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Kepercayaan Terhadap Beberapa Perkara Tertentu

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Post time 25-2-2023 01:30 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts |Read mode
Allah will also torturing those that can help anyone that still getting victimized but still choosing to just easily ignore the victim etc.

A holy Quran chapter 14 verse 42

And never think that Allah is unaware of what the wrongdoers or unjust do; He only delays them for a day when eyes will stare in horror etc.

A consciousness is like a light that helps you see that you cannot see anything if there is no light while also makes you see that life is a set of many different movements such like the movement of your mind and the movement of your body through how or what you want; #Philosophy

A chess of life has six different things that can also be moved by God through our prayers or our good moves where a Christian king as satanists, a queen as globalists, a minister as politicians, a horse as celebrities, a castle as authorities, a soldier as civilians; #Psychology

Andrew Tate aka Abu Tate is a true Muslim that got falsely arrested and imprisoned together with his brother named Tristan Tate and actually the only true God named Allah has gave the third eye ability to me named Kyairey since I was born so I know both of them are not guilty and they got victimized by Islamophobic authorities through a place called Romania since December of year 2022 due to Islamophobia after Andrew Tate has reverted to the only true religion named Islam through a place called Dubai for more than two months since October of year 2022 factually because Andrew Tate became Abu Tate as a Muslim for real that has helped the religion of Allah by sharing many words from the only true book named Quran so Allah will help Abu Tate based on the Quran surah Muhammad chapter 47 verse 7 and then the criminals worried that Abu Tate will use a lot of money to promote Islam so any Muslim may also say la-hhawlawala-quwwata-illa-billah many times daily for getting help from Allah etc.

It doesn’t matter WHO says a thing, it only matters WHAT thing is said. If a bad person says “1 plus 1 equals 2” does that make it incorrect?

@INTERPOL_HQ; @Cobratate & @TateTheTalisman got kidnapped by the Romanian authorities as there's no evidence(s) of whatsoever; Quran chapter 5 verse 32 says to kill a human is like killing all humans; so; to torture them is like torturing us; @OIC_OCI; @LayahHeilpern; #Paramount

Allah has been studied by C.I.A. since a long time ago:

Andrew Tate menjadi terkenal kerana mengetengahkan prinsip & mesej-mesej maskulin serta kejantanan sebelum beliau memeluk Islam.

Pengaruh Andrew Tate begitu kuat sehingga beliau diharamkan kebanyakan platform media sosial. Impaknya terhadap anak muda begitu besar sehingga Andrew Tate hangat diperkata dan didebatkan di parlimen sehingga guru-guru diarahkan untuk memantau anak murid mereka yang 'pro-tate'.

Namun dua hari lepas, seorang artis bernama Sam Smith yang secara terbuka mengakui dirinya adalah ‘non binary’, bahasa mudah bagi yang kurang faham apa itu ‘non binary’ ialah yang tidak merasakan dirinya lelaki ataupun perempuan secara eksklusif.

Dalam persembahannya di Grammy Awards, Sam melakukan aksi pemujaan syaitan, kelucahan melampau serta memperlekehkan ‘cross gesture’ agama Kristian, dan well menurut Barat dan sesetengah media, ianya adalah sesuatu yang 'sangat okay' untuk dipertontonkan kepada seluruh dunia termasuk anak kecil...

Tidak perlu tapisan, tiada pengharaman, tiada protest, tak perlu heboh dalam parlimen. Mungkin bagi mereka, semuanya ok selagi bukan ajaran Islam yang mengajar berprinsip teguh mengajak kepada kebaikan dan mencegah kemungkaran.

Apakah kita masih tidak faham apa cabaran dunia kita hari ini khususnya pada kita yang mengaku sebagai umat Islam yang mahu berpegang teguh kepada prinsip ajaran Islam? Benarlah sabda Nabi Sallalahu Alaihi Wasalam;

“Akan datang kepada manusia suatu zaman, orang yang berpegang teguh pada agamanya seperti orang yang menggenggam bara api.” (HR. Tirmidzi no. 2260)

Maka Muslimin sekalian, berpeganglah pada bara api walaupun ianya menyakitkan tetapi kesakitan di dunia hanya seketika berbanding kenikmatan syurga yang abadi.

Mereka yang tidak berprinsip seperti Islam, maka menurut Islam orang seperti itu akan menikmati dunia yang sementara tetapi sengsara dibakar api neraka yang abadi.

#Allah #AndrewTate #Quran #FreeTopG #Islam #Muhammad #ElonMusk #Rome #Romania #Romanian #HumanRights #OIC #Muslim #Dubai #SaudiArabia #UnitedKingdom #America #Politics #Russia #Technology #UAE #Science #Amnesty #Art #UDHR #China #Humanity

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