emm, aku tertanye2 macam mane la certain org tu boley mendapat gigi yang cantik bersih berseri gitu....ape produk yang dorang gune??tersusun rapi jek...aku berus gigi hari2, cukup mase jumpe gak doktor gigi tapi still tak boley puteh berseri gak gigi ni...
kalau tgk kaum india, gigi kebanyakannye putih...cemane ek depa buat???
emm, any idea tak???jom share sesame kat sini camne nak jaga gigi bagi cantik....gigi pon aset gak tu...
kotla ade produk yang best yang korunk tau yang boley bagi gigi kite ni nampak cantek kan...pemakanan pon ok gak kalau nak share...
a'ah...sbb celah2 gigi mmg susah nk bersihkan....terutama org yg gigi x rata.....
ms nk raya ari tu iols pegi jupe dentist dia pun ckp camtu...even iols rajin pg polish gigi dia ckp still kurang bersih terutama yg sebelah dalam......x selesa takut ulut ucuk....nnt org xnak kawan.....huhu........
kalo gigi cam ada karat...n dh lama x bersihkan lama2 dia akan makan gigi dimana ia akan sebati ngan gigi ti n masuk ke dalam gigi tp kita blh nampak tp x blh cuci..itu yg dentist tu ckp......
bestu cemane ke kekdahnye nak mendapatkan gigi yang cantek neh...ala2 macam pasha sanda tu...hehehe lawo giginye...takkan ari2 mao jumpe doktor gigi???
nk gigi cantik kena la rajin jaga...berus gg 3 kali shari...guna ubat gg utk hilang kuning/perokok tu..dan rajin polish tiap2 bulan,,jangan minum teh nti wrna gg mcm teh jg...
nk gigi cantik kena la rajin jaga...berus gg 3 kali shari...guna ubat gg utk hilang kuning/perokok tu..dan rajin polish tiap2 bulan,,jangan minum teh nti wrna gg mcm teh jg...
saya tahun lepas pergi cuci gigi buat pertama kali...doktor gigi tu cakap..."gigi mcm awak ni 10 tahun sekali cuci pun tak per.." ehehehe..perasan lah sekejap...
sebab gigi saya tak ada satu pun tampal n tersusun bersih...sebab sedari kecil dah diasuh...gosok gigi 3 kali sehari...make sure tak ada apa2 makanan yg sentiasa melekat digigi...
dan lagi satu kurangkan makan ketika makanan or minuman panas2...gigi cepat berkarat...cepat rosak...
emm, aku tertanye2 macam mane la certain org tu boley mendapat gigi yang cantik bersih berseri gitu. ...
renhayashi Post at 28-10-2010 21:05
sebelum share rahsia gigi cantik putih berseri...
kita go through pasal penjagaan gigi dulu....
cerita pasal gigi sensitif dulu boleh kan....
If you've ever felt a painful sensation in your teeth after drinking or eating hot or cold beverages and food, you've experienced tooth sensitivity. And you're not alone. It's a condition that is estimated to affect one out of four adults, often coming and going over time.
[url=]Dentistry Questions[/url]
My teeth are only sensitive sometimes. Is this common?
Yes. Many adults have occasional sensitivity to hot, sweet or cold beverages and food. Others suffer from constant pain. Regardless of the frequency of your pain, let your dentist or hygienist know. They can recommend proper treatment for tooth sensitivity.
How long does it take to get relief? How long will the relief last?
Speed of relief will vary from person to person. On average, users experience relief in under four weeks. Colgate Sensitive continues to provide long-lasting protection with regular use.
Can people who don't have sensitive teeth use this product?
Yes. Colgate Sensitive is effective at cleaning teeth, contains cavity-fighting fluoride and has a refreshing mint taste.
[url=]Product Questions[/url]
What makes Colgate Sensitive so special and different from other anti-sensitivity toothpastes?
Colgate Sensitive provides you with:
Fast, soothing relief in under four weeks
Long-lasting protection with regular use
Whiter teeth
Fresh breath
Great value
What is Potassium Citrate? How does it stop sensitivity?
Potassium Citrate is a chemical compound. In toothpaste, it is the active ingredient that penetrates through the teeth to provide fast relief of tooth sensitivity with regular use.
How long does it take to get relief, and how long will the relief last?
Some people begin to feel relief within the first few brushings. On average, Colgate Sensitive provides effective relief in under four weeks. And Colgate Sensitive continues to deliver long-lasting protection with regular use.
Can I use Colgate Sensitive as an everyday toothpaste?
Yes, Colgate Sensitive effectively cleans teeth, provides everyday cavity protection and has a refreshing mint taste.
How does Colgate Sensitive fight cavities?
Colgate Sensitive contains Sodium Fluoride to fight cavities.
Does Colgate Sensitive clean as well as regular Colgate toothpaste brands?
Yes. Colgate Sensitive is an excellent cleaning toothpaste and cleans as well as regular Colgate toothpaste brands.
How does Colgate Sensitive whiten teeth?
Colgate Sensitive contains high-cleaning silica to safely and gently whiten teeth by removing surface stains on the teeth.
xpe ke polish tipa bulan...sebab ari tu dr ckp x bagus gak tiap2 bln...sbb nnt gusi akan turun ke bwh sbb dorg akan tolak gusi utk tarik plak tu n buang...3 bln skali pon ok dah kot