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Sejarah dan Misteri Sapi Merah

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Post time 8-3-2009 10:14 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Salam semua.
Sapi merah aka red heifer sedang dicari2 oleh org Yahudi.  Kononnya sapi merah ni sgt2 dicari dan diperlukan utk menyambut kedtgan Mesiah yg akan menjadi Raja Israel. Yg me tahu, dah ada beberapa siri/kes penemuan sapi merah ni tp akhirnya disqualified. Tp dgrnya dah ada sekarang. Ada sesiapa tahu pasal ni?

Menurut org Yahudi, mereka menunggu kelahiran sapi merah utk membersih dan mensucikan diri mereka. Sapi merah aka red heifer diperlukan bg mendirikan rumah suci ketiga kaum Yahudi iaitu Haikal Sulaiman, Temple of Solomon. Dan tapak Haikal Sulaiman ini adalah di mana terdirinya masjid Al Aqsa. Maka tidak hairanlah kenapa mereka beria2 nak merobohkan masjid Al Aqsa ini

Kenapa Yahudi beria2 nak bangunkan Haikal Sulaiman?
Kononnya mereka menunggu kedatangan Mesiah mereka yg akan menjadi Raja Israel. Mesiah mereka x akan dtg selagi x dibangunkan Haikal Sulaiman. Mesiah ini dikatakan akan membawa semula org2 Yahudi ke landasan yg betul, membawa kesucian, kegemilangan dsbnya.

Spt umat Islam, ramai dr kita yg Islam pd nama shj. Begitu jugalah dgn kaum Yahudi ni. Kebanyakan dr mereka ada yg murtad, x amal syariat dsbnya. Kedtgan Mesiah nanti dikatakan akan menarik semula pengikut2 aka umat Yahudi kembali menganuti agama mereka spt mana yg sepatutnya. Bg umat Islam, Mesiah ni mcm Imam Mahadi. Tapi bg umat Islam pula, Mesiah yg ditunggu oleh kaum Yahudi ni adalah si dajjal.

Btw, me bukan nak bincang pasal Haikal Sulaiman, sebab tred dah ada. Me sekadar nak bincang mengenai sapi merah yg dicari2 oleh Yahudi utk membangunkan semula Haikal Sulaiman ini. Pd yg ada info sudi2kan kongsi. TQ

ps:Kalau migdal ada mesti boleh dpt byk info.



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 Author| Post time 8-3-2009 10:17 AM | Show all posts
Wokeh, ni sedikit info mengenai sapi merah.

Peranan Sapi Merah
Dlm kitab Nombor chapter 19, seekor sapi merah yg berusia 3 thn diperlukan utk upacara penyucian Haikal Sulaiman. Sapi ini akan dikorbankan, iaitu dgn membakar sapi tersebut. Kemudian, abunya diambil dan dicampur ke dlm air. Air abu ini direnjiskan kpd org2 yahudi yg akan membangunkan Haikal Sulaiman. Kononnya air abu sapi merah ini akan menyucikan pekerja2 ini. Memandangkan Haikal Sulaiman adalah tempat suci, maka segala2 yg berkaitan dgnnya mesti juga suci termasuklah pembina2nya. Air suci ini akan direnjis kpd pekerja2 ini 2x sehari selama 7 hari.

Apabila Mesiah mereka muncul nanti, Mesiah ini akan bertindak menyucikan seluruh kaum yahudi. Spt mana yg terdpt dlm Taurat:
"Then I shall sprinkle pure waters upon you, and you shall be clean, from all your uncleanness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse you. I will also give you a new heart, and I will place within  you a new spirit... " (Ezekiel 36:25-26)

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 Author| Post time 8-3-2009 10:24 AM | Show all posts
Sejarah sapi merah

Menurut kepercayaan Yahudi, sejak zaman Nabi Musa, sebyk 10 ekor sapi merah diperlukan utk penyediaan holy water ini. Sebanyak 9 sapi tlh pun digunakan sepjgn haikal kedua, dan sapi yg ke 10 diperlukan utk kedtgan Mesiah, iaitu utk pembangunan haikal ke 3

Ni me petik dr laman temple institue:
From Moses to the Second Temple: Only Nine Red Heifers
The Mishna teaches that up until the destruction of the Second Temple, ashes had been prepared from a total of only nine red heifers. The very first red heifer was processed by Moses himself - as the verse states, "... have them bring you a red heifer." The second was done by the prophet Ezra in the days of the First Temple, and during the entire era of the Second Temple only seven more heifers were used for ashes. This was enough to provide for the nation's needs for purification throughout all those years.

The names of all the High Priests who prepared those seven heifers during Second Temple times are recorded by the Mishna: Simon the Just and Yochanan each made two; El'yhoeini ben Hakof, Chanamel HaMitzri and Yishmael ben Pi'avi processed one heifer each. Thus, from the time that Moses received the commandment of the red heifer from the Holy One, blessed be He, until the destruction of the Second Temple, purifying ashes had been produced by the hands of these great leaders from a total of nine red heifers.

Org2 Yahudi percaya bhw kedatangan Mesiah Israel hanya dpt dikenali dgn kehadiran seekor anak sapi merah dari keturunan sapi merah yang ketujuh. Kononnya Mesiah ini sudah ada dan masih disimpan di Eropah. Kaum Yahudi sekarang sedang mempersiapkan anak sapi merah tersebut melalui kaedah genetik. Dr kajian inilah mula lahirnya teknologi pengklonan.
mmm.... hebat mereka ni. Tp memang Allah dah beri mereka keupayaan aqal yg hebat.

Sapi merah ini bukan sebarangan sapi. Beberapa kriteria perlu dipenuhi. Ia mestilah sapi betina berbulu merah berusia tiga tahun dan belum pernah melahirkan anak. Sapi ini akan disembelih dan dibakar. Penyembelihan dan pembakaran sapi merah ini harus dilakukan di atas kaki Bukit Zaitun.
Masalahnya, daerah ini sekarang belum dpt dijajah Zionis-Israel seperti wilayah Palestina lainnya. Kaki Bukit Zaitun masih berada di tangan yang berhak, yakni di tangan bangsa Palestina. Sebab itu, kaum Zionis selalu berupaya tanpa lelah mengusir orang-orang Palestin dari wilayah ini.

Walaubagaimana pun tidak semua Yahudi mempercayai peranan sapi merah ini. Hanya orthodox jews saje yg beria2 dan menyokong kepercayaan ini. Namun golongan yg x menyokong atau percaya hanyalah golongan minoriti. Jadi, kata2 mereka x pernah diambil peduli. Ada yg beranggapan penemuan sapi merah hanya akan mencetuskan peperangan. Sekiranya ia ditemui, pihak Yahudi akan merealisasikan impian dan harapan mereka. Ini bermakna, masjid Al Aqsa pasti dirobohkan. Bg umat Islam pula, ia sesuatu yg "mencemarkan". Mereka pasti akan bermati2an memperthnkan Al Aqsa.

[ Last edited by  HOTlips at 8-3-2009 10:26 ]

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 Author| Post time 9-3-2009 10:48 AM | Show all posts
Salam n selamat menyambut Maulidurrasul!
From Wiki:
The Red Heifer in the Hebrew Bible
According to Numbers 19:2: "Speak unto the children of Israel, that they bring thee a red heifer without spot, wherein is no blemish, and upon which never came yoke" — in other words, the animal must not have hairs of any other color, it must be in perfect health, and it must never have been used to perform work. The heifer is then slain (Numbers 19:3) and burned outside of the camp (Numbers 19:3–6). Cedar wood, hyssop, and scarlet are added to the fire, and the remaining ashes are placed in a vessel containing pure water (Numbers 19:9).
In order to purify a person who has become ritually contaminated by contact with a corpse, water from the vessel is sprinkled on him, using a bunch of hyssop, on the third and seventh day of the decontamination process (Numbers 19:18–19). The priests who have performed the ritual then become impure themselves. The priest who performs the ritual must then bathe himself and his clothes in water. He shall be deemed unclean until evening.

The Red Heifer in the Mishnah
The Mishnah, the central compilation of Rabbinic Oral Law, contains a tractate on the Red Heifer, tractate Parah in Seder Taharot, which explains the procedures involved. The tractate has no existing Gemara, although commentary on key elements of the procedure is found in the Gemarah for other tractates of the Talmud. According to Mishnah Parah, the presence of two black hairs invalidates a Red Heifer. In addition to the usual requirements of an unblemished animal for sacrifice, there are various other requirements, such as natural birth (Caesarian section renders a Heifer candidate invalid). The water must be "living" or spring water. This is a stronger requirement than for a mikvah. Rainwater accumulated in a cistern is permitted for a mikvah, but cannot be used in the Red Heifer ceremony. The Mishnah reports that in the days of the Temple in Jerusalem, water for the ritual came from the Spring of Shiloah. The ceremony involved was complex and detailed. To ensure complete ritual purity of those involved, enormous care was taken to ensure that no-one involved in the Red Heifer ceremony could have had any contact with the dead, and implements were made of materials, such as stone, which in Jewish law do not act as carriers for ritual impurities. The Mishnah recounts that children were used to draw and carry the water for the ceremony, children born and reared in isolation for the specific purpose of ensuring that they never came into contact with a corpse:
There were courtyards in Jerusalem built over [the virgin] rock and below them a hollow [was made] lest there might be a grave in the depths, and pregnant women were brought and bore their children there, and there they reared them. And oxen were brought, and on their backs were laid doors on top of which sat the children with cups of stone in their hands. When they arrived in Shiloah [the children] alighted, and filled [the cups with water], and mounted, and again sat on the doors. (Mishna Parah 3:2) Various other devices were used, including a causeway from the Temple Mount to the Mount of Olives so that the Heifer and accompanying priests would not come in contact with a grave.[1]
According to the Mishnah, the ceremony of the burning of the Red Heifer itself took place on the Mount of Olives. A pure priest slaughtered the Heifer, and totally sprinkled of its blood in the direction of the Temple seven times. The Red Heifer was then burnt on a pyre, together with crimson dyed wool, hysop, and cedar wood. In recent years, the site of the burning of the Red Heifer on the Mount of Olives has been tentatively located by archaeologist Yonatan Adler.[2]

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 Author| Post time 9-3-2009 10:52 AM | Show all posts
Ciri2 red heifer. Sumber:Wiki

In Jewish tradition
The existence of a red heifer that conforms with all of the rigid requirements imposed by halakha is a biological anomaly. The animal must be entirely of one color, and there are a series of tests listed by the rabbis to ensure this, for instance, the hair of the cow must be absolutely straight (to ensure that the cow had not previously been yoked, as this is a disqualifier). According to Jewish tradition, only nine Red Heifers were actually slaughtered in the period extending from Moses to the destruction of the Second Temple. Mishnah Parah recounts eight, stating that Moses prepared the first, Ezra the second, Simon the Just and Yochanan the High Priest prepared two each, and Eliechonnai ben Hakkot and Hanameel the Egyptian prepared one each. (Mishna Parah 3:4)

The absolute rarity of the animal, combined with the mystical ritual in which it is used, have given the Red Heifer special status in Jewish tradition. It is cited as the prime example of a chok, or biblical law for which there is no apparent logic, and is therefore of absolute Divine origin. Because the state of ritual purity obtained through the ashes of a Red Heifer is a necessary prerequisite for participating in any Temple service, efforts have been made in modern times by Jews wanting to rebuild the Temple to locate a red heifer and recreate the ritual. Most recently, a cow that was considered a potential candidate was disqualified because it sprouted several black hairs.

mmm..... susah juga mereka nak cari. Makan ribuan thn!

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 Author| Post time 9-3-2009 11:04 AM | Show all posts
Dlm tradisi xtian, ada di antara mereka juga mempercayai red heifer. Jadi x hairanlah mereka berkompromi dgn yahudi
menawan Palestine. Cuma bezanya adalah tempat temple ini bakal dibangunkan.
In Christian tradition
The non-canonical Epistle of Barnabas (7:4) explicitly equates the Red Heifer with Jesus. In the New Testament, the phrases "without the gate" (Hebrews 13:12) and "without the camp" (Numbers 19:3, Hebrews 13:13) have been taken to be not only an identification of Jesus with the Red Heifer, but an indication as to the location of the crucifixion. This is the thesis of Ernest L. Martin in his 1984 book Secrets of Golgotha.

Berikut adalah pandangan ernest L. Martin mengenai lokasi haikal ke 3 ini:
Temple Mount Controversy
His work called The Temples that Jerusalem Forgot set off a firestorm of discussion because Martin asserted that both the Temple Mount was not the location of the last Temple. This work had even more importance due to the prior relationship between Martin and Herbert W. Armstrong whose editiorial in The Plain Truth magazine had been cited by Michael Dennis Rohan for his excuse to set fire to the Al Aqsa mosque during the 1960s. That act of arson has never been forgotten or forgiven by believers in the more radical interpretations of Islam and many terrorist attacks have been committed in the name of the Al Aqsa mosque.
The basis of this work began with the first visit by Martin to Jerusalem in 1961 when he first met Professor Benjamin Mazar and later his son, Ory, who informed him of his belief that the Temples of Solomon and Zerubbabel were located on the Ophel mound to the north of the original Mount Zion on the southeast ridge. Ory informed Martin that Professor Mazar had also inclined to this belief before his death. In 1995 Martin wrote a draft report to support this theory. He wrote: "I was then under the impression that Simon the Hasmonean (along with Herod a century later) moved the Temple from the Ophel mound to the Dome of the Rock area."
However, after studying the words of Josephus concerning the Temple of Herod the Great, which was reported to be in the same general area of the former Temples, he then read the account of Eleazar who led the final contingent of Jewish resistance to the Romans at Masada which stated that the Roman fortress was the only structure left by 73 C.E. "With this key in mind, I came to the conclusion in 1997 that all the Temples were indeed located on the Ophel mound over the area of the Gihon Spring".
From these conclusions Martin produced his book in which he asserted that the Temples of Jerusalem were located over the Gihon Spring and not over the Dome of the Rock. He wrote: "What has been amazing to me is the vast amount of Jewish, Muslim, and Christian records that remain available from the first to the sixteenth centuries that clearly vindicate the conclusions that I have reached in this book of research."


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 Author| Post time 9-3-2009 11:08 AM | Show all posts
Apa kata Quran pula?
In Islamic tradition: the yellow cow in the Qur'an
The Qur'an mentions the story of the Cow in the chapter Al-Baqara (The Cow), in verses 2.67–2.73. The story becomes the name of this longest chapter of the Qur'an. The Cow required at first was just a "cow". During the story, more restrictions were given, and the color of the cow is required to be yellow after Moses was asked to give details on the color of the cow.

Dlm Islam, ternyata sapi yg diceritakan pd zaman Nabi Musa sgt berbeza dgn versi Yahudi. Berdasarkan Al Baqarah 67-73 itu, Quran tidak mengatakan sapi itu utk tujuan penyucian. Sebaliknya penyembelihan sapi adalah bertujuan menghilangkan rasa penghormatan mereka terhadap sapi yang pernah mereka sembah. Dikatakan sebahagian kaum Yahudi menyembah sapi, krn itulah Allah meyuruh Nabi Musa menyembelih sapi.

Quran menyatakan bhw kaum Yahudi menyembah anak sapi semasa pemergian Nabi musa ke bukit Thursina. Ini diceritakan dlm surah Thaahaa 85-91


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 Author| Post time 9-3-2009 11:15 AM | Show all posts
Sekadar memetik pandangan sesetengah org:
Pihak xtian juga mempercayai kedtgan Christ tp mengikut versi mereka. Mereka percaya Jesus akan kembali dan membawa kemenangan dan kegemilangan semula agama xtian. Mereka menunggu2 perang Armageddon krn mereka percaya Jesus akan muncul ketika itu.

Atas perkara inilah sebenarnya kaum Yahudi mengambil kesempatan merialisasikan impian mereka. Mereka memperdaya dan mempergunakan org2 xtian utk mendptkan Al Aqsa.

Bagaimana mereka memperdaya umat xtian?
Untuk memperdaya umat Kristian, kaum Yahudi Zionis mempergunakan  nilai-nilai Talmud ke dalam Bible seperti yang terjadi atas Injil Scofield atau Injil Darby. Bahkan Injil versi King James sebagai Injil resmi Barat pun demikian. Jadi x lah menghairankan jika sekarang ini sikap politik umat Kristian seolah2 sama sebangun dengan kaum Yahudi. Padahal di dalam banyak ayat-ayat Talmud, kaum Yahudi ini begitu keras permusuhannya terhadap Kristian dan Jesus.

Org2 xtian juga percaya tentang kehadiran Mesiah aka Christ. Kaum Yahudi melobi org2 Xtian bhw Christ x kan muncul sebelum Haikal Sulaiman berdiri kembali di Jerusalem aka Palestine. Kesamaan pandangan inilah yang membuat orang-orang xtian mendiamkan onar yg dibuat oleh kaum Zionis yang hendak menghancurkan Masjidil Aqsha. Orang2 xtian ini telah termakan dgn dakyah dan racun Zionis sehingga tidak boleh bersikap kritis dan mereka lupa bahwa salah satu agenda utama Zionis ini adalah juga meruntuhkan Takhta Suci Vatican dan memindahkannya ke Jerusalem


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 Author| Post time 9-3-2009 11:22 AM | Show all posts
Wokeh, back to red heifer:

Siri2 penemuan sapi merah:
Sebenarnya sudah beberapa kali sapi merah ditemui namun akhirnya didapati disqualified. Bagaimana sapi ini disqualified? Kebanyakan kes, setelah beberapa bulan or thn, calon2 sapi ini x merah sepenuhnya. Ada yg berekor putih dsbnya. Para pengikut ortodok Zionis berusaha penuh dlm merialisasikan impian mereka ni. Setiap peladang bercita2 agar sapi merah itu adalah sapi mereka. hu.. hu... jenuh juga mereka mencari dan menanti

Penemuan sapi merah yg pertama:
Sapi merah pertama yg ditemui adalah di US pd thn Nov 1994. Sapi ini dimilik oleh seorg peladang di Amerika iaitu  Clyde. Clyde menelefon dan menjemput Rabbi Richman utk melihat sapinya. Ramai rakyat Amerika mengenali Rabbi Richman sebab beliau pernah dtg menziarahi gereja2 di sana.

Sapi ini merupakan sapi pertama ditemui dlm tempoh 2000 thn.  Peristiwa di mana Rabbi Richman mengusap sapi itu merupakan satu sejarah. Sebuah non-profit organization tlh dibangunkan di mana Clyde menjadi presidennya. Syarikat itu bernama  Canaan Land Restoration of Israel Inc. Syarikat atau badan ini bertanggungjwb menghantar sapi2 ke Israel.
Sebanyak 140 sapi dimuatkan pd sekali penghantaran. Penghantaran pertama dibuat pd Ogos 1998. Disebabkan ini, ramai penganut xtian mendpt rahmat atau dirahmati dgn menyumbangkan sapi merah kpd Israel.

Konon dlm kitab Taurat, Tuhan tlh berfirman kpd Nabi Ibrahim as:
I will bless those that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed (Gen. 12:3).

Menurut Yahudi, Jesus mempunyai hubungan dgn Nabi Ibrahim dr sebelah ibu. Jadi blessing yg dinyatakan dlm Gen. 12:3 adalah layak utk org2 xtian juga. Dan atas alasan ini juga org2 xtian juga boleh merahmati keturunan Ibrahim, Ishak dan Yaakob. Sebagai balasan, mereka akan dirahmati/diberkati Tuhan pula.

Dikatakan, kerajaan Amerika membantu dlm pembiayaan dan pengurusan penghantaran sapi2 ke Israel.
Bagaimana pun sapi ini disqualified akhirnya!

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 Author| Post time 10-3-2009 09:50 AM | Show all posts

Balas #9 HOTlips\ catat


Pd mula2 sapi merah ini ditemui, pelbagai pandangan diutarakan. Pihak2 messianists Yahudi dan xtian terutamanya memang excited giler. Namun ada juga pihak yg menganggap perkara ini lucu. Dan ada juga yg menganggap ini suatu perkara yg menakutkan..... WAR!!!

There was immense excitement among messianists of the Israeli religious Right, and their American Christian counterparts. The world media covered it as a joke, but it wasn't funny to David Landau, columnist for the Israeli daily Haaretz. He called the red heifer "a four-legged bomb" that could "set the entire region on fire." Muslim leaders worried about the red heifer too, as they would see an attempt by Jews to take over the Temple Mount as a sign of the Islamic apocalypse.

Penemuan sapi merah dikatakan bakal menjadi pencetus kpd peperangan antara Yahudi, muslim dan xtian!

Namun pd thn 1996, harapan ini musnah bila ...
As it turned out, during the three years of waiting for the heifer to reach the ritually mandated age of sacrifice, white hairs popped out on the tip of her tail. This bovine was, alas, not divine. But now there's a successor, and rabbis who have examined her have declared her ritually acceptable (though she will not be ready for sacrifice for three years). She arrives at a time when Israel is fighting a war for survival with the Palestinians, who are almost entirely Muslim, and a time in which Islam and the West appear to be girding for battle with each other, as Islamic tradition predicts will be the state of the world before the Final Judgment.

[ Last edited by  HOTlips at 10-3-2009 09:52 ]

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 Author| Post time 10-3-2009 09:54 AM | Show all posts
Berikut adalah pandangan seorg professor mengenai sapi merah:

"These kinds of circumstances are exactly what people are waiting for," says Richard Landes, a Boston University history professor and director of its Center for Millenial Studies. "We could be starting a war. If this is a real red heifer, and strict Orthodox rabbis have declared her worthy of sacrifice, then a lot of Jews in Israel will take that as a sign that a new phase of history is about to begin. The Muslims are ready for jihad anyway, so if you have Jews up there doing sacrifices, talk about a red flag in front of a charging bull."

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 Author| Post time 10-3-2009 10:07 AM | Show all posts
1997: Melodi! Harapan Yahudi
Pd thn 1997, harapan baru pihak Yahudi memancar kembali bila sapi merah yg baru ditemui. Sapi ini dinamakan Melodi.
Berikut adalah keratan berita mengenainya:

Keratan berita mengenai red heifer:
3/16/97 - Sunday Telegraph (London)

According to London's Sunday Telegraph of March 16, 1997, a team of rabbinical experts have confirmed the birth of a red heifer. Such an animal is necessary for purification of the temple site according to Numbers 19:2-7.

Rabbinical teaching states that, since Herod's Temple was destroyed in 70 A.D., no flawless red heifer has been born in Israel.
According to the article, the heifer, which is 6 months old now, must be at least 3 years old before it can be used in a ritual sacrifice. [Arutz-7 article below says 2 years old.]

Dlm Daily news Israel,  isu 237:
The birth of a red heifer (cow) in a farm in the religious youth village of Kfar Hasidim (near Haifa) has excited sectors in the religious community. A delegation of some 25 experts, including Rabbis Yisrael Ariel and Yoseph Elboim, visited the farm last week to examine the six-month old cow, and concluded that it is in fact an acceptable red heifer, according to Torah requirements. However, the cow must be at least two years old before it can be used. Until then, the cow will be carefully watched to ensure that nothing occurs to invalidate its status. According to Biblical law, the cow's ashes are used for purification from certain forms of impurity, and is therefore a prerequisite for the renewal of Holy Temple service.
Arutz Sheva News Service Tuesday, March 18, 1997 / Adar Bet 9, 5757

mmm.... Yahudi memang memandang serius mengenai sapi merah ni!
Namun, ada juga kumpulan Yahudi yg liberal mencadangkan Melody ini ditembak mati shj utk mengelakkan kemusnahan.

May 30, 1997 - Those who are eager to build the Third Temple are excited about the birth of "Melody," the red heifer, but opponents think it ought to be shot to preserve peace in the area.

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Post time 10-3-2009 12:00 PM | Show all posts
  takot pulak

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Post time 10-3-2009 02:20 PM | Show all posts
kat malaysia pon ada sapi merah apa...AMENOK LOMBU!

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Post time 10-3-2009 03:52 PM | Show all posts
nice info..

thanks hotlips..

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Post time 10-3-2009 10:20 PM | Show all posts
kalau ikut zaman nabi musa dulu bukan ke sapi tu kaler kuning?

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 Author| Post time 11-3-2009 09:35 AM | Show all posts

Balas #15 Nocturna\ catat


ps: zaujah
Ada 3 versi sapi mengikut 3 agama ... Yahudi, xtian dan Islam
Versi Islam sgt sgt kontra dgn 2 versi lg tu. Memang warna kuning sapi tu kalau ikut Al Quran. Kalau kita beragama Islam WAJIBlah kita mempercayai versi Islam.

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 Author| Post time 11-3-2009 09:51 AM | Show all posts
Wokeh, sambung lg kisah Melody...

Media begitu ghairah menulis kisah Melody pd masa itu. Berikut adalah petikan dr beberapa berita yg dipaparkan:
Israel's Red Heifer
(SNS News Service -Israel-5/29-AP) Some claim she is a harbinger of the Messiah. Some call for her destruction. Others find the attention she is getting ridiculous.

Ten-month-old Melody, believed to be the first red heifer born in the Holy Land in two millenniums, seems happy just lying around in the shade. But the debate over her theological import is one of the more bizarre signs of the growing rupture between religious and secular Israelis.

"The red heifer is one of the most important signs that we are living in a special time," says Gershon Solomon, head of a group dedicated to rebuilding the ancient Jewish Temple, destroyed by the Romans .

Seorg lg Rabbi, Menachem Friedman, pakar dlm pengkajian agama di  Universiti Bar-Ilan pula berkata:
Melody's birth created "a very delicate situation.""a very delicate situation." We don't know how radical groups .. will use it," he told The Associated Press. "eople are looking for those signs, and talking seriously about it."

Rabbi Shmaria Shore dr Kfar Menachem berkata ramai (Yahudi) dtg utk menyaksikan Melody. Bagaimana pun beliau agak ragu2 tentang kesahihan Melody sebagai "the red heifer"
Shore said pure red heifers seem to have died out in Israel since the post-temple period, and that it is rare to see a red heifer without white or black spots. He took pains to point out that Melody, who is a darkish red, may not be the genuine article because of several imperfections.

Shore, who immigrated to Israel from New Haven, Conn. 24 years ago, hopped into Melody's pen and, magnifying lens in hand, coaxed her over. "Here, you see some white hairs," he said, pointing to the tail. "And here -- her eyelashes only start off as red, but turn to black!"

Melody's mother is from a group of visually unremarkable black-and-white cows penned in down the hill at Kfar Chasidim; but she was artificially inseminated with sperm taken from an anonymous bull in Switzerland.

mmm.... bersungguh2 mereka nak wujudkan red heifer. Sehingga terpaksa mengklonkan sapi2.

[ Last edited by  HOTlips at 11-3-2009 09:53 ]

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 Author| Post time 11-3-2009 09:59 AM | Show all posts
Keraguan Rabbi Shore tentang Melody ada disiarkan di media.
14, 1997
A Red Heifer, or Not? Rabbi Wonders
Rabbi Shmaria Shore is not certain that Melody qualifies as a red heifer, but just in case, he keeps  her in a special pen and makes sure that she's not branded, tagged or mated.

Because if the rabbis and sages eventually proclaim that the outgoing, 10-month-old heifer meets all the scriptural requirements of a red heifer, Melody will become only the 10th cow so ordained in all of Jewish history, and the first in 2,000 years.

That may not be so great for Melody, since it would mean that she has to be turned to ashes sometime after she turns 3. It could also touch off a war.
it was not clear whether Melody qualified. The scriptural requirement is that she be red, that she have no blemish, that she should never have been used for any chore and that she be a virgin.

The problem is the hue. Lying in the shade of her special pen, Melody looked somewhat brown. Walking into the sun, however, she revealed what is best described as an ocher hue, though nothing resembling a red Crayola.
Rabbi Shore acknowledged that many visitors to Kfar Hassidim have been a bit disappointed. ''If we were charging admission, which of course we're not, I suspect some of them might have demanded their money back,'' he said.
But the exact hue is not defined in the relevant literature, and the color of the heifer is definitely reddish. The bigger problem, Rabbi Shore said, was that a true red heifer could not have more than one non-red hair coming out of one follicle. And Melody has some distinctly white hairs in her tail, around her udder and in her whiskers.

Rabbi Shore said Melody was born after a normal black-and-white cow was artificially inseminated with semen from a European cow. When she was born, the rabbi said, his son came running in to him, calling, ''A red cow's been born!''
But even if Melody is found wanting, the 10th red heifer may not be far off. The Jerusalem Post reported that a Mississippi cattle rancher and Pentecostal preacher, Clyde Lott, has joined forces with a Jerusalem-based rabbi, Haim Richman, to try to breed a genuine red heifer.

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 Author| Post time 11-3-2009 10:04 AM | Show all posts

Red heifer not sacred after all
Date: January 17, 1998
Hopes that a red heifer named Melody would be the key to Jewish salvation were dashed Friday after the cow's owner said white hairs had been spotted on her tail.

Melody gained world fame in May after Rabbi Shmaria Shore said she was a likely candidate to be the first pure red heifer born in the Holy Land in two millenniums.

According to ancient Jewish writings, the ashes of a red heifer are required to purify Jews before they can enter the Temple in Jerusalem. ...

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