulkah,cmner boleh jadi cm tuh ek?? |
o nak back to basic lah
Originally posted by orang_kb at 20-9-2008 01:58 AM ![](
betulkah,cmner boleh jadi cm tuh ek??
encik ,
encik faham ker apa yg ditulis oleh Blackie ( Black more ) dearie tu?
saya rasa encik boleh lah mendapat penerangan ttg kitar haid ni maksudnya
jika berlaku sexual intercourse ( SI - intimate consummation pun) may be masa tu dah lepas ovum tu tak viable ( dah habis temph hayat dia) maksudnya ovum tu dah bila intercourse pun tak der persenyawaan sperma dan ovum.
bila waktunya
ok kalau encik nak merancang keluarga dgn wife kan u need to know
a) kitar haid ur wife usually 28 - 35 days ( kitarhaid dikira pada hari pertama seseorg lady tu period hingga keperiod berikutnya - maksudnya reset balik lah ke no . b) jangka hayat ovum hanya berapa ? likeb72 hours yg sperms pula i dah lupa
c) waktu yg kebarangkalian isteri encik boleh hamil jika SI itu berlaku
ni kena buka buku sains KBSM form 3
dan ..sebaik baiknya untukmerancang suruh isteri pergi dapatkan khidmat nasihat pakar obstetrik atau memana doktor like mkn asid folik dulu ker etc etc tau... |
If i may ask ( izinkan saya bertanya)
ni lady yg encik tanay tentang IT atau komputer dulu u ker? yg drop her course tu ker? how is she?
bagaimana tahap pengetahuan dia ttg hal macam ni sebab saya rasa dia patut tahujugak ni |
memang ade la.... member wife aku dah mengandung 3 bulan... tapi period maintain jer.... |
betui tu. ada pompuan yang mengandung,tapi masih period... |
tuan rumah ni dh berkahwin ke?? ayat skema semacam je....byk plak tu thread2 yg awak buka, suma soalan yg sama?? ![](static/image/smiley/default/shocked.gif) |
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