Salam n slmt petang smua..
jus nk tny, i tlh diperkenalkan dgn satu skim insurans MXM..tp bile i tgk btul2,ade beberapa kekeliruan:
1) Konsep pelaksanaannye byk yg x mematuhi garis panduan yg diperkenalkan oleh kod etika seseorg ejen insurans.contohnya,seseorg ejen insurans itu perlu lah mengambil ujian dsb utk di'authorize' sbg ejen insurans yang sah.tp konsep MXM,ejen insurans seolah-olah bertindak sbg juru jual multi level marketing.
2) Slps mendptkn byk maklumat mengenainya,sy dapati byk maklumat yg dibekalkan adlh bercanggah.cth nye kwn sy pnh b'tny (die nih ade sakit jantung) bole x utk org berpenyakit mcm sy ni dptkn perkhidmatan ni?1st answer..bole..2nd answer..x bole..so,sgt mengelirukan di situ.
3) Bile dilihat drpd brosur yg diedar,mereka mengatakan mereka tlh buat J.V (joint venture) dgn mcis zurich n pacific insurance..bile sy semak ngan LIAM (Life Insurance Association of Malaysia) n PIAM (Persatuan Insurans Am Malaysia), pacific insurance x t'masuk dlm senarai..adakah perkhidmatan ini sesuatu yg legal?in case kalo jdk ape2 kt customer,kpd sape mrk nk refer?
4) Kekeliruan sy lagi,konsep MXM (spt yg diberitahu olh org yg memperknl kn sy), bile kite sign in utk insurans MXM,secara x langsung bile kite dpt lg 6 org yg sign in bwh kite...so,kite x kn byr dah lps 2...sy pelik...ini insurans or multi level marketing?
5) Bile dh jadik kekeliruan mcm ni,sy nk tny sape2 yg arif...ini terletak di bawah AKTA INSURANS or AKTA JUALAN LANGSUNG?nmpk sgt ape yg dibuat nih x jelas...
6) Oklah,bile kite dh dftr insurans dlm MXM...die kate ade J.V dgn MCIS n Pacific Inaurance...so,kalo kite sakit n masuk hospital,dgn mane kite nk claim?
7) Ironinya, byrn yg dikenakan adlh RM 125 satu kepala..tp bile tny perkhidmatan yg disediakan mengalahkan insurans Paris Hilton pulak...ape yg sy tau..if we want more,so we have 2 pay more...br la setimpal ngan perkhidmatan yg kite dpt..so,sgt2 mengelirukan.
8) Satu lg...dlm setiap maklumat yg diberikan,x diberitahu langsung tentang polisi n sewaktu dengannye..sdg kn setahu sy,once kite sign in dlm insurans kite akan diberitahu ttg polisi dsb..tp yg ni..TAKDE LANGSUNG.
p/s : sy adlh pelanggan ING Insurance.n sy t'panggil nk mengutarakan ni sbb sy rase agak pelik n x sedap ati..since my best fren nk join bende nih...tlg yaa...kalo ade sape2 bole tlg gali lg.. |
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Errrrrrrrr.....MLM VS MXM...mcm skim yg sama jer..![](static/image/smiley/default/sweat.gif) |
hmmm.....2 la psl..plis..tlg.any forummer yg tau psl neh? |
well, since you dah check with PIAM and LIAM, and x der record found.. meaning that, benda tu macam x sah la...although i am not expert in this field but my job scope ada kena mengena jgk la.. u should read the policy jacket of the insurance mentioned. and also, u already listed out all the doubts that u have, it shows that the MXM is not to be trusted.. lagipun i asked my colleagu, who knows about insurance.. he said he never heard about the so called MXM insurance.. |
Ironinya, byrn yg dikenakan adlh RM 125 satu kepala..tp bile tny perkhidmatan yg disediakan mengalahkan insurans Paris Hilton pulak...ape yg sy tau..if we want more,so we have 2 pay more...br la setimpal ngan perkhidmatan yg kite dpt..so,sgt2 mengelirukan.
insurance doesnt work that way...u will get indemnity based on sum insured that u pay. lagipun its rarely that you will get the total amount of the sum insured. (excluded Life insurance and PA insurance) but claims examiner has yet to conduct a thorough investigation to determine whether there is policy liabilty...so.. if u nak clear picture why dont u go to Zurich company and ask them direcly.. |
5# Nurfa
exactly...sy pn tny kwn sy cam2 gak..n itu la jwpn die..if we want more, we should pay more..
just imagine,kite sekdr bayar 125 sebln..n then bile kite dpt lg 6 org yg join under kite..kite akan dpt sebuah myvi...tp nmpk sgt,MXM ni bersembunyi di sebalik label insurans...pd hal sy nmpk ia x lebih mcm mane2 sykt MLM yg laen... |
setakat ni saya x pernah dgr lagi la ada insurance yg buat ala MLM,.. but insurance memang x work dat way laaaa........ |
2 la psl...
that was d first time i heard abt dis kind of insurance...
pas2 ape yg die ckp 2 mragukan... |
if u have doubt bout this thing,, it is better u x yah join... who knows kan org skrng suke menipu |
i'm not gonna join dis...tp my frens ade yg nk join...so,i risau kot2 diorg akan t'ikut2 ngan kata2 si 'promoter insurans' tuh... |
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Category: Belia & Informasi