View: 2817|Reply: 2
futsal places wit best service.. dimana?
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next month (feb'09) I will be transferring to JB selama 4 bulan dgn lagi 3 colleagues.. feel so sad coz I cannot accompany my wife and my child oftenly yet.. tp itu x jadi perkara besar sgt sebab I boleh tgk mereka kalau off..hihihi
nk tanye u all,kt mane tpt futsal yg service terbaik di JB nie..that means its rate and how many courts are there also other services..
thanx in advance |
uwaa..xde sape nk jawab ke?..  |
selkimut kerja kat futsal center nie... ader kat area skudai.. ton depan nak wat tempat baru area taman sutera... kalau nak lebih detail pm je selimut k... |
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Category: Negeri & Negara