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Kerja Bidang Logistic & Shipping... e.g. MISC
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Kengkawan, ada sesiapa blh bagi idea tak?
Logistic tu macamana kerja dia?
Setahu aku pasal kontena, warehousing, pengangkutan & right timing jer...
Aku pening, ada nak mintak kerja Executive Purchaser MISC,
dia cakap:
"Responsible for end-to-end purchasing and expediting as per vessels’ requirements, for a pool of vessels within one of the Cross Functional Fleet Teams (CFTs). This has to be performed within the company procedures and guidelines to ensure that materials are purchased in the most cost effective manner, with correct specification and timely delivered in order to meet vessels’ maintenance, operational and safety requirements. The Executive Purchaser supervises Purchasers within the CFT and fills the function of a Material Specialist."
Buat apa tuh?
Aku pening, takut dah nih, no idea... |
Reply #1 sya_sugar_sugar's post
kalo purchaser...
u macam asset controller lah kot.. |
Reply #1 sya_sugar_sugar's post
owh ni actually macam shipping agent... mostly before the vessel arrives at the port... any port.. they might have few requirements untuk vessel stability la.. contoh die nak freshwater, dispose garbage, sludge etc, kadang untuk maintanece, they need contractors untuk repair.....
tengok port la..kalau port macam tanjung pelepas.. kapal misc tak banyak ..rase banyak kat klang kuantan kot....
ni ape yang aku tau la..keje memang challenging sebab u have to be middle person between the vessel and vendors.. since it says about controlling thingy, so maybe involve cost-control jugak la.. selalu operation memang deal bahagian cost-cotrol la ...
tak silap aku kapal misc ni banyak tanker kan... full container vessel sket je.... kalau tanker, mesti banyak requirement untuk maintenance kapal...
kalau ade ape2 yang ko nak tanye la... aku rase aku boleh jawab la jugak..keke sebab aku deal dengan hal2 macam ni.... tapi bukan keje dengan misc yek.. one of the MISC vessel operated by our company..... |
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thanks enche sayang mulut...
ayooo... beratnya... mesti ada gender bias nih... |
Originally posted by pressor at 7-3-2009 14:52
kalo purchaser...
u macam asset controller lah kot..
TQ Pressor... lemah semamgat aku di buatnya... |
Reply #4 sya_sugar_sugar's post
owhh... itu no komen la.. tapi biase nye..dalam operation ni memang kebanyakannye lelaki... tapi company aku ade je.... jgn tak tau..kapal2 container yang paling besar di dunia captainnye ade perempuan ok..
so jgn la persoalkan masalah gender2 ni... misc ramai perempuan.. ala lagi pun, kalau keje macam yang i cakap tu..bukannnye kene naik kapal ke ape. just duduk depan komputer and layan emails ( in case is that 's the method of com la ) dan talipon.. tu je...
the idea being in operation, for me la, u dun have to be physically tough but u have to be mentally prepared la... ye la... layan2 kehendak orang..semua keje macam tu..lebih2 lagi kalau regarding cost ni... kalau nak mintak bayaran punye la susah..sampai gaduh2...
anyway... aku keje dengan satu company ni..kitorang tengah under million dollar projects untuk jadikan port do asia pacific esp kat asean terbaik di rantau ni.... and i deal with the operation team from PTP, PSA, dan few ports dari negara lain...
and surprisingly, most of the guys there are women women gitu.... jate sket sajo...
so jgn risau.. keje ni senang..semua orang boleh buat.... korang tak jeles ke kerje cheff tu lelaki buat?
[ Last edited by sayang_mulut at 7-3-2009 16:51 ] |
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plus, kalau ko keje bahagian kontena.. lagi parah kepala ko... serius!! |
Reply #8 pressor's post
nyahh. ko keje misc ke? kat mane? kl ke? aku kenal ramai jugak tau orang misc... hehehe... selalu jugak haku captain2 kapal misc selalu jugak join lunch ngan dorang... ade taste ade nan ado...
maybe ko tau a kan kerje2 atas ni... maltop!!! |
Reply #12 pressor's post
ahhahahahahha... ske ske ske ske... MILS jual mahal hoccay....meletop kan ala2 jual mahal..
nok tak sdar thread ni jadi macma thread kite.. jom balik rumah...
nanti abang kambeng hembus kan bau masam die...
*larikkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk |
Reply #13 sayang_mulut's post
a'ah..... |
fuh..dh len macm jar ngn thread nie..
cm off topic la pulek.. |
kijer shipping ni otak kena ligat..
kalo pusing ikut jln A x dpt, kena ikut jln B..
jgn smpai jumpa jln mati.. dh ler.. |
Reply #16 midar's post
yup, betul. keja operation ni kena otak ligat ckt. sy dh 15 thn kt bahagian nie, otak kena pickup selalu.
15 thn dulu pun sy pernah keja kt MISC tu, mmg 90% staffnya melayu, Acc dept. Purchasing Dept die besa2 je kerjanya (itu 15 thn yg lalu). mcm purchaser kt co. lain2 gak. Tuan rumah interview kt MISC mana? |
Balas #6 sayang_mulut\ catat
Wahhh... sonoknya kau baca crit dari ko...
Aku banyak nak kena up-grade diri & personality kalu cenggini...
Pompuan2 kat sana grooming macammana ya? |
Balas #17 babycha\ catat
Bukan nak pegi lagi...
tengah berbelah bagi, org suruh submit & re-do resume & re-submit...
lain benar bidang purchasing executive retailing dgn shipping logistic... boleh ker? |
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Category: Belia & Informasi