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Elon Musk disaman RM1.1 trilion, dakwa tipu skim piramid Dogecoin
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Elon Musk disaman RM1.1 trilion, dakwa tipu skim piramid Dogecoin ... m-piramid-dogecoin/
17 Jun 2022, 4:40 pm
NEW YORK: Elon Musk disaman sebanyak AS$258 bilion (RM1.1 trilion) oleh pelabur Dogecoin kerana didakwa terlibat dalam skim pelaburan piramid mata wang kripto.
Plaintif, Keith Johnson mengemukakan tuntutan saman di Mahkamah Tinggi Manhattan, lapor Reuters.
Saman kelompok itu turut difailkan terhadap Musk yang merupakan pemilik syarikat penerokaan angkasa lepas, SpaceX dan syarikat kereta elektrik, Tesla.
Musk didakwa bertanggungjawab mempromosikan Dogecoin bagi mengaut keuntungan diri sendiri sehingga mengakibatkan kerugian kepada pelabur lain selepas nilainya turun mendadak.
Nilai saman yang dituntut oleh Johnson adalah tinggi kerana mewakili semua pelabur Dogecoin sejak April 2019.
“Defendan sedar sejak 2019 Dogecoin tidak mempunyai nilai lagi mempromosikan Dogecoin bagi mendapatkan keuntungan daripada dagangannya.
“Musk menggunakan gelaran sebagai individu terkaya dunia bagi mengendalikan dan memanipulasi Skim Piramid Dogecoin untuk menjana keuntungan, pendedahan dan hiburan,” tulis aduan itu.
Saman tersebut turut mengundang reaksi daripada Warren Buffett, Bill Gates dan bilionair lain yang mempersoalkan nilai mata wang kripto.
Nilai mata wang kripto utama sedang jatuh mendadak akhir-akhir ini kerana ketidakstabilan ekonomi dengan inflasi dapat dilihat di seluruh dunia.
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Edited by capiloton at 17-6-2022 06:04 PM
untong jadi elon musk.
dia beli siap2 useless cypto doge pada harga rendah,
lepas tu tweet pasal dogecoin, n then viral.
berebut orang beli, harga pun naik,
lepas tu dia cabut n cashout masa harga mencanak,
n then harga terjun pandalela, cash dah bawak keluar, doge hilang value.
easy money for rich people. yang marhaen terciduk
Sebab itu bottom millionaire depa extre careful tentang high risk investment.... Actyally Billionaires.. Dan ultra millionaire depa lost greater amounts net worth dari millionaire dan marhein... Yang bodoh saja all out duit ikut depa.. |
so, secara tak nampaknya, heols adalah scammer. Kalau moslem, tak boleh la amik duit gitu. Oh lupa, asalkan bukan makan babi. |
capiloton replied at 17-6-2022 02:01 AM
untong jadi elon musk.
dia beli siap2 useless cypto doge pada harga rendah,
Kira dia ini cerdik cash out harga tinggi.... Yang marhein masih harap harga akan lagi tinggi sebab itu ter ciduk.... |
Senang org kaya lipat gandakan duit. |
Ini kata-kata Bill Gates
“Elon has tons of money, and he’s very sophisticated, so I don’t worry that his Bitcoin will randomly go up or down,” Gates said. “I do think people get brought into these manias who may not have as much money to spare, so I’m not bullish on Bitcoin.”
He added, “If you have less money than Elon, you should probably watch out.”
Dalam kes dogecoin ni,dialah yg duk tweet yg orang boleh beli barang merchandise Tesla guna dogecoin. Lepas tu value dogecoin naik gila-gila.Dia mmg manipulate orang guna pengaruh dia.
Berita terbaru pula staff SpaceX sendiri hentam Elon Musk. Mereka malu dengan tweet Elon,seolah-oleh segala benda yg dia tweet tu adalah company official statement.
An open letter to the Executives of SpaceX,
In light of recent allegations against our CEO and his public disparagement of the situation, we would like to deliver feedback on how these events affect our company’s reputation, and through it, our mission. Employees across the spectra of gender, ethnicity, seniority, and technical roles have collaborated on this letter. We feel it is imperative to maintain honest and open dialogue with each other to effectively reach our company’s primary goals together: making SpaceX a great place to work for all, and making humans a multiplanetary species.
As SpaceX employees we are expected to challenge established processes, rapidly innovate to solve complex problems as a team, and use failures as learning opportunities. Commitment to these ideals is fundamental to our identity and is core to how we have redefined our industry. But for all our technical achievements, SpaceX fails to apply these principles to the promotion of diversity, equity, and inclusion with equal priority across the company, resulting in a workplace culture that remains firmly rooted in the status quo.
Individuals and groups of employees at SpaceX have spent significant effort beyond their technical scope to make the company a more inclusive space via conference recruiting, open forums, feedback to leadership, outreach, and more. However, we feel an unequal burden to carry this effort as the company has not applied appropriate urgency and resources to the problem in a manner consistent with our approach to critical path technical projects. To be clear: recent events are not isolated incidents; they are emblematic of a wider culture that underserves many of the people who enable SpaceX’s extraordinary accomplishments. As industry leaders, we bear unique responsibility to address this.
Elon’s behavior in the public sphere is a frequent source of distraction and embarrassment for us, particularly in recent weeks. As our CEO and most prominent spokesperson, Elon is seen as the face of SpaceX—every Tweet that Elon sends is a de facto public statement by the company. It is critical to make clear to our teams and to our potential talent pool that his messaging does not reflect our work, our mission, or our values.
SpaceX’s current systems and culture do not live up to its stated values, as many employees continue to experience unequal enforcement of our oft-repeated “No Asshole” and “Zero Tolerance” policies. This must change. As a starting point, we are putting forth the following categories of action items, the specifics of which we would like to discuss in person with the executive team within a month:
Publicly address and condemn Elon’s harmful Twitter behavior. SpaceX must swiftly and explicitly separate itself from Elon’s personal brand.
Hold all leadership equally accountable to making SpaceX a great place to work for everyone. Apply a critical eye to issues that prevent employees from fully performing their jobs and meeting their potential, pursuing specific and enduring actions that are well resourced, transparent, and treated with the same rigor and urgency as establishing flight rationale after a hardware anomaly.
Define and uniformly respond to all forms of unacceptable behavior. Clearly define what exactly is intended by SpaceX’s “no-asshole” and “zero tolerance” policies and enforce them consistently. SpaceX must establish safe avenues for reporting and uphold clear repercussions for all unacceptable behavior, whether from the CEO or an employee starting their first day.
We care deeply about SpaceX’s mission to make humanity multiplanetary. But more importantly, we care about each other. The collaboration we need to make life multiplanetary is incompatible with a culture that treats employees as consumable resources. Our unique position requires us to consider how our actions today will shape the experiences of individuals beyond our planet. Is the culture we are fostering now the one which we aim to bring to Mars and beyond?
We have made strides in that direction, but there is so much more to accomplish
pak elon dah lama rancang.. kita je lalai.. hahahhaha
capiloton replied at 17-6-2022 06:01 PM
untong jadi elon musk.
dia beli siap2 useless cypto doge pada harga rendah,
Dajjal nya perangai |
ini antara contoh netizen & bimbo berpisah tiada, meol secara peribadi mmg tak paham kenapa netz berpusu2 invest dlm kripto, bg meol beli kripto ni sama mcm beli coins / diamonds dlm online game. habis kan duit for nothing, virtually nampak power tapi in real life tak releven pon. bukan boleh cash out or print out, it just kekal virtually or abandon someday. satu2 nya cara nak dpt balik modal dengan cari org yg sanggup beli acc dengan kita. kalau takda org beli, mcm tu je la selama2nya sampai server katup |
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