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Illuminati dan Petronas Tower?
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The illuminati global takeover is ancient in nature. Many seemingly disparate events or things
appear to be disconnected but are not. This article focuses on the number or numerical concept known as Pi or the number 3.14159265. A connection has been discovered between it, the number of counties in the USA and the Golden Triangle section of Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia in which sits the Petronas Twin Towers, the tallest in the world.
The satanic nature of the connection will also be provided to the reader for reference...
The Evidence:
1. The number Pi is 3.14159265. more insert - pi - .
2. Add the number of digits together = 36.
3. 36 is a number closely linked in numerology to 666. more and
4. The sum of the first 144 digits of Pi is also 666 more .
5. Further: If one looks at the number that appears as the answer on Google one has the number 3 + the following numbers added together after the decimal point = to 33 or 3.33.
This then has the number 33 of Freemasonry after the decimal point and the number 333
for both sides of the decimal point put together. Both numbers are linked to evil:
3 Evil - more .333 is the number of the demon Choronzon: scroll down 25% more .
6. Pi is believed to have come from ancient babylon. more.
7. Oddly enough, - the total number of Counties in the USA is 3,141 - an unusual number that
only finds a match in the first four digits of Satanic Pi. more. more .
8. The Petronas twin Towers are located in the so-called Golden Triangle of Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia. more . It is in the northeast portion of the city.
9. The line of 3.141 latitude N runs through the northern point of the golden triangle. moreand more .
10. Kuala Lumpur was a British colonial outpost, now the capital of Malaysia. the British seem to pick the location of colonies , towns and places to settle based on a Masonic numerology system only now discovered. KL as it is known has extensive Masonic and occult links. more and more more .Therefore PI is the number for Kuala Lumpur and the number of Counties in the USA.
11. The Petronas Towers were built by a Yale architecture dean architect associated with the Skull and Bones 322 number. His office address number in NYC was also 322. more . more
12. Oddly enough, New York City, where the other twin towers came crashing down is 322 square miles : more .
Pi x Phi x e links Jin Mao and Petronas Towers to Pythagoras Tablet
(Scoreboard Canada contributor Feb. 3rd, 2008)
The illuminati love nothing more than showing off how "clever" they are. Their machinations of
evil provide them with a great thrill if they can "hide in plain sight". The illuminati and the
entities that they serve, appear to utilize a numerological based science, known to most of us as magic or magick. The purpose of this article and similar ones by this writer is to expose this evil, to the extent of his limited abilities, for the reader. . It will also horrify you once you begin to get even a glimmer of understanding of the vast
and powerful nature of the adversary. However, this is true - in the end we win - they lose.
The current article deals with a recently discovered connection between the irrational
numbers, pi, phi -the Golden Ratio, and e -the euler number, and the Jin Mao Tower , tallest
building in China AND the numbers on the Pythagoras Mystery Tablet and the Petronas
Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
These towers and the skyscraper model in general are merely wanna-be replicas of the Tower
of Babel. Man or men in the League of Evil known as the Illuminati that, like Nimrod. would try
to "become like unto G-d" by reaching for the Heavens themselves. An architectural ritual
portraying their master lucifer's attempt to pierce the sky and "take heaven by storm".
That attempt is the purpose of this article to assist in the continuance of that failure.
1. pi , phi and e are so-called irrational numbers in mathematical theory. Allegedly they were
discovered by Hippasus, a student of Pythagoras. This went against Pythagoras' theory and
belief that all numbers had perfect values and Hippasus was murdered by drowning for his
unfortunate discovery. more .
2. Using a formula discovered or revealed to this writer in other articles one goes to , then inserts the following: pi x phi x e = . The answer is the following:
pi x the golden ratio x e = 13.8175802
3. Using the same formula one then seeks patterns with the first four or so numbers. This can
be lines of Latitude or Longitude. This can be height -either meters or feet. It can be an
address or other matters alone or in combination with the same number.
4. The Jin Mao Tower is the tallest building in China. (at least until late 2007) more .
5. It happens to "coincidentally" be 1,381 feet or the same numbers as the multiplication of
the three irrational numbers first four digits. As a side note, Pythagoras did not believe in
coincidence either. more / more
6. The Tower is in fact a mystical spear of satan piercing heaven in 3-D. Look at photo for proof - an illuminist structure if there ever was one. more .
7. Satan used a spear as his weapon in the War in Heaven. It is the preferred weapon of his
fallen legions. more .
8. The Petronas Towers have previously been linked to the Illuminati: more and
both buildings have 88 floors. more .
9. 88 is nazi or neo-nazi slang / code for Heil Hitler. Scroll to bottom more .
10. Hitler was associated with the Swastika. Buddha has been associated with the Swastika. It is an eastern symbol used or misused by the nazis. Buddha Swastika = more .
11. In China, there is an 88 meter Buddha statue made of Bronze, largest in the world. more more and 88 sacred places.
12. Scroll to bottom for 88 financial instituions funding research by nazis into 88 oriental thought. There is a very dark link between left hand path eastern spiritual practices and the nazis. more .
Clearly there is a numerology aspect to having 88 floors in Petronas and Jin Mao - then why not for the height in feet of 1381 being the sum of the multiplication of pi, phi and e?
13. The Petronas Towers are 452 meters in height. They have an 8 pointed star in their design. more / more
14. This writer accidentally discovered a connection between the Pythagoras Mystery Tablet
and the number 452. The number appears to be linked with a portal or portals between Heaven and Hell. more .
15. "When viewed in plan, the towers appear as two overlapping squares-interlocking heaven
and earth, to create an eight pointed star..." more . Interlocking Heaven and Earth means to this writer... a portal. Someone else appears to have discovered the 452 number in the
tablet prior to this writer.
16. The 8 pointed Star is a symbol of the Knights of Malta. more . google eight pointed star knights malta. 17. Some believe the Knights of Malta are linked to the Illuminati: scroll down to Knights of Malta. more .
The true nature of the spears of evil is now exposed. Pythagoras was wrong about irrational
numbers, they did exist. He was correct about Coincidence does not exist. These
numerical connections....are by design. |
complicated but interesting.. |
wahhhh! kene gi tanya César Pelli nehhh.. |
8 pointed star tu bukanke simbol or arca yg terdapat pada masjid2 & its was Tun Mahathir idea!Apsal plak nk connect to satan bagai!!!about all seeing eye inside KLCC tu for me its just as architecture supporting beam for the whole roof!its technical la.No such things as all seeing eye. |
| x logik je sume bende2 sume architectural nye design.. |
apa tujuan freemason nak masukkan simbol mereka dalam semua benda tu?
kat atas tumcm tak logik plak..memang design atau kebetulan kot.. |
kebetulan jerr....kot??? |
Ada terbaca 666 atau "mark of the beast" adalah satu propaganda oleh kafir/yahudi ....walhal ianya adalah nombor2 islam..... |
actually, mata memandang apa yang dia nak pandang. Kita cari persamaan dengan freemason, kita akan jumpa persamaan dia walhal originally tidak pernah berniat semua tu. numerology tambah itu tambah pastu jadi 666 semua tu mengarut. cuma la kira patah perkataan KLCC mana tahu boleh jadi 666 juga.
but still kudos pada tuan rumah. Interesting subject. |
Mat saleh bengong mana le buat bende nih....
British yang pilih kedudukan KL ikut MAsonic rituals? Siapa bukak KL? Melayu la!!!
Dan latitude yang di bagi tu - 3 degree 14 minit tu aku tengok dah kat GOMBAK...jauh keluar dari Golden Triangle KL!!! |
Balas #14 alphawolf\ catat
pernah terbaca bhw che det adalah ahli freemason.........  |
menara berkembar nie dikatakan satu 'gate' utk laluan dajal.......  |
Reply #15 Acong's post
Mandai je ko fitnah dia ye....dia ahli Hell's Angels la..... |
Originally posted by alphawolf at 7-6-2009 08:47 
Mandai je ko fitnah dia ye....dia ahli Hell's Angels la.....
salah la..sebenarnya...sebenarnya...sebenarnya....dia budak Pangkah Benetton. Ngeh3!  |
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